Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its characters…except for my own created OCs.

AN: I forgot…. In the start of the anime, Itachi and Iruka are only supposed to be 17 and 25 respectively. Just a note: Since I don't want Iruka to seem too old for Itachi, I changed both their ages to 20 yrs old to fit my story better. So sorry for the mistake…

PS: Ignore the text inside the () for they are merely my comments.

PPS: The italicized words are flashbacks or dreams.

Tutor et Ultor

Formerly known as 'Shards of My Secret Unkempt'

By Paranoia-shoujo & lain-trigger01

Chapter 13 :: Alliance of Dark and Fire

Ayako knelt before the Uzumaki Council of Elders before bowing her head in a kowtow before her grandfather, the Uzumaki Head. Turning to her father, she saw his face dissolve to a frown at her expression. She knew that whatever message she brought, it must be one of greatest import lest she would be punished for barging in on a private meeting."Kenji-sama," she started, pausing awhile for him to motion her to continue, "It seems that another bijuu has come to Konoha."She noticed the bewilderment that showed itself on his face before hearing his reply. "Is that so, what other information have you brought?"

Breathing a little easier at his inquiry, she resumed her report. "Our informant was here minutes before; I was the one to meet his instead of Ran as he opted to follow Naruto and his team to the Forest of Death. The Nibi's carrier is dead.""And what is the significance of this information to the one you've brought?" Her father asked, before she could continue.Allowing her eyes to meet his, she replied. "It seems that Akatsuki failed to capture the Nibi. Yugito, its jinchuriki, allowed its escape as a last resort."

"And you propose that it is the Nibi that has come to Konoha and its walls?"

"I am unsure still but I do believe that is so, Kenji-sama."

"I see. We will see later what our heir wishes to say about this. You may leave now; you are pardoned from your interruption."

"Arigatou gozaimasu, Kenji-sama." Hearing the unspoken order, she slowly stood before leaving the room.

Orochimaru's borrowed body jerked him back in response to the pain he'd felt from the kuroneko's claws. Looking over to the Uchiha, he saw the lithe black cat protectively guarding him from his prize. Its fur had risen and it was hissing at him furiously. He briefly entertained the thought of killing the pathetic animal when he felt multiple chakra signatures heading their way, presumably jounin.

The moment he left, Sasuke fell to the side, grasping his injured neck. Worried at the thought of possible poisoning, Sakura expertly pried off his fingers to reveal not a bite-mark but from what she could discern was a seal.Unnoticed, Nahiko's fur rose in warning before her fangs latched themselves on his exposed neck. Surprised, Sakura grabbed her by her scruff and threw her to the side, but the damage had already been done and a new bite now adorned his neck, overlapping the curse seal.

Snarling at the insolence of the ningen female, Nahiko was about to attack her when the scent of fox mingled with the bright one's permeated her senses. Watching with wary eyes, she saw the bright one, Naruto, she reminded herself, brush his fingers on the onna's pressure point and the pathetic ningen's slow defeat to the darkness.

Naruto felt Kyuubi prodding his cage as he stared at the kuroneko before him. Making a quick decision, he allowed the Kyuubi to take over.

Revealing blood red eyes, he turned to the cat and watched with mild interest as it changed form to that of a female ningen child. "Nibi..."

Staring unconcerned, Nibi blinked slowly before replying, "Kyuubi...," looking at the bright one's physique up and down, she continued, "...so this is your jinchuuriki..."

Brushing off her comment, he turned his attention to the fallen Uchiha before..."Orochimaru?"

"Who?" Nibi asked, her slitted eyes narrowing further.

"The snake..."

Hissing furiously at the memory of what had transpired mere minutes before; Nibi took a moment before replying an affirmative.Taking a minute to process the events, Kyuubi almost didn't notice the scent that drifted to his sensitive nose. Burning holes at the Nekomata's ningen form with his stare, he growled out. "You marked him."

She shrugged, her voice colored by mixed concern and annoyance, "I will not allow that filth to use my master." Her eyes briefly flashed an electric yellow before mellowing to a pale green as the words left her lips.

At her tone, curiosity entered Kyuubi's gaze. "You've claimed him as your master?"

A smirk formed on her lips before whispering mockingly, "...as you've taken your jinchuuriki as your kit...""This boy," Kyuubi sneered, "is not my kit."

"Hai." Nibi purred, her lips tilting upwards in amusement, "As I am...not a bijuu but a lowly ningen..."

The only reply she received was a scowl before the scent of rain and fresh cut grass drifted to their sensitive nose. With a nod to the Kyuubi, the Nekomata shifted to return to a body of that of a black cat before springing to lay itself beside the raven-head.

Naruto, feeling a familiar chakra nearing, wrestled for control. He opened his eyes to see Ran making a mental report of their injuries.

Having received summons from the Uzumaki head, Haku felt a drop of fear envelop him. As if to twist the knife that embedded itself to his heart when he learned of Orochimaru's attack against Team Seven, he saw the frown that Ran-niisan desperately tried to mask. Bowing down before Kenji-sama, he tried to still his heartbeat to normalcy."Orochimaru has succeeded in his mission, it seems..." Kenji started as Haku stared at him in dread.

"..." Ran couldn't help the glare that slipped on his features when reminded of his failure; it seemed as if it was there to haunt him."It is not your fault, Ran. I wouldn't expect you to fight and win against that snake. Best scenario would be a quick death, but knowing him and the fact that he positively abhors us, it would be a mere hope to be squashed. It was best that you were unable to reach them in time."

He gave a brief nod to imply that he understood. But Haku knew that if he was in Ran-niisan's shoes, he too would be unable to forgive himself for his failure. Too deep in his musings, Haku almost didn't hear Ran-niisan's report."I felt a large amount of chakra within the forest, at the place where Naruto and his team stood.""And?" Kenji prompted.

"It vanished when I arrived."

Blinking owlishly, Haku tried to follow the meaning of his words but was unable to understand the unspoken conversation between the two. Shrugging, he allowed himself to notice that Ayako-neesan was leaning against the doorway, as if waiting for a chance to speak to the otherwise occupied Uzumaki Head.

Naruto brushed back sweaty bangs as he and his clone arrived at another clearing, this one being closer to the tower. Without turning around he motioned for the Bunshin to place down his pink haired teammate. Cautiously, he too placed Sasuke underneath a large tree. Plopping down beside the pale Uchiha, he heaved a sigh. It had been a few hours since the attack and knowing that more were to follow, he opted to travel at a pace faster than a normal genin should be allowed.

Hearing a pop beside him, he turned to face another bunshin. This one bearing a scroll opposite from the one that he held. Allowing a smile to show itself on his face, he gave a nod to the clone before taking the scroll and allowing it to poof out of existence.

Now he just had to make sure that Sasuke and Sakura were both well enough for them to pass. /And to think I didn't have to do this but instead choose to.../

Gaara stared out of the tower's windows. Having felt the influx of chakra, Shukaku was creating havoc inside his mind. Strangely though, he felt at peace as if the chakra was one similar to him. He deduced that it was a jinchuuriki like him. A cursed child...

Feeling Temari's stare, he released a minute amount of killer intent. It should be enough for her to leave him alone.

//Sasuke opened his eyes to look around his surroundings, bright gold strands seemed to meld into one large room.'Where am I?' he thought to himself in wonder.

Looking around, he spotted a shadow of a young boy, a few feet from him, standing with his face downcast. 'Who is that...?' Looking closer, he realized that before him stood his own self, his past... before his association with Team Seven. The young boy was shaking, his fury barely controlled and his face contorted to a glare.

Straining his ears, he caught the angry words. "Dad and Mom didn't have to die..."Tears flowed down the boy's cheeks as the golden landscape changed to a memory that Sasuke would never forget. The bodies of his parents on the floor...

'Everyone was killed'

The bloodied walls...

'Because I didn't have enough power'

The sea of red...

'The Clan was wiped out...'

...and his brother's spinning Sharingan eyes.//

A tired sigh left Naruto's lips as he watched violet flames envelop his charge. Hearing movement at his left, he turned and saw a young pale-faced girl with long black hair and slitted eyes. A small smile curved on his lips before he greeted her. "Nibi."

Glancing towards the unconscious Uchiha, Nibi frowned. "The snake's taint ails him."


//'If you don't have power...'

Youcan't do anything

'Because I didn't have power'

'Everyone was killed!'

The image of his past selflifted its head to face himits right hand atop half its face. A manic glare and a sadistic smile on its face, he spat out to Sasuke. "No, you let them die...You just watched them die."

'If only I had power' The boy-Sasuke's hand slowly stripped of the skin to show Orochimaru's eye. "If only you had power..."//

The demonic violet chakra engulfed Sasuke's body, his face slowly becoming covered with black flames.

Nibi stared hard at Sasuke before meeting Naruto's concerned eyes. Smirking lightly, she whispered "But he is still only human… that snake."

//"Foolish." The word seemed to jolt Sasuke from his trance, his gaze shifted to where the voice originated. Surprised, his eyes widened as he took in the sight of... "Okaa-san"

The boy-Sasuke glared at her, "You're not supposed to be here."

Her coal eyes hardened upon the sight of the half-face, "No. The one who's not supposed to be here is you." The shadow of a large cat with two tails seemed to dim the surroundings and the boy with the half-face disappeared

And just as suddenly as it happened, the black flames receded to the Heaven Curse Seal's inactive state before the image of Black Luna burned itself atop it.

Nibi, for her part, merely shrugged as Naruto's eyes shifted to her. "I suppose this is your contribution?"

A smile colored her pale lips, "Hn."

AN: I'm not sure when I'll be able to update, do forgive me. I'll try my best though to update faster. And to those who are wondering…No, I will not be giving this up. And no, I will not change the names of the Yondaime, and his wife…even if I already know their real names… Just treat this fic as an AU. Thank you for reading.