= = = Sister comes to Seigaku = = =

(Warning: BL/Shounen-ai Alert! Re-adjusted presentation due to keyboard characters are missing. )

(Please excuse for the lack of dialogues. It seems like is NOT in favour of them.)
Hello Minna-san! [sweatdrops] You must be wondering what's up with the title eh? Well, the thing is, do not worry that I will write my character to have been with whatever guy in Tenipuri, because I won't. This is a BL fic, (Boy's Love) so there. My character, is only here to 'pair' the boys into couplings. SO don't panic. [sweatdrops]
And if you do not like Ryoma-kun(As an Uke)....please leave, because this story revolves around him ok? Then again, you can give it a try....

The summary is, what happens if Echizen Ryoma had a sister, and flew from America and pays a visit to Japan for around a week, or a month or whatever?

Windy-sama wants to create a character yet she wants her to be a specially made up character. Windy-sama knows that Echizen DOES NOT have a sister, but it'll be really interesting if there was one.

So there, I hope minna-san will enjoy this, like I've said, my created character will not fall in love with anyone (However, there could be cases that there might be guys in Tenipuri liking this character, probably she and Ryoma inherited the nice looks from their parents. Rinko a.k.a. Ryoma's mother is so beautiful!! In my opinion anyway, and Nanjirou looks quite handsome in his younger days if he acts more seriously If you've seen Manga Genius Zero or Anime Ep129, you'll know.) So enough of my rant and hope you'll enjoy this minna-san!! :)

Note: I do not own Tenipuri. And it's PG-13.

Main pairings set in Future (Or for now anyway)
OishixEiji... for now... (I'll feel sorry for Eiji if I set him up with Fuji... so...) And possibly...possibly a pairing that people may not be in favour of ... TezuxRyo, yes you heard me ;; Let's just give it a try for now eh?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

= = Chapter 1 - The name is Akira = =

It was somewhat around early summer, the season of the year that held within the skies are lightness of the daytime more than darkness of the nighttime. It was a fresh morning, and a cool breeze blew through the school grounds and ruffled the trees within a junior high school - Seishun Gakuen.

If you've gone to take a visit to the Tennis courts of the school, the usual routine is that the whole tennis club would be practicing there, first years picking up balls and stacking them away back into the baskets, second years practicing inside the courts, and the regulars of Seigaku - all training as well. And usually, the newest member of the regulars group would be 80% late most of the time.

However, today was an exception.

That's right. Our newest and youngest member of the regulars group - Echizen Ryoma, is early AND on time for once!! And he's over there training!

"Was there an earthquake today or something? Echizen that guy was actually early today!!!" Horio, a classmate of Ryoma's that claimed to have two years of experience in tennis pointed out.

"Horio-kun, you're exaggerating again!" mushroom head Kachirou replied.

"That's right, but you know, it seems like Ryoma-kun's in a good mood today," the other first year of the trio group, Katsuo smiled.

"Well yes, but don't you think that's abnormal!?" Horio complained.

"What's abnormal?" second year Momoshiro in his Seigaku regular uniform came out and greeted the three of them.

"Ah! Ohayou Momo-chan-senpai!" The three of them chorused.

"Ohayou! So what's going on?" Momo grinned at them.

"Horio-kun's talking about Ryoma-kun being early to practice is abnormal!" Kachirou explained.

"That's because it is! Unless the sun rises from the east, it's hard to believe that Echizen would be early for once!" Horio commented.

"If you put it that way, I went to collect him this morning, and his relative said he was actually up and away to school..." Momo said while placing his index finger on his chin.

"Really!?" Horio asked as if he's just discovered something out of the unknown.


"Hsss---- Slacking off again kono baka--" the second year Kaidou Kaoru appeared wearing his bandana as usual and Seigaku tennis regular uniform, walked pass the four of them while still picking a fight with his rival Momo.

"What did you say you Mamushi!!?? # # " Momo fought back in anger.

"Hssss---- You're stupid that's what I said!! # # hsss----"

"Oh no! Momo-chan-senpai and Kaidou-senpai's at it again!!!! " Horio panicked.

And that's a usual thing you would see within the Tennis courts of Seigaku.

Eyeing their conversation from a distance while inside a certain court, Ryoma just stared at them and pulled his cap, however instead of no expressions or his usual smirk, it was just a warmth smile, "Mada mada dane."

= = = = =

Outside the Seishun Gakuen building, stood a young person in front of the main gate. Being unable to distinguish the person's gender, the young person is wearing a marron denim jacket that covered a blue and black striped t-shirt. Dark navy jeans worn down to below the knees and white runners and socks. A grey text 'New York' engraved on a white cap that covered the entire head and dark hair of bluish shine. All you can see is two wide lengths of strings of the bluish hair dangling down from either side of the face, the hair of the head looks as if it's tucked into the cap. ((Windy - For people that has a hard time imagining this, I'll draw a picture very soon. That's if the character is in favour to everyone.))

However there was a familiar chocolate-racoon-looking cat that was comfortably being held in the guardian's arms. The guardian slowly lifted its head, the cap blocking the sun's rays thus giving a black shadow that prevented the person's face to be properly viewed from a certain distance.

"So this is Seishun Gakuen," a mid tone voice that could belong to either a boy or a girl rang out in front of the building.

"Ware noew----" the cat, as if understood its guardian's words, replied in its usual speech tone.

"Let's go in for a visit shall we? Karupin."

= = = = =

"Oi Ryoma! Come over here for a minute will you?" the coach of the Seigaku tennis club Ryuzaki-sensei called out.

It was around lunch break, some of the tennis club members where practicing in the courts again, and so are the regulars.

Ryoma, while in the middle of practicing his swings, stopped and walked towards the sensei while panting lightly.

"Akira's back today right?" Ryuzaki smiled at Ryoma.

"Ah. Sou desu ne," Ryoma replied.

"Tell Akira to come and visit me here sometime ne? We haven't seen each other for a long time [smiles]"


With that said, Ryuzaki-sensei who also appeared to be in a good mood walked away and went to observe other members of the club.

"Hey Echizen! What did sensei talked to you about?" Momo came up to Ryoma as soon as the coach is away from sight.

"Yeah! I wanna know too ochibi!" Kikumaru Eiji, a third year regular member of the tennis club that possesses red hair, a plaster on his right face and acrobatic style playing, also came and hugged Ryoma around the neck.

".....Can't......breathe.......Kikumaru-senpai...." Ryoma stated with his usual gloomy face.

Saying this, Eiji removed his hands around Ryoma and back up saying, "So? what's it about? Tell us! Tell us!"

"Eiji!" Oishi, vice-captain and mother-hen of Seigaku team, came over to prevent the possibilities of hurting ones' own feelings.

"Betsuni. Only saying that a relative of mine is coming home today," Usually, Ryoma-sama does not talk much, but however today, it seems like he enjoys to talk about this 'Akira' person very much.

"Relative?" Kawamura Takashi, one that holds two personality differences while holding or non-holding a tennis racket joined the group and asked.

"A sibling of mine."

"You have a sibling!? How come I didn't know that!?" Eiji whined.

"That's because I've never mentioned it before."

"Is that so?" Momo commented.

"I see, so Echizen, what's your sibling called?" Inui Sadaharu, a third year tennis member that wears a pair of spectacles and from whatever angle, you are never able to see his eyes other than the white reflections from the glasses, suddenly popped out with a pen and book in hand, trying to collect more data.

"Wha! Inui! Don't just suddenly come out of the blue and scare us like that!" Eiji panicked.

"I see... so Kikumaru is afraid of such things, ii data," said Inui and started to scribble again.

"Inui!" Eiji groaned.

"Hsss----" Saying this, Kaidou appeared into the group.

"Is there something interesting going on?" Fuji, a talented and intelligent player nicknamed 'Tensai', came into the group with his usual closed eye-lids and smiled.

"Echizen-kun said he has a sibling that's coming home today," Kawamura informed.

"Yeah! And he's about to tell us the name! Nya right Oishi?" Eiji grinned.

"Ei...Eiji," Oishi sighed.

"I see." Fuji smiled again.

"So Echizen, what's the name?" Momo asked again.

"...Mada mada dane," saying this, Ryoma tries to walk away. However...

"Nya! You're not escaping from this one Ochibi!" Eiji grabbed Ryoma's shirt at the back.


"Eiji!" Oishi cried.

"Demo--! I really wanna know!" Eiji pouted and dragged Ryoma towards him. "Nyah-- Ochibi----"

"Maa... if Echizen doesn't want to say it, it's fine..." Kawamura tried to help his poor kouhai.

"Heheh... ne Taka-san?" Momo slyly grinned and slipped a tennis racquet into Kawamura's hand.


"YOSH------!!! BURNING------!!! SPAT THE NAME OUT NOW BABY!!! GO--! GREAT------!!!" Burning mode Kawamura yelled out while receiving light astonishing stares from other members of the tennis club.

".....fine.... it's Akira."

"Akira?" Momo repeated, hoping for a confirmation.

"Echizen Akira desu ka?" Fuji practiced the full name.

"So it's a big brother eh?" Inui scribbled 'Echizen's brother' inside his data collection. Maybe he'll even start one for Echizen's sibling.

"...brother?" Ryoma whispered and suddenly went in a deep thought because of this word.

"Interesting, maybe we could get to play a match with him ne?" Fuji's eyes opened wide while still keeping his smile in position. "Is Akira good at tennis Echizen?"

"...huh? Oh...yeah Akira is."

"Really!? Then I'm first! I'll play a match with him today nyah!" Eiji jumped up and down excitedly.

"Eiji..." Oishi had a bad feeling about this. "We don't know if Akira-san will be visiting today! Besides, he'll need some rest after traveling that much!"

"Oh... yeah. Ne, Ochibi when's Akira coming?"

"Saa ne."

"Nya! I wish we could meet him today! It'll be fun to see Ochibi's brother!"

"No fair Eiji-senpai! I'm having a match as well!" Momo cut in.

"Hsss-- baka, maybe that guy will see you're worthless straight away, who'll want to play against you hsss--" Kaidou obviously threw insults to Momo.

"Nani!? Who are you calling worthless! I know! You're just afraid Echizen's brother will ignore a match with you right! Maybe... YOU'RE the worthless one!!"

"Nani!? Hsss----"

Despite the commotion going on in the background, being a silent observant, Fuji noticed Ryoma's reaction and lowered his back and smiled at Ryoma's face. "Is something wrong Echizen?"

"....Iya...betsuni..." Ryoma replied.

"Really?" Fuji smiled while trying to link up the hints of reaction given by Echizen.


"What are you all doing?" A firm and steady voice called out through them.

"Buchou!?" the 8 members turned to the source of the voice and realized their Captain -Tezuka Kunimitsu stood there arms folded with his usual expressionless face stared his way at them.

"Less talk, train more, talking to each other during practice time - everyone run 20 laps around the courts!"


"40 laps!!"

"AHHH!!!" with that said, the whole tennis club started to run their laps around the courts.

"Somebody's awake on the wrong side of the bed today eh?" Ryuzaki-sensei made her second appearance today. She stood beside Tezuka and observed the youngster while also looking at the club members. And looked at Ryoma.

And she wasn't the only one that was glancing at a rather good mood Ryoma. Ice-mountain-winter-season Tezuka also has his eyes laid on the boy. Why? He did not know, all he knew was that this habit of looking the young boy would make him at ease, seeing the young boy being too close with other people, he would dislike them being together and would separate them apart. This habit only started recently, right after he asked the young boy to become 'The Pillar of Seigaku'. And at this stage in his life, he still couldn't come up with an answer.

And it was just there, when he was observing the young boy, it seems like the boy is very happy of talking about this 'Akira' person, because he could see an angel smile from the boy when he mentioned the name, even if it wasn't that distinctive, it was way different to his usual smirk.

"....who is this 'Akira' person?" Tezuka Kunimitsu asked a question that would rarely come from his mouth.

"Akira eh? Akira is a sibling of Ryoma's, Nanjirou's first child. How should I describe? Akira is a 'kawaii' and 'interesting' person [smiles] " Ryuzaki commented as if she's away onto her own dream world.

"'Cute'?" Tezuka asked with a slight of confusion in his voice.

"Ah. You'll know what I mean once you meet Akira," Ryuzaki said while waving her hand.

"Echizen...Akira...desu ka?" Tezuka mumbled the name under one breath, in a volume that nobody can hear other than himself.

= = = = =

"Come on Sakuno! Let's hurry and watch Ryoma-sama's practice!!" Tomoka, a courageous first year girl with pigtails, ran towards the men's tennis courts.

"Ma-matte Tomo-chan!" Sakuno Ryuzaki, Ryuzaki-sensei's granddaughter was trying to catch up with her friend. "Are?" Suddenly, Sakuno stopped her step.

"What's up Sakuno?" Tomoka, noticed that her friend has stopped, went over to her.

"There's a person over there..." saying this, Sakuno pointed at a young person while holding a cat is walking towards them.

"Ano...sumimasen... do you happen to know where the vending machines are inside this school?" the person asked in a soft tone.

"Ah! Hai! From here you just go left, turn around that corner and you should find it!" Sakuno pointed with giving directions.

"Arigatou..." the person smiled and walked off.

"Hey Sakuno?" Tomoka looked at her friend.


"Isn't the vending machine on the right near the men's court?"

"Oh no!!"

"[sighs] Sakuno... ...say... I wonder who that was... what's that person doing here anyway?"

"Uhn...." Sakuno nodded lightly agreeing with her friend.

"....hey Sakuno..."


"That person must be here for Ryoma-sama's signature!!!!"


"Hurry Sakuno!! We must protect Ryoma-sama from the evil clutches of that being!!" Saying this, Tomoka resumed her pace from her spot and dashed to find Ryoma.

"Ah! Wait! Tomo-chan!!" Sakuno anxiously called and ran after her friend.

= = = = =

"Hmm.... seems like I'm lost again..." the young person holding the cat sighed.

"Ware neow--"

"Gomen ne Karupin, I want to at least get a Ponta for your master, then we'll go home ok?"

"Ware neow--"

"Hmm... I guess I should have asked that girl for more details, I AM a direction-senseless person after all... I knew I should have brought the drinks along with me, but I totally, totally forgot about them. Ara? There's a couple of kids over there! Maybe I can ask them!" with that said the young person walked over to the trio.

"Hey did you hear? I heard that Echizen-kun's relative is coming to visit today!" Kachirou said.

"Really? Is it a brother?" Katsuo asked

"I think so, because they said the name's 'Akira'."

"From what I think, it has to be! From my 2 years of experience in tennis, Akira has got to be a boy!" Horio ranted as usual.

"What has that got to do with your 2 years experience of tennis? [sweatdrops] " Kachirou sarcastically asked.

"[Pales]Uh... well it has to be! Usually, the name 'Akira' is for boys! So it has to be a boy!" Horio tried to explain.

"Maybe he's right, it's rarely used to name a girl anyway ne?" Katsuo agreed.

"Hmm... maybe you're right," Kachirou finally agrees.


"Hai?" the trio looked at the source of the voice.

"Do you know where the vending machine is?"

"The vending machine? It's over there, just turn this corner and you'll see it," Horio being the most talkative person, replied.

"Hai? Arigatou ne [smile]," And off the young person goes to search for the vending machine.

"Ne........" Kachirou suddenly noticed something.

"What is it Kachirou?"

"That cat looks familiar......"

"Eh!? It's that racoon-cat!!"

= = = = =

"It's so warm today nya--!" Eiji whined while jogging.

"Sou desu ne Eiji-senpai! Let's hurry to get a drink ne?" Momo ran along with his senpai.

As they turned a corner they immediately spotted an unknown figure standing in front of the vending machine, who is frequently sighing and looked very indecisive.

"....hmmm....water's a more healthy option... but I know he'll be more happy with a grape flavoured Fanta....maybe I should treat him to a Ponta....hmmm...."

"Ano..?" Momo approached the unknown person.

"Right! Ponta it is!" the young person pressed the button and in seconds later, a can was heard tumbling downwards inside the machine. The figure bent down to retrieve the can from the vending machine, then stood back up again. Turning around, the teenager spotted that Momo and Eiji were standing from behind. "Ah! Sumimasen! Did I keep you waiting?? I'm sorry! Here, go ahead and use it [smile] "

"Oh no! Nyah! We just thought you needed help," Eiji replied, while trying to get a better view of the person's face, but failed since the stranger was shorter in height to him, and having worn a cap on the head simply blocked the full view of the face.

"Say, we haven't seen you here before, you're not from this school are you?" Momo asked, noticing the familiar pet in the guardian's arms. 'Where have I seen this cat before?' Momo thought to himself while eyeing both the fuzzy animal and it's guardian.

"No, Bingo! You're correct [smiles] " the stranger replied with great English.

"Bingo?" Momo repeated the English word, however his pronunciation sounded nothing like the stranger's.

"I meant you got it right. I'm not from this school."

"I see."

"Nyah--Momo!" Eiji suddenly clutched the second year's sleeve and pulled him towards himself and whispered, "Do you think he's Ochibi's relative?"

Momo, hearing his senpai's words, eyed at the stranger whom seemed clueless with what their discussion was since the stranger was too busy scratching the cat's neck, occasionally a few purrs were emitted from the pet. "Should we ask?"

Eiji nodded and Momo turned to the short stranger, "Excuse me, but do you happened to be Ech-"

"Say, do you happen to know where the tennis courts are in this school?" Unfortunately, Momo was a second late to ask, the guardian of the cat announced a question before the kouhai.

"Ahh....hai.... you walk straight down there and turn right and you'll reach it there, "Momo replied without thinking properly.

"Arigatou," the figure bowed and as it turned to its left, the youngster banged into the vending machine. "Iiii!! I...Itai...." the youngster rubbed its face.

"!? Nyah! You ok!?" Eiji was surprised with this sudden action. Didn't this guy know the vending machine was just behind him?

"Ha...heh... daijoubu! daijoubu!! I'm alive! I'm alive!! [sweatdrops] Well, I'll be on my way then..." the teenager replied, and walked towards the direction of the tennis courts, leaving the duo both remained silent.


"Momo!!!" Eiji suddenly shrieked.

"Wh-What is it Eiji-senpai!?" Momo was startled from his senpai's sudden outburst.

"Mou--!! You're supposed to ask if he's Ochibi's brother!!!"

"Ah!!! I forgot!!!"

= = = = =

Since it was break time for our regulars, Echizen Ryoma-kun decided to rest beneath a nearby tree from the courts.

Ryuzaki-sensei was away to make a call, Inui-senpai and Kaidou-senpai were discussing their next 'training' programme, Oishi was having a conversation with Kawamura, since Momo-senpai and Kikumaru-senpai were away to the vending machines, that only left Fuji and Tezuka sitting and resting on a bench.

And our Buchou-sama's eyes are laid on the sleeping boy beneath the tree.

"Ne Tezuka...." Fuji suddenly began.

"Hn?" the Seigaku captain replied.

"Echizen kawaii ne? [smile] "


"Heh, do not think I don't know what you're thinking [smile] "


"Echizen Akira eh? Seems like Echizen really admired his brother."


"Why couldn't that person be me? [smiles] "


"Hai? [smile] "

"10 laps around the court."

"Oh? Is this how you get back on people? [smile] "

"# Fuji!!!"

"Hai--Hai--" with that said, Fuji Syuusuke sat up and began to run 10 laps around the courts. Tezuka glared at Fuji leaving and reverted his soft gaze back to Ryoma.

"..............Akira ka?" ........I drove your father's shadow away from you....and you still have your brother's memory within you?

= = = = =

"Ware neow--" the cat was getting impatient.

"Mou-- [sweatdrop] I got lost again!! Why am I back at the front door of the building again!? TwT" the youngster sighed. ...........Wait!! Okaa-san said I should go to the sensei's office so I can find Ruyzaki-sensei!!! ....Wait......where is the sensei's office?

While the youngster was about to give up, a voice called out.


= = = = =

Momo and Eiji were both charging back to the courts like a hoard of bulls. They reached the court grounds and looked for their youngest and shortest regular member. "Ochibi!!" Eiji, with great eyesight as usually, dashed towards Ryoma as if the boy would disappear out of his sight soon. "Ochibi! Ochibi--!" Eiji shook Ryoma to wake the boy from his dreams.

"Hnn....what are you doing Kikumaru-senpai...?" Ryoma yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"We saw Akira!! We saw Akira-san!!" Momo's outburst of news attracted the other regulars and tennis club members.

Inui, hearing this, quickly opened his data book and pacing towards the trio with Kaidou following the bespectacled senior. Kawamura gave a nervous look at Oishi, who suddenly thought something bad will happen, quickly came over to his younger member's side. Fuji with his infamous smile, walked to them as well, with Tezuka tracing after his steps and stopped outside of the whole group.

"Yeah, you saw Akira. So?" Ryoma gave another-so-what-look.

"So? SO? Aren't you excited Ochibi???" Eiji pointed out as if the younger boy should be happy to see such a person.

".......you're more excited than Echizen is, Eiji [smile] " Fuji commented.


"-Oi! Echizen!!!!!" Suddenly Horio, Kachirou and Katsou came running from a corner of the building and stopped at the whole group. "Ryo-Ryoma-kun!!! Your-your relative's here!!!" Kachirou quoted.

With this said, Ryoma's eyes suddenly gleamed. His senpais weren't joking with him.....

"-RYOMA-SAMA!!!!" this time, came a fierce-looking Tomoka and a nervous Sakuno, both rushing over to the whole team. "Ryoma-sama!!! You gotta be careful!!!!" Tomoka loudly informed.

"Ha?" Ryoma stared at the girls with confusion.

"What do you mean Echizen has to be careful?" Oishi, worried about his team mates as usual, asked.

"We saw this really WEIRD looking person that wears a RED JACKET, NAVY JEANS and a WHITE CAP!!!" Tomoka exhaled.

"..........what's so weird about that?" Momoshiro pointed out.

"Well....um...ac...actually.....that person asked me for.....for directions.....," Sakuno stammered.

"Directions? Where does that person want to go?" Inui's glasses gleamed.

"Uh.....the....the...vending machine...."

"Oh?" Fuji give an amused look.

"Come to think of it, that person asked the same thing," Horio exclaimed.

"Yeah! There was a racoon-looking cat too!!" Katso mentioned.

"Karupin?" Echizen's eyes widened at the description.

"Wai--! Wai--! Ochibi-chan's brother is here today!! [grins] " Kikumaru hugged Echizen with excitement.

"What brother? I don't-"

"Oi--! Ryoma!!" Ryuzaki-sensei called from afar, attracting the whole group's attention. "Come over here will you?"

With that said, Ryoma stood up, placed his cap back on and walked over to the sensei, with the other team members' eyes following his movement. As Ryoma walked closer and closer, he began to realize beside the coach, stood a person in a RED JACKET, NAVY JEANS, WHITE CAP and a RACOON-LOOKING CAT.....

"AH!!! It's that person!!! NO!! RYOMA-SAMA STAY AWAY FROM THAT EVIL PERSON!!!" Tomoka suddenly yelled and stomped her way towards the coach group.

"To-Tomoe-chan!!!!?" Sakuno anxiously called out, chased after her friend to prevent the start of any particular commotion.

The regulars realized the awkward situation, quickly went to stop the young kouhai's actions as well, but was too late.

Tomoka hastily stood in front of Ryoma, and yelled at the taller figure's face,"I am the head of Ryoma-sama's fan club!!! Stay away from Ryoma-sama!!! # #"

"Ara?" the taller unknown teenager was lightly startled.

"Osakada!!! # #" Ryuzaki-sensei suddenly scolded, which made the poor girl flinch. The coach then turned to face the mysterious figure next to her, "I'm sorry, she's just-"

"Daijoubu, daijoubu [smiles] She's pretty energetic-- ne, ne, what's your name?" the figure's reaction was actually unpredictable, which had surprised Tomoka.

"Uh...Uh...To..Tomaka...." Tomoka stammered, half because of the reaction she never thought she would get - just like the time she got from the journalist Shiba, and half because she was afraid the thought of having Ryuzaki-sensei punishing her.

"Hmmm.... Tomoka-san ka? A very good girl ne-- Right Ryu-kun?" this time, the figure turned to face the youngest member of the regulars team.

"................." Ryoma, without any response, stared at the taller figure before him.

"An...ano...." Kikumaru suddenly gained the figure's attention.

"Oh! You're the one that helped my directions!!! Thank you!"

"Ah....thank...thank you...um...are you Ryoma's brother?"


"HHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!" Ryuzaki-sensei and the figure suddenly laughed loudly, startling the whole group.

"What's...what's so funny?" Kikumaru scratched his head.

"Ahaha....go....gomen!! No, I'm not Ryoma-kun's brother."

"EH!?" the whole group somehow got disappointed. And they thought they would get to play a match with Echizen's brother.... wait a minute.... then this person...?

"[Smile] I'm his sister," with that said, the figure with one hand held the cat near her chest, her other hand pulled her white cap down, hair that was tucked inside the cap before, came flowing down like a waterfall, whereas the long straight navy hair with light blue shine was tied with a white ribbon in the middle layer. "Ne? Ryu-kun [smile] "

"Hai, Onee--san," Ryoma answered but smirking at his senpais, who all either has their eyes as big as the fist of a hand, or mouth hanging down widely, showing a pale face. That, of course, excludes the forever stoic Buchou, smiling Tensai and Data freak.

The sister of Ryoma then bows, and introduces herself, "Watashi wa Echizen Ryoma no Onee-san, Echizen Akira desu, Yoroshiku Gozaimasu--"

"Ware noew--" Karupin, as if proving its current guardian is the sister of its master, purred.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!????????" within the school of Seishun Gakuen, a choir of all voices screamed out loud.

= = To Be Continued = =

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Now, was it bad? Totally, totally bad? [vegetables of all sorts are thrown in her direction] WAH!!!! o

You have the answer.

I know many people dislike TezuRyo.... but do give it a try QQ

Windy-sama, that's not the reason.......

Yeah, I guess Akira was a Mary-sue after all, and it was only then I realized her direction-senseless was copied from Sakuno's ((Actually, I copied it from the direction-senseless guy from Ranma 1/2, I forgot his name, so sorry, anyway I thought it would be interesting.)) And yes, she aimlessly bumps into things, because she is like that. Why not? She doesn't have to be like Ryoma, all siblings are unique.
You may find Ryoma is slightly out of character, because I pictured Akira like a mother-hen than a sister [sweatdrops] and yes, she's a rather optimistic person, and hardly scolds anyone - Hardly.
If you wonder if she's good at Tennis, well, you're gonna have to wait for the future chapters. She's more of a doubles type :)

Why was this chapter so long anyway?

Ah....gomen, I tried to shorten it, and I wanted the theme to be full of humour..... probably people got bored reading this eh? [sweatdrops]

Why Akira? It's a boy's name.

So you're saying Chris can't be used for a girl's name?


Akira is more of a boy's name, but there are girls that have it as well, very less, but they do exist. Anyway, those words in Japanese in the last paragraphs basically meant, "I am Ryoma Echizen's sister, Akira Echizen, Nice to meet you."

Those are the thoughts so far. Please be excused of the possible spelling and grammatical errors. If there is a mistake, do point it out nicely.

Tenipuri is a challenge, writing it with a lot of characters is also another challenge, I tried to at least have each of them say one line....
If you would kindly, some reviews would keep me going. And no, my character WILL NOT BE PAIRED WITH A TENIPURI GUY!!!! THIS IS SHOUNEN-AI!!!
Until next chapter (That's if anyone wants to read it) Ja ne!!!

Finished on 20/04/2004.
Last Edited on 28/06/2004. ((Re-checked mistakes and made LITTLE adjustments and on the presentation.))