A/N: This short, fluffy Yami/Seto piece is dedicated completely to Tenshi who sent me an e-mail of wonderful fics, inspired me, and all around reminded me that I am still a writer—As it seems I had forgotten. Most likely a one-shot *cough* and just a bit of fun to try and help me get over this nasty case of writers block.

Dedication: Thank you Tenshi! ^_^ You know I love you, right?

Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh


BY: MercilessTantalus

***Dream Sequence***

"What is wrong with you!"

"What?" Yami looked around the landscape of his dream world, for the voice. "Who said that?"

A figure emerged from the dark, laughter in response.

Yami frowned and adopted his usual commanding tone. "If you do not stare your purpose here in the next few seconds, I will assume you were sent to destroy me, and you will be sorry you ever crossed my path!"

More laughter.

"So be it! Intruder!" Yami rose his hand to send the unwelcome, not to mention rude visitor to the shadow realm.

"Hold your fire, Pharaoh! Ra, you're just as pissy as I remember---"The figure smirked, stepping forward.

Yami's eyes widened, "No. It. It can't be!"

But it was. The former Pharaoh was staring straight into the eyes of his former high priest. His luscious, sexy, tight-assed, and sorely missed high priest.

"What are you doing here!? Ra, I've missed you!" Yami ran to tackle his priest in a crushing hug and never let go. The problem was, he passed right through him. Yami turned to the laughing man, a bit more than a little pissed. "What the-"

"Pharaoh, you are just as dense as I remember too. This is a dream, not reality." Yami's face fell, and the blue eyed man rose his eyebrows, "Do you wish I had not come?"

Yami looked sharply at him, surprised he would even ask, "How could I be?! You're here, you're really here. Even if I can't touch you (insert random curse words) – doesn't mean I don't love you, Seth."

Seth broke out in a smile. Before Yami could ask, he answered, "Well that is good, for I could not give you my gift otherwise---"


Seth smirked at him, "Don't tell me you haven't noticed my cute little descendant."

Yami's cheeks colored instantly, "I have done nothing Seth, I swear! I have remained fully faithful to you and-"

"Than you really are a fool!"


"How could you NOT be attracted to Seto if he looks just as I? Am I no longer attractive to you?" Seth rose his brows.

"You know that's not true I just—wanted to remain faithful-"At Seth's clear 'I am not buying it' expression, he sighed, "Seto Kaiba is much different than you, Seth. He would never-"

"Bull. I should know."


"What you need to do, Pharaoh, is to get your bony ass over to wherever the hell he is and don't let up until he is yours."

"You really think that'll work?" Yami asked, doubt in his eyes.

"It worked on me, no?"

"Yes, but—Hey! Where are you going!? You can't leave me now Seth, I still love you!" Yami cried out in protest as the image of his former lover began to fade.

"Do not worry, I shall see you again. And, I think you are about to be woken up."

"But I-"

***End Dream Sequence***

"Earth to Yugi!" An annoying voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Seth don't-"And suddenly, Yami was no longer in his mindscape, but awake, and at school. From the looks of it, he had just slept through another one of Yugi's classes.

He looked up to see the faces of his light's little group. They were all looking down at him in concern, but especially Anzu.

"Oh! Hey guys! It's the other Yugi!" She cried like the fangirl she was.

With a sigh, Yami disappeared into his soul room to let Yugi deal with them. He had more important things to do.

Like plan the seduction of a certain wealthy, sexy CEO. Especially now that he had the backing of his other love, he was ready to form a plan of seduction.


A/N: This looks more and more like a two-part, no? Well, we'll see, I have not decided yet--