For Ever Love
By: Merina
Yugi sat down on a bench and put his face in his arms. Oh, this is
so hard... dueling for the highest stakes! I just have this really bad
feeling that some thing bad is going to happen, and I will lose.. Like...
what if I lost a duel and... oh, it is just to horrible thinking about it.
"Hey Yugi," Joey called as he ran over.
Yugi looked up. "Oh hi Joey," Yugi said.
"Are you ok Yugi? You look like you've been crying or some thing,"
Joey said. He looked very concerned.
"hu? Oh, I'm fine... just my allergies." Yugi said, trying to make up
an excuse for his tears, he didn't want Joey to think he was a baby for
"Oh, ok." Joey said. But he really did think some thing was wrong.
"Well, I have to go, I am going to go met Mai at Sonic! I am buying
her lunch!" Joey said.
"Oh, ok Joey, have a good time!" Yugi said as he waved good by to
Yugi just sat there under the shade of a tree, and stared at a bird
fly into the sky.
"Tea..." Yugi said, staring at the ground. A tear rolled down his
cheek. I don't know what I would do if any thing happened to you, but you
probably only think of me as a friend. Yugi then got up, and went for a
walk. He looked around and found an ice cream shop. Yummy! Ice Cream!
Yugi then ran into the store and bought a supper size Chocolate Chip Cookie
Dough Ice Cream cone! His eyes were sparkling as he stared at the ice
cream cone. YUM!!! He then ate the ice cream cone with a very satisfied
"MMM... Delicious!!!" Yugi said, as he left the ice cream store. Then he
began to look around some more.
"No way!!! A Candy store!!! This is perfect, I will go bye some candy for
Tea!!!" Yugi said as he smiled and ran into the store.
"Hi, can I get you any thing sir?" the man said at the counter.
"Um yeah!!! I am looking for the Jelly Beans!" Yugi said smileing.
"Oh, they are right over there!" the man said, while pointing over to the
"Ok, thanks!" Ygui said.
Yugi walked over and picked out a bag with little smiley faces on it, and
filled it up with green apple jelly beans. They were Tea's favorite
flavor! He brought the bag up to the counter and bought them.
"Thank you, and have a great day!" the man said.
Yugi then left the store and looked at his watch.
"What!!! 3:00 p.m. already! Ahh!!! I am going to be late, Tea's dance
practice is over, and she has probable already packed her things! I have
to give her the Jelly beans, before she goes to the plane!" Yugi said, as
he began to run towards her house.