Melody of Snow

Summary: Four beasts. One Girl. One Stone. When placed together a dark secret of the past is unlocked. Will Tenten be able to face the truth?

Disclaimer: Naruto I do not own (wish I did!)

Things to know:

[] means thoughts

Ch7- Waiting in the rain

March 9th,
11:30 a.m

It's horrible, the storm seems to have gotten worse and it's already killed some of the villagers. Everyone was called to evacuate. But once we got outside, the ground below us started to shake violently, it was an earthquake. When I looked up into the sky, there seemed to be an image there smirking down at us. Maybe it was just my imagination . . .

"Hokage-sama! Hokage-sama!" Loud banging could be heard from the wooden door that to the confidential area where reports were placed.

"What?!" The Fifth practically barked out as she stood up quickly, causing her blonde hair to sway slightly, "I'm busy!"

"But Hokage-sama! Yumiko Tateya and Ayumi have come back from-"




The wooden door flew open, collided with the wall that stood behind it, revealing a surprised looking Jounin with spiked up black hair, his Hitaite wrapped around his left arm.

Letting out a deep sigh, the Hokage just waved a hand, indicating for him to show the way, "Here Shizune" Tossing the fragile looking journal to her friend, she continued on, "See if you can find any information on that, give me a report afterwards"


==X== Tenten ==X==

"Ahhhh" Tenten moaned out as she dragged her aching muscles to walk, [I'm soaking wet, hungry and thirsty! Can life get any worse?]


The sound of lighting caught the weapon master off guard, causing her to fall down on her bottom, "I shouldn't have asked"

Pickign herself up from the wet 'sand' (Take a note of the word sand) which now seemed to be stuck on her bottom, she sighed and continued her way along. Maybe it'd stop raining soon . . .


. . . on the second thought, maybe not.

[Ahh!! Did I do something bad in my past life and Kami-sama decided to punish me for it now? Maybe it was because I broke Ayumi's Discman, or maybe it's because I replaced Tateya's gel bottle with glue, or maybe it was-]

Tenten sneezed as she felt herself starting to shiver more frantically because of the freezing rain that covered her body. Quickening her pace to her maximum extent, the Weapon Master sneezed again as she felt her nose start tingling. Gripping upon the blue stone that hung along the cold silver chain around her neck, she smiled as she felt warmth radiate off the unusual blue stone.

Release me, let me feel the blood, the blood of another dead village

Tenten frowned as she felt her back sting, but she continued along her way, feeling as the small drops of rain splat upon her body, [Who are you?]

I'm you and you're me, release me and you shall see

[No] Tenten apposed as her right hand clutched onto her shoulder, the pain had gotten worse while a soft blue light had started to form, [Leave me alone, whenever I hear your voice everything goes wrong]

I feel so hurt

The voice was sarcastic and Tenten's blood instantly began to boil.

Fine, I'll have it you're way for now, the blood from those ANBU members still feel fresh.

[ANBU members?!] Chocolate brown eyes instantly going wide in shock, but then quickly showed pain lurching within them as an explosion of fire seemed to burn in her back before slowly fading away.

I'll see you later little girl

The bloodthirsty voice said before Darkness slowly started to overtake Tenten. Falling down on her weak knees, she collapsed, the rain splattering around her unconscious form.

==X== Neji ==X==

[Tenten where are you?] Branch member of the Hyuuga Clan, Hyuuga Neji thought as he turned onto his side on the hotel bed, looking out the window, which had rain droplets stuck on it.

Getting up off the bed, the Byakugan master looked around the Sand Hotel room. He had arrived at the Sand country faster than he had suspected and was in for quite a surprise when he finally realized that the Sand and the Leaf had expanded their territories, so the distance between the two countries were much less than before.

[Tenten, please be alright]

==X== Back at the Leaf, Shizune ==X==

Flipping open the dead-looking journal, Shizune continued to read it form where Tsuande left off. Tapping her pencil against the wooden desk she sat at looking for anything important to write down.

March 9th,
3:12 p.m

I was right it wasn't my imagination. There really was a person/demon/thing smirking down upon us, even my mother said she had saw it. Since we weren't able to evacuate the village, we were told to just stand by until further order, so we did. But something strange happened, a girl with long blue hair that had ice near the tips of her hair had sudden appeared. She wasn't much taller than most people, but she was different. Her skin was a nice sky blue color and so were her eyes, she looked quite pretty . . .

Shizune frowned as she re-read over the passage. The date, March 9th, seemed to have rung a bell in her mind, but she didn't remember what, and the part about the blue girl. What was with that? But there was one thing Shizune was able to make out from the journal, was that a kid had written it. A young kid who was possibly only around 6 years of age. Why? The writing was quite messy --'

==X== Tsunade ==X==

"You've called for us Hokage-sama?" A short black haired guy, with his hair made similar into what Sasuke's was asked politely as he bowed down to the Hokage, his dark blazing eyes looking towards the ground below, "It seems like you've had some ANBU members instantly escort us to you when we arrived"

"It's a pleasure to see you again Tateya" Tsuande said slowly, watching as the two siblings of the Yumiko family look up towards her, "But this is no time for a nice chat, there is something important I would like to ask both you and your sister"

"What is the problem?" Ayumi, the younger of the two asked as she crossed her arms out in front of her, yawning slightly. She couldn't help it she was tired, and she just got back from a high A rank mission, so you couldn't exactly blame her.

"It's about your little sister, Yumiko Tenten"

Both siblings instantly froze at the name of their sister.

"Is . . . something wrong?" Tateya asked slowly, uncertainty in his voice.

"A group of ANBU members were killed-"

Ayumi's violet eyes instantly became distant, as she looked upon the floor, her long black hair framing her face gently.

"-you're sister was a prime suspect, whom seems to have gone missing from the village"

==X== Somewhere near where Tenten laid unconscious ==X==

"I'm cold and hungry"

"Stop complaining Kankuro!"

"I can't help it! I'm freezing, Temari!"

"Aren't we all?!"

"Temari, Kankuro, stop it"

" . . ."

"Sorry Gaara"


Hey! Sorry for the long update! I was busy these last couple of days, but no worries! I'll still continue on with my fics! Was there any confusion in this chapter? Hope not! But if there is, sorry 'bout it!

Also, I had to change Tenten's older sister's name from 'Yumiko' to 'Ayumi' because I made Yumiko the last name of the family instead =='

Thanks for all the reviews!

Thanks for:

Lady Light- Sorry about the short chapter. This one's a bit longer (I think) Thanks for reviewing!

White Witch/shiro-majou- Thanks for reviewing! I beat my goal of 25 reviews! (YAY) I actually got a total of 30. Amazing! Oo

Sabaku no Ryu- Thanks for the idea! I was thinking the exact same thing! That's why I put the Snow in between the Sand and the Stone. But I'm not sure if people would want Tenten to get with Gaara for now . . . hmmm, maybe I'll put up a question poll thingy. Yep, that's what I'll do. Thanks for reviewing and giving me a suggestion!

TenTen Hyuga- Thanks for the warning! I'll watch out for any NejixTenten haters! Grrr! Who couldn't like this couple?!

Kari- Tenten and Neji are going to meet very soon. How soon? Well, maybe in the next chapter or in the chapter after that, but it's going to be soon all right.

ryotsu-chan, Phoenix20043, Dark Nemesis 7 and anybody else that I missed- Thanks for the wonderful reviews!! Reviews always boost up my energy for writing more! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And don't forget to review once again!!

Chibi Tenten
(I also have MSN if you wanna chat with me, my e-mail is: )

Question Suggestion Poll thingy
Also, I'm gonna have a lil poll here. Should I get Tenten to temporarily get with Gaara? Cuz then they can find comfort in each other's arms (Gaara has Shukaku and Tenten has the Ilya) Or should I just have a pure NejixTenten fic (Which we wouldn't be able to see Neji get jealous )

State what you think in your review! Please and thank you!