"Aishiteru… Seto."

Those words… those horrendous words. They left Seto Kaiba with nothing. He wondered how the hell she thought that would be a good parting gift, because all it did was make him more pissed off that she wasn't there. As he sat in his room at his desk, he repeated the words to himself incredulously. She was gone; she's gone forever.

It had now been three months since she had left. Yet he was still thinking of her, like she had left yesterday. Mokuba had gotten fed up with him weeks ago and actually made some friends to have ice cream with every night. Why couldn't he move on? He had work to do!

"Kiseki…" he murmured her name to himself for the thousandth time. It means "miracle"... some hellish miracle she was. He slammed his fist upon the table. He had to stop this. Something had to be done to take care of the turmoil within his ice-cold barriers. Thinking about her didn't work, nor did the opposite, as his mind would scream "Don't think about her" and he'd picture her in his mind. If not being able to see her was hell either way… then… He clenched his fists, biting his lip.

That was it. It was so simple, but... He shut his eyes and thought of the girl that had turned his world upside down and thrown it away. Could he really...? A few seconds' more thought and he made up his mind with a pounding heart. As he stood up and walked over to his closet, he pulled out a suitcase.

"Aishiteru, Seto…" No way in hell was he going to let that be the last of it.

Coming soon… the much anticipated sequel to Kiseki—

The Turmoil of Love