Chapter II – Spilt Milk

[Gaha... Thanks for the reviews! *Evil cackle* ... I mean... Indeed! On with the
second chapter! Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.]

Sasuke continued to glower at the small animal as he leaned against the kitchen counter, eating a riceball slowly. The kitten had wandered back into the living room but he could still see it... wandering around innocently... seeing what was movable and what wasn't.

'Nothing can be that innocent...' Sasuke thought in mid-chew. 'It's too small... It has to be a demon...'

The kitten looked back up at him and Sasuke almost choked on his mouthful of food. Why he accepted the kitten from Sakura was beyond him. He glanced out the window boredly, hoping that he didn't have to keep the hellish fur ball for long... before he went insane, would have been nice...

"Damned thing..." Sasuke muttered as he glanced back but finding the kitten not there.

He blinked, staring at the doorway towards the living room. No sound... no little paws padding across the wooden floor... Now if animals could control their chakra as well as Akamaru could, he wouldn't have a problem spotting the small cat. Unfortunately, Sasuke wasn't that... fortunate... He wasn't liking this one bit. He was in his own house; nervous as the hells even though he didn't completely show it and the kitten could have been anywhere.

"Shit..." He cursed yet again, resting his hand with the riceball on the counter. "Where did it go..."


Sasuke froze and slowly trailed his eyes to his feet, seeing the kitten pawing at his toes. He tried his best to remain composed as he sat back on the counter as calmly as he could, keeping his feet from the kitten's reach.

"... I told you to stay..." Sasuke muttered.

The kitten jumped up at his toes and he immediately pulled his feet back up, sitting crouched on the counter as he continued to glower at the kitten nervously. Sasuke felt quite pathetic at the moment as he sat on the counter, his knees pulled up to his chest. He dreaded the feeling if Naruto EVER saw him trapped in the kitchen by a fur ball... an innocent one, as others may see it as. It was the end of a boring D-level mission filled day... and Sasuke was stuck on a countertop.

"Shoo! Leave me alone!" Sasuke said as he watched the cat almost prowl below him in predatory circles, watching him... of course his imagination made it look like the cat was being predatory.

There was an awkward silence as Sasuke watched every movement of the small cat as it pawed at the counter. He sat there for a little longer then he rested his chin on his knees, the dreaded feeling returning once again.

"It's probably hungry..." He muttered, getting hopeful mews in reply. "... You are, aren't you."

"Mew!" The kitten sat back on its haunches, waiting.

Sasuke glanced around at the closed cupboards, already knowing what he had stocked them with and noted that none of the things he had would be good for the kitten. He set his eyes on the refrigerator and made the decision that a saucer of milk would have been good enough... until he could figure something else out. He slowly lowered his legs from the counter, his eyes on the kitten in case of any other surprise lunges; taking earlier as an example. He didn't know which was worse: The kitten following him or just staring at him. Either way, it was making him more uncomfortable as he slid off of the countertop and walked over to the fridge as normal as possible. Oh yes, normal... As normal as one with a fear of cats can be while the feared is not even five feet away.

"Let's see here..." Sasuke opened the fridge, taking one last glower at the kitten over the edge of the door before looking at the contents. "... Oh of all the damned luck..."

Alas, Sasuke had no milk in the fridge, seeing that he had finished it at breakfast and was going to get some from the shop before dinner. He folded his arms on the top edge of fridge door, resting his head on his arms as he continued watching the innocent kitten. He had to feed the poor animal something and giving it a riceball would probably kill the poor thing... at that age, anyway. He contemplated another dreadful thought of leaving the kitten in his home, alone.

"... How the hell am I going to do this..." He muttered, shutting the fridge door and sat on the floor.

There was no way in any corner of hell that he was going to let the little kitten follow him all the way to the shop and back... It had too many bad possibilities with Naruto seeing him... or even Shikamaru... and many others that would never, ever let him live that down. He was going to regret this either way...

He swallowed hard, already feeling the nervousness returning as he beckoned the kitten over with one finger. "Come here..."

The kitten padded over and looked at Sasuke curiously, seeing the more visible nervous look. Sasuke started to wonder if the kitten actually understood what he said or not but he just sighed, hanging his head. He had to learn to deal with the kitten and the only possible way to hide the small feline was something that he had to get used to before the poor thing starved to death. He nervously outstretched a hand to pet the animal and then stopped halfway, his eye twitching slightly. He reached forward again, lightly brushing his fingers across the fur on the kitten's head then yanked his hand back to his side.

"... Good enough." He muttered. "I still need to get a few things-GAH!"

The kitten had pounced on him again, climbing up his shirt and nestled contently under the collar of Sasuke's outer shirt. Sasuke, on the other hand, was on the verge of having a panic attack as the kitten purred, nuzzling his neck. Yes indeed, he was going to regret this...

"... You stay quiet... don't move... don't do anything..." Sasuke told the kitten, a hand twitching as he resisted the urge to pull the cat off of his shoulder. "... I'm talking to a cat... again..."

Sasuke did not bother moving for a few more moments, not comfortable of the kitten hiding under the collar of his shirt and being way too close. He heaved a heavy sigh and decided to bite his tongue, keeping silent as he left his home and walked down the street with his hands in his pockets. He wondered if this was how Kiba felt with Akamaru hiding in his hoodie.

"But he likes dogs..." Sasuke muttered under his breath.

Sasuke grinded his teeth as the kitten stirred slightly. He was really regretting his decision to take the small feline with him but he saw the grocery store and went in, looking for what he needed as quickly as possible. Being stuck on a countertop seemed much more tolerable than having the kitten sleeping on his shoulder and being just a little too close for comfort. Each time the kitten even moved ever so slightly or breathed, Sasuke visibly flinched, trying to make it as unnoticeable as possible.

'All I have to do is buy a few things... Go home... and get this little hell raiser off of my back...' Sasuke continued to tell himself that mentally as he tried to remain visibly composed.

A few agonizing moments later, Sasuke walked back out of the grocery store and started to walk back to his home as he held a paper bag of groceries in his arms. He didn't mange to get even twenty feet away from the store before Akamaru jumped in front of him, barking. Sasuke glowered at the dog and then felt an excruciating pain on his shoulder. The kitten was awake. He dropped his bag of groceries and tried to make a grab for the kitten hiding under the shirt collar yet Akamaru continued to bark, causing more needle-like pains to strike his shoulder.

"Oi, Akamaru!" Kiba said as he picked up his dog, setting him back on his head.

'Damned claws!' Sasuke winced again.

Kiba looked up at Akamaru curiously as the dog started 'speaking' to him in short barks, yips and whines. He raised an eyebrow and looked at the Uchiha boy in curiosity.

"Akamaru says you smell like a cat." Kiba stated as Akamaru barked in agreement, causing Sasuke to wince immensely in pain again.

'That little...' Sasuke tried to stop the kitten from clawing his shoulder into raw hamburger and his body suddenly felt paralyzed from the tiny claws digging deeper.

"Eh... What's wrong with you?" Kiba asked as Akamaru continued to growl.

"Get... your dog... to shut up..." Sasuke said through clenched teeth.

"Feh! And why should we listen to you, Sasuke?" Kiba folded his arms over his chest.

"... Either you do... or I'll shut it up..." Sasuke scowled.

"Hn... Come on, Akamaru... It's chowtime anyway..." Kiba patted his dog-friend on the head and walked off down another street.

Sasuke sighed partly in relief as the claws seemed to loosen but he knew that the little marks would be bleeding slightly. He picked up his fallen grocery bag and started walking back home, flinching as the cat managed to crawl to his other shoulder. Sasuke really hoped that the cat would not mutilate his other shoulder as badly as the first one... it would drive him more to kill the fur ball. After a minute or two of walking, he finally arrived back home and went inside, setting the bag calmly on the kitchen table.

"... Now it's your turn..." Sasuke said calmly before reaching down the collar of his shirt for the kitten. "No more games! Get off!"

Kittens loved to play games... and Sasuke soon found that out as the kitten scrambled across his upper-back again. He cursed loudly and threw off his first shirt, now wearing his white t-shirt with a kitten currently clinging onto it. Sasuke thought for a second and set up a saucer of milk on the table in front of him. He then sat on a chair, his arms crossed over his chest as he sat silently with his eyes closed. He tried not to move as the kitten noticed its 'owner' not doing anything but he couldn't help his eyebrow from twitching as the cat scaled up back to his shoulders. As soon as the cat paused, standing on his shoulders, Sasuke made a grab for the cat with one hand but the kitten jumped onto his head.

"I've got you now..." Sasuke muttered under his breath as the kitten looked around from its new post.

"Mew." The kitten inched forward a few little steps, looking at Sasuke upside-down from atop his head.

Sasuke slowly brought his hands up on either side of his head, staying as still as possible as he glowered at the animal. Just a few more inches... then Sasuke grabbed for the kitten again. His hands only managed to touch his hair as the kitten hopped off of Sasuke's head, landing on the edge of the saucer and causing it to splash back into his face.

"..." Sasuke sat there, lowering his arms back to his sides as the milk dripped off of his bangs, trailed down his face and soaked into his shirt. He leaned down to the same eye-level as the cat with a very irritated look on his face, glowering at the innocent fluff ball. "... You... did that on purpose..."

The soaked kitten watched Sasuke curiously and padded over to him and started to lick his face. Sasuke pulled back a little too quickly, causing his chair to tilt and he fell onto the kitchen floor.

"Mew!" The kitten looked down at him from the tabletop.

Sasuke glowered then his eyes widened slightly. "... Don't you dare... Stay!"

The kitten crouched down a bit and Sasuke jumped up, pointing a finger just in front of the nose of the little animal.

"Don't you dare..." Sasuke warned.

The kitten mewed sadly, sitting back up as it looked at Sasuke... then it bit him as hard as its little teeth would allow. As the saying goes, the dog's bark is worse than its bite... yet in this case, it is quite opposite for the feline...

"OW!" Sasuke yanked his hand back, shaking it a bit.

He glowered at the kitten again as it shook itself and started to clean the milk off of its paws. Sasuke was angry and wanted to grab the fur ball by the scruff of the neck and throw it out of his home. He would have to deal with Sakura... and greatly overcome his slight particular fear of cats. This was going to be a long night... a long night indeed...

"You stay here... don't do anything at all..." Sasuke scowled at the kitten as he grabbed a tea towel and started cleaning up the mess.

He muttered at the thought of having to give the kitten a bath, seeing as he couldn't just leave animal soaked in milk. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly as he tried to tug the small towel to clean up the table, finding it with a sort of heavy weight.

"... Let go." Sasuke gave the towel a little tug as the kitten was crouched down, its claws dug into the material.

The kitten obviously didn't understand Sasuke's orders so Sasuke lifted his arm up, bringing the tea towel and the kitten hanging off of it. He set the kitten back down, muttering under his breath as he left the soaked towel on the table and got another one, starting to clean up again.

"... Let go, damn it!" Sasuke tugged at the second tea towel, the kitten hanging off of that one as well. "..."

Again, he abandoned another towel and fetched another one, cleaning up the milk on the floor and standing the chair back up. The kitten scrambled across the table and made a flying leap towards the towel that Sasuke was holding.

"..." Sasuke lifted his arm up again, looking at the kitten that was hanging off of the cloth. "... You... are a persistent little bastard..."

He put the kitten back on the table and brought the soaked towels to the sink, starting to wash them and the saucer. It had only been an hour... not even, since the little kitten had entered his home and caused... in Sasuke's wise words, hell. He was pretty sure that wasn't the last of the little kitten's acts of destruction. Thinking that the kitten really was a demon seemed more believable to Sasuke, no matter how farfetched it was in reality. He wrung the cloths clean and let them dry, hanging over the faucet and he put the clean saucer back away. He looked back at the table, seeing the kitten trying to wipe the milk off of its head with its paws. There was no doubt...

"... You seriously need a bath..." Sasuke sighed. "And thanks to your little stunt, so do I..."

"Mew." The kitten shook itself and started licking a paw, trying to brush the top of its head with its paw.

Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, Sasuke would have to take a shower and somehow... bathe the little kitten in the sink. He had no idea how he was going to accomplish that before dinner, since he didn't really know how... to bathe the cat without accidentally drowning it. He muttered under his breath and put the milk carton into the fridge, also putting a few purchased items in the cupboards before he leaned on the counter, glowering at the kitten.

"You think you're funny, don't you-...." The kitten wasn't there. "... Quit it with your disappearing acts already."

Sasuke felt a few tugs on his shirt and once again, the kitten scaled up his back, onto his shoulders and managed to crawl up onto his head.

"... You are really starting to annoy me." Sasuke scowled.

"Mew!" The kitten pawed at his hair then tugged a few strands of it with its teeth.


[End of chapter two. Tis a little odd, most likely spelling mistakes but hell, I ain't the greatest speller in the world.]