Okay I know what you thinking.....and it not what you think. I didn't steal this story from LCV-ball or whatever because I am her. I decided to change my name along with all my other writings. THis story is gonna be good it like a ] advanced The Tour Bus. I went to some writing classes and I'm a much better writer so here it go.



Ok me owning Inuyasha is like Koga leaving Kagoem alone, Miroku being gay or leavign his hands behind his back, Inuyasha telling Kikyo to got to hell and screw the devil and Seeshomaru to say that he truly loved and cared for his brother oh and Kagoem to be a vampire......Yup those are my odd and there aginst me...

Chapter One Transformation.

Kagome looked at herself in the mirror. She had her ususal baggy sweater on and her baggy jeans, her lond silky black hair hidden in a tight ponytail and and usual thick glasses. She took her glasses off then put them back on.....took them off then put them on she repeated this until her best friend Sanog came in. Sango set the crate down as she walked over to her friends and grabbed for the glasses.

Kagome raised them high....."No......you are not taking Harvard....." Kagoem said as she retreated from Sango hand that was grasping for the glasses.

"Your sick you know.....naming those ugly glasses.....who the hell names there galsses...." Sango said as she finally got a hold of them she jumped up on the couch and took the glasses she looked at Kagome's face of horror as she broke them in two.

"NOOOOOO....Sango.....these are the only glasses that make me look intelligent and put at least a little difference from me and my cousin.....Ugg....just her name make me gag..Kikyo...." Kagome said as he stuck a finger down her throat.

"No Kagome those galsses make you look like you the oddball from the brady bunch.....these galsses make you look like the girl off of.....um.....Legally Blonde.....of course with black hair....but super hot...." Sango said as she reached in her pocked and grabbed the exact pair of galsses that was on Legally Blonde.

"I knew someone had been into my American Movies......The L....was in the K's.....Anyway how could these glasses give me one ounce....of.....intelligent......look..." Kagome said as she looked into the mirror and froze.

"Kaaagggooommmmeeeee.......your the richest girl in Tokyo.....you can have anything you want....why do you do this...." Sango said as she looked at her friend in annoyance.

"Yeah......anythign I want eh.....does my father and godfather count...." Kagome said sadly as she grasped at the pink jewel that hung at her neck.

"Kagome....I thought you were over that.....It's not you fault.....Mr.Higurashi and Inutashio died because of a set up....you were with them and they made sure you lived.....they loved you that much quit blamign yourself.....promise K.." Sango said as she took her hand and wiped away the single tear that ran down Kagoem's face and smiled at her. Kagome smiled back as she nodded her head.

"K...I promise...." Kagoem said as she looked at her friend.

"Alrigbhty then......lets get started with the sink.....onto the home salon...." Sango said as she guided her friend to the 3 rd floor out of 7. "Kagome you hair is comign down....and it is going to stay down" Sango said as she forced Kagoem's head down into the light blue Hair washing sink.

1 Hour Later

"Okay Kagoem open you eyes......" Sango said as she led her friend from a hour of labor on the girls hair. She barely done anythign to it including cuttign it that it was so long and healty that it only took and hour compared to Kikyo's broken off hair Kagome's looked like it belonged to a goddess. Kagoem froze as she grasped a lock of long black shiny hair that fell a little above her waist. Sango had put some hair up front for people to see and some in the back. Kagome grabbed her bangs that had disspeared and know was shabbily in her eyes going from one side to another the bangs that stood up on her head constantly was know part of her long hair.

"Sango.....it....I.....Wow.....You seem to find a way to have my hair down and make it look 10x better than Kikyo's and different.....you are a...angel.." Kagoem said as seh smiled adn hugged her friend.

"Yeah....but taht was step one of the makeover......Now it time for the makeup.....not taht you need any really.." Sango said as she looked at Kagome. She dragged Kagoem up to the third floor again and brought her to the room made just for makeup. Sango planted her into the makeup chair as she started to grab various things.

30 minutes later.

"Alrighty then.....damnit there I go again....that is the last time that I will be watching a Jim Carrey Movie.." Sango said. "Anyway....I didn't put much on lord know I dont' want you lookign like a clown like you cousin....you know who....I really don't want you pucking in the room.." Sango said but Kagome wasn't even paying attention she was lookign at teh mirror.

'Is that really me.....it's not possible....I'm Kagome the biggest geek in Tokyo High.....But it is me....' Kagome said as she smiled...'I have wonderful teeth....I wondered why I was afraid to smile...'

"Sango.....remind me why...I'm doing this...." Kagome said as she looked at Sango.

"Because your scum bag x dumped you for Kikyo...and he said that you could never get another boyfriend cause no one cared about a smart...geekey...ug.." Sango said but was cut off by Kagome's hand...

"That was all I needed......Comon.....we need to restock on my clothes....and I need to get a few new cars....Oh and send Inuyahsa a thank you card...he gave that look spark to my dynamite that was waiting to blow......" Kagome said as she smiled and made her way up to her room. Sango stood there in shock at the totally different attitude of Kagome Higurashi. She soon was out of shock and made her way up to her best friends room.

"KAGOME WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!" Sango said as seh looked at her friends who was on the last case of clothes from Sango's luggage.

"Sango....don't you have anything.....that is my size...." Kagoem said as she looked at her friend.

"Well forgive me for being a year older and in the same grade as you..." Sango said as she grabbed a scooby doo navy blue and red polo shirt with thick stripes and dark blue with a tint of fade in them low rider jeans with a pair of white rebok classics. Kagome smiled as she immdiately ran inot the bathroom adn changed. She had her own jewerly that she never wore she just got them for christmas. She put in a pair of silver hoops and brushed her hair in joy as she took her finges and ran throught it as it fell around her face and down her shoulder. Kagome walked out. Sango was reading her American magazines.....they were very much Interested since they chose it for there second language class. Sango whisteled as she calpped at Kagome.

"Look at you.....you clean up good.." Sango said as she looked at her best friend with happiness at her work. "Kagome.....you....have abs.....god....and you never told me...." Sango said as she looked at Kagome. Kagome's shirt rode up a little above her belly...."GOD.....WHEN DID YOU GET THAT.....THAT.....IS A HOLE IN YOU BELLY BUTTON....." Sango scremed as she looked at Kagome carefully..

"Oh yea that.....I got that when I was in America....and I work out alot.....in anger.....when I'm agry I work out..." Kagome explained quickly pullign donw her shirt form Sango's inspection.

"Well I wish I would work out when I got angry....instead I mope adn eat ice cream.....anyway....I got a belly button ring you can use...." Sango said as she grabbed the jewelry box that was tape down. She ripped the tape off and pulled out a red one.

"Sango.....you don't even have a belly button hole....why did you waste you money and buy one..." Kagome asked as she toom the red belly button ring and put it on.

"I just wanted to say I have one....." Sango said as she threw the coat at Kagome that matched the pants and grabbed her own. They started downstairs.....and passed the dining room where her little brother Souta was doing his homework and her mom was talking about new plans for the next company.

"MOMI'mgoignshoppingandgoingtobuyacar....K...BYE!!" Kagoem said in one breath as she waved.

"Souta...sweety...since when did Kikyo call me Mom....and I wish she would stop..." Mrs.Higurashi said as she rose her head to Souta...."That wasn't.....Kikyo.....Was....it..." Mrs Higurashi said in realization as she and Souta rushed to the door intime to catch Kagome and Sango get inside Mrs. Higurashi's benz. Mrs. Higurashi sighed..."As long as she never puts on a leather skirt and a bikini top....and shiny red knee boots.


"Kagome.....were shopping for clothes.....not guitars.....you already have like 50....you don't need anymore..." Sango said as she watched Kagome pick up a pink and black guitar.

"Hey Sango....what are you doing here I thought Kagome said that you are spending the week over at her house..." A male voice said. Kagoem froze as she stayed put with her back to the culprit of the voice.

"Koga.....what a suprise....what are you doing here..." Sanog said as she tried to hide her best friend.

"Well....You know me and Kagome have a band.....usually you would find people like me here...." Koga said as he looked at Sango. "What....are.....you....hiding...." Koga asked looking over her shoulder.

Kagome closed her eyes.....this was no fun....Koga was her best friend and would stay it no matter what state she was in.

"Your not alone.....in this world....you got friends no matter where you go.... Your not alone can't you see this life meant is meant to be.." Kagome sang with the guitar taht she had hooked up to the sample amp.

"That's Kagome's song.....but your not Kagome.." Koga said as Sango had turned to look at Kagoem in shock. Kagome stopped playing as she turned around.

"Hi Koga..." Kagome said as she looked at him and smiled.

"Ka...Ka....Kag.." Koga said as he passed out on the floor...

10 minutes later.

"You think he'll wake up...." Sango asked her best friend as Kagoem put on her jacket.

"Naw....when he's gone he's gone...." Kagoem said as she looked at Him...." Wanna go get a hamburger.." Kagoem aked as she looked at her friend.

"But Kagome....your a vegetarian.....you don't eat meat..." Sango said in shock.

"Not anymore....com on I'm starvign for one..." Kagoem said as she tugged her friend to Wacdonalds.

"GOD THIS IS SO GOOD!!" Kagoem shouted as she took another bite of her hamburger and with that a couple of frys. Sango laughed as she watched Kagoem sipped down some of her drink. "What...if you were a vegetarian that has forced yourself to eat fried vegetables and water since 10 then you would be doint the same thing" Kagome said as she joined her friend in laughed but was soon hushed at teh sound of one word.

"Oh...Inuyasha.." A woman had said in a fake high pitched voice. Kagoem froze as her and Sango were immediately behind the trash can. Of course it was the Bastard.....and the bitch....in Kagome's mind at least. Kagome growled as she looked at the both of them. Kikyo all over INuyasha.

"I outta kill the bastard right now..." Kagoem growled out in a whisper. Sango closed her eyes as she shivered at the anger Kagoem was outgivign right there.

"Okay...Sango...explain....What Happened to Ka.." Koga started as he sood behind them...Kagoem grapsed his ankel and pulled him before he could say the rest of her name.

"Oh......Inutrasha......Kagoem why do you bother....he a basturd....Let him go.." Koga said as he looked at Inuyasha who was letting the slut rub all over him, but soon dunked when the golden eyes turned to him.

"Kagome get out of here....you and Sango.....he saw us.." Koga said as he shoved them on......Sango and Kagome stood up and started to run off.

"Well look who it is....why ya hiding form me Koga..." Inuyasha said as Koga rose from the trash can. Kikyo looked him up and down and winked recieving a shiver in response.

"Actaully Inubitch I was hiding two girls from you.....they seemed to be frightened of the man with silver hair....one said that you raped her best friend and tried to attack her." Koga said smiling at the reaction that Inuyasha was giving. Pure Horror at the rumor that was spread. "I thought you had a thread of decency but I guess I was wrong.....Anyway...it definetley looks like you and Kagome are over seeing that this slut couldn't be the gorgeous Kagome....So.....I think I'm going to.." Koga said but didn't get to finish becuase he was up aginst the window of a store by the throat.

"Leave Kagome alone.....clear...." Inuyasha said in a deadly whisper....He pushed harded on Koga's throat with his forarm.

"......In you dreams......you know I can make Kagome happy.....that is why you want me to leave her alone" Koga said as he spit in Inuyasha face...." Anyway she isn't you girlfriend anymore...why are you worried.." Koga said in a mocking...but confused look.

"Your....right......she isn't my girlfrined anymore.." Inuyasha said letttign go of Koga....he turned around and grabbed Kikyo's arm harshley. Inuyahsa turned around and slammed his finst into Koga's gut and left a stunned Koga on the ground.

"Stay away from her..." Inuyasha said as he spit on Koga ans then made his way out of the mall.

"Sango....I'm sorry I'm to angry to shop.....umm....you know what to get me....no miniskirts...and get me a new Jaguar and a new 2004 Mazda and a Nissian....oh and a new Lexus....have them drive them to my house....here are the keys...I'm to angry to drive I just need to get home....and just show them the K.A.G card." Kagome said as seh handed her the Mercedes keys and a silver card.

"Kagome...." Sango said but when she looked up Kagome was gone. Sango closed her eyes and sighed in sadness. This was going to be a long year.....even though half of it was gone.

So what did you think Like it......tell me....REVIEW PLEASE... :)....Love Ya....