for darkness for light my cause mattered not

impurity insanity i lived to serve His will

life death living breath

pleasure pain and naught to gain

only torture never joy

dancing like a puppet-toy

blood and sand

ash to ash

a life cut short a lonely path

i lived to serve my Master's will

orders followed

blood spilled

painful death agonized life

embraced by a past i never knew

acceptance that i never felt

a desert world of sand and death

unwilling pawn in the game of life or was it just a bitter dream

acidic memories tearing at my mind

angel of darkness spread your wings

encompass me as Knives once did

i your servant, faithfully

loyal beyond death

Yeah, no formatting, no caps. Bet that drove you nuts, didn't it. It's meant that way. Poetry doesn't always make sense, so sorry if I didn't get Legato-sama's feelings across perfectly. Suggestions are welcomed and encouraged! And tell me what you think; if you've the time to waste on my *SAD* attempts at poetry, certainly you can indulge me in a review? O_o Pleeeeeease?