Most of my stories are going to be CCS. That is probably dah best thing to deal with. OK. On wit chapter 1.

Disclaimer: For the WHOLE story: I DO NOT OWN CCS.

The characters are 16.

The Right Girl

.:....:. thoughts ( ) me " " talking

Chapter 1

First Day Back

Beep Beep Beep Beep......Bam!

" Grrrrr." growled a voice from under the light blue covers. A hand had reached out and busted another alarm. :.Oh man. That's the 6th one this month. Bro's gonna kill me.:

" Sakura!! Was that another alarm I heard smashed?" yelled a voice from downstairs.

" Uhhhh. No? I uh fell out of bed, that's all." the alarm destroyer lied.

" Then get up and get out. You're gonna be late for the first day back to school!"

" Fine!"

The alarm destroyer was a girl. Sakura Kinomoto to be exact. She had super straight shiny layered hair that went mid-back and shining emeralds orbs. She had a model figure and would make any jaw drop.

Sakura got up out of bed and went to the restroom. 20 minutes later, she came out looking refreshed. She walked to her closet and looked at some of the clothes with displeasure. Her choice was a tight light blue top that said 'Skater Babe' and some slightly baggy dark blue jeans. In a quick flash, her hair was in a high ponytail with bangs on the side. ( you know how it is when your hair is layered and you keep the split in the middle.) She pulled out her skateboard from her closet. The skateboard had blue flames with the word 'Sakura' in the middle.

:.Grr. I can't believe I have to go to school, as if I wasn't already busy enough.: Sakura thought as she grabbed her backpack and went downstairs.

" Yo bro, what's for breakfast?"

" Pancakes. They're on the counter. Get 'em yourself." said her brother. Touya was his name and beating up punks that got close to his sister was his game. He was 25 years old, married and happy. His wife, Umi, was away on business. He had dark brown hair along with handsome dark brown eyes. He was sitting at the table, drinking coffee, reading the paper.

Chomp! " Well, I'm done. See ya later bro."

" Later Kaijuu." Bam! Sakura had took her skateboard and whacked Touya in the head.

" Don't call me that cause I ain't." Sakura said. She walked over to the couch, took her hoodie and skated out the door.

Outside with Sakura

Sakura was swerving about ( in a good way that is) dodging obstacles and getting strange looks from people. Since it was a rich neighborhood, it was unusual to see skaters on the sidewalks. But she just ignored them and continued skating with her hands in her pockets.

When she finally got to school, she took off her hoodie to reveal that model shaped figure of hers. She had stopped to stare at her old school. :. I can't believe how flooded this school is with preps. I didn't realize it before because I was one of them, but seriously, I only see 5 skaters.:

" Hey! Yo newbie!" a male voice called.

" Huh?" Sakura turned around. " Ya talkin' ta me?"

" Yeah we talkin' ta you. Come over here!" said another male.

" Sure, why not?" she mumbled as she skater over to them.

As she skated over, she heard a voice her call her name

" Sakura! Is that you?"

" Huh?" Sakura didn't have time to turn around because she was tackled from behind. Then she started losing her balance and was heading straight for a tree because of the impact. Whatever tackled her was clinging on tight. :.If I jump, my board will be toast. If I don't I'll crash. Decisions, decisions. Aha! I know!.: Upon her decision, Sakura jumped up, with whoever clinging to her and with her board in hand. Softly, she landed next to the guys that called her.

" If you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you let go." Sakura said looking down.

" Huh? Oh yeah, sorry about that. I was just so excited to see you back Sakura. But no skirt today?" asked the person clinger.

" Tomoyo? Hey....Skirts don't do well with skateboards. They fly up too much." Sakura explained.

" S-s-skateboards?" Tomoyo stuttered.

" Yeah. Sorry Tomo. I'm no prep. I have changed, seriously and for the better."

" No prep?"

" Ya know, you don't have to repeat things I say." Sakura said.

" Yeah. Okay."

Tomoyo Daidouji was a good friend of Sakura's. She has straight waist length ebony black hair and violet eyes. She was a prep.

" Sakura, you-you're joking, right?" Tomoyo asked, hoping the answer was yes.

" No. Does it look like I'm joking?" she said, pointing to her face and down to her clothes.

" O my gosh. You're a skater now. You're one of...them!" she said, pointing to the guys, who were, still at the time, not really noticed.

" Is that supposed to an insult Tom? Cuz I think of it as more of a compliment." Sakura said, with the coolest face a person could have.

Tomoyo just ran off, shocked at the changed Sakura.

" Excuse my friend of that, please. This newbie here is Sakura ."

" Alright then. I'm Takaishi. A.k.a. Tiger." one boy said. He had soft black spikes pushed up with a pair of black goggles. He was wearing leather blazer, a tight black T- shirt with some faded black baggy jeans.

" Akito. They call me Cheetah." This one had light brown hair and was wearing an orange hoodie with a black shirt under and baggy blue jeans.

" Josh. Crossbow." He had navy blue hair that covered part of his eyes and wore a midnight blue t-shirt and black baggy jeans with 3 chains.

" ....."

" And you are?"Sakura asked.

" He doesn't like to talk but his name's Syaoran. He's known as the...."


" Oh freak. I'll tell ya later. See ya."

" Later."

"Peace out."


1st Period- Math

"Hey." Sakura said as she walked through the door.

" Hello Miss Kinomoto..Your appearance has changed. What's the name?" Saito-sensei asked. He was a nice man. Always the favorite. He called all the skaters by their nicknames and told the preps to shut up when he heard trash about them. Mainly because when he was younger, he was a skater himself. ( Hehehe. Favorites)

" Th' name's...Jade."

" Alright Jade. Take a seat. I hope you have tended to your studies since you were not here for the beginning?"

" Hai."

" Good. Let's get started with class. Turn to page 215. Chapter 6 Lesson 3......." ( this is where the teacher talks about stuff. im not in 10th grade so I don't noe wat they do)

.: Didn't my tutor teach me this already? It's so boring back at school: . Sakura looked out the window and then at the clock. 10 more minutes.

" Jade?"

" Yeah, Teach?"

" Can you solve this problem?"

Sakura's P.O.V

I looked up at the board. No problem. " Want me to come up and work it out?" I asked.

" Yes."

I walked up to the board and grabbed the chalk. I scribbled some numbers and symbols on the board and in a matter of seconds, I had the answer faster than a nerd. Not that I was one 'cause I'm a skater, just a smart one.

" Th' answers 13."

" That's correct. You may take your seat, Jade. Students, since we have about a minute till the bell rings, get ready for your next class." Saito-sensei said. He's probably my favorite Teach. He let's you get ready before the bell rings. Not after.


Next is social studies.

As I was walkin' out the door, Tiger and the others came out. Tiger and Crossbow put their arms around my shoulders, Cheetah was walking in front of me, backwards and the other boy I didn't know yet was walking to the side of us.

" So, you chose Jade, huh?" asked Cheetah.

" Yeah. I couldn't really think of anything." I laughed.

" Well, it suits you. Like the jade is a precious stone, you are our precious little sister." said Tiger.

" That's nice. Now I have 5 brothers. Oh, ya know what? You never got to finish telling me who Syaoran was." I said. From the corner of my eye, I saw him twitch. " Why did you twitch?"

Crossbow leaned in and whispered, " He don't like being called by his first name. Only his family call him that. His nickname's Dragon."

" Ohhh" I said, understanding. " Isn't it cool we have all the same classes? We should really get going 'fore we're late." I said, obviously not wanting to be late.

When I walked in, again, I was tackled for the 2nd time today. And guess by who? Yep, Tomoyo and once again, she clung to me. She was clinging to my waist and mumbling,

" Please, change back. Change back."

" Tomoyo, I'm happy like this. Why don't you try and change, even if just for a while. It won't hurt."

" Yeah it will. My reputation will be totally damaged."

" Ok then. Can you let go now."

" Nuh uh."

" What are you? My little sister?"

" Uh huh."


.: Yes, saved by the bell:.

Well the same thing happen throughout the day. I got tackled by Tomoyo before every class, I answered every problem given to me in a matter of seconds, and I talked with the guys in between class.

But that was just till lunch time. Sure Tomoyo tackled me in a sad attempt to convert me back to the prep lifestyle and it was getting her nowhere, but there was this girl. She was....weird.

When we walked through the door, same formation as this morning in the hall way,


" Itaiii. My ears. Who is that Tiger?" I asked. Trying to make sure I didn't go deaf.

" That's just Syaoran's cousin."

" It is? Then why did I see him twitch?" I asked.

" Well, 1.She screams very loudly."

" I heard." I said as Tiger chuckled at my comment.

" Yeah and 2. Even though they're family, he doesn't like her calling him by his first name."

" Ooohhhh."

" Hey, speakin' of names, what's yours, we never really found out."

" Sakura. Sakura Kinomoto."

" S.K." I heard him mumble. " Where did you go over the summer?"

" Uhhhh...why is Dragon hiding behind you?"

He had on his thinking face. " He's hiding from Mei Lin. His cousin. Now where did you go over the summer?" he asked me again. We had found a table and were waiting for the line to shorten.

" I..uhh" I was afraid he might have found out my secret. Dragon was now under the table. " I went to..the States." I finally said.

" You're...mmmph" he began, before I covered his mouth.

" We'll talk after school and I'll tell you guys at my place." I whispered. " Got it?"

" Yeah." I had removed my hand. .:I guess I can trust them:.

I heard footsteps coming and a figure waving something in the air. And again I heard the screech,


She came closer. It was Dragon's cousin. I remembered the screech. I mean, who wouldn't?

" Syaoran-kun, I know you're under the table."

The girl had crimson red eyes and her pitch black hair was in a clip. She was wearing a red Chinese top and a red miniskirt that went mid-thigh with read strappy heels. She was also holding a red purse. That's what she waving in the air. It was red on red on red. I have never seen so much red on one person ever in my life till now.

She was now trying to pull Dragon out from under the table. The guy seemed so cool and quiet and kinda weird but now he was yelling 'let go of me' over and over and was holding onto the table.

" I don't think you should really pull him like that. You could tear his arms or legs off and then he wouldn't be able to skate anymore." I said calmly, to my own surprise. Actually, she stopped pulling him and dropped him. He ran over to the end of the table, the end I was on and was thanking me like made.

" Thank you, Jade, Thank you. Thank you."

" Ok, ok. I get it." I said, trying to stop him from actually trying to bow down to say thank you some more. " I don't think you should really chase him down anymore. At least not at school. Do what you like at home, but leave the chasing there." I reasoned.

" Fine with me, as long as I get to chase him at home." She pointed at me to make sure I got it.

" Yes. Exactly."

" Ok then. Bye bye."

" Later."

After she left, the guys looked at me while I drank the soda I bought before we sat down. They were staring with gawking eyes and open mouths.

" What?"

" How did you do that?" Crossbow asked.

" Well did you guys ever try talking to her?"

" No, we just ran away from her." responded Cheetah.

" You guys. Why don't you go get lunch." I suggested.

" Aren't you gonna eat? I'll buy ya lunch to pay you back for helping me." offered Dragon. I knew he was going to continue to thank me and I was gonna continue refusing.

" Nah, I'm not hungry."

" Ok then."

The guys ate lunch and we went skating around campus real quick to burn of some energy before classes started again. But after lunch, the afternoon was just like the morning.

Dat's it ppl. This is dah most I have written for one chapter so I want at least 10 reviews for this chapter so I can noe it's good and use that as encouragement and the next chapter will be up after the 10th review.

u c mistakes? tell me in dah reviews. thanx.=)

Ja ne ppl,
