Moby and Viggo Rolig wer listning to ima Robot - Alive Viggo of course sounded just like the lead singer "ba ba ba ba ba ba ba baaa! im alive!" Viggo snag out as Mr.Jones held his ears. "Oi Bloody hell mate what is that racket?" Moby asked Viggo who was belowing the horrible sound he called music.

Suddenly outa no where Viggo asked Moby"So wheres the blind Date Dann set me up on?" Moby just looked at him and shruged turning down the horrible music when his M-Comm beeped and Viggo picked it up hearing the voice on the other end was Dann"Yeah i'm here...well no! only bee exited for the last 4 hours Dann! okay thanks i'll be there" he hung up and stood up did a little gay dance!

"ooooooo maybe its someone to party with!"he took his finger and made them look like a gun and waved em around a bit exclaiming "PARTY!!" with that he grabed Moby's arm and draged him to the park where he was to meet his blind date!



Dann sat there with JP at the picknic table Jp had fixed his perfect soft looking blonde hair.and he was wearing a pair of black pants not to tight,a dark blue shirt showing his built body off when off in the distance two figures came running one was muscular and one....was tall and had a womenly figure. 'Could it be?'Jp thought to himself' is it her! is that my one true love!' "zoe" he said outloud.

Dann laughed at JP who was wrong the two figures wer actually Viggo and Moby "Geeze...hes got high hope hes got high hopes!" Dan chimed quietly to him. JP gave him a swat to the head but decided to give Viggo a chance maybe he could pretend just maybe the two boarders approached and Viggo's expression droped V_V...


Hope you like it !!!! i know it was fun to write now i gotta get back to makeing love to myself! on yahoo and in the other fanfic!! lol bu bye ant ty to SSX girl for thr reveiw! alot luv yall FORREAL!

Zoe aka Attitude