Sorry!! GAH I've been bad and not updated dun kill me please! hides well.....LOL! ok so umm well I went on a forum, met a guy and yeah you know the rest!. Well yes so that's been my main focus but I'm back and ready to update!!!!!!shutting up now....

Disclaimer: I don't own any of them.......sadly.

Chapter 13: Annoying habits

InuYasha got home slamming his door shut. "WHAT A FUCKING BITCH!" he yelled in a fit of fury. His emotions were all over the place.

"First she likes me then she doesn't and I ended that damn bet for what?! To have her fucking go off with that dick Koga!" He ran his fingers through his long silver hair.

"Calm down...." replied Sesshomaru walking in.

"Ohh great! Can my day get any worse?!" yelled InuYasha glaring at his older half brother.

"So, this is how it feels?" asked Sesshomaru leaning against a wall.

"How what feels?" asked InuYasha.

"To be rejected......"

"Fuck you!" yelled InuYasha picking a pillow up off th couch and throwing it at his brother violently. Sesshomary stepped to the side avoiding the pillow and it hit the wall behind him falling to the ground.

"I should most likely leave you alone.....but I'm not sure if I want to just yet," Sesshomaru said in his calm voice.

"It might be smart to leave me alone.....I'm not in that great a mood jerk off......" InuYasha sat on the couch letting his head fall in his hands. "I hate life...." he mumbled.

Sesshomaru looked at InuYasha as if he were from mars. "How can you hate life?" he asked. "Life is what keeps you going isn't it?"

"That's easy for you to say you have Rin!" yelled InuYasha his temper flaring yet again.

Sesshomaru chuckled. "That's true...." he said arrogantly. "But it's not like you have to give up on Kagome....."

"What do you mean?" asked InuYasha looking at him. "Who even said I was talking about her?!?!" he asked.

"Well, weren't you? That's the only girl I can think of besides Kikyo that you yourself would call a bitch......"

"SHUTUP! For once can you act like you don't know everything!" InuYasha snapped standing up.

"I don't act InuYasha.......I truly am smart," Sesshomaru glared at InuYasha. "And you'd be smart in this situation if you weren't so worried about admitting your feelings to her...." he said.

"What does it matter?! She's going on a date with Koga in....." InuYasha looked at the clock hung up above the fireplace. "half an hour!" he exclaimed.

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. "Are you really that stupid?" he asked. "No wonder she's not dating you......"

InuYasha looked at Sesshomaru. "What?! Are you here to fucking insult me or are you going to help me out?!"

"Ohh, brother is asking for my help?" Sesshomaru replied sarcastically.

"Look, if you aren't going to help........then go away...." InuYasha said holding back what he really wanted to say.

Sesshomaru walked up to InuYasha and put a hand on his shoulder. "Just tell her how you really feel.....that's when you move on," he replied walking away back into his room.

Inuyasha sat in silence for a few minutes before speaking. "That wasn't any help jackass! I already knew that!" he sat back down on the couch mumbling curses at his brother.

"What's the use anyhow? Koga's got her now.....unless..." he thought but immediatly shook what he was thinking out of his head. "There's no point InuYasha...." he reassured himself.

The phone started ringing loudly and a nervous Kagome ran out of the bathroom, her hair still wet to answer it. "Hello?!" she picked up panting.

"Hi sweetie!" her mothers soothing voice said in the phone. All nerves were lost at that moment as Kagome relaxed.

"Mom! it's you! Are you having fun?" she asked.

"Yes....but Souta has been getting into a little bit of trouble,"

"Why am I not surprised?" asked Kagome rolling her eyes.

"Souta no dear! I'm talking to Kagome now and once I'm done you can ok?" Mrs. Higurashi was arguing with the little child.

"Mom?" Kagome said into the reciever.

"Yes, hold on Kagome, Souta I promise you'll get to talk to her!"

"Hi Kagome!" yelled Souta into the phone. "Mom says if I'm really good she'll get me a new video game....."

"That's cool!" replied Kagome. "But can you please put mom on the phone?" she asked.

There was silence and finally her mom came back on. "Sorry about that he's missed you," said Mrs. Higurashi.

"Well, tell him I miss him too!" Kagome exclaimed. "So mom when do you get back?" she asked.

"Ohh soon sweetheart! Grandpa just likes know?" she said.

"Heh, yeah....." there was another long silence on the phone and then Kagome started to talk. "Hey mom......can I ask you something?"

"Ohh sure sweety!" replied Mrs. Higurashi.

"When you and dad--"

"Ohh Souta no don't do that to grandpa's plants! you know he doesn't like it!" came Mrs. Higurashi's voice.

"Mom? are you listening to me?" asked Kagome.

"What? ohh yes sorry dear........ohh no no no Souta! don't do that!"


Suddenly there were some sounds and the line went dead. Kagome looked at the phone and gritted her teeth. "So much for listening......" she made a face and turned the phone off.

She looked up at the clock. "Ohh great! Now I only have a few minutes before he'll be here!" she exclaimed getting up adn running into the bathroom to dry her hair. "I'm gonna be late!"

'Not that I care.....' she thought to herself. "Where did that come from?!" ok, who was she kidding? She didn't like Koga.

This was all a plan to getting over InuYasha. Wait....did she just admit something to herself? Yes, she still was hung up over InuYasha and that bloody dare.

Why did he have to make a dare?! Why couldn't he just like her for herself. She felt like she was the victim of one of those overly dramatic soap operas her grandma used to watch.

She sighed as she finished drying her hair slowly. "I hate you InuYasha......" she mumbled.

"I hate you Kagome......" InuYasha collapsed on his bed. He had calmed down, but now he felt miserable. Why did he care so much if Kagome went out with Koga? "Maybe because he's not good for her........then again neither am I.." he mumbled rolling his eyes.

He sat up and stared at his phone. "Should I? No! what are you thinking stupid?! she's going on a date!" he thought to himself.

"Well you could always figure out where she's going....." Said his mind.

"No! that's not right I need to respect her!" He argued with himself.


"No Buts! I'm not going! I'm going to sit here and mope!" He fell back on his bed putting his face into his pillow.

Kagome started to pace back and forth across her living room. "He's late.....he's not coming.......great," she mumbled.

She looked beautiful her hair was done up because it wasn't cooperating with her. She wore a skirt and tank top. "I'm going to freeze," she thought looking down at her outfit, but she wanted to make a good impression on Koga.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Kagome's breathing stopped. She turned around and looked at the door. Shakily walking over to it she put her hand on the knob and slowly turned it.

Opening the door to reaveal no other than Koga she calmed down a little bit. "Hey!" she smiled.

"You......look amazing!" he said handing her a rose.

"A lame rose?" she thought to herself. "Thanks!" she replied.

"No I thought we'd go get a burger or something and then do whatever you want...." he replied helping her out of her house.

"Umm, sure it's really up to you I'm fine with anything,"

"'re so sweet and generous," he smiled making her want to throw up.

'Please stop it!' she thought to herself.

He helped her into his car and they drove off listening to his radio.

"Ahem, you like country music?" asked Kagome as some man with a weird accent started to talk about square dancing.

"Yeah! isn't it the greatest?" asked Koga turning it up.

"He must be kidding me!" she thought.

"What kind of music do you like?" he asked Kagome.

"Umm, hrm I like......." she had to lie she couldn't tell him rock because she didn't want him knowing her. "RAP!" she said impulsively.

"Rap?" he asked. "Really? I never thought you'd like that type of music..." he replied.

"Well I do......I love rap it's my favorite.....yo yo yo," now Koga was looking at her as she blushed from embaressment.

"That.....was good!" exclaimed Koga.

"Bullshit," thought Kagome. She coughed.

They rode the rest of the way in silence until they got to the restaurant. "So, you like burgers?" asked Koga.

"Uhh, yeah," why did it seem so weird around him? Kagome didn't feel comfortable at all talking to him. He was just an acquantaince and she was on a date with him already!

Koga walked up to a hostess as she seated them near a window. Kagome hated sitting next to the window because people could always look in and watch you eating.

"I love sitting next to the window! It's great to look out at the streets..." replied Koga.

"Ahem, yeah......great," Kagome said mentally slapping herself. "shutup..." she told her mind.

"Well......" Koga said opening up his menu. "Order whatever you want.....not too expensive but not too cheap ok?" he winked at her.

"Of course!" she said in an all too cheerful voice. She also opened up her menu. Ok, nothing too expensive and not too cheap. Damnit! Why couldn't he just say 'get a burger and eat it,' she had no idea what cheap and inexpensive was. This was a burger place!!!! Of course it wouldn't be too expensive that jerk!

"Ok, I know what I want," Koga said closing his menu and putting it down.

The waitress walked up giving Kagome and Koga glasses of water and pulling out a little black book and pen. "Are you ready to order? Do you want any soft drinks while you're waiting?" she asked smiling.

Koga smiled and winked at her making Kagome want to throw up again. "I'll get the #5 with a sprite," he replied handing the waitress his menu.

She smiled and wrote down his order turning to Kagome. "And you?" she asked.

"Umm...." Kagome looked down at her menu and pointed to something random. She didn't even read what it was. "That...with a err water," she replied also handing her menu to the waitress.

"Alright....." the waitress wrote down Kagome's order and walked off.

Koga smiled at Kagome. "I'm glad you came out with me deserve so much more better than that idiot Inutrasha....."

"That's not his name!" Kagome said glaring at Koga.

"You know I hate him right?" asked Koga.

"Yeah, but you don't need to call him names you know?" Kagome said smiling at Koga.

"Well, I guess I won't call him names because you asked me not to," Koga said.

"What a loony," thought Kagome rolling her eyes.

"So, Kagome what do you want to do after we eat?" asked Koga.

"Go home," she mumbled under her breathe.

"What'd you say?" asked Koga.

"Ohh nothing! I just said I have no idea where I'd want to go,"

"Ohh ok," Koga nodded.

InuYasha sat down with Miroku across the room from where Kagome and Koga were having their date.

"I can't believe you talked me into this..." mumbled InuYasha glaring at Miroku.

Miroku shrugged. "I couldn't help it plus you brought it up......I wouldn't have thought it up unless I didn't call you," he smiled.

"Whatever you lech," InuYasha said.

"I haven't even done anything perverted yet! I'm trying to contain myself for lady Sango," said Miroku bowing his head.

"Lady? Sango?" InuYasha broke out laughing.

"What's so funny?" asked Miroku.

"You.....not doing anything perverted?! Yeah right you couldn't last one minute without seeing some hot girl and asking her the 'Miroku question'" InuYasha laughed again.

"Shutup! I'm really trying! I don't understand how an unsupportive arrogant guy like you is my best friend!" Miroku said shaking his head.

"Well I am so there!" said InuYasha. For some reason he was in a playful mood now.

Miroku rolled his eyes and opened his menu up so that it covered his face. "Kagome looks like she's having a lot of fun,"

At the mention of her name InuYasha's playfulness was all gone and he stiffened. "Who cares?! That bitch deserves it..." he mumbled looking over at the two.

Koga was chattering away while Kagome was nodding. "Heh, she's stupid," InuYasha said prying his eyes away from the table.

"No, you are....." said Miroku.

InuYasha smacked him. "Look who's talking stupid!"

"It was a joke you don't need to kill me for it," said Miroku laughing.

"Yeah well you're the only one laughing," InuYasha looked back over at the couple a few tables away and started to mumbled curse words under his breathe.

"Someone's jealous," thought Miroku out loud.

"SHUTUP!" yelled InuYasha.

"Whoa! Did I say that out loud?" he asked.

"Yeah you did stupid!" InuYasha rolled his eyes and forced himself to stop looking over at Koga and Kagome.

'Shutup shutup shutup shutup," Kagome thought to herself.

Koga was silently humming some song over and over and it was driving Kagome nuts!

"Here's your food!" exclaimed the waitress coming up with their plates.

"FINALLY!" thought Kagome.

"Thanks a lot," said Koga smiling.

"No problem," said the waitress walking away.

Kagome looked down at her plate. Ok, she somehow ordered a HUGE burger she'd need three hands to be able to hold it.

"This looks good," said Koga picking up his burger and taking a huge bite.

Kagome picked up her knife and fork. "Uhh, yeah..." she said clearing her throat as she started to cut the fat burger into pieces so she could eat it.

"Wow Kagome you must eat a lot..." said Koga in between bites.

Kagome stopped cutting the burger up. "Ohh? You think so?" she asked in an overly sweet voice.

Koga didn't get the hint and kept going. "Yeah! I'm surprised you're not fat if you eat that much," he said.

Ok so he wasn't exactly sayign she should be fat.....well he was at the same time.

"Well I don't usually eat this much, but tonight for some reason I'm really hungry," she said stuffing a piece of the burger in her mouth.

It actually would have been a great burger if it wasn't so big.

"You like it?" asked Koga.

God, how she hated it when someone throughout the whole meal made useless comments about the food. Just shutup and eat! That was and always would be her motto.

"I'm done!" replied Koga. Kagome looked down at his plate.

"You barely ate any of it," she said.

"Oh well I'm not that hungry," said Koga. He looked over at the table InuYasha and Miroku were seated at. Damnit! He had spotted them right when they sat in and now all he wanted to do was leave before Kagome saw InuYasha and freaked out.

"Well are you done?" asked Koga.

"I'm not even close!" exclaimed Kagome pointing to her burger which still had a lot left to it.

"Well umm let's go you can take it home and eat it.......umm waiter!" Koga said trying to get someone's attention.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" asked Kagome.

"No reason I'm just not really in the mood to be here right now," he said.

It was useless no one was paying attention. "Ohh fine," he said pulling a wad of money out of his wallet and throwing it on the table.

Kagome followed him in a rush. "Koga! The food wasn't even close to being that much!" she said.

"Ohh well the waitress now has a tip," he mumbled walking to his car.

"That wasn't cool Koga I felt too rushed!" said Kagome.

Koga turned around to apoligize, but saw InuYasha and Miroku run out. He looked over at them and they spotted him and Kagome he did the only thing he could think of.

He grabbed Kagome and kissed her. He could feel her struggling with him and InuYasha's eyes on both of them.

He never expected the next thing to happen. He felt himself pulled back and slammed against a wall by no other than InuYasha.

"Ohh InuYasha what a surprise," he said laughing.

"SHUTUP!" yelled InuYasha looking ready to kill.

"What's wrong InuYasha? Afraid I took her away?" asked Koga smirking.

"Why you..."

"InuYasha!" yelled Kagome running up.

"What?!" InuYasha looked at her. She was pretty even when she was mad.

"What are you doing to my date?!" she asked.

"He kissed you and you obviously didn't like it!" InuYasha smirked at her shocked face.

He was right and Kagome knew it, but ohh great what about the plan? Well as long as this was the perfect oppurtunity she'd keep going. "Who said I didn't like it?!" she asked.

InuYasha looked utterly amazed. "You liked it?" he asked his grip on Koga loosening.

"Why......yes yes I did! you got a problem with that?!" she asked.

InuYasha looked at her. 'Tell her....." his mind kept telling him.

InuYasha shook his head. "Kagome I......" he looked down. "No." he said. "No I don't have a problem if you wanna kiss this jackass come on Miroku," InuYasha walked off and Miroku stopped next to Kagome shrugging and following after his friend.

"Well........that was entertaining now we can go wherever you want to go...." Koga smiled.

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest. "No Koga just take me home...." she mumbled looking at the place InuYasha was just standing moments before. Why couldn't she just tell him she liked him and then hug him like she wanted to?

This had to be the worst relationship ever.

A/N: Ok that's it for this chapter and I'll try to be better with the updating and stuff promise!!!!!

Review Responses:

Shymiko-- Well there's your update and I'll try to be better with them

KagInu-Love-- Lol, yes they are cute together , but this will get better promise!

InuYasha'sGurrl-- Do you still think Koga deserves a chance? Because I don't

Overobsessy-- Hope I spelt it right this time and yet it's sort of another twist to the plot.

gladdecease-- No no you didn't give anything away and it's fine if you did

inu-fanforever-- well that's the whole point is she didn't abandon it she keeps going and I'm hoping you figured out what it was in this chapter

Fiery Demon Fox-- I'm glad you liked it thanks for reviewing

remix-69er-- girls do rock!!!! lol, well I'm happy you keep reviewing and sorry for the long wait.

Linkin Park's Fan-- There's your update hope you liked it!

xxxxxxxxxx-- Lol, well I don't think she's mad at him really she's just mad that he doesn't like her.

Dog DeMon-- Thanks and I can't give away if they fall for each other or not away

Hikari Reizumi-- Lol I promise it will get better!

anim3-for3v3r-- well Did that answer your quesiton as to what the plan was? if not let me know ok?

Eternalhappiness-- Thanks for reviewing! I hope you liked this chapter!

Inuyasha-luver7-- Yes yes I updated and I'll update more and more for you!

lady sango-- lol, ok I'll try to be faster and I'm happy you like my story!

Neko-Yuff16-- Hope you liked my update! Thanks for reviewing!

Kelly-- Wassup dawg?? Lol hope you like it!

Punk of Anime-- Hey! I miss you soooo much I hope you visit all of us from Florida sometime!

Groping-Monk-- thanks! you're like one of the first guys to actually like my story! thanks!

Lil.Mz.MJ-- thanks hope you liked this chapter!

wateva-- Hey yeah InuYasha is human and Koga is wolf demon I know confusing but I like it that way and thanks for reviewing!

your sis-- shutup don't review on here anymore got it?!

babystigmata-- thanks hope you liked it!

your-worste-nightmare13-- yes but luckily Kikyo wasn't in this chapter yay!

Camowolf7-- Opps I'm sorry you fell are you ok?

Kit-Kat-- Umm, it's pretty self explainatory on how you get an account but e-mail me if you can't figure it out!

Witchkitty33-- Well I hope your computer didn't die for this chapter!

Koga's-Woman-- I'm fine, I have no idea why you're asking, no you don't sound perky just hyper!, no you're not asking too many weird questions and thanks for reviewing my story!!

Dan: Aww I wuv you too

Well TTFN!