Tampered Mind – The Precision Shield

Disclaimer: I don't Own Angelic Layer, nor do I own any of its characters! Don't sue me!

Description: When Ichirou puts on a new tournament with new rules in hopes of getting Misaki and his younger brother to battle together as partners, things go deeply wrong. The tournament makes every player battle with new Precision Shields, which allows each deus to see each angel's moves easily on a large Layer by zooming in and out to view the Layer at a single thought. However, when Misaki gets a pair that was tampered with, she finds that she can barely keep control of her own body, not to mention Hikaru's functions. Oujirou is the only one who notices Misaki's sudden inability to fight, but can he help her before she becomes injured? Can he win the match without Hikaru's help?


Oujirou smiled kindly at Misaki as they walked away from the registration desk in Piffle Princess to the second desk to get their Precision Shields to put over their visors. They stopped at the end of the two-person line, waiting patiently behind the girls who were arguing with the woman at the desk. Oujirou sighed looking at the girl for a moment before he turned back to Misaki.

"Are you ready? They said we were in the first Angelic Fight, so from here we will be on our way to the layer."

Misaki smiled eagerly, "Yeah, I can't wait!"

Oujirou smiled at her enthusiasm. It seemed that the girls in front of them had finally gotten done arguing with the woman behind the desk and were walking away with their Precision Shields.

Oujirou walked up to the counter, "Two Precision Shields, please."

The woman handed them two sets of what looked like red glasses, "Your last then first names please. No need for your angel's names."

"Mihara Oujirou and Misaki Suzuhara." Misaki answered before Oujirou could say anything.

"Okay......bring these back at the end of the tournament. We're only going to be using them for this tournament because the layer is much bigger than normal. There's no fee to use these, but we do expect them back. Now you may move on to the layer, good luck!"

"Thank you." Oujirou bowed slightly and walked away with Misaki.

They walked into the waiting area. Misaki had Hikaru in her hands, and Oujirou had Wizard in his.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the first Partnership Angelic Layer tournament! Great matches will be almost certain considering the great Deus champions we have here today......"

"Just fight the way you normally do, okay? If you do, we'll win with no problem." Oujirou looked down at her kindly.

Misaki nods happily, "You too."

"......Now, for our first Angelic Fight, our first two deus are Fuyuko Asari with Angel Chikako and Katsuko Ikina with Angel Ise."

"Wait a second!" Misaki said flustered, "Those were the two deus who were arguing with that woman at the Precision Shield desk."

"Well, time to see how good they are," Oujirou said casually.

Cheers went up for them from the crowd.

"Their opponents are Oujirou Mihara with Angel Wizard......"

Lots of girls screamed as his name was said.

"......and the champion of Angelic Layer, Masaki Suzuhara with Angel Hikaru!"

A deafening roar of cheering was emitted from the crowd.

Misaki and Oujirou each stepped into one of the egg-shaped moving chairs. They carried both Oujirou and Misaki to the center of the building, stopping in front of the layer.

"Precision Shields on!"

Oujirou and Misaki clipped their Precision Shields onto their visor as the opponents did the same.

"Angels to the Layer!"

Misaki, Oujirou, Fuyuko, and Katsuko dropped their angels into the considerably-bigger-than-normal Layer. Each landed gracefully on their feet.

"Angelic Fight!"

Wizard stayed perfectly still while Hikaru was charging forward. Ise charged at Wizard and Chikako ran towards Hikaru.

'This is incredible,' Misaki muttered as she zoomed in even closer to see the way Chikako was moving, but then it hit her. It felt like a ton of bricks had just been dropped on her head. Hikaru stopped dead in her tracks near the middle of the Layer. Oujirou was teasing Ise with his shield as he normally did, still unaware of anything out of the ordinary.

'Ugh......got to......keep focused.' Misaki thought, gritting her teeth. She started feeling very dizzy, and in this sense Hikaru dropped to her hands and knees. Chikako was only a few inches away from Hikaru now. Misaki managed to pull it together at the last moment by flipping Hikaru on her hands, drawing her legs in the air, and wrapping them around Chikako's neck. Then Hikaru pushed off of her hands, spinning Chikako around in the air, and finally slamming Chikako into the layer.

"AMAZING! Hikaru pulls off an unlikely move and takes Angel Chikako out!" A roar of cheering came from the crowd. "It's all up to Ise now and it looks like she's not making much progress with Wizard."

Misaki was unable to tell Hikaru to move since her comeback against Chikako. Hikaru was lying on the Layer without movement for a several seconds. Oujirou, finally wondering why she wasn't coming to help him with Ise (A/N: even though he could have very easily defeated Ise on his own), started looking around the large Layer for Hikaru. He found her within seconds......still lying on the Layer from her "attack" against Chikako, he knew that something had to be desperately wrong. She would have gotten up easily within a second or two, but she was still lying there on the Layer......fifteen seconds afterward. It was then, however, that Hikaru slowly got back up. He turned his attention reluctantly back to Wizard. Then, wasting no more time, he made Wizard attack Ise by kicking her in the chest. Hikaru suddenly dropped back down to the Layer. Everyone's eyes seemed to be on Wizard, rather than anyone noticing something was wrong with Hikaru (A/N: or rather Misaki, who was controlling Hikaru).

"Layer Out for Angel Ise! Angel Hikaru and Angel Wizard win!"

Oujirou knew that something was definitely wrong now when he looked back at Hikaru. The egg-shaped moving chairs lowered themselves to the ground. Oujirou wasted no time once he was on the ground. He took off the visor with the Precision Shield and grabbed Wizard off the Layer. He looked back at Misaki's egg-like chair.

'Why isn't she getting out? And why does she have her visor still on?' Oujirou questioned in his head as he grabbed Hikaru off of the Layer as well. Then with a feeling that something deeply wrong was going on, he walked over to Misaki's egg-shaped chair pulling off her visor with the Precision Shield. She was lying unconscious. He stepped back in surprise.

"Misaki! How did this happen?" He thought aloud.

Not really noticing or caring about the cheers that were covering the stadium, or the curiosity from other fans asking perhaps why Misaki wasn't coming out of her chair or why Oujirou was standing in front of her, he gently lifted Misaki out of her seat with his arms positioned under her legs and her neck.

"What is this!?" The voice boomed from above again, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Is the champion injured? Please stand by!"

Oujirou finally managed to get Misaki, Wizard, Hikaru, and their visors out of the stadium without dropping either. Just as he got into the hall leading away from the giant room with screaming fans Ichirou met him and took Misaki from him. Ichirou started walking towards the parking lot, looking at Misaki's still figure for a moment. Oujirou was walking along side him looking very concerned.

"How long has she been like this?" Ichirou asked Oujirou.

Oujirou shrugged, "I don't know, but Hikaru started acting weird in the match, so I'm guessing something happened while she was fighting. She started out just fine, but later on......she kept falling back down to the Layer."

Ichirou made it out to the parking lot, and opened the door to a rather odd looking blue car, that had a rather asleep looking Ogata in the driver's seat.


Ogata woke up immediately. Oujirou couldn't help but smile even though he was worried for Misaki. They lay Misaki carefully in the back seat, with her head in Oujirou's lap. He looked at her silently.

"Get to the hospital in five minutes or I'll kill you!" Came Ichirou's voice from the front seat.

"Yes, Chief Ichan!"

Oujirou wrapped an arm around Misaki's waist to keep her from falling as the car screeched around curves.

'Misaki, what happened to you?' Oujirou wondered silently looking at her face. For the first time in a very long time, his face showed concern for someone.


Hey, what did you think? Well, thank you for reading! Please R&R! If enough people like it I'll work on the next chapter, and hopefully have it up soon! Thanks!