Goodnight Sweet Girl
By C.K. Blake

Summary: It possessed a magic that could bring about what its owner most desired. The wishing stone was a gift and a curse, a double-edged sword that brings about dreams and molds them into reality. It's Draco Malfoy's seventh year at Hogwarts and just who is the newest Gryffindor in the fold, and what secrets is she hiding? Very unconventional...

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Acknowledgements: I would like to say thank you to my ever faithful bud and beta, Lissa. I know those late night edits must take their toll, but you make it work! Love ya Liss! Hope you enjoy!

One: The Wishing Stone

The snow fell lightly outside, the windows decorated in the patterns that the ice dictated, and the room was warm from the elaborate fireplace that faced the large dark cherry wood four-poster bed with the rich blue curtains and canopy. In the bed was the room's sole occupant. He was breathing lightly in his sleep seeing the beautiful girl in his dreams again. She had long silvery blonde hair, that almost matched the color of moonlight on a lake's surface, and her eyes were a startling gray, almost silver. She looked a lot like him, and she was talking to someone, a boy with messy dark hair, his back was to her so the boy's face as well as his identity was unknown.

Suddenly there was something pulling at him. He tried to protest so he could continue to watch the beautiful girl and figure out whom she was talking to. Still consciousness dragged him out of the dream and into the blue silk sheets and blue silk coverlet of his bed. Draco arched off of the bed in an elegant and luxurious stretch and moaned as his muscles began to relax and settle into wakefulness.

He slowly got out of bed, yawned, and then scratched the back of his head. He quickly realized what morning it was when he noticed the great pile of presents at the end of his bed. He tore through the wrapping paper and revealed a new Firebolt, a whole new wardrobe of elegant designer clothes and dress robes, a new fencing sword, a brown leather bound book, and a strange light blue stone clasped within the grasp of a silver falcon's claw that hung from a thin silver chain.

His parents had given him the clothing and the Firebolt and the sword was a gift specifically from his father. The leather bound book was journal and that had been a gift from his godfather, Severus Snape, obviously Snape remembered Draco's confession of his secret passion. Draco enjoyed writing and poetry, although he would never admit it beyond his godfather's confidence, even under the direst of torture.

Draco looked at the strange blue stone, examining it closely. It was hypnotic, the color suggested that the stone was moonstone, that would be good for dreams and sleeping and gods knew he was in need of sleep. He'd been having restless nights for so long. Still, who had sent the gift? It didn't matter if it would help him sleep that night. He clasped the chain around his neck and allowed the stone to rest against his chest, the stone wasn't even cold, but was actually fairly warm. He got up and dressed quickly in a beige cashmere sweater and black trousers. He put on a pair of socks to keep his feet warm against the cold flagstones of the floor.

He picked up the journal from his godfather with a smile and felt a familiar itch in his right hand. He shook his head with a smirk and went over to his dark cherry wood desk. He sat down at the desk, opened the book, pulled out quill and ink, and then began to write:

Moonlight in her hair, a pale streaming river Down a back so fair, eyes of silver, Piercing, sharp, and ever so bold, For the dark haired one to behold. Yet his eyes are cast aside. How blind must he be?

Beauty is at his back, yet he continues forth. What journey dare he undertake? His thirst for her, refuse he to slake? Turn back and look upon her in love. Bring her bliss; save her from the night in her heart,

Give her Apollo's kiss...

He read over the poem and felt apprehension build in his stomach. Did that dream mean something if it was so easy to write about? Draco blew on the page until the ink was dry and then closed the book. He was going to have to remember to thank Severus for the gift. Draco put the book in his desk drawer just as there was a knock on his door and his father entered his room.

"Ah, Draco, I see you've already opened your gifts. I hope you are pleased. I appreciate the cane, the ruby eyes on the serpent was a nice touch. I request your presence at lunch. Oh and your mother wishes to speak with you, of what I'm not certain, it must not be terribly important, but go see her just for good measure. I'll see you within the hour then?" Lucius said as more of an order than a request.

Draco inclined his head in agreement and spoke. "Of course Father."

"Very well then. Continue with whatever it was you were doing. Oh, and later this evening I have some things to tell you regarding our inestimable Mr. Potter. The Dark Lord has plans for you my boy. Just think, in three days you'll be in his service." Lucius was practically beaming. "Following in the steps of your father. Make me proud boy. Make me proud."

"Always Father."

With that Lucius Malfoy left Draco alone to his own devices. Draco sighed and took in a deep breath. "Looks like I'm destined to be mini Lucius. Bloody hell, there is no freedom for me. What I wouldn't give for freedom, for the ability to for once go my own way and be able to fall in love!"

Draco was tired of the world his father wanted for him. He wanted a chance to make mistakes and live, but most importantly he wanted to know warmth, carnal passion... Love. He looked around his room. It was almost bare with the exception of his bookshelves, desk, bed, and wardrobe. The wrapping paper on the floor had already been cleared up by the house elves while he'd been writing. The place was untouched by anything personal. Draco almost laughed to himself. Emotions were a sign of weakness, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to feel. I want to be weak, just once, he thought to himself.

"Damn him and all of this. I never asked to be born a Malfoy!" He yelled to the empty room.

His fingers instinctively went to the chain and he felt the warmth of the stone, the thrum of power that surrounded it, and soon he was comforted. The boy took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. It was best to go see what his mother wanted from him before lunch rather than endure her questions at the meal.

He left his room and followed several corridors until he was in the solarium, the one room he was sure to find his mother. She was sitting in a plush black chair by the fire. He sat across from her and noticed her dozing lightly, a book resting face down in her lap. He almost smiled at the sight of her. She was a beautiful woman. Long platinum blonde hair framing her elegant face, and she had beautiful sapphire blue eyes. Seeing her, there asleep in the chair, brought back his dream. He let out a gasp. Was she the girl from his dream? It couldn't have been. The girl had silver eyes, not blue. But then who was the girl, and more importantly, who was the boy she'd been talking to?

He leaned back in the chair that faced his mother and lost himself in his thoughts. His mind kept circling back to the poem he'd written and the identity of the girl, that he didn't notice his mother startle awake until he heard her voice call his name.

"Draco?" Her voice was a cool breeze, an artic chill. Draco quickly snapped from his reverie.

"Yes, Mother? Father said you wanted to see me."

She looked at him and nodded once. "You have been home for nearly four days and you never came to see me. I was worried that you had forgotten me. You are a handsome boy. You look so much like me. What a pity you got your father's eyes. Sometimes it gives me a chill to look into your eyes."

"If I give you such a 'chill' then why do you insist on being in my company? Honestly, I have no time for any trivial conversation. What is it that you want? And hurry to the point. I wouldn't want to be late for lunch since Father has specifically requested my presence as well as yours," Draco drawled in a bored voice.

"You can be so cruel sometimes, just like your father."

His eyes blazed in anger. "Never compare me to him. I am nothing like him! And don't pretend like you care, Narcissa! You spend all day reading your little books and collecting your jewels! You are more cold then any chill you could feel from my eyes!"

She flinched from her son's words. "Perhaps I deserve that, but you were brought up to respect me. Never mind. I wanted to know if you have found anyone yet? It would be nice if you brought home tidings of a girl. You know that your father would like to see you married after this year. He wants to know that you have produced an heir to carry on the Malfoy name. If you do not find a witch of high breeding soon... Well, your father has made arrangements with the Parkinsons, and they approve of your joining with their daughter."

"I won't marry that pug faced cow! I simply refuse. I will find someone suitable soon enough. You needn't worry about that! And the Parkinsons do not approve of me, they approve of the money and power that comes with my name. I would rather face being disowned than marry into those vultures," He snapped.

"That may very well be the case if you continue to rebel against your Father. You know how he is. He was disappointed when you were unable to attend the Dark Revel that was on your birthday. That was to be your initiation. It is dangerous to disappoint your father. You were lucky that you were so ill. Nothing short of your deathbed would have curbed his anger!"

"Do you honestly expect me to believe that you suddenly care for me? Where have you been for my entire life? You've drowned your sorrows in wine and jewelry and wealth. Don't request my respect or my love for you. I want none of you. I'm done with you," His words were cold as he stood from his chair and quickly walked out of the solarium, leaving his mother in a very stunned state.

He ran through the corridors and didn't stop running until he reached his chambers. His chest rose and fell in rapid succession as he pulled open his door and stumbled into his room. He was shocked with himself. He'd never expressed his bitterness to anyone other than Severus before. What had made him say those things to his mother? He was in shock at his strange behavior.

After a few moments his breathing returned to normal. He decided to take a quick shower before facing his father at lunch. He went to the wardrobe and pulled out a black sweater, a fresh pair of black slacks, socks, his soft black suede boots and a fresh pair of black silk boxers. He went to the door that was across from his wardrobe and opened it up to his bathroom. The floors and sink were black marble. The tub was a beautiful gold thing with clawed feet holding it up. The shower, his destination, had three walls of black marble, each with their own faucet that jet water at the perfect desired temperature, and the door of the shower was a stain glass mural of a dragon with two serpents coiled about it's powerful legs.

Draco put his clothes on the black marble counter by the sink, undressed, and then entered the shower. He muttered the spell that turned on the taps and let out a long groan as the water hit his back, the warmth of the water succeeding in warming up his cold body. He put his hands against the marble wall and leaned his head down, feeling the water pounding the top of his head, massaging his scalp, and washing away the tension. His breath caught when he felt a pair of hands grab his waist and spin him around.

He gasped as his silver eyes met bright green ones. He took a step back. Unfortunately this led to him being pressed against the marble wall of his shower. The boy with the green eyes stepped forward, and Draco immediately noticed the boy's lack of dress as well as his own and felt his cheeks warm slightly in embarrassment. Draco's breath caught in his throat until he felt the boy's hand on his chest, and then the boy's other hand rose to his cheek. Draco leaned his face into the caress, and then blinked. The boy was suddenly gone and Draco had a problem.

He looked down at himself and shook his head. "Oh hell! What was that about? How? Was it some fantasy? I've never had one quite so real before."

Soon he had his problem taken care of and then he washed his body and his hair quickly. He used the counter spell to turn off the faucet and then a drying spell. He stepped out of the shower, pulled on his boxers followed by his socks, and then his trousers, which he tucked into his black boots. He pulled on the black sweater and then ran a hand carelessly through his shoulder length platinum blond hair.

He wiped the steam from the mirror and stared at his reflection. When was it going to change? When was he going to give up on this infatuation he had with Potter? The fantasies had started toward the end of fourth year, and they only got worse through the hours, days, months, years that followed. Why couldn't he just be normal and fancy girls the way a Malfoy was supposed to? Why did he have to be different?

"Damn it!" He yelled and then brought his fist down hard on the black marble of the counter. He shook his hand out and then brushed his teeth. Once he rinsed his mouth out he looked up at his reflection again and smirked. "You're one handsome bastard Malfoy, too bad the girls have to miss out on you."

He shook himself and then sighed. "I shouldn't say those things. Even the walls here have ears."

Draco left his bathroom, then his chambers and walked leisurely through the corridors until he reached the dining hall. He looked at the long table with a raised eyebrow and a sneer and then took his usual seat on the right next to his father who was at the head of the table. He looked up to see his mother take her place at the foot of the table and tilt her head in acknowledgement of her son and her husband. Soon lunch was served and the meal commenced in silence. Most meals in the Malfoy household were held in silence.

When the meal was complete, Lucius pulled Draco aside and led him to the library. Draco had no other choice than to follow his father. Draco looked around his father's library and a chill ran up his spine. His father took a seat behind his desk and beckoned Draco to take one of the chairs before the desk. Obviously something had changed. According to his father they were supposed to be having this chat after dinner, not after lunch.

"Father? What is this about? Have I done something?" he asked nervously.

Lucius raised an eyebrow at the question. "Is your inquiry evident of some wrong doing of yours, boy? Are you feeling guilty? Care to confess to your father?"

"I have done nothing that I know of," Draco answered honestly and then shrugged.

"All right then," Lucius said and then smirked and began a new line of questioning. "Where did that trinket around your neck come from? Have you an admirer of some sort at school? Have you found a suitable partner?"


"Well I have noticed your complete disinterest in girls has continued, so I must assume that such a gift would be from a male admirer as opposed to a female one." Lucius' eyes glowed in victory at the expression on his son's face. It wasn't too often that he could get one up on the boy.

"If this is about your arrangements with the Parkinsons..." Draco trailed realizing how close he'd come to defying his father.

His father's eyes seemed to flow like storm clouds during a hurricane. "You will produce an heir! You are a Malfoy and the name will not die with you boy! You either find a suitable girl on your own or you will marry the Parkinson girl. As for your little boyfriend, what you do is your business. Just be discreet, the name Malfoy is a respectable one, and will remain so."

"I do not have a boyfriend!" The words left Draco's lips before he could clamp his hand over his mouth.

"Oh, are you calling him your lover? I know Severus didn't send you that little moonstone, he does not deal in jewelry, so it had to be someone familiar with your sleeping habits!" Lucius growled and then glared at his son. "Out of my sight boy, as for our meeting this evening, consider it over. Moonstone is a sentimental stone. Probably from Potter. How dare you come home with this shame? You will take the Dark Mark in three days time and you will forget your little Potter!"

"Or what?" Draco challenged and then spat, "There is nothing between me and Potter!"

Lucius' head snapped up in anger. "The walls tell me no lies boy! Do you always see him when you're in the shower?!"

"You have the walls in my bathroom spying for you father?!" Draco's eyes widened in horror.

"Of course! This is my home and I know everything that goes on within its walls!" Lucius snarled. "So you want to fall in love? You will never be me, boy! And I never asked for a son like you. I told you to make me proud. Boy! You have failed me!"

"And you have failed me Father!" Draco spat and with that he got up and walked out of the door.

He slammed the door shut behind him as he heard his father angrily shout, "You do not walk away from me!"

Draco returned to his chambers and warded his rooms so that no one would disturb him, although if his father really wanted to see him he could easily get through the wards. He threw himself on his bed and sighed. How much did his father know? How much could he possibly know? He knew he shouldn't have let his emotions get the better of him, at least not while he was at home. He'd messed up, he'd been weak in his father's presence.

Exhaustion hit him hard as he fought with the inner turmoil. He was dragged into sleep almost against his will, and the harder he fought the hotter the stone against his chest became. Draco was thrown into the dream before he could even protest. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of the girl. Despite his preference, he had to admit that she was beautiful. He looked at her closely for the first time and it was as though he were looking in a mirror. She was his reflection, except her features were softer, more feminine. Then their eyes locked and his heart stopped cold. He was looking into her eyes, but they were his eyes.

He broke away from her gaze and turned to look around him. They were on the Hogwarts grounds by the lake and near the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He quickly glanced at her and noticed the direction she'd turned her gaze upon. He followed her stare and saw the back of the dark haired boy as he walked away. There was something familiar about the boy, and he felt a pang in his chest. He knew who it was. He was staring at the back of Harry Potter.

"I can't even escape him in my dreams," Draco snapped and this caught the attention of the girl with his eyes.

She looked at him and her sad expression softened a bit, as she opened her mouth and the most beautiful voice he'd every heard escaped her lips. "And you will never escape him."

Her words were spoken with the hum of elemental energy, a cool pure creek flowing over sleek facetted crystals. Draco looked at the girl in wonder, recognizing himself and yet seeing someone completely different in her face.

She smiled at him then. And his breath was taken away.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You," she answered and then her hand reached up to gently caress his cheek, and then she ran her slender fingers down his jaw and her eyes sparkled. "You will have this one wish, and you gain your freedom. But it will be up to you in how you use your freedom. This wish cannot grant you love. You must find that on your own, but your freedom is yours. Use this gift wisely."

The girl then let her hand drift down his throat until her fingers found the delicate silver chain. She took the stone in her hand and clutched it as though it were a lifeline. She then leaned into Draco and their lips met softly in a chaste kiss. His eyes were closed. She removed her lips as quickly as she'd initiated the kiss.

"Your dreams are your wish, and using the stone of dreams and wishes you shall have it, but you only get this one wish and it cannot be undone," she paused. "Will you really give up everything for freedom, for the chance to live? For the chance to love?"

Draco ran his tongue sensuously across his lips, his eyes clouded over in desire. "Yes, anything."

"Then awake to your new destiny," she whispered and then he was being ripped from the dream, from the girl's soft words and soft fingers.

He awoke with a start and felt strange and dizzy. He sat up in bed groaned, clutching at his head as though he were hung over. He heard his door rattling and fear quickly chased away the dizziness. He looked in horror as his father burst into the room. How long had he been working on those wards?

His father stopped dead in the doorway and stared at him. Draco looked at him in fear and curiosity. Why wasn't his father advancing?

"Who are you and where is my son?" Lucius demanded.

Draco looked at his father as though the man had gone crazy. "What are you talking about? I'm right here..."

Draco's eyes widened in terror. That wasn't his voice. His voice didn't hum with elemental energy, it did not sound like a cool pure creek flowing over sleek facetted crystals, it did not sound feminine. He opened his mouth again and the voice fell from his lips as he said, "Father?"

Lucius' eyes widened in shock. "Draco? What? How? You foolish boy! What have you done?! It can't be. You're just some girl my son has picked up. A very lovely girl, probably a Veela. Tell me where he is..." Lucius' voice suddenly quit working as he noticed what the girl was wearing. "Why do you have his clothes on?"

"Father, it's me. I am Draco! You think I'm in love with Potter and you said you never asked for a son like me!"

Lucius' eyes flashed into a furious storm of rage. "You have defied me for the last time! And for Potter! You are not my son. I have no son!"

With that Lucius raised his wand and then aimed it at the girl that was on his son's bed. The girl's eyes widened as she stared at the enraged man. The girl quickly raised her hand and said, "Accio wand!" followed by "Accio book!" and then she disapparated before Lucius could come up with a curse to hurl at her.

The girl found herself at the gates of Hogwarts. She shivered and regretted not thinking of summoning a cloak as well. It was too late to go back. She could never go back. She swallowed thickly, one hand had a firm grip on her wand, and the other clung to the journal that was a gift from Severus. Yes, that was why she was at Hogwarts. She had to find Severus, he was after all her, Draco's, godfather.

She made her way to the entrance of the school and then raced down to the dungeons. She found the wall, tapped the bricks, and muttered the spell that revealed the door to Severus Snape's chambers. She tried the password, but it had obviously been changed. Sighing she began to bang frantically on the door. Within a few minutes, a lot of grumbling could be heard and the door was snatched opened by a very irate Severus Snape.

Snape looked down at the girl that stood before his door and raised his eyebrow in curiosity. Who was this strange girl and how did she know the location of his chambers? And why did she look so damn familiar? And why was she dressed up in clothing that was too big and in a man's boots?

"Who are you and what do you want?" Snape said in a bored monotone.

"Uncle Sev? Father went mad. He said I was dead to him and he was going to kill me. I don't know what's happened, but I sound different and I can't..." the girl said and then a sob escaped her throat.

Snape's mouth fell open. He quickly closed it and ushered the girl into his chamber. The girl had noticed the man's reaction and couldn't resist the smirk.

"Draco?" Snape asked as he fell back into one of the dark green winged back chairs by his hearth.

At least the sobs had died down as the girl sat down in the chair across from Severus.

"Yes?" she asked timidly.

"Oh gods! What happened to you boy? How did this happen?"

"How did what happen? Why is my voice different and what is wrong with me?" Draco said in a panic.

Snape's eyes widened in surprise again. He noticed the girl sitting in the chair, she'd put the wand she'd been holding down on the end table by the chair, but she still held fast to a familiar brown leather bound book. It was a journal, his gift to Draco. That was how he'd been sure that it was Draco at his door, that and the girl had called him Uncle Sev, only Draco had ever been brave enough to do that.

"You mean you don't know? Have you looked in the mirror, or at the very least looked down? Haven't you noticed anything missing?" Snape said indicating his chest and lower region.

The girl looked at him in confusion and then realization dawned as her face drain of color. "Oh, no. Gods no!"

She rushed from the chair, dropping the book to the floor, and found herself in Snape's bathroom. A few minutes later she screamed and Severus ran into the bathroom, barely in time to catch her as she fell into unconsciousness.

Severus Snape sighed and looked skyward, wondering what sin he was being punished for this time as he hefted the girl into his arms and began the long trek to the hospital wing. He gave the door a swift kick and a few minutes later was met with an irate glare from Poppy Pomfrey, Hogwarts' very own mediwitch, but the witch's expression quickly softened at the sight of the unconscious girl in Severus Snape's arms.

"Oh, sweet Merlin! What happened Severus? Who is she and where did she come from?" Poppy asked immediately and told him to set the girl on one of the cots in the infirmary.

Severus looked at the witch with his cold black eyes. "I can't disclose that information just yet until I know the whole story. Something is amiss here and I am not saying anything until I speak with Albus. Now do what you can for her, and if she says anything about the Malfoys or me, take no heed. Just find me."

"What has she to do with the Malfoys? Is this something about Draco Malfoy, or Lucius?" she asked in suspicion and then looked at the girl, and with a start saw how much the girl looked like Draco. She looked back up at Severus and asked again. "Who is this girl?"

"She is my goddaughter, and that is all you need to know for now. So take care of her until I get back!" Snape snapped and with that he left the hospital wing and headed toward the headmaster's office.

Madam Pomfrey shook her head and then returned her gaze to the strange girl that was now her patient. She began to remove the boots from the girl's feet and noticed how they were too large for her, in fact, all of the girl's clothing was too large for her. It was as though she was wearing boy's clothes.

The mediwitch did a quick examination and finding that the girl was in good physical condition allowed her to keep on the oversized trousers and sweater. The girl probably had a great shock. She suspected that the girl had fainted. It's probably best to let her wake on her own, the mediwitch thought.

As if the girl were responding to Madam Pomfrey's thoughts, she shot up on the back and looked around her frantically. She saw Madam Pomfrey and her breathing slowed for a moment.

"What..." the girl began and then stopped and grabbed her throat, and seemed shocked as her hands clutched at her throat and then rose to her face, tracing over her every detail as though her face and body were new to her. Then the girl looked down and her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. She patted her chest with her hands as though she'd never seen her own breasts before and then began to pat at her crotch and a scream tore from her throat. The girl brought her knees up to her chin and began to rock back and forth.

Poppy watched the girl in mute fascination, trying to figure out what was wrong with her. She gently put a hand on the girl's back in hopes of providing comfort and noticed the girl wince and shy away from her touch. The mediwitch sighed and then shook her head. The poor dear had gone through quite an ordeal. She would have a great deal of questions for Severus later, but until then...

Poppy looked down at the girl and shook her head. "There, there. Whatever has happened to you is over now. You're safe here. You're at Hogwarts and nothing bad can enter these grounds."

The girl's head snapped up, and her gray eyes met the soft kind eyes of the mediwitch, and the mediwitch felt a shiver go up her spine as the girl's elemental voice filled the air. "I know I'm safe here. I've been going to this school for the past six and a half years. Why else would I return here if it wasn't for sanctuary? Now, kindly let me go and direct me to the nearest girl's facilities."

The mediwitch shook her head at the audacity of the girl and wondered why she couldn't recall having seen this girl, yet she seemed so familiar. "The facilities you are looking for is located behind the door on the right, next to my office, and when you are finished, you are to return to this bed until Sev... Professor Snape comes to collect you."

The girl rolled her eyes and hopped off of the bed and went into the door the mediwitch had indicated. She gazed into the mirror and shook her head in disbelief. The reflection showed a beautiful girl with long platinum blonde hair trailing past her shoulders and ending in waves at her waist, her eyes were gray, and she had a nice figure, well rounded breasts, tapered waist, long legs. The reflection was hypnotic, and the voice that went with the reflection. It was like the girl was a living breathing love spell.

Draco sighed and hit the sink with his fist. He had become the girl from his dream. She'd kissed him and said that he would get one wish, and that the dream was his wish. He hadn't ever thought of being a girl before, and although he was a very attractive girl, he missed his old body, and he had the most uncomfortable pressure in his bladder. He groaned and then headed toward the toilet.

"The indignity of it all. Having to sit on the toilet like a girl just to take a piss. This is bloody degrading!" He complained, and again he was amazed at the elemental melodies that comprised his new voice.

Once he was relieved he quickly pulled up the boxers and refastened his trousers, noticing that his clothes were too big for him, and that someone had removed his boots. He washed his hands and then took stock of his appearance in the mirror. He shook his head. Damn he was shorter, tall for most girls, but about a good eight inches shorter than he had been. His entire body shape was different. Where he'd once been broad shouldered and lean, he was now lithe and curvy. He shook his head again, trying to take it all in.

What was he going to do? How was he going to continue going to Hogwarts? Where would he go when he left school? How long was the spell going to last? He knew the last answer. The girl in the dream had said it could not be undone. He would be a girl, a woman, for the rest of his life.

"Damn it all! How in the bloody hell did this happen?" he asked and then his eyes noticed the glinting of a delicate silver chain around his, no her throat.

Draco grabbed the chain and pulled it out from under the sweater and glared at the stone that was clutched in the silver falcon's claw. He knew how it happened now. The girl had mentioned something about a stone of wishes and dreams. She'd held it in her hand as she'd kissed him and then told him to awake to his new destiny. He wanted to rip the foul pendant from his neck, but found that he couldn't, because as much as he was unsure of this new twist of fate, he had to admit that he did have his wish... He'd been given his freedom, because there was no going back to Malfoy Manor. In fact, he was no longer a Malfoy...


Severus stopped at the gargoyle that led to the headmaster's office. He looked at the thing disdainfully and muttered, "Bubblicious." Snape rolled his eyes as the gargoyle moved to reveal a spiral stairwell. He grumbled all the way up to the headmaster's office, gave a knock for courtesy and then entered the office.

"Ah, Severus," said the headmaster as he looked up from his desk and then held out a candy dish. "Care to try one of these ever lasting gobstoppers? The red ones are my favorite. Perhaps you would prefer the green?"

Severus sent an icy glare the headmaster's way and said, "Another time, Albus. Right now we have a situation concerning Draco Malfoy."

"Oh?" the headmaster asked a twinkle in his eye and then grinned. His beard shuffled to accommodate the wide grin on his old face. "It wouldn't have anything to do with the young lady that appeared at the front gates and immediately ran to your chambers now would it? I must admit she is certainly a lovely girl."

"That young lady, as you so delicately put it, is none other than Draco Malfoy!" Snape snapped.

At this the twinkle left the headmaster's eyes. "Oh, dear. I do believe I acted too hastily this once. I had no idea that something like this would happen. I assumed the girl was a Veela, and someone that Mr. Malfoy may have been dating on the sly. The boy has been acting strange for quite sometime. I didn't think the stone would change him. I only thought it would help him to sleep."

Snape's head snapped up as he stared at the headmaster with his mouth hanging open.

"Are you trying to catch flies my boy?" Albus asked him.

"What stone, Albus? Are you responsible for this?" Severus asked, and hoped that he'd come to the wrong conclusion.

The headmaster sighed and looked tired beyond his one hundred and thirty odd years. "I sent our young Mr. Malfoy a gift. I thought of giving him socks as I give all of my students, but this time was a special occasion. The boy has never known freedom, and well I don't know what I was thinking. I gave him a wishing stone. It was originally a moonstone to help ease it's wearer into sleep if they needed it. However the particular pendant I sent him was special. If it's wearer desired something with every ounce of their heart then they are taken to a place in their dream, and they are given a glimpse of their wish. There a reflection of the dreamer asks the dreamer if they want this new destiny. If the dreamer still desires the wish then it is granted."

"You are saying that Draco Malfoy wished to be a girl?" Snape asked incredulously.

Albus shook his head. "No, I'm saying that the girl must have been his reflection. You see the dreamer takes on the appearance of their reflection and then when they awake their wish is granted. I have an idea as to what he might have wished for, and I believe he got it in the most cruelest of displays, if I am correct in my assumption. We must protect him from his father."

"Yes, we have to keep the boy safe. I'm sure Lucius is out of his head in a fury. How do we keep the boy safe and how do we keep all of this a secret until it can be undone?" Snape asked.

"There in lies our problem, Severus. The wish once granted cannot be undone. Suffice to say our young Mr. Malfoy will now forever remain a Ms. Malfoy. No magic can undo the power of a wishing stone, and no other stone can reverse this wish. I am sorry. I think we can come up with a solution. I suggest a new identity for Draco and a resorting. We will enroll him as an exchange student. The resorting is to take place here, as soon as you go to collect Draco and bring him here," Albus said and then looked at Severus over his spectacles. "And, be delicate Severus. This is going to be hard on the boy. His body has changed, and we have no idea what his current emotional state is. On the outside he is a young woman, but on the inside he is still Draco."

"How could you meddle so much? The boy has had a hard life. Look at who his bloody father is, and you do this to him! Albus, if I thought I could get away with it I would do an unforgivable right now!" Snape snarled.

"I won't say that I deserve any less. I am sorry. And Severus, I assume that you plan to take care of the boy, as you are his godfather," Albus continued softly.

Snape glared at the old man, for once truly angry with the old meddler. "Of course I will. I'm all he has now. No doubt his father disowned him. He said Lucius tried to kill him and the boy does not exaggerate over serious matters such as these. You've gone too far this time, Albus. You've gone too far."

The old man looked at his hands and shook his head in sorrow and regret as he spoke softly, "I know I have, and it is most regrettable. I never thought you cared so much for the boy though."

"You never show your weaknesses in my line of work. Caring can be used against you. The boy has shared confidences with me. He obviously trusts me, and he's the closest family I've had since my mother passed on," Severus spoke softly, his voice barely above a sigh. "I suppose I have you to thank as well."

Albus Dumbledore sat back in his chair and looked at the younger man in surprise as he asked, "For what?"

"He will not become a Deatheater as I feared. You see before he went home I poisoned him, not enough to do any real harm, so that he would miss the Dark Revel on his birthday. Now that Lucius has lost his power over Draco, he won't make the same mistake I did. You saved him from that much, although if he knew you were responsible for all of this, I doubt he would be overly grateful. I won't tell him that this was your doing. He needs to adjust first," Severus said.

Dumbledore inclined his head. "Thank you for your discretion and your compliance in this situation.

"I may help you, but I am doing this for Draco. Make no mistake of my intentions. You screwed up, and I never thought I would say that about you, but we all make mistakes. I just wish this didn't concern someone other than you or myself."

With that Severus left the headmaster's office and headed back towards the hospital wing to retrieve Draco. He didn't hear the headmaster reply, "So do I, Severus. So do I."