Gomen nasai… I haven't updated for such a long, long time! Gomen… Gomen… Gomen… I have been busy and haven't got the inspiration so I'm quite blank for the story plot. But, now that I've updated, hope this chapter can pleased you all. Arigato. Please review!



Disclaimer : I do not own Ultra Maniac.




Chapter 5

After that shocking incident, both Ayu and Kaji feel really uncomfortable. Ayu swore to herself that she wouldn't forget to lock the bathroom's door next time she takes a bath. But she can't denied that she like the enjoy look that Kaji gave when he saw her and she even like the 'kiss' part best of all. The two of them ate their breakfast in silent and even the dishes washing all went silently.

After washing the dishes, Ayu decided to clean the cottage. "Tetsuhi-kun," she called Kaji timidly. "Nani?" he replied. "I think…I think this cottage need a bit of cleaning up. So…do you mind helping me?" she asked. "Oh, okay. Lets get started."

The cleaning went more casual than the breakfast. Ayu swept the floor while Kaji clean the window. After about an hour of cleaning, the entire house but the ceiling is already clean. Ayu tried to clean the ceiling using the rag that placed on a long stick. But she still can't reach the ceiling. Then she pulled a stool from the kitchen and stand on it. She balanced herself then start to clean the ceiling.

The stool is not steady enough, it shook and Ayu lost her balance. "Kyaa…" she screamed. But Kaji is just in time to catch her. They fall down to the floor with Ayu on top of Kaji. Their lips are only millimeters away. Both are blushing hard, remembering the earlier incident.

"Gomen ne…Tetsushi-kun…" Ayu hurriedly get up and apologize.

"Uh…iie…no problem," he replied while smiling assuredly.

The cleaning is finally finished. The two of them change their clothes and decided to go to the beach. Ayu is preparing their meal and put it in a basket she found earlier in the kitchen's counter. "Ready, Ayu-san?" Kaji asked her. He is already in his swim shorts and his shirt's buttons are opened. Ayu blushed at this sight. 'Oh God…why did I have to blush so much today?' she thought. "In a minute," she hurriedly replied, "I will just change into my swimsuit. "Okay, but don't take too long. I'll wait for you in the front door," he said. "Okay, could you please bring this basket too?" Ayu asked. "Of course," he took the basket and walked to the front door.

Ayu then go to their room and take her swimsuit from the wardrobe. It is two-piece with lavender as the color. Ayu feels that it's okay to change in the room because she is sure that Kaji won't come in again. So she stripped from her clothes and proceeds to wear her bikini top. Then the door suddenly opened. Ayu scream, "KYAAA……" The person who opened the door, Tetsushi Kaji, hurriedly closes his eyes and muttering apologizes then closing the door.

Ayu's face is red for the third times of the day, her heart thumping fast in her chest. 'He saw me bottomless!' she thought furiously. 'Oh my God! How can I manage to live with him 6 more days?!'

"Ayu-san, gomen nasai," Kaji said from the other side of the closed door. "Iie…it's my fault not locking the door. I'll be ready in a minute," Ayu replied after regaining her composure. "Oh, okay then. By the way, could you bring my cell phone when you're out? I left it on the bedside table." "Of course," she replied.

Ayu is ready in a minute. With still a little flush face, she went out the bedroom to the front door and handed Kaji his cell phone. "Oh, thanks," he thanked her awkwardly. Then they walked along the path to the shore.

In the beach, they found some of their classmates are already there. Some of them are playing beach volley, the others are swimming, and the rest are just sitting around under the umbrellas or coconut tree. They waved toward Ayu and Kaji cheerfully when the two of them passed. Ayu and Kaji replied their waves and looking around for a nice place to sit.

"AYU-CHAN! OVER HERE!" an excited voice, that unmistakable is Nina's call out. Ayu spun around and found her sitting under the shade of tree with Tsujiai. Ayu waved to them and approached them.

"Hi, Nina-chan, Tsujiai-kun," Ayu greeted them. "Hello Ayu-chan! It's nice weather, isn't it?" Nina replied. "Yeah," Ayu nodded in agreement. "Hey, Kaji! Tsujiai! Do you want to join us? The players are not enough!" a gray-haired boy shouted to them. "Okay! Lets go there, Hiroki," Kaji said. "Okay," Tsujiai replied. So the two boys went over to the group of boys and they started to play beach volley.

Ayu sighed. "Why, Ayu-chan? You are rarely sighing, aren't you? Is something matter?" Nina asked Ayu in worried. "Oh…Nina-chan… You don't know what happened between me and Kaji don't you… Well, I'll tell you… This morning……" so Ayu told Nina what happened between them from the first thing to the last.





Hooray!! Another chapter finally finish!

It's short, but please review!
















