She Loves Me

Description- What I think might happen while Spike and Angel are in Rome....since we don't get to see what happens when they run into Buffy on TV...this is what I think should happen...

Timeline-Season 5 of Angel....after Spike and Angel get back from Rome....

Disclaimer- honestly if I owned the shows do you think it would be like it is now?

*NOTE* I wrote this before I saw the episode so who knows what will happen. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Harmony could you please call the Gorok clan and ask them if they could reschedule their appointment for tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure, but you know they hate waiting. Last time we rescheduled them they destroyed Manitoba."

"Well I don't have time to meet with them today and with Angel and Spike gone..."

"I know I know since the heroes are away we have to be on guard and blah blah blah..."

"Yea...right, so just do it ok?"

"Ok" Harmony all but groaned.

Wesley turned and started back toward his office. Before he reached the elevator it opened and out walked a not to happy looking Angel. Behind him though Spike was wearing a look of amusement. That couldn't be good. Wesley stood there a moment waiting for them so he could ask how it went. Angel walked right past him and straight into his office. Spike on the other hand stopped when Wesley put his hand out.


"What happened? Why is Angel..."

"Mad? Let's just say I don't think he expected her to be that happy to see me."

"Buffy you mean?" He nodded. "So I'm guessing by the way Angel was acting she was more than a little happy to see you?"

"You could say that." Wesley made an 'I see' look. "So what'd she like ignore?"

"Well not really." He paused. "Maybe a little." He smiled.

"And that makes you very happy doesn't it?"

Spike looked shocked. "Why on earth would you say that?" Wesley didn't look amused. "Ok so yea, very happy."

"What exactly did she do?" Wesley asked even though he wasn't sure he really cared.

"Well she made with the slight crying and the kissing and hugging." "Kissing?"


"In front of Angel?"

"The first time." Wesley was about to comment when he continued.

"And you know I tried to tell him that it was just a hello but he wouldn't listen. Went stomping out of the room."

"I'm sure."

"Anyway though she said she missed me a lot and she wished I hadn't died. I had to explain of course that I didn't die, and well you know all about that. Then ..." He paused. "She said she loved me." He half smiled and made a 'hmmph' noise. "Not "in" love with me, but loves me none the less. Maybe with time, who knows."

"So let me guess, after the war she wants you to come back so you can be together?"

"No." Wesley looked somewhat surprised. "She's actually seeing someone right now. Someone normal. Human. He's a ninny, but she's happy. And she deserves that. To have something normal. She does want me to come back and visit sometime." Wesley nodded in understanding.

"Then she started talking about being cookie dough...or something." He shook his head. "Said that maybe one day we would get our chance. To you know, be together." Wesley looked at the ground as he thought of someone else. He never got his chance either. He looked back up as Spike started talking again.

"So you know maybe one day when I'm living in Georgia or somewhere, she'll show up at my doorstep and be ready." He started to walk off.

"And I'll wait, as long as it takes. I mean after all I've got forever." He got almost to Angel's office when he turned back around.

"Plus she loves me, and that's good enough for now."