Disclaimer: Not mine at all, nope, nope... *hides the forged ownership papers behind her back and whistles*


"Alright, now, Katie, it's straight to bed for you! Don't say anything to Daddy, alright?"

The little girl nodded, and Ronald Weasley did a double-take as he passed the young woman fussing with her daughter. "Hermione? Hermione Granger??"

The harried young woman looked up and smiled, brushing a stray strand of chestnut hair out of her face. "Oh, hello!" Shushing her child again, Hermione gestured apologetically. "How are you, Ron?"

"I'm - I'm good, thanks. And you! A daughter!" He looked surprised, pausing reflectively. "I didn't even hear you were married! And you're at a Muggle concert, no less."

Hermione laughed as well. "Hey, I'm born into the culture. And just look at you! ALIVE, and at a Muggle classical music concert! I thought you hated this stuff!"

"Lavender roped me into it," whinged Ron. "And it's not technically classical..."

"It's Romantic," chimed Hermione with him, and then laughed. "I know, I know."

"Well, at least you do. Lavender doesn't and she's the one who likes it!"

Hermione had no chance to answer as a figure swept up behind Ron. "Hermione!" came the stern voice of someone very familiar to Ron. "You're spoiling my daughter!"

The Gryffindor woman suddenly had the startled look of a little child caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar, right before dinner. She regained her faculties quickly enough to say, "She's my daughter too!", before Ron turned around and realised who the man was.

"H-him? You married HIM?" Ron demanded, looking faintly scandalised.

"Oh, hush, Ronald Weasley," said Hermione. "I'm in the middle of a lover's spat, can't you see?"

His eyebrows raised, but he said nothing and Hermione's husband continued.

"ANOTHER Mozart concert! The girl won't know anything else, will you, Katharine?"

"I like!" said Katharine indignantly, in a small, childish voice, and Hermione laughed as Katie's father glared and said, "Hush, you're not helping."

"Well, it's not as if her father takes her to anything other than Potions lectures and Vivaldi!" Hermione harrumphed. "She'll be a Potions Mistress before she gets her Hogwarts letter, honestly!"

And Ronald Weasley watched in astonishment as one Hermione Granger and one Severus Snape walked off, hand-in-hand with their daughter, bickering good-naturedly about the merits of Mozart versus Vivaldi, though not until after Hermione had kissed her husband to shut him up about the "softly glimmering potion" and the "brewing glory, bottling death and putting a stopper in fame"**, or whatever it had been - Ron hadn't been paying attention that first day, anyway. He distinctly heard something about Romantic versus Baroque, and decided to leave it alone with a wry grin.

He watched the happy family until they had gotten practically completely out of sight (not for another four kisses and a lifting of Katharine off the ground to make her squeal with laughter).

Romantic era, indeed.



**Ron misquotes Severus' first-year speech, and yes, it was deliberate on my part.

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