I got the idea for doing a Mamoru-with-a-child story when reading a fluff story about Mamoru and Usagi when they are having a baby. This is just an idea I'm throwing out there, tell me what you think. Usagi will come in during the next chapter; this would only be the prologue.

Summary: Usagi is an artist with a soft spot for children. One day she runs into the adorable Josuke Chiba and falls in love. They become fast friends, but when she meets his father, Mamoru Chiba, it is love of a different kind. Becoming the young boy's babysitter and moving in with the widower and his son, opens new feelings, new reactions, new thoughts. Will this be a good change for the widower? Will the child finally have a mother? Will Usagi have the family that she has always craved?

I know a lot of you are thinking 'What the hell is she doing starting to write ANOTHER story, but this was just a little thing that I wrote in about 30 minutes. Anyways, let me know what you think and I just might continue this story.

The rating may go up, but right now, I don't really know.

Lost Love, New Love


The raven-haired, blue-eyed man stood with a newborn baby boy curled up in his arms. The little bundle cooed and waved his arms around making the man smile down upon him.

"He's beautiful honey. I've never seen anything so adorable as him. We made him, together." He said as he looked at the figure on the bed.

A woman clad in white scrubs entered the room and looked painfully at the man holding his son. Quietly walking up to him, she gestured to the child.

"Mr. Chiba, I have to take your baby to be cleaned up and checked out. Have you named him?" The nurse asked as he placed the baby into her awaiting arms.

"Yes, his name is Josuke Akio Chiba." The man replied with a sad smile to the boy.

She smiled down at the baby and looked up to the man again. "It's a beautiful name and I think it fits him perfectly. You can see him in the nursery after we have him taken care of."

"Thank you." He whispered.

With his black hair dangling over his eyes, the woman couldn't see if he was talking to her or not. As she exited the room and began walking down the stark white halls of the hospital, she shook her head and thought about how sorry she felt for the new daddy who had lost his wife in labor.

Back in the room, the man had walked to the still rumpled bed where his wife seemed to be sleeping. Taking the small, cold hand in his own big and warm ones, he spoke quietly.

"Ayame, god. I – I will never forget you. And I will be sure that Josuke always knows about you. I l-love you, baby."

Taking a shaky breath, he fell forward, his knees hitting the hard tile floor with a resounding –thud–

"W-why did you leave me. I can't do this without you. Aya, baby, please come back to me. I don't want to live without you. How will I raise our son without you?" Another shaky breath later had the man on his feet once more. "You will never leave me, Ayame. Never."

With those last words, he went to go see his son, his family.

Just remember that this is only an idea and so things may change later on, if I continue with this. Review if you like it or have suggestions or anything. I'd like to know if you guys want me to continue on with this idea.

Thanks and I hope you enjoyed!


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