Be Careful What You Say...

Chapter One

"Nearly done," thought Inuyasha. He allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. "All that needs to be done now is to polish and stain it."
Leaning back against the God-tree, he examines the carving he has spent days on. "Not bad, if I do say so myself," he smirked. "I can hardly wait to see the look on Kagome's face when I give it to her," smiling at the thought. "The only thing that will top that look is when I tell her that I love her." He sighs, as he thinks of that. "I hope she takes it well, I would hate to have misread those looks she gives me when she thinks I don't see."
Suddenly, his nostrils flare. The wind has brought her scent to him, and now he hears her approaching. "Oh, no! I can't let her see this yet!" Iuyasha jumps up into the tree on to one of the lower limbs and clutches the carving to his chest to hide it.
"Inuyasha!" a voice calls. "I know I saw him here." Kagome comes into view, looking around. She looks up and spies Inuyasha trying to hide. "Inuyasha! What are you doing up there? Come on down!"
"Can't a person get some privacy around here!?," growls Inuyasha. "I like it up here, leave me alone."
"Well, that's thanks for you!" Kagome huffed, getting angry. "I just wanted to tell you that supper was ready."
"Well, now you've told me, you can leave." Inuyasha said, turning to keep Kagome from seeing the carving.
Unfortunately, she got a glimpse of him hiding something. "Inuyasha? What are you hiding?"
"None of your business, wench!" exclaimed a suddenly frantic Inuyasha. "I can't let her see this yet!" he thought. "WILL YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" he shouted.
"FINE!" she shouted back. She turned to go, then turned back with a vindictive gleam in her eye. "I'll teach him some manners," she thought. "SIT!!" she shouted.
"NO!" Inuyasha shouted, as he fell from the tree, pulled by his rosary. He barely had time to cradle the carving against him to prevent it from being damaged. But, he forgot something. As he hit the ground, the knife he had been carving with turned. The butt of the hilt hit the groung first and drove the blade deep into the hanyou's chest. He gave a small cry of pain. "Ka-Kagome?" he whispered, as he lost consiousness.
Kagome had already turned to go back when she heard the cry of pain. "That's not right," she thought, "it didn't sound the same as the other times I sat him. She turned to look back when she heard his shaky whisper, "Ka-Kagome?" Now she knew something was wrong. She rushed back to his side. "Inuyasha, are you alright?" she asked, full of concern. When she got no answer, she began to get frightened. "Inuyasha? Please answer me!"this time shaking the hanyou. Nothing. She rolled him over, to get a better look at his face. The first thing she saw was the knife sticking out of his chest. She screamed his name, "INUYASHA !!!" "Oh gods," she thought, "what have I done!!" "Help me, please help me!!"she screamed. As she looked at the knife in his chest, and checked to see if he was breathing, she saw the carving. Picking it up, she saw that it had been stained with Inuyasha's blood. She turned it over and the breath caught in her chest. "NO. Oh no, no no no no!" she cried. The carving was of her with a smiling hanyou standing next to her.