Redvind: I'm so sorry about the delay. Got caught up with school projects, activities, homework and such. I really didn't mean to take it long. Guess I have to make up for that, hmm?

Koromon: Again, comments are welcome. Pointing for mistakes is appreciated.

Disclaimer: I wish Digimon had belonged to me.

Mixture by Redvind

He was angry. So angry.

No. Angry wasn't a word for this.

He was mad, rage, furious…maybe words couldn't describe his feeling now. He couldn't believe he could be so impossibly mad at someone. The brunet washed the dishes with force as like he intended to break them all, obviously trying to take all his anger on them. The dishes crashed against each other making the cracking sounds but He didn't care. He absolutely didn't know what he should care anymore.

He was mad. Wait, it was old. He had said it. Okay, he was mad at the blonde musician. Whenever he thought about him, the incident from that day always came up to make him feel madder, if possible. Worst? Nope. The worst of the worst was he didn't know the reason he was mad. And you shouldn't be mad at people without reasons.

The brunet had been asking himself for almost a week after when he reached home and clamed down his nerve. He realized he couldn't get what he had heard out off his head. It kept repeating like old recorded movies which made him tense all over every time. The only thing he knew was he didn't like it.

Surely the leader of Spider Web could be real pain in the ass whenever he wanted to be, but actually he wasn't all that bad. Taichi didn't hate him, nor did everyone else, he just didn't like when Koki decided to annoy him when he had a chance. That's about it. Deep down inside he knew the drummer was a great guy. Could it be the reason? That he didn't want anyone to badmouth about him?

Or was it the way the famous band talked that sounded so heartless and so full of themselves? Or the way they talked like they were using him to get back to Koki? Or because Yamato didn't seem to care about his feeling?

Thinking about the certain blonde didn't do him any good. Why didn't he rip the blonde's head off at the first place? At least he wouldn't have to feel as miserable this way.

A hand rubbing his head gently shook him off his deep thought of planning the nice ten ways to murder the rock star. The brunet turned his head back a little to see his sampai standing behind him.

"What's wrong?"

The younger sighed. "Nothing's wrong, Aki-san."

The man raised an eyebrow, obviously didn't believe him. "…right. So tell me why you look like you want to break someone's neck but take all anger on the dishes instead?"

"I didn't."

"Sure you do. I've never seen you this angry before. Better tell me, Taichi. Maybe there's something I can help."

The brunet still kept his mount shut. Fine. Time to push him up a little. "Is it something to do with the lead singer of the Teenage Wolves?"

The mention of the blonde made the younger one's face redder, the answer he was waiting for. Aki smiled slightly. "Is it?"

Still blushing bright red, Taichi nodded. When he looked up, all Aki saw was the helpless expression on his face. The little guy truly didn't know how to solve his problem by himself.


"You can tell me, Taichi. I'm here to listen. Then we will see if I can help you about your problem."

So the brunet told him full story emotionally. And he didn't forget to add his opinion in here and there. The whole time, all Aki did was listen to his little friend quietly, thinking of his own thought. When he finished, the older man asked;

"Wanna know what I think about this?" certainly it was a personal problem, so he'd better ask, not wanting to be rude. Taichi nodded.

"Well, I don't think I can help you much about this. You have to solve it by yourself. You may not agree with what I'm about to say…but it's your decision." He paused, observing a reaction. The brunet was silence; however, his eyes were clear. "I think you like Yamato."

… "Of course I like him. He's not a bad guy."

"No no, Taichi." He shook his head lightly. "I mean you really like him…like have a feeling for him…be in love with him, most likely."

Actually Aki had to hold back his laugh as he watched the expression on his mate's face. Mouth wide opened, eyes as large as saucers, face flushing bright red. Ahh, a reaction he'd waited for. He just looked utterly silly cute like that.

"How…I …he…NO WAY!" shout Taichi, refusing. The color on his face didn't die away. It looked like a deep red tomato, only darker. "I couldn't like him like that!"

"Why not?" smirking, Aki crooked his head to a side.

"Well…he is a guy."

The cook raised an eyebrow. "I know that."

"Then I couldn't be in love with him. He is a guy and I am also a guy. It's wrong for two guys being in love with each other, right..." he trailed off the last word, not knowing what to say.

"For some people, maybe it is." Sampai's eyes softened, watching the boy before him with kind and caring.

"But…I don't like guys. Neither that I'm gay."

"You slept with Yamato." He pointed out. "What made you do that?"

"I was drunk! I didn't know what I did that night. When I woke up, I was already in his room. I didn't even know if I slept with him for sure." The brunet spoke so fast he thought he'd lost his breath. That increased the color on his face ever deeper. "And for your information, Aki-san, I like girls."

"Satoko-san, you mean? Well, she is out of the question. For one thing, you accepted her because she said she's carrying your baby. However, it turned out that the baby isn't yours and you'd never slept with her before. I might add that when her boyfriend came taking her back, you just let her go, which proved the point that you didn't have a longing feeling for her. If you had, you would never let him take her so easily. You will fight for what you truly want. Don't deny it, I know you will. I've seen you did." No protests. Good. "But if you want to bring her into this… I reckon during the time you'd spent, you'd never touched her in the way a boyfriend should." The man chuckled at the shy look he received. "And as far as I know, I didn't see you have any girlfriend. Not to mention I never saw you interested in any that came to the club."

"Not my type." The brunet mumbled quietly.

"What's your type, then?"

The brunet lightened up a bit. "Let's see…fun to be with, responsible, kind and caring, nice, best cooking…and"

"And Yamato isn't?" Aki interrupted him softly. Taichi couldn't find any word to answer back. He opened his mouth, shut, then opened it again but whatever he wanted to say just didn't came out. For, indeed, while he was listing his type, he could only see the blonde's face on his mind. He simply turned away.

The sampai smoothed his little friend's heir gently. "Complicated, isn't it?" the brown haired boy nodded. "Anything minds involve is. Think it over clearly and carefully, Taichi. I don't want you to regret it after."

A minute of silence took place; Aki kept patting the brown head, not saying anymore. It's the much he could do right now. The last was up to the brunet only.

Taichi finally looked up, eyes full with confusion, sorrow and pain. He asked, "What should I do?"

"Just listen to your heart and follow what it says. That's for the best, I believe."

A bit later the cock excused himself, having to prepare the food in the kitchen, left the brunet alone to his thought as he needed it. He gave him a kind smile, knowing the boy wouldn't choose to do wrong.



He didn't like it.


Okay, he, Akira, the best guitarist in the world, obviously didn't like it.


He couldn't take it anymore. "Someone do something! Beat him up. Kick his sorry ass or whatever! I don't care but get rid of that doom aura thing!" he shouted finally. After having had to being in the same room and seeing it for seven days, three hours and fifteen minutes, he decided he had had enough.

That doom aura thing, as Akira put it, was none other than Yamato, the lead singer and bass guitar of the band. Actually the blonde had been sitting on a corner of the practice room, his face facing the wall, all the time playing – or most likely, stringing- his precious bass lifelessly. In fact, he had been like this since the whole thing with Taichi a week ago and his band mates was forced to watch him; not letting him do something stupid might be said.

The blonde gave no reaction. Akira growled.

"Get over it or die, Yamato for Christ's sake! He may hate you now, so what? It's not like you can't see him again and apologize."

Yamato turned, deadly glazing at the red head. "Easy for you to say. It's me he hates."

"Then at least do something! We will never get our work done if a member is acting like the world is ended or already dead!" he said, irritated at the other man's mood.

The blonde didn't see any point retorting back, turning away, mumbling to himself.

"Umm hum, it isn't good." Said the drummer quietly.

"I'm sick of it. Can't we do something?" Akira whined to the two members.

"Not 'can't'. We must do something. It's half of our fault anyway." Yutaka said calmly. "Besides, Mutsu-san's going to have a fit."

Takashi, noticing the keyboardist's smirk, couldn't help but smirk, too. "And what is the plan on your mind that you want to share with us?"

Man, his friend knew him well. "It's like this…"

The three huddled, whispering and exchanging words. Then it's all settled. The guitarist's grin widened, his eyes lit up in amusement. "What are we waiting for? Let's get on it."

Yamato, unaware of his friends' not-so-pleasant plan, didn't even notice when those three leapt up behind him. "What the hell! Let go of me!" he shout, but it was too late. Even if it wasn't, the singer still could do nothing to prevent him being tied up both hands and feet. "What are you doing?" Yamato was particularly screaming now.

"Oh, shut up. It's for your own good." Smirking, the brunet was happily working on his job.

"Akira! This isn't funny! Untie me now or I will get you for it!"

Yutaka rolled his eyes. "Well, I must kind of have forgotten something…"

"You mean this?" Takashi showed him a big triangular scarf. Humming, Akira took it and gagged the mouth that usually sang many lovely songs but wasn't needed to speak a word now.

The drummer could only grin. Man, his friend really knew him.


After having driven for 20 minutes, with the blonde being gagged the whole time, the band finally arrived at Moony Wings. Takashi parked the car. The others began to get off. They had a hard time stuffing the singer inside the car and now it was only harder to get him out. Because as soon as Yamato realized where they were, he started struggling immediately and had very effective.

"Ouch. This is harder than I thought." Akira was panting. He had already got a couple of kicks from the sulking singer.

"Yamato, come on." Yukata tried, offering a hand to him. Yamato knocked it off. That's it! He smacked the blond head, much to everyone's surprised. It meant the keyboardist was extremely pissed off.

"YAMATO! For once in your life stop being an ass and move! I can't say I can bare it any longer! I'm tired of you depressing around. And Akira was definitely right. We aren't going to have our work done with you mopping. If you want Taichi that much, GO. GET. HIM!" He emphasized the last three words strongly as if to make it repeat itself in the dumb head.

Startled but obeyed, the blonde stayed still and let his friends loosen the ropes and the gag. When it's all done, he stood up, facing his mates. "…sorry."

The trio was satisfied with his apology. They smiled. "Alright, then. Let's go. Our target is set."

As they went inside, surprisingly as usual, everyone stopped their action and stared at them. The Teenage Wolves always got to be the center of attention. They looked around for a spot to sit. Thankfully, the club wasn't full tonight. Takashi found a table with four seats on the left side. They went to it and sat. A moment later came a waiter. It's Satoshi.

"Hi, Akira-san, Takashi-san, Yutaka-san and Yamato-san. I haven't seen you around here for a while." The younger waiter greeted them so politely than any boy his age did.

"Well, we are here now." Waving it off, Akira grinned. "Any news?"

"Hmm…I've heard that the Spider Web signed up the contract and on the record deal. The same company as yours."

"Yeah, we know that." The guitarist huffed, irritated at the topic. "And we were supposed to train them. But someone wasn't in the mood no matter how much time he claimed himself as a professional."

Yamato kicked his leg under the table. Akira cried.

Satoshi chuckled lightly. "It's quite funny, you know. Taichi-san has been sulking around, too. He never said why or what made him."

"Hmm? Really?" asked Takashi, interested.

"Yes. One night around a week ago he came with the glaze and scared everybody. He looked ready to bite heads off, whoever they were." He handed them menu lists. "Would you like to order now?"

"On the rock for three and something light for Takashi. He's the driver, you know." replied the topical Yutaka.

"Got it. Your order would be served in ten minutes." The waiter said, taking the order and walked away.

The band chatted and looked around to see if there's someone they knew. They noticed eyes laid on them from many ways. Sometimes they caught someone looking and talked and laughed at the jock lightly. The only one that didn't join the chat was Yamato. He was intentionally looking at the certain someone behind the bar doing his job with longing eyes even though the brunet never looked at his way. He was so observed that he didn't know their drinks were being served.


"Hmm? What?" the blonde then saw two trays, full of drinks which they didn't order, in the waiter's hands. "Oh, sorry." He shifted a little to make a room for the boy to put down those drinks.

"Thank you. Here come your drinks and other free drinks you've always got." He put their ordered drinks first. Then after that were several kinds of color liquid in lots of shape glasses. Most red, green, orange and yellow. Some pink and white. There was the only blue one, in wide mouth glass covered with salt and had a slice of citron, in the middle of them. It looked familiar, though. He was so caught up that he didn't listen to Satoshi telling the band who ordered drinks for them. The blonde could careless about the other drinks, but this one…this one…

The waiter finished his list of names and about to walk away when Akira realized something. "Hey, Satoshi. What about the blue thing. You didn't say who it's from."

"Oh, that…ummm…" the boy scratched his head, looking at the list again. "Sorry, Akira-san. I don't know. The list says it's for Yamato-san. Blue Margarita. Nothing else."

Yutaka raised an eyebrow. "Secret admirer, you mean."

"Something like that." He shrugged then he heard someone calling a waiter. "Excuse me." With that, the boy walked off.

"That's funny, isn't it? I mean people often want us to know they order drinks for us and hope we would interest in talking with them. Hey, Yamato? You okay?" the guitarist frowned at the look on the blonde's face. He was staring at the Blue Margarita, eyes widened and hadn't said a word since the drinks were laid on the table.

Covering his mouth in a hand to hide his faint smile creeping on his lips, he muttered. "Guys, maybe things aren't as bad as I thought."

Before they could ask what he meant, the blonde suddenly stood up, grabbed the blue glass and shout over his shoulder as he headed for the counter bar. "You can leave me here. I have got a very important thing to do tonight."

The whole table was stunned for a minute or two before they collapsed into laughter. "Oh, man. We really shouldn't have worried about it much."


Taichi had been nervous since the atmosphere in the club had changed as the band with the certain someone walked in. When the door blast opened, the brunet stopped dead on his track to look at whoever that caused the silence and turned stunned as he caught the fair blonde hair with ocean blue eyes he'd been longed to see. He wanted to shout his name to get his attention but forced himself to control his action. Instead, he just made himself busy with orders and drinks. However, having talked to Aki-sampai, he knew he couldn't avoid the star singer forever and honestly, he didn't want to avoid him. His heart sank a little when he watched the Wolves walked to a table far away from the bar. They usually sat on stools on the counter area and talked to him.

He saw Satoshi walk to their table, had a conversation and wrote down the list. The brunet knew then he just had to wait and their orders would come and other orders would surely come. His guess was confirmed as lots of list paper was put on the counter from several waiters. God, the list were up to thirty now! Did people really want them die alcoholic?

Taichi got on works instantly. Taking long enough to see something pretty odd, he stared at drinks he had prepared. None of them had blue colour…then he got a nice idea. It might not work to get the blonde star to talk to him again, but it was worth a try. He started mixing.

"All set, Taichi-san?" Satoshi asked.

"Here's the last one. Wait a minute." The brunet told him. "Here! And the lists are there. Take them with you." He put the last glass and mentioned the paper. The younger boy nodded, doing what he was told.

'Now the only thing I can do is wait and see if Yamato got the massage.' He watched the waiter taking the drinks away for a while, before someone called him to order a drink.

Taichi was so distracted with his works that he didn't know when the blonde had sat on one of the stools. He was surprised to see him with that glass of Blue Margarita in hands after mixing another drink for the man on the other side of the counter.

"Hi, Taichi." The blonde smiled slightly, eyeing him every move. The brunet bowed. He couldn't say a word even if he wanted to. Yamato continued. "I…I want to talk to you about something."

The brunet quite understood what it was. "My time is over at ten."

Yamato checked his watch. It's nine forty five. "I can wait."

Taichi nodded, then went back to his work. He mixed lots of kinds of cocktail that made him think time flied so fast. Before he knew it, his shift was done. The same time as the blonde finished his drink. He didn't take any but the one that the bartender gave him for the secret massage.

"I'm done." The brunet told Yamato, walking out of the counter. The blonde stood up, walking next to him. They were at the door when a hand grabbed Taichi's arm with force. He hissed in pain.

"Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going, cutie? Don't you have a job to do? I haven't ordered any yet." It was an ugly older fat man. His breath smelled of beer. The man was totally drunk in his state. His grip tightened as he forced Taichi back where he was.

Being a bartender and having a job in the club, the brunet couldn't do anything that might bring troubles to his master and the having a fight and making a customer angry. That surely brought lots of troubles than he could deal. "I'm sorry, sir. But my time is over. There's another bartender serving your drink now." He tried to take his arm off the man's grip. It was hard, though.

"Oh, no. I don't want any bartender but you making my drinks. I can pay for you. I have money." To prove his words, the man showed him money.

"I see." The bartender said, still trying to get away. "But you don't need me here anymore. Another bartender is already at his spot. You can order from him."

"What with the manners! Don't want to serve your customer a service! I have money, you know." the man raised his voice in anger.

"I know you have. Please let me go." He tried again.

"Don't you understand? I said I had money! I can get whatever I want!" at the moment he said, he put his hand on the brunet's hip and slowly made his way up and down and about to grab his butt.

Taichi, who was startled at the first contact, almost lost his temper. "Hey! Stop that!"

The man looked at him with his smug face and sneered. "What? Don't you like it? I know you like it when I do this."

Feeling his face hot, the brunet was so disgusted this man and ready to punch him in the face. "You!"

Before he put on his action, though, someone was in between him and the man. The man's hand was lifted off his body by such force that made the man cried out in pain. Taichi looked up and saw Yamato, gripping on the man's wrist so tight he thought he would break it, looked so furiously angry.

"Listen here you ugly toad face!" he yelled. "If you want a drink, go ask the man on his job, not the one that deserves his break. His time is off and now he's coming with me. You have a problem with that?"

Seeing the young man's glaze, the man shook his head in fear, almost wide awake. When the blonde let go of his wrist, he ran for his life as fast as his short legs could carry him.

Taichi, watching all this in awe, was amazed at the harsh the blonde could be.

Making sure the man really out of the way, Yamato turned back to Taichi who looked so amusing with his mouth wide opened. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Why do you look at me like that, Taichi?"

"Just amazed, I guess."

"Well, that man deserved it. He needs to learn how to respect people much better." Chuckling a bit more, the blonde took his hand and leaded the way out. "Come on. I don't want any man lay a finger on you the second time. Let's get out and have our privacy to talk things out."


They decided to go to Taichi's apartment to settle their talk. On the way it was dull silence; neither knew what to say. So they just kept walking. When they reached the apartment, it was quite a relief.

"Sorry. I only have cola now. Hope you don't mind." The brunet offered his company a can of cola. Yamato took it.

"It's fine. Thanks." They had their drink, took a slip or two. All the time sneaking gazes at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking. Then it was the dead silence again.

"Yamato" "Taichi" they started at the same time, stared at each other and laughed.

"You first." Taichi said. "No, you first." Yamato said.

"Okay, then." The brunet took a deep breath. He knew he needed it. "I'm sorry."

Yamato looked puzzled. If there's anything should be sorry, it's him. "For what?"

"For acting like a jerk that day. I don't know what took control over me. I'm so sorry I took my temper on you like that." He said in quiet voice and a bow. Yamato quickly cupped his face to meet his eyes.

"No, Taichi. If there's anything wrong, it's me who should say sorry. We didn't mean to say that. It kind of came out wrong."

"So we're even?"

"Of course."

Taichi smiled, glad at the agreement. But there was something nagging him inside. "Yamato…why did you kiss me that day?"

Taking aback, he didn't expect that question. "…Umm that's…because…"

"No…I didn't mean only the kiss. I also meant the whole sleeping thing. Why did you bring me back to your place and how come we slept together? In the way, did we really sleep together? Like…having sex and stuff. And how…" his words were cut off by something warm on his lips, making him loose his mind.

Yamato, deciding that Taichi was talking too much and proving with an action was better, kissed him passionately on his mouth. Breath shortened, tongue slipped, minds exchanged. They were so lost that neither cared about the talking.

They broke apart when air became necessary. Taichi's eyes slowly slid open. Couldn't remember closing them. Yamato's face was so near he could feel his breath on his cheek. Feeling the blonde leaning closer, the brunet re-closed his eyes. Yamato breathed huskily in his right ear.

"Love you Taichi. Have been for a long time and always be." The blonde tilted his head down to get the honey tanned neck, nibbled it lightly. "You. Only you. No one else."

"I'm not gay." The brunet almost whispered. Every place Yamato touched on his skin felt hot.

"Neither am I."

"I don't usually sleep around, especially not with guys." The blonde's hand slipped under the bartender's shirt, feeling his muscles.

"I know."

Taichi circled his arms around Yamato's neck and kissed that sing-song mouth with his passion when it came right back. No words needed between them. He knew, Yamato knew. That's all the matter.


A month later.

The brown haired boy was walking back to his apartment after shopping some groceries. Never before had he been a better mood. He and Yamato were going out and agreed to learn about each other better. Today he's going to spend the night at Yamato's. He was looking forward to seeing his boyfriend.

If you asked had he ever thought of having a boyfriend, he would certainly said no. But he didn't mind having Yamato as his boyfriend. Taichi giggled a bit at the thought.

In front of his apartment stood there a truck. Assuming someone moving in or moving out, the brunet didn't pay much attention. The truck drove off on its way.

Taichi unlocked the door, stared and blinked twice. He frowned at the sight before stepping out to check the room's number. 101, definitely his apartment, but... did it mean?He came to aconclusion. He ran to the apartment's owner's room.

"Shinjou-san! Shinjou-san!" he banged the door and kept doing so until someone yelled from inside.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming. Stop hurting my door. What's up?"

Shinjou-san was the apartment's owner, old fat lady. Taichi knew her from his high school friend. When he was looking for his own place, his friend introduced him to her.

"Shinjou-san! I'm robbed! Someone broke into my room and took everything. Nothing' left!" Taichi was talking so fast and rambling that the old woman didn't catch his words. So she did the affective thing; she smacked his head.

"Calm down. What are you talking about?"

"Someone broke into my room. Everything's gone!" he answered, terrified.

The woman stared at him as if he was mad. She smacked him the second time.

"Ouch!" the brunet cried. "What was that for?"

"For your nonsense, of course! What are you talking about? You're moving out, aren't you?"


Shaking her head in irritation, she said. "Yeah. Last month there came this man and told me you wanted to move out and asked him to handle everything. He got his friends to come collecting your things to day with that truck." She nodded at the way the truck drove off.

"What? What do you mean I'm moving out? I didn't ask anyone to do this kind of things. How can you do this? How could you be sure that man didn't deceive you?" he exclaimed.

"He had your autograph."


She showed him the paper. Taichi took it. That paper looked familiar…After the comprehension sank in, he shouted. There was only one explanation.



Tonight was going to be great. His boyfriend was supposed to show up in a moment. He might be tried from running and a bit angry for some reasons. Yamato had just finished preparing dinner when his door blast open.

"Yamato! What the hell does it all mean?"

"Hello 'chi." He smiled sweetly.

"Save the greeting. I want explanation!" the brunet got a hold of the blonde's collar, threatening him.

"Oh, that." Still smiling, Yamato sneaked his arms around the shorter boy's waist, pulling him close. "I've told you we're going to spend the nights together."

"I know that we'll spend the night today! But that doesn't explain anything!" blind with anger, Taichi didn't even notice he was in the singer's tight embraces now.

Amused at his boyfriend's reaction, he said cheerfully. "No, no, Taichi. Not the night. The nights. I put the 's' in."

The brunet's turning pale. He saw his belongings in the star's living room. "That means…"

Grinning brightly, the blonde continued where he left off. "That means you're living here with me so we can spend every night together!"

Not waiting for an answer, Yamato jumped on his poor startled boyfriend with joy, cutting all his protests which he knew wouldn't come out as long as he covered those perfect lips with his mouth.



Redvind: I can't believe it! My longest chapter ever!

Koromon: And you did finish it. Wow!

Redvind: I also want to thank anyone who reviews this fanfiction. Special thanks to devylzangyl who pointed out the mistake of name changing. I corrected it as soon as I read your review. And another thing, I know I made Taichi and Yamato a bit…or a lot out of characters. Hope you all don't mind.

Koromon: I thought you would make this fic longer, wouldn't you? That there are other chosen children involved.

Redvind: I thought of that, too. But as I finished this chapter, I realized that it also makes a good ending. And I was afraid I'd suck it after. You know I meant to make this fic about four or five chapters…and see how many that come out! Things aren't always like I expect.

Koromon: let's ask for readers' opinion. What do you think? We'll be waiting to hear from you.

Redvind&Koromon: Arigatogozaimatsu!