Since it is the end of my favorite story, allow me a little bit of time to talk about it.

Well, I suppose that people liked this story. My goal was to write a story that people would enjoy, as it is with every story that I write. I hope that I have achieved that goal.

I do already have another story idea, apart from "I'm Finding My Way Home," sequel to "Finding Out." It is called "Retribution" but I am having a lot of trouble with it and I would greatly appreciate it if someone would help me with a (god, I don't know how to ask this, I had better just come out and say it) I need someone to either help me write a lime or write one for me. Credit will be given, I would never claim someone's writing as my own. If you can help, either email me or IM me, I will love you forever.

"I cant believe it is really here already." Ryo whispered, his eyes brimming with tears that threatened to run down his face.

"I know, but here we are, and more importantly, there they are." Dee put his arm around Ryo's shoulders, holding the smaller man close.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The preacher said before closing his book. Bikky leaned forward and gave Carol a soft kiss on the lips, a minor prelude to what would come later. They received a standing ovation. Bikky turned to everyone and his eyes immediately found Ryo, standing next to Dee.

"They really make a good couple, don't they?" Dee asked Ryo as though he expected him to answer. "Ah man, are you crying again? You have got to stop that, you know. Can't even watch Bikky grow up…get married…and leave…"

"I wont tell anyone." Ryo assured him with a as he pulled a tissue out of his pocket and pressed it into Dee's hand. The dark haired man accepted it but turned around before drying his eyes.

Everyone from the station had tried to get the day off, since it seemed that Bikky was in everyone's office at one point or another and rarely because of good behavior. To everyone else's great disappointment, Drake, JJ, Ted, and Rose were the only ones who were actually able to get time off. The chief refused to "let the city go unprotected so that everyone could watch two former juvenal delinquents could get hitched," as he had put it.

Aunt Elena and Uncle Rick had come, both saying that they had better end up with great grandchildren, or great grand nephews and nieces as they would actually be, soon. Bikky assured them that it would not take long with a quick glance to Carol.

"Ryo," One voice seemed to stop time. A small woman was walking toward where Dee and Ryo stood. "Looks like I caught a good time to have my friends look you up."

"Amy." Ryo whispered, stunned. She looked different from when he had seen her.

"No hard feelings, I hope." Dee extended his hand for her to shake. He tried to smile, but he had a suspicion that he would not get any kindness back.

"None at all." She pushed his hand out of the way but made up for it by giving him a hug. She turned to Ryo and did the same thing. "I just wanted to find you, talk with you again. Then I heard that Bikky was engaged and I had to see the wedding. I'm sorry for not calling you first."

"Its alright, I was hoping I would get to talk to you again. How have you been?" Ryo asked, holding Dee's hand tightly. All three were relieved by the absence of hostility and it showed on their faces.

"I've been just fine, I have a new boyfriend. His name is Mort and I am taking it slowly this time. I had planned on staying single for a while to think about things, but that didn't work very well. I suppose some people just cant stay single, I guess I'm one of them."

"Yeah, I've noticed that." Dee laughed, and held Ryo's hand tighter.

"Ooh, lets see what we have here." Amy reached down and grabbed Dee's hand. She examined the ring on his finger. She smiled, looking at Ryo's bright red face. "This is exactly the ring that you described to me, isn't it, the perfect ring."

"I got it custom made. It was expensive, but it was more than worth it. And since it was new, there is no tarnish on it at all." Ryo blushed some and kissed Dee's cheek.

Ok, reminder to those who forgot, since it has been such a long time, when he gave Amy her ring, it wasn't what he wanted, but he figured that it would work. It was also tarnished. Insert any symbolism you want. And about Mort, I'm sorry Wendy, I couldn't resist.


Reason for it not being updated quickly: Visiting grandparents/great grandmother/uncles/etc.

Reason for it being short: Its an epilog!

Reason for so many author notes: I'm longwinded and I will miss this story.

Reason for the screw up: I realized that I forgot the very ending after I uploaded it, so I fixed it and then posted it. After I posted it, I realized that I forgot to add the lines. I re-uploaded the document, but when I did that, I forgot about the ending. A million apologies!