Love Equation Among Geniuses


Disclaimer: I don't own GTO.

Chapter 1

Unexpected Arrival

         "Yoshito! Come down now or you'll be late for school!"

         Kikuchi Yoshito, age 16, woke up with a start. He got his glasses from his side table and put it on. He rubbed his eyes and glanced at his clock.

         7:30 am.

         What day is it today?


         "Damn it!" he cursed as he jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. School starts at 8, meaning he has only 30 minutes to prepare. He hurriedly took a shower and rushed out to put on his uniform.

         "Why didn't that stupid alarm clock woke me up!" he growled as he fished out his bag from his desk. He then noticed that his clock was set to alarm at 8 in the morning. That's strange. He was sure that he set it to 7am last night. He quickly went out of his room.

         "Yoshito, aren't you going to have breakfast?" his mother asked as he quickly rushed to the table.

         "I'll just have this toast," he answered. He nearly ran to the table and stuffed the toast on his mouth. He almost spilled the water he was drinking out of hurry.

         "Here is your lunch." Kikuchi stuffed the package his mother gave him on his bag.

         "Thanks. Bye!" he nearly tripped as he rushed out of the door.

         "Good luck on your first day! And try to go home early! We'll have a visitor!" his mother waved at him. Kikuchi waved back.

         Kikuchi had grown much over the years. He was now taller and well built. His hair was still the same, though today it was quite dishelmed. His brown eyes were still behind his silver rimmed glasses. He was wearing a new uniform, a black blazer over a white long sleeves with a dark blue necktie- though the tie was still not properly arranged.

         Today was his first day in his new school, Domino High school (1). It was a special school for few selected intellectual minds; of course he was one of them.

         Kikuchi ran to the train station and quickly rode a train to Domino High.

         "Domino station," the conductor announced. Kikuchi quickly made his way out and checked his watch.

         5 seconds to 8.

         "Damn it!" He ran as fast as he can to the large structure with the words 'Domino High school' written in gold letters. He almost dived inside as the bell rang. He collapsed on the floor.

         "Phew! That was close," he muttered while catching his breath.

         "Well, well, well! What do we have here?" a well familiar voice said. Kikuchi didn't need to look up to see the person. He sighed. Fate really has a sense of irony. Of all the people, why did it have to be her?

         "A human. A student who was almost late for his first day in school, Miss genius," Kikuchi answered as he stood up. A smirking Kanzaki Urumi greeted him. Something's fishy.

         "Ooh! So you were almost late?" Kanzaki asked mockingly. Kikuchi readjusted his glasses. He regained his composure.

         "Yes, Miss genius. I was almost late," he answered with a smirk. Two could play this game.

         "It is so unlike you, Mr. computer genius. Tell me, what made you late?" Kanzaki continued to ask mockingly.      

         Kikuchi tried to control himself. Bingo. It was too obvious. "I believe it was you who made me late," he answered, looking at Kanzaki with uttermost amusement.

         "Bingo! You really deserve to be here," Kanzaki said, as her smirk grew wider. Sometimes, Kikuchi really amazed her.

         "So you adjusted my clock's settings, am I right?" Kikuchi asked, his arms crossed in front of his chest. Kanzaki stepped forward and reached Kikuchi's necktie. Kikuchi was surprise with her action.

         "Correct again. I went to your house last night- you were already asleep. I told your mom that you forgot to give me back my book, which, coincidently, I needed so much. So I went to your room and got my book and adjusted your clock. Simple, isn't?" Kanzaki explained as she began to adjust Kikuchi's tie.

         "You can't stop your pranks, can you?" He asked, voice calm although he was quite uncomfortable with Kanzaki's action.

         "Of course. My day wouldn't be complete without my pranks," she answered, adjusting the tie for the last time, "there! It is now arranged." Kikuchi was amazed on how well she tied it. She stepped back, "I need to go now to class or I'll be late. See you!" She ran up the stairs but suddenly stopped, "Oh, do something about your hair." She giggled after noticing the faint blush that appeared on Kikuchi's cheeks. He quickly reached his bag for his comb and arranged his hair.

         Kikuchi sighed. That was a nice opening ceremony here in his new school. "Now, where will I find class 1-1?" he mumbled as he looked around, "If Kanzaki went upstairs, then 1-1 should be there too." He went upstairs and found class 1-1. He immediately went inside. Good, the teacher is still not here.

         The classroom was normal looking. About 30 pairs desks and chairs were neatly lined. Most of the students were quietly reading a book. Some were chatting about the current issues or the latest discoveries.

         Yep, nerds.

         Kikuchi spotted Kanzaki looking out the window. Her desk was next to it. He approached her.

         "What a coincidence," he sounded amazed. She'll pay for what she has done to him a while ago. 

         Kanzaki turned her head and faced him. She tried to sound sorry, "Ah, Kikuchi, sorry to say but you need to save your blabber later because our teacher is here." Kikuchi sighed. He lost his chance of revenge. Oh well, there is always a next time.

         Kikuchi looked around for a seat but the only seat left was that next to Kanzaki. He sighed and settled himself there.

         "Oh, what a coincidence. We are seatmates again, Kikuchi," Kanzaki said, her grim expression never wavering. Kikuchi just smirked.

         "Good morning class! I am Kakashi-sensei and I will be your homeroom teacher!" (2) their teacher said happily. He had spiky white hair though he was still quite young. He was wearing a black suit with a gray long sleeve inside; a couple of buttons were opened. He was also wearing a mask that covered the lower half of his face and a head protector (3) that covered his right eye. Some girls were drooling over him.

         Kikuchi looked at Kanzaki, waiting for her reaction. Kanzaki thought for a while. She then smiled. "I promised Onizuka I'd stop my teacher bullying." She answered after seeing Kikuchi's questioning look.

         "Okay class, I'll get the attendance now."


         It was their last subject, Computer Science, and yet Kikuchi was bored, very bored.

         We all know Kikuchi is a genius when it comes to computers so he was disappointed to know that they will start with the basics. He was really looking forward to a very complicated lesson but what he got was a lesson about the parts of a computer.

         Nevertheless, he still took some notes.

         He glanced around the classroom. Most of the students were bored as hell; some were even in the verge of falling asleep. He smirked. Not only the lesson but also the teacher was boring so they have a valid reason to act the same way. His gaze fell on his seatmate.

         Kanzaki sat there, her head on her left hand as she looked outside. She was twirling her pen on her right hand. She looked somewhat amused, Kikuchi noted. He let his gaze wander more.

         She had grown over the years. Her long blonde hair was longer than before- today she tied it in a low ponytail using a pink ribbon. The uniform, a black blazer and skirt with a white long sleeve inside and a dark blue ribbon, fitted her frame perfectly. It showed her curves, Kikuchi noted. Her eyes were still the same: one blue and one brown.

         Kikuchi sighed and shook his head. He admitted even before that she was truly beautiful yet he wondered why he didn't have a crush on her. True, they were quite close but it was only because they were friends.

         Kanzaki suddenly faced him, smirking.

         Random thoughts overloaded Kikuchi's mind. She caught him looking at her! What should he do? Would he make up a lie? Or would he play dumb? He picked the second thought.

         Kanzaki continued to look at him, her expression grim. Kikuchi tried to clear his mind as he looked dully at her.

         Kikuchi silently prayed that Kanzaki would stop looking at him like that. His prayer was answered when the bell rang signaling the end of classes. Kikuchi mentally sighed.

         "Goodbye Shiyu-sensei," the class bowed as their teacher left the room.

         Kikuchi, like the other students, prepared to leave. Kanzaki sat on her desk, waiting for him.

         "Ne, Kikuchi, where are we meeting Onizuka and the others again?" she asked as she watched the students leave the room.

         "Ichiraku Ramen," (4) Kikuchi answered. He got his bag and faced Kanzaki. Kanzaki jumped out of her desk.

         "Ichiraku Ramen? Haven't heard of that before," Kanzaki said thoughtfully. They went out of the room and made their way out of the campus.

         "It is a newly opened Ramen store. I heard they really make the best Ramen around here," Kikuchi proudly answered. It was rare that 'Miss genius' didn't know something.

         "I wonder who's going to pay for Onizuka. We all know he's appetite," Kanzaki asked with a smirk.

         "I don't want to know," Kikuchi answered while shaking his head. He remembered the incident about the sushi on which Onizuka black mailed Tomoko's manager to pay.

         Kanzaki giggled, "Well, that was kinda funny though" At last they reached Ichiraku Ramen. They went inside.

         Ichiraku Ramen was a busy restaurant. People were eating happily, enjoying their food. They looked around, trying to find Onizuka.

         "Oi! Kikuchi! Kanzaki! Over Here!" Onizuka stood there, waving frantically at them. Murai was trying to get the bottle of sake, which was in Onizuka's hand. Kanzaki happily went to them while Kikuchi sighed.       

         "How was your first day, Kikuchi?" Yoshikawa asked as Kikuchi sat next to him. Yoshikawa and the others were still studying in Seirin High. (5)

         "It was quite boring really," Kikuchi answered as he watched Tomoko and Kanzaki chat animatedly. "You?"

         "It was okay. You should have seen how Onizuka tried to sneak into the High school building just to see high school girls. They still didn't allow him to teach in high school. Fuyutsuki-sensei nearly dragged him to his homeroom class," Yoshikawa said. Kikuchi shook his head. 

         "Welcome to Ichiraku Ramen! May I take your order?" the waiter came to them and asked.

         "I want your extra special ramen!" Kanzaki said happily.

         "I'll just have your original ramen," Kikuchi said.

         "With pleasure!" the waiter exclaimed and went back to the counter.

         "Wait, you haven't ordered yet." Kanzaki faced Tomoko. Tomoko shook her head.

         "We already ordered a while ago," she answered. Kanzaki nodded her head.

         Kikuchi looked around the table. Onizuka was offering Fuyutsuki-sensei some sake. Murai was still trying to get the sake bottle from Onizuka. Yoshikawa was talking with Fujiyoshi about the latest computer game. Kanzaki was showing Tomoko a magic trick in which she transfers a coin from her left arm to the right. Tomoko was very astonished. Kikuchi shook his head. The trick was so simple that even an elementary kid could guess the logic behind it.

         Suddenly, the door of the restaurant opened wide. Everyone in the restaurant became quiet as they focused their attention at the girl and the boy standing in the doorway. The girl looked around.

         Kikuchi looked at her intently. He was sure that he has seen her before.

         "Whoah! Who is that beautiful high school girl?" Onizuka drooled over the girl.

         "Onizuka-sensei!" Fuyutsuki-sensei hit him hard on the head. Murai shook his head.   

         "Kikuchi, do you know her?" Kanzaki asked after noticing how Kikuchi looked at the girl. Kikuchi didn't reply.

         "Er.. Miss? Sir?" the waiter inquired. They didn't reply.

         The girl's face lit up as she turned her gaze at the direction of Kikuchi. Kikuchi remained calm.

         "Yoshito-chan!" The girl rushed to him. She flung her arms around his neck.  

         Kikuchi was taken aback by the girl's action, "W-wait, who are you?" Kanzaki smirked at him. She found it a very interesting scene. Kikuchi tried to remain calm but the girl's next statement made his blood turn cold.

         The girl pretended to pout. "Aw! Yoshi-chan, that's so mean! Have you forgotten that I am your fiancée?"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Be Continued...

         So what do you think? Please Review!!!

         Oh, could anyone please tell me what is the name of the other friend of Murai? Please!

(1)      Domino High school is from Yu-gi-oh. It is the school where Yugi and the others are studying. Let's just pretend that it is a special school, okay? I don't own it.

(2)      Kakashi-sensei is, of course, from Naruto. I don't own him.

(3)      Head protector is a rectangular piece of metal that is attached usually to a blue or red colored bandana. In the center of the metal sheet, the symbol of the village where they belong is carved. This is again from Naruto and I don't own it.

(4)      Ichiraku Ramen is the maker of the best ramen in Konoha. It is also Naruto's favorite place to eat ramen.  I also don't own it.

(5)      Is Seirin only up to junior high? If yes, then let's just pretend that it also offers high school.