Free Bird

Wahoo! Look! I'm updating! And I'm listening to "Bring me to life" as we speak.

/And looking at a pic called hessad...why we're not real sure. We'll send it to ya.../

Does anyone know how to translate Japanese? Then you can tell me what is going on in the piccy...I wants to know...teary eyes

/As in...kanji.../

Anyways...I should write this. The end is here!

/You killed die now/



Free Bird

In The End...

Feeling bitter and twisted all along

Wading through an empty life too long

I close my eyes

Listen to the wind

Longing to belong to a higher place

"Here he is."

"Is he alive?"

"Of course you fool. The only thing in this world that could kill him is what he's about to go through."

"Well...let's get him loaded up."

Yami could faintly hear voices, but instead of the actual words you people just read, to him it was just sound. He felt paralyzed, and his mind was simply a blur. Someone picked him up, but Yami's mind went dark and he slipped out of consciousness once more.

When he came to, he was tied to an operating table. He tried to break the bonds, but found he was too weak to. His eyes traced around the room, noticing various instruments that were obvious not normal for any sort of operation. There was a monitor, blank and black. Yami had a passing thought that Seto might be able to find him if there was a computer.

There were noises, and several people in lab coats and surgical masks entered. There were two sharp pricks as Yam received two injections. He didn't know what they were, but he fought to keep himself here, and he fought himself to not destroy. One of the people placed a mask over Yami's nose and mouth. Yami did not pass out, on the contrary, his mind seemed to wake up and become more alert.

"Ok...let's cut him open and see what we've done to him."

A scalpel blade pushed its way into Yami's chest and slid through him. Yami felt all of this, ever time that blade came for him, he saw it as he had seen the Lucifer program. His first thought was that he was going to die. But his mind told him otherwise.

"Look at this, there's something attached to his heart."

"Well...let's detonate it quickly. Now that the enemy has been eradicated, there is no more use for him."

"He is extraordinary isn't he? He beat our viruses and evaded us for so long. It is a shame that this is his last stand."

"What's this? Some of the machines themselves are actually connected to his heart, like they're part of it."

"That's ours. If we need to, that is our last chance of controlling him."

"None of this must get out. The public doesn't need to know that their savior was a teenager."

If Yami could have screamed, he would. His mind began to race, and even before anyone did anything, a red glow centered around his right eye. The people stepped back and watched as his wounds closed. The red glow grew. A red orb emerged from the glow and centered in the air for a moment. Little red lines shot out from it in a hurry, singling out every lab coat-clad person in the room. Yami, still in a panic, broke from his bonds and was running before he knew it.

He knew that there was a bomb attached to his heart. He knew that they could kill him.

Seto drove as fast as he could towards their spot. He hoped, if he could be there, then maybe he could see. He didn't know that that was where Yami was headed. Seto pulled to a stop and ran as fast as he could to the lookout. Seto took a moment to calm himself and looked out at the sky.

There was a green light coming straight towards him. Seto smiled and waved. The light faded and Yami barreled into Seto, holding him s if his life depended on it.

"Yami! Are you alright? Are you hurt? What's wrong?" Seto asked.

Yami said nothing and just started crying. He didn't let go of Seto, he didn't even loosen his grip. He was afraid, and Seto was his last chance to stay human. Seto asked him what was wrong again, and Yami struggled to speak through his sobs.

"...they're gonna kill me Seto...they don't need me they're gonna kill me...there's a machine attached to my heart...they're gonna use it to kill me..."


"I don't want to die anymore Seto! I don't want to be away from you anymore! I want to be human again!!" Yami shouted, pushing closer to Seto.

Seto scooped Yami's crying form up and carried him back to his bike (again...motorcycle for those who don't understand). He thought. A machine...then...Anthy and Chimera could try to remove it, because it was a machine, it had wires and metal.

So he would try.

"You want me to what?!" Anthy shouted, arm in a cast and bandages over her eye.

"I want you to try and mess with this thing and try to make it so the government can't kill my boyfriend." Seto said. Anthy sighed.

"I'll see what I can do. But you owe me big for this. What you owe me...I still have to figure that out...but you'll owe me big." Anthy said, walking back to be absorbed by Chimera.

From the tower of wires came what appeared to be (or could pass for) a pod of some sort. The glass top opened to reveal a cushioned inside. The dragon skull motioned for Yami to lay down inside, and he did.

Yami felt his mind being separated from his body, and in the midst of his dreaming, he watched Anthy pass him to try her hardest to work in his body. Yami watched, and began to reflect on himself. He thought about Malik and the Rose Quartz. Healing and Love. Yes...Yami needed healing and Seto gave him love. Love that he needed. He thought about the Lucifer program, and how it had consumed his mind and his body to make him kill, to rampage and destroy. But Anthy had saved him. She drew Lucifer into her body and destroyed it. Yami wanted to thank her so much, but didn't know how he could.

But in a moment, his mind snapped back to his body and to the physical world. He had not felt the passage of time.

"Anything happen while I was gone?" Yami asked groggily.

"Anthy had been working for almost 96 hours to save you, and from the looks of it...she has." Seto said. A semi-transparent screen popped up with Anthy's exhausted expression on it.

"There, I've done the best I can. Yami, the only thing you have left are your wings, and those you can't do too much damage with."

"Thank you." Yami said.

"Hey Anthy, are you for once too tired to hack?" Seto asked, smiling.

"Watch me...I'll become the Cyber Ghost once more...but right now...I need some rest."

As Yami and Seto turned away, Anthy spoke once more.

"Yami, you might want to visit Yugi's grave. He's waiting there for you."

(You speak to the weak and old picture of me

Everybody says they want to be free...)

Days went by, life began to recover. Yami was attached to Seto at the hip, and they were rarely apart. Ryou never quite got over Malik, but he kept his boyfriend inside his heart everyday. It was extremely rare to see Ryou without the necklace. It was with him everywhere. Jonouchi later became president of their class and was often heard talking to "Yugi" when he was sitting by himself.

Anthy, Noah, and Chimera were still hacking everything they could, and first order of business was destroying any research involving Yami or the Ultimate Weapon or the Lucifer program. Anthy became Yami and Seto's guardian angel, and would track them in any way possible. She never let them be depressed, and always helped them in any way she could.

And for the first time in his life, Yami was free...


Mew! There! The End! The end the end the end the end THE END!!!

Now review.

Wear fruity half-masks and be welcome.