Disclaimer – I don't own any recognisable characters. Thranduil, Legolas, Elrond and the twins Elladan and Elrohir, all belong to J. R. R. Tolkein. I do own Melamir and any other named Elves in this story.

A/N – Sorry about the characters above the names of some Elves in this fic being missing. I have not yet figured out how to get them to work when I put the story online....They always manage to disappear....so I am sorry if that annoys anyone. If anyone can tell me how to fix this problem, I would appreciate it.

I made this fic after I found that, yes, while Thranduil might be seen grieving, all stories about the death of /or the departure of Legolas' mother centred more on the son rather than the father. I am a Thranduil fan and believe him to be a good, loving father. In those fics, most see Legolas as seeing the death. In this, no one but who brought her body back saw it, so no flash backs....

This is hopefully a different angle to the usual stories written about the topic.

Mending of the Soul

Thranduil entered his private rooms, got out of the robes that showed his station as King and crawled under the covers of his bed, burying his head in the pillow his wife had used to lay her head on.

A week had passed, a whole seven days, and he had not yet slept, barely ate and had been pushing himself to his limits in his work, needing to keep busy. He couldn't care about anything but the hole in his heart, the missing half of his soul that had died with his beloved wife.

A knock on the door was heard through the room but he ignored it, thinking it was another of his guards trying to rouse him to get up and eat something. He buried his head further into the pillow as the door creaked open.

"Adar?" Came the soft, questioning voice of his only child. He heard the soft tread of Legolas' feet as the young Elf moved closer to the bed. A touch to his shoulder by a warm hand was felt, but it lacked comfort though it shouldn't.

"Are you trying to get me to eat something Legolas?" He asked, his voice sounding angrier than he meant it to.

"No....I wanted to see if you were alright." Legolas replied, making Thranduil finally turn his head away from the pillow to glare at his son.

"I am not in the mood Legolas. Give me whatever food you might have brought here for me and leave!"

After a careful glance, he realised that his son truly had no food on him. Looking up into blue eyes that were much like his own, he saw that silent tears were gathering in Legolas' eyes. Thranduil sighed. "I am sorry, ion. I am not very good company as of late and didn't want to hurt you further."

Legolas' eyes bored into his. "I miss her too. I miss her terribly, but I am trying to find a way through my grief. I am afraid of losing you too, Adar. You are cold to the touch..."

With that said, Thranduil had the misfortune of seeing his son break into sobs. He sat up and gently brought him into his embrace, hugging him tightly. "I will not fade Legolas. I just need some time." Letting go, he moved a hand under his chin so that he could look into Legolas' eyes. He put on a weak smile. "Why don't we go get something to eat?"

Legolas swiped at his eyes, smiled slightly back and nodded.


Thranduil had eaten more than he had in what seemed like a very long time and the sensation of food in his stomach was making him feel slightly ill. He ran a hand down his face trying to rid himself of the feeling but didn't succeed. He looked over to Legolas who, in his adolescent years, would usually be eating a lot more than he was. He noted that he young Elf ad only managed to eat a little more than he, himself had.

Almost groaning as a cramp was felt in his stomach, he decided the best thing to do would be to go to bed. He grumbled his wish to his son, angry at his pained insides.

Legolas nodded, got to his feet and bowed slightly. "Good night, Adar." He stated, before wandering off to parts unknown.

Thranduil got to his own feet and made his way slowly back to his rooms. He changed into his night clothes and slipped back into bed. Once again, he spent a sleepless night glancing at the place where his dear wife used to sleep.

He refused to cry.

A/N – Yes this part was very small, but this is more an introduction to the actual story, a prologue if you will. Hope you all enjoy so far anyway. Please r/r.