Second X-Men Evolution Story and hopefully more successful, if you read this please read my other X-Men Evolution story as well, please and thank-you. I warn you, there will be OCs! (But only two) Well, read on


When two old friends of Rogue join the Acolyte's what's a girl to do, especially when they take it upon themselves to act on her behalf? Romy


"Get them," yelled a man in a blue coat and matching cap, a silver police badge shining on his breast pocket.

"I would say running was our best option?" asked a girl as she kicked an armed officer in the stomach sending him to the ground.

"Copy that," a boy, older, replied, his finger traced a human sized circle in the air and in it's wake left a purple path, the world within it blurred, "Come on," he called climbing in.

"Be right with ya," she yelled back, she threw a man who was holding her wrist over her shoulder and climbed in with the boy in the portal.

---Top of local building---

"Follow them," growled Magneto, Quicksilver looked at him and nodded, jumping of the edge of the building he ran down its side and jumped through the portal just as it closed leaving dazed officers in his wake.

---Portal Destination---

"And you are?" Pietro looked up at the smirking face of the girl from the alley, he just glared at her, she rolled her eyes, "Socialite I see," she turned away from him and strode over towards the boy who opened the portal. "Brother, I think we've had enough site seeing, home time?" she asked.

"Wait," Pietro called, they was a black watch strapped to his wrist which, besides telling time, acted as a communication and tracking device. Within minutes six iron balls dropped form the sky and opened, one was empty, Pietro's. The Acolytes and Magneto stepped out, both girl and boy grinned.

"This amateur one of yours Magneto?" the girl asked smirking.

"Hey, who are you calling amateur?" Pietro demanded whizzing round to stand in front of her.

"You," she replied simply raising an eyebrow comically.

"You think I'm afraid of you?" he inquired glaring at her.

"You should be," she replied smiling maliciously, her brother stood with his arms crossed watching the two in amusement.

"And why's that?" Pietro scorned turning his nose up at her.

"Because most people are," she replied pushing him in the chest, he stumbled backwards, blinked and in the time that took she had changed completely. She was no longer recognisable, what she had become made Pietro's stomach feel nasty, standing before him, flecking long fingers was a skeleton. "Well, what do you say now?" she asked, the lower jaw moved up and down, but the eye sockets were empty, she walked towards him.

He paled and was gone in a flash, standing resolute by his father, when he looked again she was back to normal. She sighed, "The price one pays for beauty."

"What do you want anyway Magneto?" asked the boy.

"I have a preposition for you both," Magneto replied.

"Let me guess," said the boy, "join the Acolytes in the fight against Xavier and Mystique," he saw Magneto raise an eyebrow, "What? Did you think we wouldn't know?"

"How did you find out?" Magneto asked.

"Word gets around, you got to start listening old man," the girl smirked and Pietro sent her a nasty glare.

"Well anyway, waiting is neither of our style's, fire away," the boy said.

"Join the Acolytes."

"That's it?" the girl asked.

"No 'or else' speech?" the boy asked.

"Fun," the girl said looking at her brother.

"Morons," the boy replied looking at his sister.

"Entertainment," answered the girl.

"Boredom," answered the boy.

"Trial?" the girl asked.

"Deal," the boy replied.

"Offer accepted," the girl chook Magneto's outstretched names.

"Eh, if you no mind Gambit asking, who are you?" Gambit; Remy Lebeau asked, the one obsessed with cards and the ability to make objects spontaneously combust.

"Amelia Harrison, or in other terms Skela," answered the girl; Amelia.

"Andrew Harrison, and to quote my oh-so-annoying sister," she grinned at him, "in other terms Splash."

"Come," Magneto waved them over, the Acolytes who since the beginning of this venture had voiced nothing too loud but had settled for communicating with each other instead.

"You can rise with me little lady," Pyro suggested slinging a casual arm around Amelia's shoulder.

"No thanks," she picked his hand off her shoulder with a face contorted with revulsion, "I'll get there myself," she walked over to her brother.

"Cher, you know nothing about women," Remy smirked as he climbed into his pod.

"More than you," Pyro growled.

"When and where, Magneto," Andrew said, Magneto told him the location of there hideout, a metal dome in the side of a mountain clot near the remains of the Xavier Institute. "Gotcha," the mutants replied and soon had a portal open, "See you there," and with that he and his sister hopped through the portal.

---Acolyte HQ---

"How long do you think it'll take them to get here?" Amelia asked leaning against the cool metal exterior of what would appear to be her new home.

"Not too long I hope, this isn't the warmest place," Andrew grumbled.

"We could always visit Florida while we wait," she smiled as she observed the otherwise desolate surroundings.

"How about we not," he replied, "look," he pointed at the horizon where six dots were becoming more visible by the second, "here they are."

"Was this a good idea?" she asked.

"No," she banged the back of her head against the metal wall just as the six metal orbs touched down, opened and reveal the Acolyte and Magneto and son.

"Come," Magneto said and lead the way to the door which had been designed to look like the rest of the dome, it slid to both sides and the Acolytes moved in.

"One thing Magnet man," Amelia said moving to walk beside him, "where's Rogue?"

"With Xavier," he replied.

"Danke, gracious, merci, arigatou and all those other thank-you things," she grinned and high-fived her brother.

"Idiots," Pietro growled walking by his father.

"You say something pretty boy?" Andrew asked, Pietro just sneered, "Remind you of anyone Amelia."

"It's a real life Draco Malfoy if ever I saw one," they both snickered at this.

"You two aren't funny, but annoying," Sabertooth snarled.

"Chill," Amelia replied.

"Pyro, Amelia will room with you, Gambit, you can share with Andrew, the rest of you can make yourselves useful, I need to think," and with that Magneto's feet left the ground and he went around a corner and vanished from site.

"Cheery guy, no?" Amelia asked, Pietro ignored her and dashed off, Sabertooth turned at the next left along with Colossus. "See you later Andrew," Amelia called as her brother vanished with the grumbling Gambit.

"Looks like it's just you and me now," Pyro said sliding his arm around her waist.

"Off," she growled, "room, now."

"I knew you couldn't deny me for long," he grinned at her.

"Yeh, I want you so bad Pyro," she said batting her eyelashes at him; a grin broke on his face.

"Now that's more like it," he spread his arms wide.

"In your dreams," she replied, "get an ice cube and chill out."

He rolled his eyes, she grinned, soon they reached Pyro's room, he opened the door and mock bowed, waving his arms, "Right this way my lady?"

"Why thank you kind sir," she entered but not before kissing him on the cheek.

"Is an honour," he kissed the palm of her hand.

"Now you're catching on," she smirking, he grinned.

---Next day – X-men hide out---

It was a rural area, near enough to the institute, or what was left of it and near enough to a set of mountains to allow adequate coverage. The area was also abandoned so the seemingly tattered building went unnoticed, however, the crumbled walls and cracked fountain was all an illusion set up by Charles Xavier himself. The Brotherhood, Mystique, the X-men and Wanda all lived there; it was the only other safe place.

It was early, 8:25 by Andrew's watch, but so early that no one was around, where Andrew and Amelia had hoped to go unnoticed they were sadly mistaken. An alarm went off and soon the pair found themselves surrounded; Mystique and Charles in the background, they weren't all there.

There were Kitty, Scott, Jean, Kurt, Amara, Bobby, Ray, Sam, Lance and Todd, "Hey look, a welcoming party," Andrew drawled sarcastically.

"Not much of a party," Amelia replied.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Scott demanded.

"What's it to you mutant," Amelia sneered, suddenly her eyes widened and she whipped around to face Jean, "Oh no you don't." There were groans and squeaks of disgust and dismay as Amelia's skin withered, her hair fell to floor were it turned instantly to ash and all that was left was a skeleton. "What you going to do now with no mind to read?"

"That is sick and wrong," Kitty mumbled backing away.

"You got something to say, you say it to my face," Amelia growled morphing back into her human state.

"Fine I will," Kitty snapped her temper rising, "You are-" Kitty found herself interrupted by none other than the star of our story; Rogue!

"Andrew! Amelia!" the pair looked up, Andrew gave her a mock salute and Amelia waved.

"Hey Rogue."


Andrew and Amelia are not going to become the centre of this story, they are merely here to enable Rogue to learn how to control her powers and then they become the side dish, please vote for pairings, besides RoguexRemy I have no definite couples in mind.

One more thing (Uncle rules*); Is it just me or do Amanda and Amara bare a remarkable resemblance?

One more thing; I'm English, I'm behind in everything because of it, what is Bezerker's connection to the Morlocks and is it true that Spyke mutates to become an armadillo thing that can shoot flaming spikes?

*Those of you cultured people that watch Jackie Chan the animated series will know what I mean!