Revised 11/6/08

Disclaimer: I Own Nothing except for characters not recognized and the plot and happenings.


"Oh no! I'm out of arrows!" Kagome cried as she let her last arrow fly.

"It's okay Kagome! I'll protect you!" Shippo cried as he jumped in front of her, shooting his foxfire out at approaching demons, which didn't so much as kill them, than just warded them off.

As Kagome watched on helplessly as each of her friends fought their own battles, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

It was all her fault everyone was here fighting now. If she hadn't have shattered the jewel, then Sango's family wouldn't have been slaughtered for the piece that they had. If she hadn't have shattered the jewel then Kouga wouldn't be revenging the death of his comrades. If she hadn't have shattered the jewel then Inuyasha would have just gone ahead and wished to be full demon and killed Naraku long ago. But if wasn't possible. The jewel had been shattered, Sango's family and Kouga's pack had been slaughtered, and Naraku was alive. And it was all her fault. They were all here because of her, and she wasn't even helping during the fight. What was she doing? Hiding behind a kitsune pup.

As her gaze swept over the battle field she was once again confused at the sight of Sesshomaru. She still didn't know why the Western Lord was there, but she figured it had something to do with Naraku because he had never shown any interest in the jewel. She had feared he had shown up at the wrong time to pick a fight with Inuyasha, but under the circumstances, she could detect no sibling rivalry.

She watched as the two brothers fought together against Naraku and his puppets. There seemed to be a synchronized feel to their movement. They look as if they had been fighting together, back-to-back, as brothers, for all their lives. Grim though the situation was, the temporary scene brought a smile to her face.

Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw it. The iniquity shine of the Shikon no Tama, whole once again. She didn't question how it had gotten out of Naraku's clutches, she just assumed one of the brothers had knocked, or cut, it out of his grasp and it had rolled out into the middle of the fight.

"At least I can do something useful." Kagome said aloud.

"Huh? What did you say Kagome? Kagome? KAGOME!" Shippo yelled. But it was too late Kagome had run out into the interior of the battle.

"Watch my back Shippo!" Kagome yelled back as she dodged and jumped over youkai.

On approaching the jewel she reached her hand out to grab it, but as soon as she grasped the jewel in her hands, so did another. To her credit, she didn't release the jewel in her surprise. She tried to pull the jewel free of the other's grip, but her pull made the other's grip tighten and pull it in their direction. The other person had height and strength on her, and so when they pulled, they pulled her and the jewel into air.

Looking up into the eyes of her rival she let out a gasp of fear. The other person holding the jewel, snarling in front of her in all his gorgeous, yet extremely evil glory, was Naraku. In the background, she could the see the brothers fighting seven of Naraku's baboon-pelted puppets. The one in front of her had no pelt, and was real.

"Release me and the jewel wench." He said through clenched teeth.

It wasn't until the words had left his mouth that she realized that their hands were interlaced and the jewel was resting in between their palms. Fearing the consequences Kagome nevertheless shook her head no.

Eyes narrowing, Naraku smirked. "Very well then." he said squeezing her hand tightly, and making his claws digging into the back of her hand. Yet that wasn't what made her scream in agony. It was the wave of dark, tainted energy from the jewel that surrounded her.

Her scream of pain brought everyone's attention away from their own battles to the one that was going on in the middle of the battlefield. They all watched on with wide eyes as Kagome was engulfed in the dark energy of the jewel and was forced down to her knees.

"KAGOME!" numerous voices yelled out. The numerous voices of her friends, all except for three.

"Just give up you weak little girl. You're no match for anyone least of all, me. Give in to the power of the jewel, let it consume you" Naraku sneered down to her.

"" she growled out through the pain. With a newfound strength, she tightened her grip so that it matched his own. She brought her other arm up so that it was level with the other, and suspecting her to use her miko, Naraku interlaced his other hand with her free one. Grunting against the pain, Kagome pulled herself up to her feet.

"What are you doing girl? Are you trying to beat me? Well go ahead and see if you can kill me?" Naraku yelled at her with crazed look on his face as he made even more dark energy swarm over her.

The tainted energy almost bowled her over it was so strong, but she kept her ground. Grunting against the strain, she began to purify the Shikon no Tama, and to her satisfaction, she saw the good energy of the jewel engulf Naraku, just as the dark was engulfing her.

His scream of pain brought a smile to her face and gave her the strength she needed to put in more power. Unfortunately, Naraku also put extra power into the dark energy as she put in the light. It came to a stalemate. The energy combined in between them, forming a red glow that blasted the two combatants away from the jewel. They each landed on their backs a few feet away from the jewel.

In the aftermath of the blast the battlefield grew silent. As she regained her sense Kagome thought it was because they waited to see which of them had survived, but as she opening her eyes she too stopped her moaning and grew silent. All eyes were on the Shikon No Tama which still floated in place, flashing from red, to purple, to pink spontaneously.

The light show was sporadic and extensive and seemed to carry on for hours. Each color fought for dominance, sometime maintaing control of the whole jewel or just half for a few moments before the other colors pushed it away. As time went, the colors lasted longer until the jewel finally settled

All was silent as everyone waited with abated breath, waiting for something to happen.

Then a small vortex of wind began to form around the now black jewel. It was only a light wind, but the way it pulled at their hair and clothing made its intent clear.

No one knew what it meant or what was about to happen. They just knew that they should stay away from it. And they tried their hardest to get away. Everyone got up and began to run. As if sensing their retreat, the jewel made the vortex bigger, stronger, and faster, slowing them down in the process of running.

Fighting the force of the wind, Miroku managed to grab hold of a steady tree, and knowing she was right behind him, grabbed Sango with Kirara and pulled her up into his arms. Inuyasha planted the Tetsuaiga into the ground to make his foundation. Shippo and Kikyo, those closest to him came under his protection. Sesshoumaru and Kouga simply leaped out of the winds influence. Kagome and Naraku, closest to the jewel and farthest from others, had to fend for themselves.

As she began wrapping her arms around a sturdy boulder, Kagome was booted from her post by Naraku as he scrambled to gain it's safety. With no anchor, Kagome began sliding towards the vortex. Desperate for any hold, she grabbed hold of a tree branch as she passed. As they all anchored themselves the jewels continued to suck the weaker and unfortunate ones into its maw where they appeared to disintegrate and dissolve into the jewel.

The first things to become sucked into the jewel were the lesser demons around and then Kagura and Kanna. Fear gripped Kagome's heart in a vice iron grip, yet when Naraku's boulder uprooted and sent him toward the lethal wormhole, the laugh that escaped her was manic. It wasn't until she head her name did she register that her branch was breaking, and when it finally snapped she screamed. As she fell prey to the jewel, it reacted as if it had finally gotten what it was after, for as soon as the last two were in, the vortex disappeared, and the black jewel lay down innocently in the grass.




Endless white.

That's what Kagome saw when she awoke. Yet when she came to awareness, she wasn't sure if she woke up or had blinked, because when she opened her eyes she found herself pacing in a half circle.

Opposite her, also pacing in the half circle was Naraku. His head was down and he seemed to be thinking.

"The jewel has told many things miko. Many strange things…that concerns us both." Naraku spoke up, never looking up at Kagome, as they continued to pace.

"Is that where we are? Inside the jewel?" Kagome asked her voice flat and dull.

"Yes miko. We are inside the Shikon no Tama." He answered, now looking at her and waving his arms around for implication. "And it has told me things. Not everything, just some things. That concerns us both. Do you hear the voices Kagome? What are they telling you?" he asked, watching her with interest as they continued to pace.

Diverting her gaze from Naraku, Kagome concentrated on hearing. There wasn't anything to hear at first. Then it started. It was a soft whispering, but she heard it as clear as if someone was whispering in her ear. There were lots of voices, both male and female. And they told her things. Strange things indeed. Involving her and Naraku. The voices told her things, not everything she realized, but some things. Were they the same things Naraku heard? Who knew? But she was going to find out.

Looking back up at the pacing Naraku, she replied, "Yes. The jewel has told me things. Are they the same things you've heard, I do not know?"

"What, prêt ail, have you been told?" he asked, neither of them taking their eyes off each other, or ceasing their pacing.

"We are manifestations of..." Kagome started.

"...good and evil. You're pure good..." Naraku stated.

"'re pure evil. The day you were created..."

" were born. The jewel has both..."

" equal amount of good and evil within it..."

"...this is why it allows me to..."

"...taint it. And me to purify it..."

"...and with the constant purifying and tainting..."

"...the jewel has become unbalanced..."

"...and with no one to stabilize it..."

"...the jewel has..."

"...taken this into its own hands by..."

"...bringing us into itself so..."

" can fuse us together and become a balanced being, but..."

"...the question is who will have control over the new body?" Kagome finished and they both stopped their pacing to look at each other square in the eye.

"Don't get your hopes up girl. You'll be the one locked up in the back of my mind." He said giving her a fangy grin.

"Yeah right. I just hope you enjoy being female." She smirked at him.

They stared at each other until a little black light appeared in front of the two.

"It's time girl. I hope you like the dark." Naraku said as he stepped towards the light.

"In your dreams you idjamamit." Kagome told him, as she too went towards the light. And without warning, they were hurtled at each other.


Chp.1 New Acquaintances

Yusuke Urameshi, a young lad of 18, who had just had the rejection and breakup cycle act itself out in his head in under 30 seconds, walked into the small café of Burger house. Sitting down into a booth, he picked up the menu.

"Excuse me?" a soft feminine spoke up a few seconds later.

Looking up Yusuke saw a girl around his age standing by his table with a note pad in hand. She had long curly black hair which she had some pinned into ponytail and let the rest cascade down her back. She had on a waitress's uniform with the skirt-hiked way up and he saw that she had a pretty face with burgundy eyes.

"Hi I'm Kagome and I'll be your waitress today. Are you ready to order." She asked him in a pleasant to the ears voice.

"Um...yeah." he said shaking his head and throwing the menu down. "I'll have a cheeseburger and some tator-tots, with a root beer and hurry up with that order I'm starving here!" He snapped at her, turning his gaze to look out the window, ignoring the sneer she gave him before leaving to deliver the order.

With her back turned, Yusuke turned to look at her. Tilting his head to the side to get a better…view, he gave a look of approval. 'Not bad. Not bad at all. Must remember to give waitress extra tip.' he thought before turning his head to gaze out the window again. He sat in blessed silence doing what he enjoyed more than fight, thinking about nothing with a blank stare. The silence lasted only a short while.

"Hey Urameshi, you still moping?" Kuabawra asked loudly as he came into the café a sat down across from him.

"I'm not moping!" Yusuke snapped back at it him. "Yo, waitress can we get some service here, and where's my food?"

"I'll be there in a sec." Kagome said as she passed there table balancing three plates of food perfectly balanced.

"Hello Yusuke, Kuabawra. Is he still moping?" Kurama asked as he and Hiei both arrived. Kurama sitting beside Kuabawra, while Hiei sat next to


"No!" "Yes!" both Yusuke and Kuabawra said in unison.

Kurama shook his head in agreement at the latter.

Narrowing his eyes at his friends Yusuke yelled for the waitress again. "YO WAITRESS, WE NEED SOME SERVICE! AND WHERE'S MY FOOD? HURRY UP! I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!"

"Hey Kurama, how did you get Hiei to come here with you?" he asked curiously.

"I promised to buy him some ice cream," he said simply.

"A lot of ice cream." Hiei put in.

Coming to stand in front of their table Kagome grabbed the front of Yusuke's jacket, and hoisted him across the table, her eyes flashing from red to brown, angrily.


By now, the whole café was staring with wide eyes at Kagome and Yusuke. Yusuke was too shocked to move or make a comment, and Kagome stood as still as a statue, with her eyes closed and breathing heavily trying to calm herself.

A few minutes later the cook, a big balding man, came and drug Kagome into the back.

With Kagome gone, they all looked at Yusuke, who just stared at the spot Kagome had stood, with his mouth wide open and his eye twitching.

His mouth moved, but all they could hear was one single word. "...scary..."


"Hi I'm back. Sorry for the wait. Here is your order." Kagome, now calmed and cheerful again, said as she arrived with their food. "I believe it was the fish sandwich for you," she said setting the sandwich in front of Kuabawra.

"The onion rings for you." She said placing it in front of Kurama.

"And the super colossal ice cream mountain for you." She said placing a huge bowl of ice cream in front of Hiei.

"Now if you need me I'll be in the back."

Yusuke, who had been silently fuming, spoke up when he saw Kagome walk off. "Hey where's my food!"

He got his answer when a plate of food and a drink came flying at him. "Thanks." He mumbled picking up his scattered food.


"One two three go! My baby don't mess around, Because she loves me so, And this I know fo shooo...Uh. But does she really wanna, But can't stand to see me, Walk ou the dooor..." Kagome in as good as a mood as always, was singing at the top of her lungs from atop the wall she had been walking on, as she went to her new college.

She often found herself doing strange things like this a lot. Climbing walls, climbing trees, jumping from tree to tree (rather badly), and just being adventurous. She loved being outside in nature, just absolutely loved it. That's why she was going to college to be an archeologist, so she could travel and see the world.

Kagome had just moved to this town a few months ago. She had been staying with her Uncle Enma all her life, every since her mother, brother, and grandpa died when she was only three. She couldn't remember much about them, and sadly, she liked it better that way. Meant she couldn't really miss them that much.

She had transferred to a college away from home so she could get used to living on her own. So far, she had gotten herself an apartment, and a job. Her apartment wasn't that furnished, and her job wasn't very beneficial on the money department. But, she believed, that wasn't going to be a big problem.


She didn't know why at first, but when she went to the bathroom to...well she went to the bathroom. Seeing her skirt hiked up high in the mirror, she quickly fixed it. But as she went back to work, her tips began to drop again. It took a while before she realized why. Going back into the bathroom, Kagome pulled her skirt back up, (but not too far up.) and finished off her day with big tips.

Jerks paid good.

End Flashback

And another reason she didn't believe money would be a problem was this.


She had been bent over wiping up a table when a group of boys, who had already eaten, passed by her. One of them seeing her had pinched her on the behind as he passed.

Jumping up straight, Kagome turned around to see the boys leaving, all snickering at their friends' antics. Her eyes flashing from red to brown. Kagome stomped up behind the one who had pinched her, and kicked him in the back of the knee.

As he dropped to the ground, she grabbed his hair and yanked his head back.

"What is your problem? Do you think I enjoy having guys pinch me on my ass? WELL I DON'T! AND JUST FOR THAT YOU OWE ME TWENTY-DOLLARS! A MATTER OF FACT, FROM NOW ON, ALL PICNHCES, SLAPS, SQUEEZES, OR PUTTING ANY TYPE OF PRESSURE ON MY BUTT IS A TWENTY-DOLLAR FINE! I'M FED UP, SO PAY UP!" Kagome yelled taking the boy's money, before letting him go.

And as he got himself up, Kagome collected twenty dollars from all five of his friends too before they left the burger house in a rush.

End Flashback

Today Kagome wore a black mini skirt with suspenders, a tight red shirt, black stockings, black ankle boots, and a pair of black shades to hide her abnormal eyes. She liked her eyes and all, but other people found it disturbing and frightening that she had scarlet red eyes.

"Don't try to fight the feelin', because the thought alone is killing me right nooww... Uh. Thank god for mom and dad, For sticking through together ,'Cause we don't know hooowww...UH! Heeeeey yAHHHHH!" loosing her footing Kagome fell off the wall. Closing her eyes, she waited for the impact as her body hit the cement. But it never came. Instead, she felt herself fall into a pair of strong hands.

Peeping one eye open she saw the face of her rescuer. It was Yusuke, and his crew.

"Well if it isn't the pain in the ass punk from the Burger House.," she said staring straight into his big, brown, bushy browed eyes.

"Well if it isn't the piece of ass waitress," he replied, oblivious of the staring.

"Fucking idjamamit." She muttered under her breathe as she turned her head away from him.

"What did you call me?"

"Put me down you moron."

"As you wish."

If Kagome had been facing him, she would have seen the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oomph!" was the only sound Kagome made as she fell onto the hard concrete. 'Ow I think he bruised my butt.' She thought as she fought back her tears of pain.

"Yusuke! Was that really necessary?" a smooth masculine voice scolded.

"Well she deserved it. She called me something I didn't recognize." Yusuke retorted, his voice filled with humor.

"But did you have to drop her?"

"You heard her Kurama, she told me to put her down."

The guy Kurama, she guessed, ignored him as he went to help her up.

"I'm sorry miss..."

"Higurashi." She answered sniffling despite herself trying to holding it in.

"Higurashi. My friend here can sometimes be a little overzealous. My name is Kurama by the way," he told her in a voice so charming it made her want to slap him. She didn't know why, but men who talked with this much charm, made her think of someone trying to grope you.

"My name is Kagome." she replied reaching a hand out for him to shake it.

"A pleasure. And if you allow me to introduce the fellows behind me the tall red headed fellow is Kuabawra, the short, black headed, scowling one is Hiei, and Yusuke you've already met."

Indicating a nod to each as they were called, she scowled at Yusuke, and stormed up to him.

"So, you're name's Yusuke huh?" she said raising an eyebrow at him from behind her sunglasses.

"Yeah! Got a problem with it?" he snapped getting in her face.

Not answering him, she gave him a once over from head to toe, and from toe to head. Looking him back in the eye, she sucked her teeth, and then turned her back on him; deliberately making her long, curly, black hair hit him in the face.

Smiling she gave each boy a slight bow. "It was a pleasure meeting you three, and it's a pleasure leaving you, Yusuke." spinning on her heel she began to walk away, but as she passed Yusuke, he pulled her back by her hair and took her glasses.

"What's with the glasses lit bit," he asked as he put her glasses on.

"LIT BIT!" she said in indignation. She may be short, but she didn't need anyone to rub it in. "Give me back my glasses, ass!" she yelled as she hopped to reach them.

"What, these glasses? Well here you go, you can have them as soon as you get them." Yusuke said as he held the glasses far out her reach.

"Don't underestimate her Yusuke. Big things come in small packages, you should know." Surprisingly Hiei said from his position against the wall.

No one said anything as they stared at Hiei. Kagome was the first to recover as an evil grin flashed across her face, and her eyes sparkled their ruby red.

Getting into a ready position, Kagome whistled for everyone's attention, and as soon as Yusuke turned around she did a roundhouse kick to his face, effectively knocking him on his back.

Stepping over him, she grabbed her glasses, and took off screaming as he made a grab for her.

"No Yusuke, I cannot allow you to hurt a girl!" Kuabawra yelled struggling to hold Yusuke back.

"Let me go Kuabawra, I won't hurt her too bad. Just enough to bruise."


It went on and on like this for months. They saw each other, she'd make him mad, they argue, she hurts him, she runs away like a chicken with its head cut off. Or. They saw each other, he'd makes her mad, they argue, she hurts him, she runs away like a jackrabbit with a fox on its tail.

As the water from the shower beat down on her back, she pondered things in her life. Like Yusuke and his gang. They made her extremely confused. They all seemed familiar to her, even if she didn't spend much time with them.

Like Yusuke for example. She felt a complete and utter hatred for him, yet deep down, she considered him somewhat of a friend. He was loud, rude, obnoxious, and mean. And that was the reason she felt a type of friendship for him, and that was what made him seem familiar. It was like a second nature for her to start an argument with him, it was the delight of her day, but all the reasons she liked him, were also the same reasons she hated him. It left her terribly confused.

Hiei. Well, she loved the short, quiet, scowling little guy. He never said anything to her, but she just has urges to hug and cuddle him. Even though he looked as if he wanted to kill her, she couldn't help but glomp him. She didn't know why but she just felt an invisible one-sided brother sister bond with him. Dub the name Brother Hiei, which she had become accustom to calling him.

Turning off the water, Kagome stepped out of the shower. Putting a robe on, she stood in front of the sink. Grabbing a towel, she began ruffling her naturally curly black hair into it. Throwing the now wet towel down, Kagome wiped at the steam-covered mirror. Observing her features, Kagome sighed. She looked normal enough, but sometimes she didn't feel it. Like there was something missing in her life, but she had no idea what could be missing. Sighing again, she gave her eyes a look before heading for the bathroom door.

Stepping out into the hall, goose bumps began to run up her skin, as the cool air of the apartment hit her. Walking through the quiet apartment, she entered her room. Her room, like the rest of her house, was scarcely furnished. It just had a full sized bed, two dressers, a rug, and a closet.

Going over to her closet, she rummaged through it for some clothes. She no longer wore skirts, because Yusuke had a sort of fetish when it came to skirts. Always lifting up her skirt, and saying something stupid like...'Nice skirt. Isn't this skirt too short? What are you hiding under there. What is with you and these short skirts? You leave no room for the imagination. Nice legs Lit bad there short. Skirt. Skirt. Skirt. Skirt this. Skirt that...' he was obviously obsessed, so she no longer wore skirts.

Pulling out a pair of faded black low rider jeans, and a white belly shirt that read: I kiss and Tell and tell, and tell...

Going over to her dresser, she opened the draw and pulled out the necessities. After laying all her clothes on her bed, she went over to her portable radio, and put in the Eamon CD.

As the music started to play, she dropped her robe and dressed in her clothes as she listened to the music. Putting on her shirt, Kagome ran over to her mirrored dresser. Steady singing to the music, she plugged in her blow dryer, and began to dry her damp hair. Catching another glimpse of herself in the mirror, she began to think about her abnormal eyes, as the dryer slightly drowned out the music. She liked her eyes well enough. In fact, she loved her eyes, but other people didn't. They thought her freakish for having red eyes. And if that wasn't enough, they had the tendency to change from red to brown on occasion. But her spirits were high, and she didn't let petty things like that, bring her down.

As the music faded away and Kagome put away her blow dryer, her mind slipped away to her 'friends' again. Grabbing her backpack, she stuffed a few things inside it, grabbed her keys to the apartment, and headed outside.

Kurama. Kurama was a real strange one to her. He was like two people in one. He was like a big brother who you could confide in and he was also this smooth talking charmer with a hiden agenda. He was like double edged axe and that made her cautious of him. She liked Kurama a lot, but he just had this sneaky nature that just seemed to want to get out.

Kuabawra. Well, there wasn't much too say about Kuabawra except he was stupid but sweet. He said some things that got him hurt a lot, he was a bit on the slow side, but he also did things that made you saw Awwww, and give him a peck on the cheek, or a pat on the head.

Kagome was now scrolling down the sidewalk admiring the day. Today was her day off, and she was going to enjoy it, which meant try to avoid Yusuke at all costs, or either find Yusuke and hang off of Hiei all day. Where have they been anyway? It's been almost a month since she'd last seen them. They always did that to her; they'd disappear for a while, and then just appear out of the blue like they've never been gone.

Kagome was so engrossed in her thoughts, that she didn't notice the group of people walking towards her. But, she did notice them when she ran into something. Something broad and hard. Something broad and hard that grabbed her by the arms to keep her from falling. Seeing who it was that had caught her. Kagome scowled and jerked herself free of his grip.

"Did you miss me?" Yusuke Urameshi asked grinning a wide cheesy grin.

"I missed you like I miss a pain in the ass, you pain in the ass." She retorted as she rolled her eyes a him.

His smile never wavering Yusuke glanced at her lower half then back at her face. "What, no skirt?" he asked in a serious tone. Only to get punched in the face.

'She must be working out, cause her punches are getting stronger. Hey where'd she go?'

Looking around he finally found her. She was busy glomping Hiei.

"Brother Hiei I missed you!" she squealed in delight giving Hiei a peck on the cheek.

"What you miss him, but not me. What's up with that? He doesn't even like you. He doesn't like anyone."

"It seems she has taken a liking to Hiei, as seems he has taken a slight fondness of her." Kurama stated as he came to stand by Yusuke, an amused look upon his face.

"Please refrain from touching me girl." Hiei growled out, and irritated look upon his face.

"You call that a fondness for?"

"Whatever." Kagome said happily releasing Hiei from her grip, but not before kissing him on the cheek again. "Well, I guess I'll be going now.

Bye Hiei, Kurama, Kuabawra, idjamamit. I'll see you guys later."

"What is that? Quit calling me that."

"Good-bye Kagome."


"She's just as happy as Botan."

"What is an idjamamit?"

"It's you?" they all said together.

Yusuke thought to himself, as he regained a straight vision.

A few days after the pulling-up-of-the-skirt act, the male customers began to get a little fresh.

It was Kagome's second week of working at the Burger House. So far, she had been getting good tips. Mainly from the guys, and she knew why, and wasn't a bit ashamed of it. You see she had gotten her skirt pulled up to high one day by accident. It started off the same, but then she noticed that her tips were steadily getting bigger and bigger.

'How could she do this to me? Goes to college and falls in love with some stupid prat name Hojo? What kind of name is Hojo anyway? Doesn't she know we were supposed to get married? Good thing I'm too shallow to really care. Man, I'm hungry. How much money do I have? Hope it's enough to get a burger and some fries? Hey look there's a burger joint right there. How long has it been there?'