Title: The Dukes of Smallville

Rating: PG

Summary: Very obvious by the title, don't you think? Anyways, Jonathan

Kent has always hidden a secret from his wife and son. When an accident

on the farm brings back memories of a forgotten life, Jonathan must try

and find out what happened twenty years ago and rediscover who he was.

Season: Middle of season one.

Disclaimer: Don't own a thing. If I did, I'd have Chloe and a certain

orange Dodge Charger. Ain't gonna happen but that don't mean I can't


Author's notes: There aren't very many DOH/Smallville crossovers out

there (actually, only one that I've managed to find.) So I decided to

write one of my own. I hope that you all enjoy this story.

'Indicates individual thoughts.'

And now, on with the show!!!

Jonathan Kent whistled to himself as he tightened up the last few bolts

on the bottom of the tractor. Just yesterday he'd gotten it stuck out

in the back field. While trying to drive it out he managed to burn up

the clutch in the process. And since Clark wasn't there to help, he'd

gone to his neighbor who managed to get one of his tractors over and

pull Jonathan's out. When Clark finally made it in that night his

father apprised him of the situation and that the next day they would

began repairs.

"Well, that should do it," Jonathan commented to no one in particular.

He pulled himself out from underneath the farm implement and headed

over to the driver's side door. Pulling himself into the cab he fired

up the John Deere's old diesel motor. A thick cloud of black smoke

bellowed out of the exhaust as the motor came alive.

Jonathan pressed on the clutch pedal and placed the tractor into first.

Easing off of it, the tractor lunged forward. Pleased, Jonathan shifted

into reverse. The tractor obediently backed up. 'The new clutch seems

to work fine,' Jonathan thought. Satisfied with the results, he shut

off the tractor and headed for the house.

Coming through the screen door, he washed his hands at the kitchen

sink, before pouring himself a glass of lemonade. He'd hoped that Clark

would've stayed around to help him, but something had come up at the

Torch and he had to leave. Martha had gone to town to shop for

groceries, leaving Jonathan to do the job by himself. Still, he was

happy that he managed to get the job done without his son lifting the

tractor for him, although he admitted subconsciously that it would've

really helped out.

Finishing off the last of the lemonade he headed back outside. Jonathan

heard the sound of a car pulling up and looked out across the Kansas

landscape. Sure enough, Martha was just now pulling up to the Kent's

farmhouse. She got out of the car, and seeing her husband, she smiled.

He returned it with one of his own and made his way over to her.

Out of the corner of her eye she'd spotted her husband of twenty years

heading over to her. Assuming that he was going to help with the

groceries she went back to unloading the car.

She was wrong.

In a split second Martha found herself being picked up off the ground

and being twirled through the air. "Jonathan, ah! Put me down!" she

squealed. Jonathan laughed as he sat her back down.

Jonathan was still laughing at his wife. She placed both of her arms

across her chest in a defensive stance. "Just what was that for?" she

asked, trying not to laugh in the process. Finally she couldn't hold it

in anymore and broke out into a mad fit of giggles. When they both

finally quit laughing, Jonathan placed both of his arms around her,

pulling her into his embrace.

"I love you, Martha Kent," Jonathan told her, before kissing her on the


When they parted, Martha asked, "Ok, so why are you in such a playful


Jonathon smiled. "I'm just the luckiest guy in the world," he told her.

"I have a wonderful son and a beautiful wife."

Martha blushed. She didn't know what she'd done to deserve such

attention but then again she wasn't complaining either. "Well, if

you're done with this," she said, rubbing his back a little and kissing

him, "you can help your beautiful wife carry in the groceries."

"Of course," Jonathon replied, as the two spilt apart. He reached into

the car and lifted out some bags. Taking one more look at Martha he

walked into the house.

That night the three Kents had just finished supper when Jonathon

remembered something he needed to do out in the barn. Clark offered his

help but Jonathon told him he'd be fine by himself. After he headed off

to the barn Martha decided to go see him. Putting the last of the

dishes in the cupboard she left the house.

The Septemeber air was a little cool but it didn't faze Martha one bit.

She was still in shock of her husband's demeanor earlier in the day.

Her thoughts were broken when she heard a large crash coming from the

barn. Martha hurried her pace, hoping that nothing had happened to her


Entering the barn she found Jonathon on the ground, unconscious, with a

small pool of blood encompassing the area around his head. Martha

screamed. "Clark! Get down here! It's Jonathon, someting's happened to

him!!" No sooner than she'd finshed her sentence, the alien farmboy

showed up.

Clark gasped when he saw his father. Jonathon was on the ground, blood

all around him, with one of the family's acetelyene tanks sitting about

a foot away. 'It must've fallen on him,' Clark thought. Martha was

still crying hysterically. Clark turned to his mother. "I'm going to go

call an ambulance. Will you stay with him?"

Martha managed to nod her head in response. It was all Clark needed as

he supersped out of the barn to the house.

The two Kents sat in the waiting room of Smallville Medical Center.

Martha had stopped crying and now had her head leaned against Clark's

shoulder. Her red puffy cheeks were still evident but no one said


Clark had his arm wrapped protectively around his mother. He had to

wonder why this had happened. Why? Why did it have to happen to his

father? He was angry that he hadn't been there to protect his father

but shoved those thoughts to the side. Right now he needed to be there

for his mother.

Doctor Garner walked out of the ICU and spotted the Kents. An older

man, in his mid seventy's who was slightly balding, he'd been watching

over Jonathon for several years now. 'Just part of what Hiram asked me

to do,' he thought. Stopping at the nurses's office to pick up a

clipboard he headed for the boy and his mother.

"Martha, Clark, it's nice to see you again," Doctor Garner said as he

stopped in front of the two. "I just wish it was under better


"As do we, doctor," Martha replied.

"Doctor Garner, how's my dad?" a concerned Clark asked.

Doctor Garner smiled. "Well, he was and still is unconscious, but he's

lucky. He suffered mild trauma to the left side of his brain." He

paused for a second as he went over his notes. "He may suffer some mild

amnesia but we expect him to make a full recovery."

Martha began crying again. The news was bittersweet to her. Knowing

that her husband would be ok was one thing but to know that he may lose

some parts of his life? That was more than enough to bring her into


Clark did the best he could to comfort his mother. "Dr. Garner, can we

see him?"

The doctor smiled again. "Of course. If you'll follow me I'll show you

to his room."

Clark nodded as he urged his mother's protesting form to follow him.

She finally gave in and the two headed for Jonathon's room.

Dr. Garner left the two Kents alone. He told them that he would be just

outside if they needed anything as he shut the door.

"Oh, Jonathon," Martha said as she took the seat next to him. Taking

his hand, she held it in hers. "My god, Clark, I can't believe this."

She broke off again as she began to cry. Clark protectively wrapped his

arms around his mother. The two were like this until they heard some

mumbling noises coming from the bed. Looking up, they were suprised to

see Jonathon Kent's eyes open.

"Martha, Clark, what are you doing here?" his raspy voice asked. As he

woke up he didn't notice that he was in a hospital. He believed that he

was still in the barn working but seeing his son and wife next him he

began to rethink that. He quickly looked at his surroundings. He

noticed that he was in a hospital room and that he was in a bed.

"Oh, Jonathan!" Martha quickly jumped out of the chair and lightly

hugged her husband.

"Dad!" Clark ran to the other side of the bed and joined his mother in

the hug. When they finally let go and stood back he looked at them with

an amused look on his face. "Well, I really appreciate the attention,

but can I ask a question? What am I doing in a hospital?"

"Perhaps I can answer that," Dr. Garner answered as he walked into the

room. "Minor trauma to the head," he said, pointing to the bandages on

Jonathon's head. Jonathon lightly rubbed the area before pulling his

hand back, wincing in pain.

"How exactly did I get minor trauma to the head?" Jonathon asked.

"Well dad," Clark replied. "When we found you there was an acetelyene

tank close by. I figure that it fell on you some way or another."

Jonathon nodded. He seemed to remember something about a tank that was

hanging from the wall and wasn't secure. He'd planned on doing

something about it put kept putting it off until it was too late.

"So, when do I get to leave here?" Jonathon asked Dr. Garner.

"Well, if everything looks good, tomorrow," the doctor replied.

Jonathon nodded as Dr. Garner slipped back out of the room, leaving the

family to have time to itself.

The next day things were looking much better. Jonathon was discharged

from the hospital and the Kents went home. That night, the family

enjoyed a quiet dinner. Clark did all of his chores plus his father's

work. The doctor had told Jonathon to take it easy for the next few

days. Though he was stubborn about it he promised his wife that he

would try and make an effort.

Just before going to bed for the night Jonathon hugged his son and his

wife. "I'm lucky to have you two," he told them. Martha and Clark tried

to hold in their tears but were unsuccessful. Together, the family made

there way up to their respective bedrooms for a much needed rest.

Martha woke during the night to find Jonathon screaming out. He seemed

to be having a dream but she wasn't sure what was happening. He called

out for someone named "Uncle Jessie" and "Luke". There were two other

people that he named. They were "Daisy" and "Cooter." He then went onto

mumble something about "The General" and "General Lee." Clark, hearing

his father, ran towards his parent's room.

Clark opened the door to find his mother standing next to the bed with

his father thrashing around in it and mumbling random words. The two

looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Martha decided to try and

wake Jonathon up.

"Jonathon! Honey, please wake up." she gently nudged him. Jonathon's

eyes fluttered open. He turned to look at the woman next to him.

"Daisy?" his slurred voice asked. He then noticed a dark haired boy

standing at the foot of the bed. "Luke?" he asked, his voice much more

understandable this time.

Clark looked at his mother then back to his father. "No dad, it's me,


Jonathon's eyes went wide. "Clark? Clark who? I don't know any Clarks."

Martha was horrified. What had this accident done to her husband? How

could he not know his own son? "Jonathon, sweety. Don't you recognize

Clark?" she asked, pointing to him.

Jonathon glanced over to the boy then back to Martha. "Sorry darlin'

but I don't." For some reason, his accent sounded much deeper,

something that bewildered the other two. "And by the way, my name's Bo.

Bo Duke."

To be continued...