Koonichiwa Minna! This is the edited version of the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it and please continue to bear with me if I have skipped a mistake. Aya45

Let me be me,

Crying, rage...I shall become a new person...not believing in the sword that protects anymore...

Chapter 1

Maybe I will change

Waking up to the soft aroma of Kenshin's wonderful food and never having the chance to cook as wonderfully as he, I got up fairly slowly and took a look at myself in the mirror and saying to myself, "18...Assistant master of the Kamiya Kasshin Style and believing that I am teaching a wonderful swords technique." Grumbling to myself, I brushed my hair and put on my dark blue kimono, which held beautiful flowers on it. Quickly and easily I slipped on my obi and then grabbing my dark blue ribbon which was lying on my small counter. I let my dark raven hair flow down my waist, as I did my hair and then found myself getting up and walking toward my shoji door sliding it open I come face to face with a pair of soft lavender eyes I then stated rather quickly, "Kenshin I was just on my way to breakfast."

Kenshin looked puzzled somewhat and thought to himself, "Kaoru-dono seems to be getting more beautiful everyday demo there seems to be something troubling her...I wonder what it is." Kenshin smiled and replied, "Oh, then shall we get going then?"

"Yes of course." They both walked to the kitchen only to find Sagara Sanosuke and that brat Myojin Yahiko wolfing up all the food that was set out on the table.

Kaoru's eyebrow twitched with irritation and she yelled, "Yahiko-CHAN! Tori-atama! Stop eating all the food, leave some for me and Kenshin!"

Yahiko stopped eating long enough to say, "It is your fault if you would have gotten here a little sooner busu there would have been some food left for you, but you had to perk yourself up for someone!"

Kaoru's face turned a light hue of red that crossed horizontal from her nose and she fumed angrily as she yelled back, "WHY YOU LITTLE BRAT!"

Kaoru grabbed her bokken and began to hit Yahiko on the head before he could react. Sanosuke who had by then finished his meal sustained the urge to laugh, and as if Mount Fuji had exploded, he laughed like crazy and said, "Yahiko you should see how many bumps you have on your head!"

Kenshin continued to watch entertained by the scene and he thought, "This is my family, thank you kami-sama for gracing sessha with a home."

Kaoru "100 more swings Yahiko-chan!"

Yahiko who by then was sweating huffed and spat out, "STOP saying –chan with my name! I am not a little kid busu!"

Kaoru was now wearing her ki and hakama and was supporting herself by supporting herself with her bokken as she said, "More pressure when striking with the horizontal slash Yahiko...No not like that. More like this---

Kaoru showed Yahiko a perfect horizontal swing and then a thrust forward like you would do on a katana. Kaoru was intense in her bokken movement that Yahiko looked at her half excited and half afraid because the way Kaoru looked was like she was prepared to pounce if he name called her or even tried to attack just for the curiosity. This was not like the Kaoru he knew...nothing like her.

Kaoru POV:

I shall change my ways and whoever gets in my way, will suffer the consequences...my fathers teachings where mere foolishness. I must change my ways...yes changing them will be for the best, for everyone.


I hope you liked the new edited version of this chapter and it will take me awhile to edit every chapter after this one, but I'll get to it, and I promise that I will finish this story someway or another . Aya45