1001 Arabian Nights

          Hey everyone! I know I haven't finished Harry Potter and the Last Crusade, but I promise you that it will be continuing.  That and Clue: The Mini Mysteries will be typed tomorrow night and will be posted Sunday morning.  I just had this idea for a long time, and I had to write it.  It won't be based on Aladdin.  I came up with this idea on my own.  Hope you like it.

Disclaimer- I don't own anything, but the plot.

Chapter 1 The Bracelet

          Prince Draco sat on the side of a giant fountain with clear, blue water flowing out.  He looked around at his lush and beautiful courtyard, bored and tired.  Tired of the same thing.  He never had that much freedom.  Everything was already planned for him.  The last time he went out into his future city of Sirena was when he snuck out.  It had been a live and bright desert city that was alive all day and all night.  The people had been out shopping and bartering, but the guards had found him, and brought him back to his prison.  Since then, he wanted more and more to be out there.

          On this particular day, Draco had just finished his lunch and was looking at the far side of his yard.  To an eight-year-old, the walls seemed to tower over him.  Birds swooped in and out of his yard.  They sat in trees for a while, and then when they grew tired, they flew right out again.  Draco wished that he could've done that, but it was no good wishing.  Wishes never came true.

          Draco thought about the day he turned eight-teen.  By then, he would have to marry.  The last thing on his mind was marriage.  Draco had always wanted to travel.  The world was so big, and to an eight-year-old, bigger than your own back yard was huge.  There were pyramids and mountains, oceans and cities bigger than Sirena.  There was so much to explore and he wanted badly to see it.

          It was at this time, when Draco felt completely bored and sick of his life, that a small creature was seen climbing over Draco's prison wall.  The creature was skinny and had long bushy brown hair that went down to its waist.  It shimmied down a rope and landed in the bushes.  It hadn't seen Draco.  The creature appeared from the bushes minutes later.  Draco was intrigued by the creature that had crossed from the world outside of the wall and into his cold, dark world.

          By now, the creature was sneaking up to the palace.  It crept up and hid behind pillars, just leaving to go on the stone steps.  Draco decided to see what exactly this new thing was and followed it inside.  Unnoticed by anyone, Draco followed the creature into the palace and down the halls.  The guards were on break and no one was around.  Draco was led into the kitchen where a grand feast was being prepared.  The cooks were the only ones who were still at work in the palace.  He watched from the door as the creature snuck in and began to fill a bag with food.  Draco sniggered at the cooks who didn't see the thing in the kitchen.  Actually, he didn't know what had gone in, but he wanted to know more. 

          Finally, the creature's bag was filled and it began to creep out.  Draco hid behind a pot as it walked by.  He tried, but was unable to see its face.  It ran silently down the hall, hiding behind statues and vases until it had reached the gardens again.  Draco decided that it was time to confront the creature.  After all, it was stealing from the palace, his home.  Just as it was about to sneak back into the bushes, Draco stepped out.

          "Aren't you at least going to say thank you for all of that food you took?" asked Draco in a loud voice.  The creature finally spun around and all at once, Draco's jaw dropped.  In front of him was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.  It was a girl of eight, just like him, who had a sweet and angelic face.  Deep brown eyes clashed beautifully with her tanned skin from the hot, desert sun.  Her hair was tousled and bushy that fell down on her back.  She wore a black tank top and black bubble like pants.  Draco froze as the girl smirked at the look she got from him.

          "You don't get out of the palace much, do you?" she asked looking at the ground. 

          "Aren't you going to pay or something?" asked Draco again.

          "It would help if I had some money and at least one parent." Said the girl rolling her eyes for a second.

          "I'm Draco.  Prince Draco." He said stepping closer.  Just as she was about to respond, there was a shout from the palace.

          "Hey look, that girl stole from the kitchen!  Get her!" yelled a voice.  Two guards ran out of the palace towards them.  Draco looked at her with wide eyes as she dodged forward.  The girl grabbed a small garden statue that was standing on a small podium.  She threw it straight at one of the guards hitting him straight in the mouth and knocking him out. 

          "Why you little…" yelled the other guard as he drew his sword.  Draco looked at the guard and then the girl, who looked scared that she had run out of ideas.  Draco spotted another little statue.  He had to save the girl.  She was too pretty to die so young.  He quickly grabbed it and hit the guard over the head.  It didn't kill him, but knocked him out.  The girl looked at him and smiled mischievously. 

          "Thanks Draco." She said running toward the wall and her rope.  Draco couldn't believe it.  He saved her life and she was leaving him.

          "Wait!" he called as she began to climb up.  She pulled the rope with her and made it impossible for Draco to follow.  "Don't I even get a name?" he asked.  She smiled and came back down.  When she was just hanging off the ground, she leaned over to him.

          "The name's Hermione." She whispered as she touched Draco's lips with hers.  Draco was shocked.  It was his first kiss.  Her lips were warm and soft that had a hint of a sweet taste to them.  He sucked gently on her lips, savoring the feel and taste of them.  She pulled away and smiled again before climbing back up.  Draco stood there watching the beautiful desert flower climb to the top of the wall.  Suddenly, she stopped.  He saw a golden chain fall down to him. He caught it.  It was a bracelet with a snake, flower, and a heart charm on it.  "Keep it for me."  She yelled down to him before she disappeared over the fence.

          Draco went back to sit on the side of his fountain still holding the bracelet in his hand.  He turned it over and over, staring and studying every little bit of the bracelet.  It felt as though she was still here with them.  The bracelet even held a trace of her scent, a wild flower.  He looked back to the wall as though hoping to see her face poke over the wall again.  It was in that moment that Prince Draco Malfoy fell in love with the beautiful thief, Hermione Granger.

A/N: So that's the first chapter of my latest story.  I'm sorry it's not long.  I will continue this as soon as I can.  Please encourage me and review!  Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

