Let's try to finish this. :)

Late August 1983

Chapter 6

Chicago (My Kind of Town)*

Eric had 2 weeks paid vacation and decided to numb his soul by being preoccupied by the annual Star Wars

convention. He just saw the final installment Return of the Jedi, when it opened this past May. Everything was

tied neatly with a bow, Luke and Leia were siblings, Darth Vader was their father, and Luke redeemed his

father's soul by killing his evil alter ego so he could look upon his son with his own dying eyes.

He purchased an R2-D2 watch, a few comic books, and he almost went for another life sized statue, he had the

money, he might as well spend it, but the Chicago Hyatt in Rosemont, Illinois was too suffocating, he needed a

good home cooked meal by Kitty, some small talk with Red (how they were able to advance to that level still

mystified the younger Forman), and relax in the basement while he watched monotonous sitcoms on the


"You must be hungry." Kitty said to Eric when she opened the door.

"Why do you say that, Mom?"

"Because you don't visit as often as you should!"

But she nervously laughed her emotions off and hugged her son.

"I'm sorry about that, but now that you mention it, I am starving…."

"We had roast beef last night, would you like a sandwich?"


The calendar might have stated 1983, but the furniture was still the same, the gold sofa, Red's soothing

pea-soup color recliner, it was like walking into a time warp, that if he closed his eyes and thought hard enough

he'd go downstairs and everyone would be in the basement. Jackie would be in the basement with no romantic

feelings for Kelso and Hyde, but for him.

Only him.

"Where's Dad?"

Eric sat at his place at the kitchen table as Kitty poured him an iced-tea

"At the store. What's new with you?"

"Now you want to talk…." Kitty went to the cupboard to get a steak knife to cut the rolls in half, "Speaking of

talking, did you call Jackie?"

"What?" He almost spit out his iced tea.

"Jackie called me last month and gave me her number, I left a message on your machine….."

and I deleted your message,

because I am a dumbass!

Eric stood up like he needed to evacuate the house; the need to eat was gone.

"Mom! What's Jackie's number? I am the most stupid man in the world!"

Eric was glad the house was free of a Kelso, Hyde, and Fez who only would have made fun of him.

"Eric, calm down, it's in my address book in the desk draw -"

But that's all Eric had to hear as he sprinted off into the living room, nearly spraining his ankle in the process.

Kitty smiled as she went upstairs, past Eric, to put the sheets on the beds.

"Mom, where is," Eric pulled the maroon colored address book out of the top drawer, "Found it! I'm going

upstairs to use that phone…"

"That won't be necessary, Eric,"

He felt his whole body tingle with electricity, as he was almost afraid to turn around.

"J-Jackie? What are you doing here?"

She was beyond beautiful in an amethyst colored dress.

"I was in the mood for your Mom's cooking and I needed a break from work -"

"So did I."

"Jackie, I/Eric, I"

"No, you/no, you."

"Jinx, buy me a Coke/Jinx, buy me a Coke."

Eric sighed and remembered his Red's talk about him being a gentleman or his ass would be kicked to the moon.

"Hi, Jackie."

"Hi, Eric."

"Did my Mom see you?" he asked if he were underage, but Kitty would always be his Mom.

"Yes, that's why she went upstairs and I think we are spending way too much time talking…."

"You left Point Place because you had feelings for me."

"Ssh," she put her finger on his lips, she never thought he'd be the more talkative one, "It's 1983 and a new


This was the best kiss ever!

Jackie put her hands on Eric's shoulders as she came up for air, "Let's go the basement!"

Wow. Eric has changed a lot since Jackie had her last front porch conversation with Donna on the topic of sex

with boyfriends. The irony wasn't lost on her that they were in the backroom that was Steven's, but of age or

not, they didn't want to get caught and have their moment ruined. They waited YEARS to connect like this and

neither one of them would deny the other.

"You know Jackie, we don't do things the normal way." Eric was intoxicated by the scent of her strawberry


"Such as?"

"We pined for each other, spent too long apart, and now we finally had sex, and we still didn't even go on our

first official date yet!"

"You can ask me…."

"Jackie, do you want to go out with me?"

"You mean like on a date?"

Why not have fun with this?

"Would you like to go to the Vineyard tonight?"

"Sure…but right now," she kissed him on the neck, "I'm hungry. Let's go upstairs and have some lunch?"

Jackie wrapped a sheet around her so she could find her clothes on the floor.

"That sounds good. Kitty was in the middle of making me a roast beef sandwich. You don't think she knows….."

Eric looked for his underwear.

"Your mother isn't stupid."

"Oh God…what is she going to say?"

"What can she say? Would you zip my dress?"

"Sure, m'lady."

When they finished getting dressed, Jackie held Eric's hand as they walked upstairs.

"I love you, Jackie."

He was finally able to say it, with no repercussions. They were both able to have the relationship that they

wanted and on their own terms. Their future seemed full of endless possibilities.

"I know."

*Eric's Chicago bordem led him to finally reconnect with Jackie.

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