Disclaimer- I do not own Dragonball Z/GT or any of the characters. Yadda yadda copy write Akira Toriyama.

This story just as all others is totally mine! A fanfiction fan of mine asked me to write a story about Bra and Android 17, so I have. I don't know how good this is going to be because most of my stories are on Trunks and Pan. Anyway, I hope you like what I have in store.

Alright, this chapter is extremely short which is so very unusual for me. It's almost painfully short to tell you the truth, but that just means I'll get chapters out faster.

Bra- 17

Android 17- 18

All other ages don't matter at this point, so fill them in as you wish.

Rated: R for violence, adult language, and sexual situations.

I Am Not The Killer


Chapter 1


The Hunted

He was being hunted. Hunted like some wild animal. He didn't know in which direction the next blast would be coming nor did he care. All he did care about was dodging them and saving his own skin. It had been like this since the destruction of Cell.

After he was revived by the Wishing Dragon he'd been in hiding. The one person he cared about other then himself had turned on him all because of a rumor. A rumor about a guy with shoulder length jet black hair and blue eyes causing destruction in some near by cites. Apparently he was seen shooting energy balls into office buildings.

He hadn't the slightest clue to what they were talking about. He didn't remember ever shooting an energy ball after his revival. Since he lost his sister the thrill of destruction was no longer pleasurable when it came down to it.

Whether it was him or not he couldn't remember. He had brief periods where everything would go black and he'd wake up miles away from where he originally started. He figured that had something to do with it, but he knew he wasn't doing anything of his own free-will.

He was lost and confused. Before, all he knew was anger and the love of causing destruction and now he was left with only loneliness. His pain ran deep as he was forced to keep moving day after day night after night. He no longer hated them because he was programmed to or because they we're Saiyan's, but because they were out to kill him without knowing everything. They were just going on things that happened in the past and wouldn't take the time to talk to him. Every time he attempted to reason with one of them he got an energy blast fired at him.

He was becoming tired and angry. He soon found himself firing back at the Saiyan's only fueling their accusations, but he didn't care. He didn't care about anything anymore. The world had left him with nothing and he had nothing to live for except to prove himself not guilty which wasn't working.


"Any news on 17?" Bulma asked as Goku and Vegeta touched down.

"We've tracked him into the city, but he could be anywhere." Goku answered.

"That hunk of hardware is keeping his energy low. We can't tell the difference between him and a common human." Vegeta growled.

18 turned in her seat to face them. "Excuse me, did you say hunk of hardware?" She asked becoming angry. "Are you forgetting 17 is my brother?"

Vegeta grunted. "I haven't forgotten…I just don't care." He said as Bulma slammed him a hard one on the back of the head.

"Damn you, woman!" He shouted. "Hit me one more time and that will be the end of you!"

Bulma rolled her eyes and turned away from him. "Don't listen to him, 18. We're going to find your brother and bring him in safely. No one's going to hurt him."

18 sighed. "I'm afraid he won't come without a fight. If it trully is 17 doing those things."

Bulma frowned. "I'm sorry, 18. I wish there was something I could say to comfort you."

"Don't worry about it."

Goku turned to face Bulma and 18. "I'll do everything I can, but he randomly shoots energy balls at us. I'm guessing it's his way of paying us back because Vegeta had a little firing accident."

"Accident! I don't have accidents!" He barked.

"That what would you call it?" He asked crossing his arms.

Vegeta glared. "It was a miss communication."

"Miss communication! I said don't fire!" Goku shouted becoming hysterical.

"Both of you shut up! We're talking about 17. The fact that you two can't work together is a different story!"

Vegeta turned and left the room looking extremely annoyed.

"Oh, stop pouting, Vegeta! Get back out there and look for 17! It's getting dark!"

Goku nod his head and fallowed Vegeta out the door. They met Gohan, Trunks, Krillin, and Goten outside.

"I've sensed something in the North part of town, but I can't be a hundred percent sure." Gohan said looking in the direction the sun was setting.

"It's the only lead we have at this time." Goku said leaving the ground. They fallowed and headed North of the city.


Bra was walking down the street on her way home, talking to a friend on her cell phone when a dog came out of nowhere and grabbed her hand bag which pretty much had her entire life inside of it.

"Hey! Come back here!" She shouted running after the dog. "I'm going to have to let you go, Marron. Some damn wild dog just took off with my hand bag." She said hanging the phone up.

The dog ran off into an old abandoned warehouse. "Oh, sure! The day I buy new pumps some dog takes off with my hand bag! This just isn't my day!" She growled fallowing the dog through a tear in the side of the building.

It was dark inside causing Bra to bump onto things which made more noise then she had intended. She rubbed against a jagged piece of metal and ripped the side of her dress open as she ducked under a half collapsed roof.

"Of course!" She shouted.

Out the corner of her eye she saw the dog run off into another room deep with in the building.

"Just wait 'til I get my hands on you dog!" She growled walking down a very creepy path. There were old machine everywhere in the room. They looked as though they had been there for ages.

A cold wind came up, encircling Bra's entire body. She wrapped her around herself and shivered. The only thing to be heard was the sound of dry leaves being blown a bout in the background. She finally reached the empty room the dog ran off into and smirked when she saw she had it cornered.

"End of the line, Fido!" She said closing in on the dog which was searching franticly for an exit. When it caught sight of an open window it dropped Bra's hand bag as she dove for it and launched itself out it window.

"Oww." She moaned after hitting the ground hard. She slowly lifted herself to her knees and looked down at her skirt. "Damn dog! Now I'm covered in…" She said picking her bag up. "And you DROOLED ALL OVER MY HAND BAG!!!" She shouted as the sound of dry leaves being stepped on came from the corner.

Bra froze and slowly rotated her head in the direction the noise came from. "Someone there?" She asked.

She could see the outline of a man's body crouching in the corner of the room. "I know your there, so you might as well come forward."

When they didn't answer she became angry and stood up. "If your not going to answer I'll have no other choice, but to drag you out. I don't like people sneaking around in the dark."

Again he didn't answer, but she was met by two crystal clear baby blue eyes as he brought them into what little light there was from the window. She had never seen such eyes as the ones she was staring into. They seemed lonely and full of pain as she took a step towards him.

"Don't take another step." He warned coldly, sensing Goku and the other's energies near by.

Bra narrowed her eyes. "You're the one they've been looking for, aren't you?" She asked moving towards the window. "Your that Android!"

"Stay quiet and nothing will happen to you." He said getting to his feet.

"What makes you think I'm going to do as you tell me? Maybe I'll just call out to my father, so you'll get what's coming to you."

"Please, that's not a good idea." He said taking another step forward, so she could see him better.

Bra was a little shocked when he came into the light. He was way too cute to be an android she thought. "Get real! I'm not afraid of you!"

He sighed deeply. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you don't shut your mouth. Just leaves this place. I have no business with you."

"How dare you threaten me! I'm going to make sure you get what's coming to you for destroying those cities!" She said running to the window, but was stopped half way there when he slammed her body against the wall with his own.

"Let go!" She screamed hoping someone outside would hear, but no one did as he clamped his hand over her mouth roughly.

"Now you've gone and done it, girl!" He said slamming his fist into her stomach. Bra gasped as he knocked the wind out of her. Everything blurred as she passed out into the android's arms who shook his head and picked her up in his arms. "Now your coming with me, Saiyan."


Ok, I know what your all thinking…why in the hell did I move everything from GT to where 17 was revived my the Wishing Dragon and the answer to that would be BECAUSE I CAN!! ^-^ This story has nothing to do with any of the DBZ/GT series, so I hoped you liked it. Please review!! I'll love you forever!!!


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