( A/N:Hey there! This is a first fic thing, and personally I think it sucks. But hey, R&R. I'll take anything, I'm desperate!)

' means thought

" means quote

Chapter 1


Yoko Kurama was out on one of his normal sprees of thievery, when he was wounded by a poisonous arrow. He had managed

to lose his pursuers, and was able to rest in a large clearing. The poison was starting to take affect, and he was too weak and

tired to bandage his wounds. He would soon slip into unconciousness...

A young fox, about Yoko's age, passed by his location. She was a fire fox, and second in command of her sisters element

foxes. They were all sisters, but each had a different element. Her name was Toshi Jynsuto. Jynsu, for short, but only to her

friends. To her sisters, and closest friends, she was Toshi. The element foxes were ruthless criminals, but good allies. They

had become very well know in the spirit and demon worlds, with Feng, the lightning fox, as their leader. Jynsu had smelled

poison nearby, and went to check it out.

She saw there, a very handsome fox, and she knew who he was right away. She had heard of Yoko Kurama, and he had

many bounties on his head. She could see he was near unconcious, and bleeding severely from his side. She would never

turn him in, but she would bandage him. She put him up on her back, and took off running. He was bleeding onto her back, but

she didn't even care.

Her house was on the horizon, and she made it there within minutes. She took him to a room to be bandaged. The wound was

fresh, and she easily bandaged him with expert hands. His shirt was practically ruined, as was hers from his blood. She would

worry about that later, though. She lifted him onto her back, once more, and carried him up the stairs to a room. All her rooms

were decked out in silk, and only because foxes love silk. He was asleep, and she was thinking to herself while looking him


'Hmm, poor guy. I know what this poison is, so I'll make him an antidote, that way he'll be ok. He so gorgeous, a criminal like

me and my sisters, but still gorgeous. Wait, what?'

She blushed a little, but smiled to herself, and went to make his medicine. She came back and gave it to him. He was

unconcious, but he took it with ease. Now the waiting begins...

(A/N: Hey, a cliffy, what do you know? I'll only continue if I get reviews. The other chapters will be longer.

But R&R, please! Flames aloud, I just want to be acknowledged! Thanks!!)