A/n: New story. Reviewers would kill me for not updating for too long. Gomen yo. I hope you would like       `this one as you have liked All Alone. Please review. Main pairing is ren x piri. Characters are quite different. More matured I guess since Pirika is 16 and Ren 17 and uhmm..Sorry for my words. Ren and Piri is not that well acquainted in the story. I made Pirika not her usual shy self when around Ren like in other fics. It would be a cliche, I think, if I did. And I like arguments and women with mettl! aww... Hmm...oh well. Pirika's point of view. Self explanatory. Read on and enjoy. Reviews please.

Disclaimer: I never did own it.

Chapter 1: Unacquainted

I was staring uninterestedly at the TV. for the past few hours. I flipped on to different channels and so far, as far as I know, nothing even tapped my attention. Even the retarded won't be amused by these stupid bears dancing on my screen, teaching me how to say the word "pan", "cat" and "dog". How childish. Children already know how to cuss in the age of five. I would definitely die with these happy kiddie shows. Anymore of this and I would start busting on to the Macahula dance.

I yawned, taking one last round flipping through the channels before I stood and gave up. I decided to do things that are more productive than watching god forsaken TV. shows.

Stupid boobtube.

First things first, so I fixed myself but then my jaw dropped as I saw myself reflected on the mirror. My hair was loose after I discarded the head band I usually wore. But now it was sticking out in all directions. Worst it looked like shrub, a shrub without its leaves. My stomach growled again. For a second I thought it said, "Damn it, feed me ya know?!"


Right Pirika, that's what you get for eye-bawling at the blasted boobtube. A growling stomach and landfill looking head.


I glanced at my watch.

5.45 p.m.

I still have time to catch up my hunger before onii-chan comes home. I left the house, wearing pants, sneakers and a white shirt with a cute bear smack right in the middle.



I wonder why bears won't get of my case? AaAahH!

I gathered my sanity before it floated elsewhere. I pocketed my hands and started walking briskly. I felt the crumpled money I hastily grabbed before I left and a little worry seeped through me. I just hoped onii-chan won't get nad when he arrives home with no one in it.


I trudged on my big adventure for some place to eat and I ended up at McDonald's. Hungry though, I ate only 1 piece rice and chicken and hurriedly drunk my Coke. Bleah, my throat burned from the Coke's acidity. I almost choked out the contents of my mouth and I would have disgusted the hell out of these nosy customers. They were looking at me like I'm some freak who hasn't tasted "Coke" before.

I left my seat and was just about to leave when a thought struck me. Maybe I could buy onii-chan something? So I went back to the counter and ordered hamburger, fries and coke then left.

I checked the time. 6.30 p.m. I need to hurry.

I wasn't minding where I was going in hurry, so I crossed the street straight ahead, almost forgetting that sidewalks are to people as streets are to cars.

I was standing smack right in the middle of the street when a car screeched noisily, materializing out of nowhere. Alarm filled my whole body.

Goddamnit feet, move!

I dropped what I am holding and brought my hands to my face as tears filled my eyes.

Please God, don't let me die...please, oniichan still needs me...huhuhu... He still needs these food... Please don't make kissing with a car hurt...

The noise neared and I knew anytime I would be kissing it.

The car stopped just in time before it hit me. Shaking with fear, I slowly lowered my hands to see if I was transported to another world.

Hmm...no, I wasn't. I'm still here with the bumper of a shiny, black car near me.


Someone seemed to have noticed I was there and came out of the car.

"What the hell are you doing in the middle of the road?!" A cold, arrogant voice bellowed at me.

"I was--!"

Huh?!?!!! The bile of this person! Who the hell does he think he is?!

What the hell am I doing in the middle of the road?! WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD?! I'll tell you what the hell am I doing in the middle of the road!

"To hell with you! You were the one who nearly killed me yet you didn't even try to ask for my apology, how dare you?! Like as if you own this street!" I seethed in fury. God, he's arrogant. Looking at him now, his yellow eyes glaring at me, his teeth clenched, I want to punch the hell out of him. And what's that? That thing protruding on his head? It's kinda like...pointed...

Oh, hair.

His hair.

Whatta hair.

I thought for a moment his stance was quite familiar. In fact, I think I have seen him somewhere before. I stopped contemplating him and waited for his reply.

"Didn't you even looked at your left and right before you even crossed the street?!" He shouted.

"How am I even to know when you are speeding too fast?!" Oh the nerve! Can't he get any sense into his head?

"What do you care about my speed?" He walked threateningly towards me. Now, he was getting to close. Raise your defenses up Pirika, he might do something rude such as pull you hair.

"This is a residential area, just in case you didn't know."

"I know that!"

"Really?" I added sarcastically. "Then stop acting like you didn't know it."

He narrowed his eyes on me. "I am not acting."

"And also, don't act as if YOU own the street. I will go where ever I want. Period."

"Fine then." He dusted off his suit, as if I was a dusty creature that brought dirt on his clothes. "You are not hurt anyway." He smiled in a nasty way then turned around to retreat in his car. Fine. Get away from me. What am I even doing waiting for your apology? You lame brained gay.

I picked up my things and again, briskly walked away as his car sped fast. My body was quite shaking but I composed myself quickly. Onii-chan can't see me like this. I wasted time talking to an ingrate and now I have to pay.


I came home, nervous when I saw the lights turned on from the inside. He was already at home. I braced myself and tightly held the food I brought.

"Tadaima!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Where did you go?" Onii-chan greeted me with his threatening stance that can be sometimes hard to believe. Not that I am not afraid though.

"I-I bought food. I was bored so I thought I would go out." I explained.

"I told you never to leave the house alone." He crossed his arms, with his nose turned up.

"Hai, nii-chan!" Smiling a little, I knew he wasn't mad. He was just teasing me but I decided to get along with it.

"The food?" I gave him the, thankfully not ruined, food. He peered and smelled. I panicked for a moment when he stared at me. Aah! Does the food look like it was dropped or something?! Please...

"Arigato." He said before turning away.


"D-do itashimashite."

Sometimes my onii-chan can be really clueless and stupid. I smiled and went to my room.


Later, I lay on my bed and reminisced about our progress. I was grateful that onii-chan has matured alot, he was giving more priority to me and to the things that we need. He had a steady job near town which provides us enough income for food and even for my schooling. Of course, we wouldn't have done it all with the help of our close, dear friends.

He was even able to get us a decent looking house in a decent place here in town. He supported me all along and sometimes I wondered if there was something I can do to help him in one way or another. It sent me great fear whenever I see him in pain or tired or mad after a long day's work. I wanted to do something, to somehow take everything that was hurting him.

I was careful not to pressure him or ask too much of him. As long as I can do it myself, I do it myself. Onii-chan has become very protective of me for the past few years but he didn't limit me in doing things I want to do.

But with all his maturity, he didn't loose his humor and stupidity that makes me laugh and punch him at times. Stupidity, when it comes to women. Oh, well. Men.

I turned on my side and switched off the lamp. And that reminds me, I was glad that onii-chan didn't know about the accident. He could have stormed out of the house and find whoever was that arrogant bastard who nearly killed me. I really know that I have seen him somewhere. I would make him payback for what he has done to me and I am determined to find out who the hell he is.

I dismissed the thought and slept.


p.s. last part was kinda rushed. don't know how to make anything out of it. heh.