A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this story. It will be a little depressing at points. It takes place from FFX's ending to FFX-2's ending, in Tidus's POV. Well without much further ado, I give you Behind Blue Eyes.

DISCLAIMER: NO I don't own FFX or FFX-2 but I sure do with I owned Tidus XD. Errrm... I don't own the song in here either, Still Believe from Legend of Dragoon. That said....

Behind Blue Eyes

--Chapter One--

-Be Careful What You Wish For-

"I love you..." she said quietly.

Quickly turning, I faced Yuna, my heart in a knot. I could feel my presence fading each second I remained there. How could I leave her like this? I wrapped transparent arms around her, hoping she could feel my embrace. But I knew, she couldn't. She had fallen through me moments earlier. I walked through her; it was a strange sensation. I feared that if I stayed any longer, my tears would fall.

Running with the agility I had gained as a blitzball player, I jumped off the airship. I passed Yuna's father, Braska, and Auron. I stopped in front of my own father, Jecht. He nodded, and we slapped hands. Yes, there was that moment in which I had been proud to be his son, but he and I both know that moment won't last long.

I watched as the new High Summoner flew away into the sunset, my heart with her. I wished I didn't have to leave her. Yet I knew, we had no choice. I love you too... I sent my thought to her, hoping she knew.

Suddenly a black, ominous mist took over everything. It took all the people who had faded, including my father and me, across Spira. "Yuna..." I managed to whisper before falling into a soft slumber.

I woke up to the sounds of crashing pots and pans. Opening my eyes, I saw I was in a bedroom. My bedroom. Blitzball posters, articles, and magazine clips of the Zanarkand Abes covered my walls. I stood up and stretched. Walking down the stairs, I saw Jecht sitting at the table, head in hands.

"Tidus!" he cried, almost as if he was happy to see me.


"You remember Spira right?!"

"Spira...?" I echoed. I reconized the word... but why?

"Sin? Auron?"

I walked towards the toaster, putting in some bread. "I don't think so..."


I froze in place. Yuna. Her name brought back all those images and memories. How could I have forgotten? For even a moment? When I had woken up, it was if I had woken up in my normal life. Because I had. "Spira... how did we get here?" I questioned.

"I suppose when Yuna defeated Sin, all of us Zanarkand people got sent back here."

"No..." I said, "This is the Farplane."

"How do yah figure?" Jecht demanded.

"The fayth quit dreaming."

"So we're dead?"

"I think so..."

"Tidus! Jecht!" shouted a woman from the next room.

"Mom...?" Both of us ran into the next room, greeting her with a hug.

"Hey!" she laughed. "What's with the hugs?"

"I missed you so much..." Jecht said softly.

"I missed you too. Ten years was a long time..."

"So we're back in Zanarkand," Jecht said, stretching his arms. "I never thought I see this place again. Well, in one piece that is."

I couldn't seem to put together everything that was going on. I had been in Spira for nearly a year. Had I gone 'missing' from Zanarkand as well? And would anyone but my father believe I had seen this very metropolis as dead ruins? Closing my eyes, I could picture the Zanarkand Ruins perfectly. I had stood beside Yuna, thinking she was going to die. But we found a way. And I sacrificed myself. What made me angry is that I wanted this. I had wanted for so long to return here. Back to Zanarkand. Back to my home. But now... I wanted to get as far as possible out of here.

"You okay, bud?" my mother asked, worriedly.

I shook my head. I could feel tears burning in my eyes. Damnit! Why couldn't I have stayed in Spira? "I don't want to be here."

"Why not?" she asked, looking hurt.

"Yuna..." I said softly.

This made Jecht burst out into laughter.

"What the hell is so funny?" I demanded.

"You! Fallin' for Braska's daughter!" he banged his fist on a table, laughing harder.

You know what, Dad? Fuck you. I ran out of the house, my bare feet pounding against the pavement. What did he know about love? All he ever did was take my mom away from me. All I wanted was to go back to Spira. Back to Yuna.

I stopped in front of the stadium. I could hear music from inside. I always had freedom to roam the stadium so I did. Walking in the back entrance, I waved to the guard. I think his name was Benzi. I took a seat near the front. On stage was a songstress, warming up for the concert that night. Sitting back, I listened to her song.

"I had a dream that I could fly and I feel each moment as time goes by. We would never be to far away, you'd always be here. I heard you say 'I never thought... Thought that this would be our last good-bye.' I still can dream that one day love will fall from the sky... Do you still remember all the time that has gone by? Do you still believe that love can fall out from the sky? If from where your standing, you can see the sky above... I'll be waiting for you if you still believe in love..."

Her song almost brought me to tears. It made me think of Spira, the pilgrimage, Rikku and the other guardians. Yuna. Why couldn't I get her out of my mind? I broke my promise to her. I had said I'd always be with her. But I left... I had to get back. I just had to! But how?

Sin. That was how I got to Spira. But Jecht was here now. Sin was dead. And I somehow knew I could never return. I was trapped in this world. I wanted to go home.