
Marvel 2000 Presents

Force Works 47

"Falling Sideways."

Part 3


The Work Place

Emergency lockdown initiated.

The declaration sent shockwaves members of Force Works, and their liaisons Irene Besheda and Bruce Hoffman. After what had been one of the most harrowing days of their young careers, watching every available exit out slam shut was not the way they wanted their day to end.

Thick metal panels slammed down across every window, followed by a wave of electricity that splashed down from each and every one. A red light bathed the room.

"What the bloody hell?" X-Treme stood up, sword in one hand.

"Sorry for the theatrics," Mirage said, "but we have a traitor here. And no one is going anywhere until we've smoked this bastard out."

Silence fell for a moment, before Nova spoke up.

"I'd ask if you're kidding, but this doesn't seem pretty funny," Nova said, "what's your proof?"

"Well", Dani said, "A famous author once said, 'once is happenstance, twice is coincidence and three times is enemy action'."

X-Treme crooked his head to the side, "So what are the three?"

"The first time was when we went up against Pulsar," Mirage said, "he knew exactly where to place his machines to hit the first team that went in. The second was when the Serpent Society hit us in North Korea. They not only knew where to find us, but who to hit and how to jam our communications. Believe it or not, we may have been lucky that the Dawn showed up when they did."

"Yeah," Arsenal said, "that sure felt like luck."

"And lastly, there was today," said Mirage, "Blink and I were ambushed at the exact time someone engineered a prison break to distract the rest of the team. On top of that, the tip me and Blink were acting on came exactly when we needed it most."

"Couldn't it just be bad security?" Sabre suggested, "I mean, ain't like we're in some secret lava base here. You could find us with google maps. Maybe we're just bugged?"

Mirage nodded towards Hoffman, "You want to tell them, or should I?"

"I'll handle it," Hoffman said, "not only were we ambushed, but a bunch of middle weights in the black market were killed today. Allen Krake, Kra'kar and the target Mirage and Blink were trying to snatch, Josh Eaton. They're all major enablers, and none of them could have been taken out without major repercussions. Yet here we are, twenty four hours later, and not a peep."

"And that's a bad thing?" Charcoal said.

"It is because it implies coordination and collusion," Hoffman said, "someone stepped in and grabbed all their clients, took their resources and filled the vacuum they left. Without batting an eye. You can't do that overnight. It takes time, effort and planning."

Tarene winced, and twiddled her fingers before she said, "Umm, if we were involved, how does that reflect on us?"

"Know how we looked like idiots after Korea?" said Mirage, "well, now we look even dumber."

Blink rubbed her temple, "Great."

"So, if someone here is a vile, disgusting traitor," Vibraxis spat, "how do we find this foul fiend?"

An uncomfortable silence hung in the air, until…

"I'll do it," Technocrat said.

"And why the little asshole, exactly?" Sabre asked, "he could be the one we're looking for!"

"If I betrayed the team," Taki said, "you'd all be dead already."

"…that's reassuring how?" Charcoal said.

"Think about it," Technocrat said, "I could have sabotaged the training room. Poisoned the food we have delivered. I'm a techomorph, and you're inside a massive example of modern technology. If I wanted you all dead, the only difficulty I'd face is choosing how."

A pause.

"Well," Sabre said, "I'll never sleep well again."

"And what if you can't," Namorita said, "what if the real Technocrat simply left better security measures than expected, and you're just some clone waiting to strike? What's happened to us has been an information failure, and that's sort of your thing."

Taki paused, before saying, "What are you saying?"

"It should be obvious kid," Hoffman said, "you can't do this on your own. Not smart."

"Hoffman's right," X-Treme said, "there needs to be at least one other person, just to keep you honest."

"Don't pitch 'em across the plate like that," Sabre muttered.

"Fine," Taki huffed, "Tarene."

The young Goddess did a double take.


"Her?" Arsenal said.

"You," Taki said, "your magic plays absolute havoc with my sensors, always have. I know you haven't been replaced because of that."

"So I can help?" Tarene said.

"Well, I don't know about…"

Mirage slapped Technocrat upside the back of the head.

"Keep the ego in check," Mirage snapped, "alright people, until we get this sorted, no one's going anywhere. We're on lockdown, no one in or out."

"So what, we're grounded?" Charcoal said.

"Pretty much," said Mirage.

The young heroes glanced at one another, and began to sullenly disperse. None of them liked the idea that someone close could be a traitor, yet none of them could think of a better solution to finding the traitor, whoever they were.



Mirage had barely closed her door, before she heard a knock.

"Not to sound like your mom, what part of go to your room didn't you understand?" Mirage called out.

The door slid open to reveal Nova the Human Rocket.

"Maybe…the part where I'm supposed to be the second in command and all that jazz?" said Nova.

Mirage took a step back.

"Look, I'm sorry, Rich, but I had to make a command decision," Dani said, "after Hoffman came to me…"

"You couldn't find five minutes to come find me?" snapped Nova, "this is supposed to be our team, not yours! Humans and mutants working together, remember?"

"I'm the one with intelligence experience!" Mirage growled, "and for all I know, you're the traitor!"

Nova's lip twitched.

"The same applies to you."

"Walk away, Rider," Mirage said, "we'll solve this later. But now is not the time for it."

"Then when this is over," Nova said, "we'll find the time."

When the door closed, Mirage leaned her head against it and sighed. Nova was right. She knew that. She should have gone to him then, and apologized to him now.

But her pride wouldn't let her. And now, Danielle Moonstar worried where her pride had led her friends, her team and her life.



A woman of bark, insect and vines smiled.

A man with four arms and six hands cracked his knuckles.

A creature of pure energy, held back by a suit of steel and wire, cackled.

They and others crowded a small room, eager for what the day promised.

"Ladies, gentlemen and various things," said their leader, "today is the climax of a plot months in the making. Today is the day that The Corporation, and the Soldiers of Misfortune, lay waste to Force Works."

His statement was met with a roar of cheers.

"They're already dead, they just don't know it yet."


"We can't have a traitor," Tarene said, "after all we've done together, this is impossible!"

"Evidence suggests otherwise," Taki said softly, "I've look at the datalogs. The intelligence that sent Mirage and Blink to Mandipoor was planted in our system. Only someone in the Workplace could have done that.

Tarene raised an eyebrow at Technocrat, "Did you know?"

"…I should have," Taki replied, "but no. I was too focused on reviewing intelligence, developing programs to…to…"

Technocrat pinched the bridge of his nose, "I was looking at everyone but us. Some genius I turned out to be."

Taki found himself very unprepared for the gentle hug that Tarene gave him.

"No one is perfect," Tarene said.

"…but some of us have to be," Taki sighed. He gently pulled away from Tarene, "alright, I've looked at our past missions, and I believe that, whoever the traitor is, they were either compromised or replaced around the time we fought the Soldiers of Misfortune. But that only eliminates a few suspects, even if I'm right."

Tarene couldn't help but growl. They'd only fought once, but villains like that were hard to forget, "You think those monsters are responsible?"

"Yes," Technocrat said, "or at least, acting on someone else's behalf. If you think about it, the genius is in the simplicity. The Soldier's MO places them squarely against us. They overwhelm us with a crude, physical attack while secretly planting one of their own in our midst."

"That's why they tried to kill me," Tarene said, "the same reason why you trust me! They couldn't copy my magic!"

"That's certainly a possibility," said Technocrat.

"It has to be an imposter," Tarene said, "someone turning traitor doesn't make sense."


"Well, it can't be money because Mr. Parvenue set aside a trust for any team member that wants to leave," Tarene said, "Dani's brought it up with me and Charlie several times. No one here is here to get rich, but we could all live well enough if we quit tomorrow. And if someone was threatening a family member or friend, you'd know."

"As this situation well establishes, I don't know everything," Taki said.

"No, but you do monitor the security devices and systems that we gave our…your families," Tarene said, "have you found anything yet?"

"What makes you think I'm…?"

Tarene gave Technocrat a look.


"I know you mean well," Tarene said, "and I know you don't think I'm all that smart. I'm hopeful, not stupid. And I don't believe anyone on this team would betray their friends like this."

"You raise some excellent points," Technocrat steepled his hands together, "we'll need to start reviewing the debriefs, because someone has been playing a long game against us, and every second it lasts the greater the danger we're in."

"…think I can go to the bathroom first?"



Richard Rider, Nova, couldn't help but smirk as he sat across the table from Technocrat and Tarene.

"So, I guess there wasn't much debate about who got to be good cop, huh?" said Nova.

"We didn't need either, honestly," Technocrat said.

"But I could totally be a bad cop!" said Tarene.

"'Course, kiddo," Nova said, "so…hit me."

"Very well," Technocrat said, "We were reviewing the old mission debriefs, the Soldiers of Misfortune mission in particular. And when we did, we found…"

"How did you get out of the cell?" Tarene said, "the ones the Soldiers put you in?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Because you were vague," Taki said, "your report, and I quote, was 'I woke up in a separate cell, and left'."

"Right…" Nova rubbed his chin, "does it really matter?"

Technocrat pressed a single button on his wrist.

A force-field appeared around Nova, just as two large plasma cannons slid out of a panel from the ceiling, and took aim squarely at him.

"Yes, it does."

"Blue blazes…" Nova said, "fine, want to know how I got out? The cell those idiots dumped me in only blocked half my Nova powers."

"Half?" Tarene said.

"Yeah, I couldn't fly or shoot any energy, wasn't that strong," Nova said, "but my skin was still bullet proof and all. And I read somewhere that the human skull is the hardest bone in the human body, so…"

"Wait…" Technocrat said, "are you telling me you just beat your head against the wall until you escaped?"

"…shut up," Nova said, "but yes, exactly."

Tarene looked at Technocrat.

"Is he telling the truth?"

Taki politely had to cover his mouth for a moment. When he was finished chuckling, he deactivated the force field around Nova, "Yes. His heart beat was consistent throughout. And using his own head as a blunt object certainly keeps to Nova's strengths."

"Yeah, ha ha," Nova said, "laugh it up. But it worked, didn't it?"

"That it did," Taki said, "alright, Rider. I'd appreciate it if you returned to your room. I'm convinced you're not the traitor or imposter we're looking for. I've been scanning you a while now, and I haven't found anything inconsistent in your behavior."

"Great, back to house arrest on the team I'm supposed to co lead," Nova grumbled. He stood up, and looked at the duo, "you give any thought as to what you're going to do when you find them?"

"Yes," Technocrat said, "tell everyone but them, and then beat the hell out of them."

"Good plan."


As Nova returned to his room, he passed the training room.

He didn't notice how that the doors, magnetically sealed, were simply closed. He didn't notice how the ever present warning lights were dimmed. And because he never bothered to look inside, he didn't see the circular mound of wires that sat in the center.


Adam Sol balanced a knife on the tip of his finger.

"So, what do you want to know?"

"How did you disable the Soldier's ship?" said Tarene.

"Why do you ask?"

"You had imitate knowledge of their ship during the battle," Taki observed, "by your own words, you may have single handily saved the world."

X-Treme shrugged, nonchalant.

"That's what we do."

"So how did you know?" Technocrat said.

X-Treme fidgeted in his chair.

"I just did."

"So you know every alien ship because you're an alien?" Tarene said, "it's not racist if I don't believe that, is it?"

"Look, Tarene…"

"For all we know, you did nothing more than put on an elaborate show," Technocrat said, "the Shield techs are still struggling to unravel the technology. No offense, but…"

"You have no idea about my technological ability," X-Treme cut in, "trust me."

"Give me reason."

X-Treme sighed, "What I say next, does not leave this room."

Tarene and Technocrat exchanged a glance.


The Shi'ar Empire is over twenty thousand years old," Adam said, "have you ever considered the amount of time it would teach children just a fraction of their culture, let alone our science? As far as the rest of the universe is concerned, Earth has barely discovered fire."

"Does this cultural posturing have a point?"

"The point is, it's impossible," X-Treme said, "so thousands of years ago, our gene-engineers developed a virus that would encode certain information in our brains, and bring it to the forefront in emergency situations. It's far from perfect, but since I was expected to serve as the chief enforcer of a maniac, lets just say that mine is better than most."

"DNA encoded information?" Taki said, "that's…that'd actually save a lot of time."

"I was sick for three weeks, then graduated," X-Treme said, "with thousands of years of information locked in my subconscious. For obvious reasons, I don't advertise it."

Tarene looked at Technocrat, "Is that possible?"

"It's…light years ahead of our genetic engineering," Taki said.

"Please," X-Treme smirked, "it's old news to us. Any other questions?"

Technocrat drummed his fingers on his chair.

"No, we're good for the moment."

The two watched him leave.

"Two down," Tarene said, "maybe. You've scanned everyone, right?"

"Every day," Technocrat said, "and no, I haven't detected any abnormalities. I can't honestly say that we're any closer than when we started."

"Who's next?"



Rahne Sinclair turned her head, and saw her boyfriend, X-Treme, walking towards her.

"Adam!" Rahne smiled, "ye in the clear?"

"I am," X-Treme grabbed Wolfsbane by the throat, and slammed her up against the wall, "but you're not…"

To be Continued…

Next issue: The hunt for the traitor intensifies as things go from bad to worse