I found myself in front of a modest building with a rusty iron gate. I was about to push it open and make my way to the front steps, busy admiring the details of its muggle architecture, when a familiar voice yelled at me from across the street.

I reluctantly turned to face Ron Weasley coming in my direction.

"Hello Professor Snape," he said timidly and I got the impression that he wanted to ask me something.

"Nice to see you, Mr. Weasley. Do you... live around here?" I asked him hoping he wasn't there to visit with Hermione.

"Uh... yeah, just there, across the street," he said pointing to a similar building. He regarded me pensive and then said, "I was wondering when you would come."

When I looked at him, he probably noticed my confusion and went on to explain, "Harry told me what you said to her that night at the cabin... I confess I wasn't surprised..."

"Oh, and why is that?" I asked him.

"I always felt that despite everything, after she joined the Order, you were different... I mean, it isn't difficult to see you have a soft spot for her," he finally blurted out and kept a distance as if afraid I would hit him.

I didn't know if I was more surprised at the fact that I was careless enough to let that kind of emotion show so easily, or that Weasley actually showed he had something resembling a brain in that thick skull of him.

An awkward silence followed and thankfully Weasley had the presence of mind to break it.

"Well, I have to go... have a good day Professor," he said turning to leave.

"You too, Mr. Weasley. Goodbye." I turned back to the gate and made my way up to the front steps.

Weasley called back from the middle of the street, "By the way Professor, I think the feeling goes both ways." With that he turned and ran up the street, disappearing inside his building.

That last statement made me question my own perception of things around me. How could I let that pass? I've always found it so easy to read people's feelings and yet, I failed to notice Hermione's feelings for me. That idea was still foreign to me but it helped a great deal to give me courage to continue.

The front door led to a foyer where all the flats were listed beside their owners' names. The building was small, only two stores, and I found the name "H. Granger" beside the number 22.

As I climbed the stairs, the old wood creaked loudly at every step. The small corridor on the second floor was dark and rustic, but it had a lot of character, a little like the dungeon, but in a different way. It strangely suited Hermione as well as the dungeon suits me. It was a lot more in character than the mansion she lived in with Duane. The image of her there that night was so out of place that now it seemed obvious that she really wasn't herself.

When I knocked at the sage green door, I could feel a little flutter in the pit of my stomach, making me think of first dates, and I had an urge to run. Instead, I waited. I heard her steps approaching the door and a pause before she unlocked it.

There she was standing at the door, clad in a pale yellow bath robe, her hair was back to the mess of wild frizz, falling around her shoulders. She wore no make up or jewelry and I don't think I've ever seen her looking so beautiful. Her cinnamon colored eyes stared back at me in surprise, but she didn't say a thing, and for a few seconds, neither did I.

I was just glad to be able to look at her again and it was enough for that moment. Gathering my speech back, I smiled at her and asked, "Got any iodine?"

She blushed furiously and laughed softly. Looking at her smile like that, made me think... I would be lying if I said she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but in the simplicity of her attire, the clumsiness of her gestures and the softness of her eyes, I knew for sure that she had everything I could possibly want in a woman. She was amazing for who she was.

"I thought you didn't want to see me anymore, after all I've done." She looked down, avoiding my eyes.

"You have done nothing. We both know it wasn't you." I looked at her sharply and she nodded.

"Come in, Professor." She stepped aside for me to enter.

"Severus," I said.


"I'm not your Professor anymore..."

"Oh," she smiled and then said as she closed the door, "I wanted to thank you for everything, I don't know what would have happened to me if you, Harry and Ron weren't there... you were like my angel guards."

"I doubt I possess anything of an angel, Hermione, let alone an angel guard," I answered, not really enjoying the analogy.

She grinned wearing that smug expression that made her look like the know- it-all she's always been. "Maybe indirectly you were."

I walked slowly to her and captured her small face in my hands, brushing away the stray strands of brown hair as our eyes locked and I bent my head over to her. She responded promptly by standing on the tip of her toes and encircling my neck, plunging herself in a deep slow kiss... our second kiss, but truly the first, because this time I was kissing Hermione Granger.


. ............................................................................ .......................................................................

A/N: Ok, so there you have it. I hope it met everyone's expectations.

Thanks to :

Scary person - I'm glad you liked it, and yes it is Snape's point of view. Thanks a lot for your kind review.

Snape's Witch - Thanks for your review. Yes you're right about the movie in which the "whistle" quote came from. Also, I was wondering when someone was going to notice about the tittle of the fic. It's always a personal pleasure to add something from an Alan Rickman movie or another in my fics, And "Murder Obliquely" seemed appropriate to add in this case. I also added a little dialogue from the same movie in one of the chapters, I wonder if anyone knows which one.

Stacey Pointe - Thanks for your review and input. Well, now you know what happened with Sev and Hermione. I hope you enjoyed it.

hillary - Thanks for your review!