Mindless Tears

By: Black Dragon Lady

Warnings and Disclaimer: FUCK OFF! I'm poor and have no damn money. So do me a favor and don't sue. I got other things to worry about then some fucking lawsuit. Thank you and good bye and this will be the only time I write this so enjoy.


I love this feeling the feeling of another drinking. Drinking away the life that couldn't be sustained alone. It was the pleasure of being drained from this world. The pain of my heart pounding against my chest pulses through me.

He pulls away, his face flushed from the blood he drained out of my body. I pull a handkerchief out of his pocket. I hold the white cloth to my neck and I get up. The boy sits on the floor gazing in the fire.

I tie the cloth around my neck and go over to my small refrigerator. I pull it open and take out three bags of blood. He's still too young to drink out of a bag. Not till his coming of age can he handle the dying taste of bagged blood.

I grab a goblet out of the cabinet and shut it. I walk over t my companion and sit on the Oriental rug that he rest on. Steel grey eyes never leave the red and gold fire. It gives them a burning silver glow.

"Draco, what are you pondering?" I ask and he doesn't move a muscle. He's like a statue to the world. Our kind tends to do that the unmoving of the undead.

"He's changed. He doesn't bite back anymore." His silhouette voice said and I learn against the couch.

I rip the first bag and pour it into the goblet. The gold cup glows and fades to its gold. I take a drag from it and ponder his words.

I know who Draco speaks of but wish not to contemplate them all that much. Even my snide remarks get no reaction from the boy. The boy seems to lose his self confidence as the days pass by in school. His house makes no notice of his change but mine do. When ever I step into the common room to retrieve my companion I hear the gossip of the boy.

I rip another bag open and pour it in. I look at the fire trying to find an answer to it. The headmaster has said it must be a faze when one of the new Professors brought it up. The DA teacher, Maximum Isaac, has also made assumptions that I get annoyed by.

"I don't know why Draco but he seems to become even more vacant as time passes."

Draco's eyes never left the fire. Why does he care so? Maybe he wants the attention the boy use to dot on him. It is good entertainment to watch but not when it is one sided.

I rip the last bag and pour it in to the goblet. I had it inches away from my mouth. I thought of the many factors that had cause this change in the child. Many had died over the summer to save his life. Each one new to the battle but confident that they could save the boy with their magic, they were wrong. The Deatheaters were much stronger and no one knows why that old man had let such inexperience children fight to save him. The pain he had gone through could only be held still by Slytherin pride. But even that will break after so long.

He was breaking. He had just gotten over his shock of the losses in his name. The ever growing need to have him around to keep us safe grew even more due to inaccurate articles in the post. This could break a person faster when no one believes that he was trying to save others and live at the same time.

I gulped down red wine in two and placed it on the floor next to me. I watch my companion and wish I had answers to tell him. The child was fragile to the world he was born in to. He had yet to experience lose and the pain of seeing some one who is his opposite break just made him defensive. Our kind never liked to be ignored. We think of it as disrespect to our power. It was move than what I wanted to tell him.

"Why did he shun out carrot?"

The soft voice interrupted my musing of the boy we talked of. I took a second to let the words sink in and I shrugged. I had no clue and I really could care less. The 'Carrot' as we put it was a weakness that didn't need to be there. A loyalty that was long broken after the summer of the boy's Godfather's death. It was hard times for him and he didn't look as though he would survive. But he did.

"The boy needs a new friend if he wishes to survive. I don't think that carrot will stay with him as they once we're. Carrot will crack soon under the annoyance of being ignored by the boy." I saw looking in to the fire that captured anyone's attention to the point where it was the only thing that was in the room.

Draco sighed and crawled over to me. He hugged my waist and laid his head on my chest over my heart. I felt the best of it as his head lay comfortable wishing for answers that I could not give.

"Life is too cruel to us is it not? Fate makes us suffer when others will only shun us away for just who we are." Draco tightens his hold I figure out that he also speaks of himself.

Ever since his father died in Azkaban by another insane inmate he was outcaste faster than humanly possible. He no longer had a crutch to hide behind. One that gave him protection from everything was now gone. His father never would have let anything happen to him and now he was gone.

"But it is our destiny to live it as such."

He sighs and I know I have won the argument.

"I know but I wish there was more to what we are meant for."

I pet his silver locks to calm myself. It was a ritual that we had fallen into since his decision to become more open with me. Only to him was I this kind or this nice. I leave my snide remarks for the other idiots and make their lives a living hell. While I keep Draco with his dignity.

"Time will only tell my boy. Time will only tell."

I lay my head on top of his and we fell asleep like that. The pain in my neck the next morning will make me think twice about that next time.
