Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Note: This is my first fic, and I need some practice. ^_^ This takes place in Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, and he is already at the school.

Gone in a Flash

It had taken years of planning, but the greatest achievement ever in the Jihad against America and it's allies had begun today. Abdul-Azeem smiled broadly, then quickly ended it. There was God's work to be done. Initially, Washington D.C. had been the target, but security had been found to be too tight. So it was settled on London to be the target, as it had the bonus of possibly scaring America's allies into withdrawing their support. After all, the infidels feared nothing more than God's army with the awesome power of nukes. Clearing his mind of these thoughts for now, he entered the storage room in the warehouse with impatience, and quickly scanned for the large box where the fission-bomb would be hidden. Abdul found it in a corner behind some boxes of useless debris, and placed the bomb on the floor. Once he armed the bomb, it would explode in the next fraction of a second. Al Qaeda had not been able to obtain a more sophisticated bomb which could be triggered with a timer, but that was of little consequence. Abdul was more than willing to sacrifice himself for the cause. Saying one last prayer to Allah, he reached out and flicked the arming switch...and all hell broke loose.
Several things happened when Abdul flicked the switch. Subcritical masses were instantly compressed together into a sphere by an implosion, and this formed into a supercritical mass. Tiny explosives inside the bomb fired, creating a shockwave that triggered a fission reaction inside the supercritical mass. The fission-bomb then exploded. All in less than a second. The results of the explosion were disastrous. A monstrous shock wave first came forth, followed by immensely hot heat. Almost the entire city of London was vaporized and what wasn't was pulverized by the shock wave. That was Muggle London's fate. The magical community of London, however, suffered a bit less. The charms and wards that had protected Diagon Alley for centuries dissipated the shock wave and heat for as long as they could, then they simply faded away. The remaining shock and heat was more than enough to severely damage many shops and kill every single wizard and witch walking the streets. People inside the shops, however, were spared because of the individual security wards on the various shops that were able to dissipate the rest of the bomb's effects. Besides Diagon Alley, all the other magical areas in London were damaged and the wards and charms that protect them from muggle eyes were gone. Muggles and Wizards alike had suffered.
At Hogwarts, Dumbledore was busy discussing with Professor Snape the latest intentions of Voldemort. Sighing inwardly at all the depressing situations regarding the war on Voldemort, Dumbledore decided to give himself a bit of a break and humor himself by offering Professor Snape a lemon drop. Before the words were out of his mouth however, he noticed a bright flash and a huge mushroom shaped cloud in the distance from his window. Professor Snape was already up and staring out the window with a horrible grimace upon his face. Both men knew exactly what made clouds such as these, and could only stare with dread at the expanding cloud of dust and earth in the distance.
Silently, Lord Voldemort gazed out the window of a previously abandoned castle in the countryside of Britain. Lucius Malfoy stood behind him in silence, gaping at the huge cloud in the sky. The Dark Lord stood in a contemplating posture for many minutes. Finally, Voldemort turned around, an unreadable expression on his face. "Find out what happened, and update me on the status of our cells in London. Go!" He ordered. Moments later, Voldemort was alone..