Twin Strangers

Written by: Ciuline Ihmenjo

Cardcaptor Sakura does not belong to me. The characters in Cardcaptor Sakura do not belong to me. CLAMP owns CCS. Besides, even if you do try and sue me, I have no money.

= Announcements =

Heyas readers, I'm putting this one out as a one-shot. But I may add a second "chapter," and further… that is if I have lots and lots of reader response. I'm sure that my fans will love it, even when the use of the second person begins to get creepy… Well, that's about it, so please enjoy!

Italicized words are thoughts; Bold words are emphasis; CAPS WORDS are shouting; words in asterisks signify changes in scenes like the beginning and end of flashbacks or dream sequences

= = One Plus One = =

You turn to face me, sitting up in the bed. A white sheet is draped across your chest, over the swell of your breasts. I can see, in the dim predawn light, an outline. Your hair, cascading down bare shoulders until it settles in a pool on your lap. A wry smile plays across your lips. And then you tumble down toward me until you are draped across my own chest.

"Meilin," I smile, barely suppressing the laughter rising in my throat as your breath lays its whisper-soft caresses on my face. "You're heavy," I grunt, trying half-heartedly to push you off me. And then your lips find mine, pressing into a clumsy kiss. Almost sloppy, but still perfect. Right then, the feeling of electricity coursing through my veins.

I prop my head up on fingers interlaced behind my head. Your body is still on my chest, pressed firmly into me until we feel as if we are now one unified being. And I can feel your heart, beating its rhythm in time with my own.

"You smell nice," I remark, inhaling your aroma. It is something that I find pleasant and calming at the same time. Your long black hair still smells of jasmine. The bottle I bought for you still in the bathroom, sitting on the shelf marked with your name. Only because you're here so often.

"Thanks," you murmur with seductive sleepiness. Your voice like the purring of a cat. "After all, you bought it. It was your gift." You plant two more kisses lovingly on the side of my neck.

"Stop," I mumble, "I'm too tired." I try to sit up, to roll over, but you keep me from doing so.

"You weren't saying that last night," you tease with a mischievous tone. I can feel something cool tracing lines on my chest. Looking up – at least in your direction – I am content to watch your finger moving slowly, dancing to some unfamiliar, unsung tune. Your wry smile has fades away to be replaced with a different look. Curious and bored, yet at the same time, warm and inviting. Your finger hesitates in its motion and begins to move again, tracing a different pattern this time.

"I scratched you there." Your fingertip presses against my skin somewhere around my stomach. A kiss again… You have to shift to do it. But you are no longer draped across my chest. For some reason, I always miss that feeling. Your warmth mingling with my warmth.

"Again," I say. And you repeat the word, rolling it around like candy in your mouth. And then, that smile. I'm in love with that smile, that silly grin.

"Well," your face shifts into a pout and you roll into a sitting position, "I'm sorry."

"You say that every time."


"I'm just saying that –"

"Shut up you," the words come out. Now coated in a sweet, melodious tone. "You're ruining my romantic mood." Your hand curls into a fist, connecting with my shoulder in a playful punch.

The laughter bursts forth. Your question is known long before you ask it. Almost like I can read your mind.

"I'm laughing," I pause, mostly to prevent myself from snorting, "because that doesn't suit you." I cross my arms over my chest, my head falling limply until it hits the pillow. "You just look funny."

"I'm pouting," you say with a content sigh. Your body slithers across the sheets until it is once again on top of my own. Only the thin sheet separates us. Over time, you have become precious to me, for reasons I cannot comprehend. But one thing is known. I have fallen in love you.

"It's cute." My laughter settles down to muffled giggles. "But I thought you didn't do cute." The pillow. I should have seen it coming. It whuffs against my face. You growl above me. The noise is muffled by the pillow. But, I can lift you easily, rolling so that I am above you now. My arms holding my head above your eyes… lost in their crimson depths. My legs are bent at the knees. Knees that are pressed in to the mattress beneath. And your legs somehow become entangled in my own.

"So," I smile, that silly grin that you love so much, "what do I do now?"

You and I, we both know the answer.

"I see someone isn't tired." Your hands reach out. But I halt their progress. Halt them in their movements. Then pin them to the mattress. And the growl rises in your throat. I can hear the low rumble.

"Still am. Give me time." My smile widens. And I lay kisses on your exposed skin. Leaving hickeys on neck… arms… collarbone… everywhere…

"So," you begin, "do you think she knows?"

"I know she does." I moan, pressing my palm into my forehead. "But how do we get ourselves to tell her?"

You flawlessly mock my sister's energetic mood. I can see the twinkle in your eyes, hear her voice in your own. "Touya, I can't believe that you and that – as you call him – brat's cousin are a couple."

My words almost drown in a sea of laughter. "So, we'll let Sakura break it to us?"

You nod. Quite difficult in your position. "Yeah," your voice your own again, that smile playing across your pursed lips, "I guess we will."

"You know she's probably asleep down the hall. Right now," I say.

"Maybe she isn't." Then you giggle. "Maybe she'll walk in on us." My face now carries an expression of mock terror. Beneath me, your giggling increases in both fervor and tempo.

"The squirt would faint dead away."

You contemplate my words. I can almost see them moving around in your mind. "You know, you're probably right."

"Aren't I always?" I grin.

"Nope." Your giggling ceases; you smile back at me.

"Hey," I say, flashing a smile full of mischief. Grabbing a handful of the sheet, I begin to gently tug at it, sliding it off your body. "You know what?"

"I don't know," you reply, feigning both innocence and ignorance.

"I'm not tired anymore." Now fabric no longer separates us. I can feel your bare skin pressing needily into my own. Your heart thundering in your chest just like it always does when you are with me. Just like mine does when I am with you. As I pull you into a deep kiss, I can see your eyes widen… then close. My mouth cuts off your new fit of giggles. Sakura won't hear us this time…

And we disappear into a sea of white linen sheets. Heedless of the world around us. Not caring about the snoring sister down the hall. Just two strangers sharing the same passion in the same bed… in the small apartment that I have come to call my own.

= = Closing remarks? = =

Jeez, this was written entirely in first person… my fingers hurt from all the corrections that I had to make on it (from third to now fifth edition, whoo hoo!) Anyhow, hope that guys like it. And this is with the assumption that Yukito[Yue] is with Nakuru[Ruby Moon] (yes, that is a common couple, no?). I have few plans to continue this at the time… but with the right reviews, you can try and change my mind!

Love it, hate it? Reviews needed! Flames, love letters, death threats… all accepted!

If you have any suggestions/wishes for a story, please submit them to me at CiulineIhmenjo

That is all… for now…

Ja ne Ciuline Ihmenjo