A/n: I'm trying to get at the interesting parts now.

Disclaimer: NOTHING MINE.

Chapter 5: Formal Introductions


Oh my God. I slipped. I just slipped.

Okay, you slipped… so what!

Yeah? So what. I just slipped; it's not as if people would murder me if I slipped. There aren't any laws against slipping, are there? And there's no one to witness my slipping but Ren.

But oh you dumbass, you just slipped in front of your enemy!


I was pulled out of my reverie by the maddening holler of someone behind me. Why was he hollering there like a maniac anyway? That was when I was reminded of my humiliating stance. The sight in front of me was enough to fuel my anger to immeasurable heights.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The monkey-brained hollered behind me.


Okay. This is creepy. Why the hell is it that several minutes had passed already and he's still there laughing very much like the monkey-brained hyena-looking being that he is!

"Will you QUIT it out now!" He had managed to stop howling at my pitiful existence but then decided to wear his award-winning sneer. Really, is there a contest anywhere for the "Best Worn Sneer of the Year"? No doubt he would join it along with the "no doubt" he would win phrase, backing it all up.

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

"I didn't know that your clumsiness reaches over this extent, as for you to slip over nothing and for you to slip the second time this day. You really should try your hand at being a comedian Ainu."

"I didn't slip over nothing! The floor was wet if only you had helped me with this, I wouldn't have slipped! You're so selfish!"

"And deny me the pleasure of seeing you slip! And I was selfish! Have you no respect! I should hope you realize what you did to me this day! And besides, your slipping was of your own accord. I had nothing to do with it. I didn't even stick my foot out on you!"

Blame it all on my female hormones that I began to feel the warm tears ran down my cheek. My tears had betrayed me completely. I wiped my eyes but not before I saw monkey-brain looking rather twitchy and disgruntled at my sudden outburst. Surely he had not expected to make me cry. As much as I wanted onii-chan to beat the crap out of this guy, I can't tell him what I've been doing. I will not run to onii-chan over something as shallow as this.

"Happy now!" I glared at him. I swear if I had been much stronger, I would have strangled this uncaring and 5-mile-dense skinned idiot. But my efforts would all be in futility had I tried.

"What! Did I do anything!" Ren quipped back. "And why are you crying! Don't cry!"

This sounded strangely and absolutely weird coming from him. I had a moment to stop my wail and look at him bewildered. Why in the world is he asking me now to stop crying?

"What! Now you're asking me not to cry! I will cry when I want to!" I howled brainlessly.

He crinkled his nose in attempt to show disgust. "I don't want to see an ugly woman. I'm… allergic."


He looked at me as if I was someone who's been so mentally challenged but managed to get out of a mental asylum. But would you agree with me that that has got to be the lamest and dumbest and not to mention the stupidest excuse I have heard in my whole life! I may be mentally challenged but he looks more like the part.

"What are you laughing at!" He reddened at my obvious bliss.

"Nothing." I held my hands at my sides which had started to hurt painfully, not to mention my rear who loved the floor dearly.

"Just as I thought… you were crazy...and no doubt lame like your brother!" He seethed angrily, glaring. But that was enough to remind me of my current supposed-to-be mood. It sobered me instantly.

"You will not talk of onii-chan like that!" And to prove my point, I leapt on him and kicked his shin again before grabbing my bag and took off in a blind run. I had heard him throw me a string of curses as he hollered again not in happiness but in excruciating agony.



"What news do you give me now, Bason?" Jun asked the spirit as he wandered near. She had just finished her supper alone. Ren did not come to dinner that night but insisted on postponing it until his training is done.

"Jun-sama, a most extra-ordinary one." Jun wiped her mouth with a napkin before settling on her high-backed seat. She gazed at the spirit in an amused way, smiling.

"Hurry now, don't make me wait. What is it?"

"Master Ren had a fight again with the Ainu, Pirika, madam." Bason paused to wait the expression on Jun's face.

"That's nothing new." Jun just shrugged at what the spirit had said and waited.

After making sure that Bason got her full attention, he continued. "He almost kissed her during class--"

"What!" Jun suddenly shot up from her seat. "Ren almost kissed!"

"Hai, Jun-sama. But the Ainu was angered and she punched him then kicked his…kicked his…uh, Jun-sama the Ainu kicked his…."

"Shins? Pirika you mean! Why, I didn't think that Ainu women had that much spirit! Wow! This is interesting…tell me more." Jun had already started having fits of laughter that it almost became uncontrollable.

"He only meant to tease the Ainu and anger her. It got kicked the second time at the Master's dismissal this afternoon."

"Again! Hahahahahaha! Serves right my arrogant brother!"

"Jun-sama…please quiet down a bit…" Bason interjected at the now laughing out loud mistress.

"Ahahahahah! Kicked his! Ahahahahaha!"

"Jun-sama please… Master Ren might hear!" The spirit looked frantically worried now, trying to calm down his mistress for fear that Ren might hear his confession.

"Hear what, Bason?" Ren stood from the doorway, leaning casually with arms folded on his chest. He looks all sweaty, coming from his usual training.



Jun now rolled on her back at the floor. Bason looked ready to faint.


"Tadaima! Nii-chan?" Pirika entered the small but cozy house looking for his brother. After walking about, she found him languidly lying on his bedroom. He seems to be in deep sleep so Pirika turned out his lights and was in the act of leaving the room when his brother roused at her arrival. He rubbed his eyes and squinted at the dark.

"Eh? Why are you late? It's already dark."

"I…uh have to research in the library." Pirika supplied, not wanting Horo Horo to hear about her detention. Horo Horo seemed to bite it anyway so he waved Pirika off and told her that dinner was on the table, should she want to eat.

"But if you don't want to eat, that's okay. I'm just going to eat the food later." He winked at Pirika before he lay down again.

"Hora! Who told you I wouldn't eat that, you gluttonous hog!" Pirika pounded Horo Horo with his pillow. She laughed heartily at her brother who covered his face with his arms, grinning widely. "In fact, I won't leave you any!"

"Hey!" Horo Horo pulled Pirika's hair that caused her to fall back as she ran out of the room.

"OW!" She kicked her brother straight in the face. Horo Horo tumbled backwards onto his bed, unconscious. She ran out of the room to the kitchen and sat at the table, intent on fulfilling herself with the food. They don't really have a dining room because the kitchen and dining room were set as one due to lack of space. She ate heartily, though often keeping a wary eye on the door of his room in case he tried to leap out and murder her.

"Ha, really onii-chan's tired." She smiled as she stuffed the food into her mouth. But after a while, she frowned. "Onii-chan's working so hard."


Pirika's Diary

Dear Diary,

I've been really tired with cleaning the classroom. That monkey-brained homo didn't even help me at all! How could he be so heartless? And stupid. Why does he treat me like a guy anyway? Do I really look like a guy? It really was his fault that I tripped for two consecutive times today. blush I don't know how, but I swear it's his fault. Everything bad happens when I'm around him.

I know it's wrong, I kicked him. wide grin Eh, gomen. That is because he almost kissed me. major blush He almost kissed me, and I feel…warm and nice. Huh! Scratch that! Anyway, I wonder…if his…the part I kicked him hurts now? Serves well the baka. He should at least have some decency to stay away from me.

Someday, onii-chan's going to beat the crap out of him. I swear. He shouldn't have called nii-chan lame! He was the lame one, not to mention a homo. Eh…but I've wronged him right? Maybe tomorrow I could tell him that I was sorry, call it quits and never talk to him again. That doesn't look like such a bad idea. Hopefully, all evil that's happening would go away from me. Anyway, I knew that I was the one who gave him that detention. sigh

Onii-chan's really working hard now. I'm quite worried. The only way that I could repay him is to study hard. I really love onii-chan. Oh well, got to sleep. Ja!

(..) Pirika 3



I went to school tomorrow still furious over the fact that I got kicked again by her. Not even my toughest enemies had been able to hurt me as much as she did. I almost made it a note to keep any part of me that's vulnerable away from her. It's for my own safety anyway. Shit. I can't believe I'm thinking for my safety at school. What the hell?

And that traitorous, lying Bason! How dare he make counsel with Nee-sama without my knowledge? Jun-neesan kept laughing her head off the whole night. I bet she didn't even have a night's sleep because of that. Hn. I cursed the blasted spirit at home that he couldn't wander anywhere else. He was MY spirit, not nee-sama! And how dare he take orders from her!

I entered the classroom, intent on ignoring the pesky girl that has been constantly bugging me. I expected her to be grinning widely and ready with something witty but lame on her mouth.

Witty but lame! Oi Ren what kind of remark was that!

Shut up. Now I'm talking to myself alone. God, that girl has already affecting the way my brain cells work. I seethed. All the more reason to hate her. I sat at my usual seat which happens to be beside her. Up until now, I found nowhere else to sit. My stupid classmates seem to humor us by filling every seat so that we wouldn't have anywhere to sit. They established this further by shooting glances at us every time they got the chance then pretend nothing happened. I even caught one winking at me. I could almost feel him nudge me at my side. Teme, I should just kill anyone who dares defy me.


Wait. I wasn't transported to another world, am I? I totally expected her to scowl at me again but instead I saw her sitting quietly at her seat and reading a book. What was that? She didn't even seem to notice my presence. I quietly seated myself beside her, calmer now that she wasn't making any attempts at all.

Somehow, a few seconds later, I noticed her squirm uneasily. She seems to be fidgeting on something I can't see. I could also see her throwing nervous glances at me. Shit. I'm starting to feel nervous again. It's as if there's some kind of doom is to befall on me now. NOW.

I turned to her and seethed. "Will you stop--!" I halted in the middle of my sentence when I turned to her and found her staring up at me. The look that she's giving me doesn't seem angry or mischievous at all…it seems apologetic. Why?

"Uhm, Ren… I-I…" She started. I stared at her dumbfounded. Did she mean to say she was sorry?


"I-I'm sorry… for the… d… d-detention." She said meekly. I couldn't almost hear her.

And I found myself unable to reply.



I roamed the desolate mansion aimlessly. As I was walking down hallways, I happen to stop by at Ren's empty room. Curious, I opened the door and peered slowly inside.

His recent affair with the Ainu amused me to heights. Ren isn't lacking in looks. What he lacks is the charm and affinity for girls. He was trained to fight and not to be a gentleman. He isn't used being around girls too much. It's going to be hard for him to be gentle.

But I know that if he really wants something, that 'something' is what he's gonna get. Or someone. It's an undeniable Tao trait.

I trudged his large room. Everything normal, except Bason sitting on one corner staring at the window.



"Bason, what are you doing here? Where's Ren?" I asked. I was surprised. If Bason was here does that mean Ren's here too?

"Ren's at school. He told me not to go with him today." The spirit answered glumly. I smiled warmly and trudged closer.


"Because of what happened yesterday. Master Ren was really mad." The spirit almost looked ready to cry.

"Oh that!" I laughed. I remember. Ren had fumed so much I thought he was going to kill me and Bason, well, except that Bason's already dead. "Come."


Pirika picked the mop and started cleaning the classroom in silence. After she asked for Ren's forgiveness, she dare not speak again to him because she was afraid of being turned down or worse, humiliated. He had said nothing after that too. Pirika thought he should at least say something now that the silence between them is beginning to get awkward.

Ren was standing on once corner, debating on whether to help her or not. He had been cautious with her through out the day. He often gives her weary glares when she isn't looking to make sure she isn't doing anything bad to compensate for her pride being lowered. He makes sure to tread her grounds carefully, somehow fearful of doing or saying something to provoke her.

The moment she had asked for his apology he had been at lost for words. He didn't know how to handle her at the moment. So he just glared and turned away from her, which to Pirika seem normal enough. What other reaction could she really get from him? Especially from him?

Ren turned to Pirika who was silently mopping the floor. It was as if Ren could finally see her in a new light. Her silence was more than peaceful, it was serene and for once he was thinking of how it would be like to be close to her.

"It's okay. I'd be nursing a wounded heart for the meantime. I didn't mean to steal her from you." Someone crying could be heard. Sniff. Sniff. "I understand how you wouldn't like to let a girl like her go. She has got to be the most beautiful girl I've seen…" Wistful sigh.

"Beautiful! What the hell! Pirika is a lesbian! Didn't you see the way she kicked…my… my… kicked me!" Ren hollered.

Beautiful? Ren thought.


He remembered how she had used his name when she asked for apology. Why is it that somehow, it sounded nice and pleasant coming from her? Not at all rough and violent?

Realizing his stray thoughts, he kicked himself mentally. He was more than angered now by the Ainu's apparent vulnerability. It was something he will not get used to and will refuse to get use to. He will hate everything about her and especially the way she is making him think. He narrowed his eyes at the Ainu and kicked the unused mop by the wall. It sounded loud in empty classroom. Pirika jumped from her place and turned quickly to Ren who was glaring at her.

"Ahh! What? What is it? What happened?" She asked quickly rushing to him. Ren saw her attempt and stepped back.

"Don't touch me." He seethed.

"What? Who said that I was going to touch you? I was asking what happened." Pirika said irritated. Ren suffused with color at his words and turned away from her.

"If you think that you apology is going to make me do this kind of work, you thought wrong." Ren shouted.

"Whoa…are you in PMS or something?" Pirika retorted. This flare-up seem to be the most unusual one and most probably stupid. "I didn't…ask for your apology to make you clean. I have my pride. Besides, what can you do? I'm already done. Gee, Ren, you are staring at the mop for hours I though you were going to rape that."

"What!" He flinched when he heard her say his name. Ren. "Watch your language Ainu. You talk like a boy"

"Okay." She shrugged and caught her bag as she made her way through the door. "Mata ashita, Ren."

"Are we on first name basis? I didn't give you permission to use my name."

"Why? What should I call you then?"


"I know, we've never been properly introduced and the first time we met you were about to run me over by that flashy car of yours. Pirika Ushio, at you service." She bowed in mock fashion.

"Ren Tao."

"Nice meeting you, Tao."

"Ren." He was blushing at his admonition.


"I said call me Ren!"

"I think you should just rest you know? You've got a rare kind of dysmenhorea." She laughed at her own joke which to Ren doesn't seem amusing enough. "Bye, Ren." And Pirika shut the door in his face before he gets anymore ideas on what to tell her.

Ren was trying to think of something better to insult her when the blasted Ainu shut the door in his face. But he stopped dead and changed his mind.

He was stopped when she bid him goodbye with her first genuine smile for him.

A/n: I don't know what is it with smiles and how do they affect people but I for myself am not a smile digger. Gee, I just though that…what did I just thought. I do nothing but end lame my lame fics. I suck at endings.

"Nothing." I held my hands at my sides which had started to hurt painfully, not to mention my rear who loved the floor dearly.

a/n: that rhymes no? haha. Thanks to all who reviewed! R+r!