Chapter Three

The sun glittered upon the glassy, silver waters as the ship came closer to their destination.

Though it was hot, Gimli always felt some what cool, the mist splashed in his face, but did not feel salty and it did not burn his eyes. Instead it felt wonderfully cool upon his warm brow.

Legolas, unable to contain his excitement, stood on the bow, his silver-blue gaze washing over the shimmering white shores up to the lush green hills and the clear blue skies.

"Calm yourself Legolas. It won't come any faster if you watch the shores like a hawk in search of a decent meal."

The soft laugh confused the dwarf, but he just waited, and the waiting paid off, for a few moments later he was rewarded with an answer.

"I cannot help myself Gimli, my mind no longer resides on this boat, and my spirit feels it must fly to the distant shores."

'Paw. Should not have been so hopeful.' Elves always speak in riddles.' he moaned outwardly not at all hiding his malcontent in the answer he had just been supplied.

"Can you not imagine it? The sand drifting into the soft white beaches and the sky smiling down upon you as you walk. The green fields playing against you as you run swiftly through the meadows." a contented sigh was all Gimli understood. He was no scholar and so many phrases were slightly a mystery to him.

Legolas closed his eyes as the wind tousled his hair. He smiled, imagining the feeling of all he had just spoken. Imagining himself next to Linwen, walking upon the warm sands or leaping through the fields.

"I suppose you wouldn't care if I told you that we are about a mile away?"

Opening his eyes, the prince cocked his head, not seeming to notice that he had been so caught up in his fantasy that his mind had simply fallen asleep, though his senses and joints had kept him standing.

The elf prince smiled, barely able to contain his joy. Gimli watched the smile brighten and inside, he knew that he had never seen his friend smile so, only in the company of Estel or Linwen had he seen him so happy. It warmed the dwarf's heart, hobbling over he sat upon the bench near the stern and watched as the isle came closer and closer with each passing minute.


Cries came from beyond his dreams, but he did not even know he had been asleep.

His eyes shot open and his mind, blurry with sleep, started working harder to process the excitement.

He listened to the joyous calls and recognized them easily, they were his friends.

"Legolas! Legolas!"

But they obviously did not know he was aboard. Grunting, Gimli rose, using his old axe as a cane he stumbled slowly forward. His bleary eyes found the elf, who was now helping the other elves tie the boat to the extremely white sparkling dock.

"Come Gimli!" he said looking up at the dwarf, he was smiling that brilliant smile again.

So happy was the elf that he did not hear the barely noticeable pitter patter of hobbit feet, he looked up just in time to see a chubby red haired being jump on him, making him fall hard to the sandy dock.

He laughed and rumpled Sam's red hair. The hobbit looked a bit younger than he should have been, and he assumed that was what these lands did to one.

"Ah, dear Samwise is here as well." Legolas smiled as he stood up, helping the hobbit to his feet as well.

"Aye, that I am Mr. Legolas." he said, tears streaming down his face from joy. "Oh, I missed your sharp eye and beautiful words." Bending down, the prince rubbed his head gently.

"I missed you too Master Samwise, I am glad you made it."

"As am I sir." At this point Sam had seen Gimli and ran to meet up with him, and now the rest of the group conversed onto the elven prince.

Bilbo was first, although he seemed a bit speechless. He hugged Legolas and then turned to Gimli and seemed a bit more excited to see him.

Gandalf smiled leaning on his old white staff, his white hair blowing in the breeze and the folds in his attire shifting ever so slightly.

"Welcome home, young Greenleaf." he said, his voice it's normal emotionless self, though Legolas could easily see the smile within his eyes.

"Thank you Mithrandir!" he said smelling the breeze as it hit his face and made his hair whirl. "It is good to finally be home."

Many other elves including the former elven ring-bearers stood behind Gandalf, smiling in quiet ease that the prince was finally among them.

As he watched, something hit Legolas. And a question that had not been uttered in years escaped his pale lips.

"Where is Frodo?" his brow furrowed in confusion and Gandalf chuckled.

"Still watching over the Ring-bearer I see." All the elves behind him laughed musically and Legolas smiled, it truly had been a long time.

Elrond nodded his understanding and turned to Glorfindel to answer the question.

Next to Glorfindel stood beautiful elven woman, her beautiful silver and gold hair twisted in the wind. She smiled at the prince and he knew instantly who she was.

The Golden haired blonde elf nodded grinning. "Master Baggins is on the east side of the Island, he had a wish to be taught more of the elven tongue, so he sits with his mentor at this moment. You should be able to find them, when I last left they were laughing about some elvish joke."

Nodding his thanks, the prince turned to the dwarf who had his audience among the hobbits.

"Come Gimli." he called to the elderly dwarf who looked much younger, most of the gray was gone from his hair and beard and his eyes were grinning, the weariness gone. "I will be along with you shortly master elf." he called turning his attention to all the elves and Gandalf who were watching amused at the smaller beings.

Shrugging lightly, Legolas turned and ran off in the direction that Glorfindel had pointed him in just a moment before. He was smiling, and his heart was no longer sad. He felt at peace, just about.

He still missed Aragorn and he had not et figured where Linwen had gone, for she had not been among the elves, but he was sure she was safe and awaiting him.

Laughter floated to his perfect ears and Legolas smiled because he knew who's laughter it was.

"Frodo!" he called excitedly, his legs going faster so that he could now see the willow tree in which sat the hobbit.

The laughter ceased and a gasp came from within the tree, a few rumpled footsteps and then someone, someone quite small and then hopped from the tree.

The Ringer-bearer instantly saw the blonde elf and cried out happily.

"Legolas!" As the little hobbit jumped Legolas caught him, he chuckled, still a little surprised at how truly light Frodo really was. But he would address that later, right now was the time for friendly reunions.

"Suilad Frodo." he said hugging the child-sized being close until he was sure he could not squeeze anymore.

"I know what you said." the prince set him down and look with inquisitive, blue eyes, his back to the willow tree.

"Really? What did I say small one?"

Frodo laughed softly, excited at how much his lessons were helping. He had known elvish before, but not as well as he did now.

"You said hello."

Jumping up the elf prince smiled and nodded. "Very good. You have been taught well. If only Estel could hear your elf-speech now."

Chuckling softly Frodo smiled and Legolas gave him a slightly confused grin.

"I agree mellon nin, if only I could hear him now?"

The prince blanched, his face going instantly pale and his eyes growing wide. He turned slowly to see a figure clothed in maroon and cream making his way towards them.

The voice! He knew that voice, it was the same voice that he had listened to for over one hundred, long years.

"Aragorn?" he whispered, his mouth going dry and his heart beginning to ache.

The man's face was young, just like Gimli and Bilbo's had been, just like Frodo's. The face he had met with that night in the forest, the face he had come to love and respect as he would a brother.

"Aragorn!" he cried jumping at the man and enveloping him a hug, tighter than the man could withstand.

Smiling, Estel chuckled as much as the restraining arms would let him. "I have missed you too Legolas."

Tears were now freely running down the prince's pale face and he let a few sobbing breaths go, he looked in amazement at the shaggy young face and the eyes, so full of life and joy.

He could see tears in those same eyes, though they never fell.

Smiling broadly Aragorn patted Legolas's lithe back and said with the happiest feeling in his heart. "Friendship never dies, Legolas. Why did you doubt?"

Shaking his head, the prince looked up. "I watched you die." he said softly, Frodo let his head fall, knowing that Legolas must have gone through more pain than he could even imagine.

"I am here." Strider said looking about at the beautiful land that he though he would never see. "And I am not leaving this time."

Legolas smiled sadly and so did Frodo, he felt better now, that space in his heart was finally healing and he felt as if he could finally live.

Another elven maiden came bounding from the willow and she smiled at Legolas, her own raven hair was shimmering in the soft sunlight.

"Linwen." he whispered, feeling himself melt in her gaze. Everything was perfect.

"Where is Gimli?"

The question brought him from his stupor and Legolas chuckled.

"Talking with the hobbits I imagine."

With a happy laugh, Aragorn started running back towards the beach, and Frodo followed, Legolas and Linwen followed them, holding hands and smiling as the sparkling sun caressed their perfect features.

The water crashed against the rock drowning out the sounds of laughter and joy; the gulls had ceased their crying and were now silently shifting in the breeze, their soft shadows falling upon the joyous figures below.


Hope you liked that everyone!!!! I enjoyed writing it!!!! Please R&R! No Flames!!!!!! Please no flames!!!! I worked very, very hard on this and do not want to be scolded!!!!!

So anyway, here are the responses to all your reviews! Oh sheesh, I am way over my head here!

Here ya go Linwen! The last chapter!!! Hope you liked it!!!!

I am glad you had all those emotions Seeing-spots!!! That is my job, to make like a million emotions run through you at once, hope you felt the same this chapter!!! :)

Hope you are still enjoying it Moismiley!!!!!

Ahhh, as do we all Rachel the Almighty, as do we all! And I am touched that you enjoy it soo very much!!!!

Yes Elven Ranger 13, poor Legolas!!!

I do too Kelsey! I also enjoy Legolas and Aragorn friendship, but NO slash!!! Don't like Slash! I am honored that you shed your precious tears on my story! Thank you!!!

I am glad you like it Magicgirl810! Very glad indeed!!!

Oh yes Azla. Only three, any more and it would get too long and drawn out. I am very honored that you think it such a lovely story!!! Thank you so very much!!!

Thank you all!!!! I am glad you liked it!!!!!!! I will update everything else soon!!! Gotta go!!!!!!