Title: Progeny

Spoilers: As of right now, not really anything of importance, but lets just say it's up to date with the current aired episodes.

Rating: PG-PG-13ish. Nothing out of the ordinary, and if there is, I'll let you know ahead of times.

Disc: I don't own NCIS, but I do own the idea for the story and my new character(s).

Author: Kara E.

Summary: Someone Gibbs knows from the past comes back to haunt him while working on a new case.

Must be noted, this is a work in progress.


"How would I know, Tony? I don't watch NASCAR racing."

"Well, you don't know what you are missing Kate."

"Grab your gear," Special Agent Jethro Gibbs announced as he walked through the bullpen, which interrupted the conversation that his two agents were having.

"Where are we going, Boss?" Tony Dinozzo asked eagerly.

Gibbs walked over to his computer, punched in a few buttons, then turned and walked towards the flat screen TV which projected a heavily business populated area of DC. "To here," he said as he pointed to an intersection, "Eagle Springs Shopping Center."

"A shopping center?" Kate Todd asked in a puzzled tone. She was use to going to the random forests around DC, or even to Norfolk, but going to a shopping center was a new location for a murder involving NCIS.

"Yeah, a shopping center, it seems that a Naval Petty Officer was found dead inside one of the retail stores."

In less than 30 minutes, the three agents were stepping out of their NCIS vehicle and into the police filled parking lot.  As Tony looked at the store where the incident happened, he grinned. "Marmaxx, I love Marmaxx!" he announced.

Kate looked at her fellow agent and said, "I never pegged you as a Marmaxx shopper."

As they walked up to the sidewalk and under the yellow police tape, Tony replied, "You can get all the best stuff here. Clothing, shoes, you name it, they got it," he said as he grinned.

The three agents opened up the glass doors and walked into the semi dark, clothing filled building. She then saw a tall auburn haired woman, who from the back looked young. She wore a dark pantsuit and without looking up from the paper she was reading, she barked out orders to the uniforms around her. Kate then glanced towards Gibbs, who had obviously noticed her and watched as he asked, "What do we have?"

The auburn haired woman turned around while continually looking down at her notebook, jotting down notes. She stepped aside revealing two dead bodies, one female, and the other male, who was being examined by the NCIS Medical Examiner.  "Two victims, one male Naval Officer," She read while walking around to the male's body and pointed to it, "the other is a civilian female. Both victims of a gunshot wound."

The long auburn haired woman looked up from her notes and right into Gibbs' eyes. She then smirked and shook her head. "Of all the NCIS people here, you had to come," she said as she rolled her eyes.

Gibbs glared at her and said, "Sam."

She then smiled a familiar smirk and looked at the clueless agents. "Pardon me," she said. "I'm Detective Samantha Gibbs," she said as she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out a black wallet like object, "DCPD." Kate and Tony simply turned their heads and stared at each other in disbelief.

"Sam, care to step outside for a moment?" Gibbs asked the female detective.

"Sure." She said as she motioned for another uniformed police officer to take her place. Gibbs looked at his agents and ordered, "Kate, photos, Dinozzo, measurements and sketches." He then followed the auburn detective outside the building.

When the two reached the outside doors, Samantha stopped and stared into the same blue eyes that she had. "What can I do for you, Agent Gibbs?"

"So Kate, who do you think she is?" Tony asked as he began to take measurements of the crime scene.

"She's obviously an ex-wife."

"I don't know, Kate." Tony said as he walked behind the kneeling medical examiner. "Did you see her eyes?"

"No I did not see her eyes. I don't see how it was possible considering how dark it is in here. But I did see the way Gibbs reacted when he saw her." Kate said as she snapped another picture.

"She's probably his sister." Tony replied.

"You are both wrong," Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard said from his kneeling position next to the female civilian. "Samantha is Gibbs' daughter."

"When did you become a detective?" Gibbs questioned his daughter.

"Six months ago." She replied.

"Ah," Gibbs said as he smirked. "So in other words, this is your first case alone."

"Good guess, which means you are not," she said emphasizing not, "going to take control of the investigation."

"Funny, that's a dead naval officer in there, which makes it my jurisdiction."

"Yeah, well that's a dead civilian in there, which makes it my jurisdiction." She said mocking him.

"You mean to tell me that Gibbs'" Tony paused to gather himself, "reproduced?" He tried to control his shuttering.

"She's his only daughter, product of his first marriage." Ducky replied as he continued to work.

"How about you work with my team?" Gibbs' asked his daughter.

"No. How about 'we,'" she said as she pointed to herself and her dad, "Share the case and control of it."

"No deal."

"The last time I saw her was when she was eight and came to work for the day with Jethro." Ducky explained. "It's a shame that her mom gained full custody of her." He said as he poked the liver thermometer into the Petty Officers body.

"Fine," she said as she reached into her suit jacket and pulled out a small cell phone. "I'll just call the police chief and let him know that the NCIS agent in charge is not cooperating in a civilian case." She said as she pushed a button on her phone and turned around and walked towards the parking lot. "Police Chief Anderson? Hi it's Sam," she paused and smiled. "I'm doing just great. How's mom doing?" She asked as she turned around and faced her dad, who was scrunching his face in disgust of the word "mom". "Good. Well, the reason I am calling is because I'm standing here with the NCIS Agent…" She was quickly cut off when her father grabbed her phone and flipped it closed.

"Fine, we'll share. But we get the body and evidence." He said as he tossed her phone back to her as he walked back into the building. She followed suit with a huge grin across her face.

"So, what do we have, Ducky?" Gibbs asked as he walked towards the doctor.

The doctor looked up from the woman he was examining, "Our Petty Officer and his female companion were both shot at a close range?"

"Do we have a time of death?" Gibbs asked as he kneeled down next to the naval officer.

"I'd say both have been dead for around eight hours," Ducky guessed.

"Do we have any names?"

"Petty Officer Douglas Johns, and Angelina Whittle," Samantha butted in while reading from her notes.

"Who found them?"

Samantha flipped through her notes and replied, "Jennifer Benihm. She's the stores opening manager along with her assistant manager, Jay Bradwell. She discovered the body while on her way to deactivate the stores alarm which is located inside the stockroom in the back of the building." The detective replied as she pointed towards the back of the store at a set of visible steel swinging doors.

"Dinozzo, you and Kate go interview the stores managers, Sam, you're with me." Gibbs ordered as he walked towards the stockroom. With that the four crime solvers separated as the medical examiner, and his assistant Gerald Jackson loaded the two bodies onto the gurney.

Gibbs swiftly swung open the two light metal doors and entered the dark stockroom. He stood in the doorway as Sam walked around him only to have one of the doors come back towards her. She quickly slapped the door back where it slammed against the wall. She then walked over to where the door had hit and flipped the light switch on. The lights in the room slowly flickered on as she motioned for Gibbs to walk over to where she was. She then pointed towards a grey box on the wall that was eyelevel with the tall detective.

"This is the stores alarm, it's a motion triggered alarm that is set every night at closing, the person setting the alarm has a minute and thirty seconds to get out of the building, and lock the doors without setting the alarm off. The same goes for in the morning."

"And the alarm didn't go off during the night." Gibbs said flatly.

"Nope plus there is a mobile security in the shopping center that does a pass at random times during the night, and nothing was spotted," Sam replied.

"Then it seems we'll need the store security tapes, and the tapes from the parking lot." Gibbs ordered waiting for his daughter to leave the scene of the crime in search of the tapes.

"Done, I already have one of my detectives on that task and he should already be viewing the tapes at the precinct." She said as she smirked.  

"Don't you find it a bit," Tony paused while searching for the word to describe what he was thinking, "hinky that Gibbs would have a daughter and not tell anyone about her?"

Kate rolled her eyes as she placed the keys to the Intrepid into the ignition. "When has Gibbs ever told us anything about his life?" She said as she turned the keys and the car started.

"That's not the point. You would think that having a daughter would be up there with having three ex-wives."

"Tony," Kate said as she pulled out of the police filled parking lot. "Having a daughter and having three ex-wives are two different things."

"You mean four different things." Tony pointed out.


"Four," he said as he held out his hand.  "You see three ex-wives plus one daughter equals four."

Kate simply rolled her eyes at her fellow agent's math analogy. She had a gut feeling that there was more to the story behind Gibbs' daughter that no one was talking about. There had to be a reason that the grown daughter of her boss was never mentioned, and the only one who knew about her was working with Gibbs when he was still married to his daughter's mother. As Abby would say, there was something hinky about her.