Author Notes: Dedicated to Jade Nova who enthusiastically responded to my suggestion of making this free for all type chapter. Thanks also goes to Shoushi Koneko, and D-chan for being my muses. Arigato! ^_^ Hope minna enjoys and hopefully this extra chapters solves more of the loose ends I left than the others ^^;; Oh and more MAJOR Mamoru bashing ^^;; couldn't resist hehe


Chapter Twenty: Minna

Silence filled the room as everyone stared shocked at the still body and the more than slightly insane pacifist. "Ririna-san. How could you?" Quatre asked in a state of shock and horror.

Mamoru chuckled and ignored the death glares the senshi were sending his way. "Finally she's where she belongs. A shame that Cosmos had to have Usagi's

personality though," he mused in thought.

Milardo seemed to be coming out of a troubling dream as he shook his head and stared in silent horror at the bodies. "What… What happened?" he questioned not really caring if anyone answered. His eyes flickered to his sister who was laughing like a banshee and he frowned. "Ririna-chan?" something wasn't right… His sister was a pacifist but she had killed…

"Bunny." Duo whispered heart-broken as he knelt beside the still girl. He had hoped that maybe that odd crystal of hers would have made an appearance and brought her back but apparently he wasn't having any such luck. "Bunny…Onegai."

Hiiro's eyes were clouded with conflicting emotions as he stared at the still growing circle of red that stained his Usa's pure white hair. Her pink lips were accented by the paleness her skin had acquired through death. He slowly pulled his attention away from the dead girl and turned his focus on the chuckling Mamoru. "Omae o Korosu."

"Otousan..." the voice came from a dark corner of the room. A figure stepped out of the shadows into a shaft of sunlight letting it highlight her figures. The child couldn't be younger than seven and long pink hair traveled down unchecked to her ankles. Red eyes stared unbelievingly at the smirking Mamoru.

Wufei recognized her first and was the first to speak. "You," he growled his eyes narrowing. He was used to death, but the death of Usagi had hurt him too much to bare. One of her primary reasons for grief stood before him and he barely restrained the urge to choke the life out of her. "What are you doing here?"

Chibiusa turned slightly and flushed as she realized who had spoken. "Gomen nasai for how I acted earlier. I do love Okaasama... Demo..." She shook her head. "It's not important right now." She turned to Mamoru again her eyes narrowed. "I believed in you... Ever since I was a child and Okaasan was locked away in that crystal…. I believed what you said during that time, that only you loved me and that she was merely pretending." She sighed and bowed her head her eyes locked on her mother's still body. "She's not Serenity."

Mamoru frowned deeply at this. "Serenity was perfection itself." He agreed. "Usagi didn't deserve to even bear Serenity's looks."

Trowa frowned faintly. "You mean you married Usagi just because she was this Serenity's reincarnation?" he demanded his fists clenching in anger. "This entire grudge and hatred was because she wasn't who you thought so you wanted to punish her?" his voice rose with every word until the usually calm pilot was screaming.

"Star Serious Laser!" the attack easily vanished as it touched the smirking man. A panting Star Fighter glared at him tears of frustration and fury in her eyes. "Bastard!"

Sailor Uranus closed her eyes in pain than noticed a ghostly hand on her shoulder. She turned slightly and realized the other senshi were still there. Sailor Saturn smiled softly at her before calling forth her glaive. For a split instant Uranus thought the smallest senshi was going to gut the cocky ghost before she realized she was kneeling by Usagi's rapidly cooling body.

Sailor Mars who had been softly sobbing seemed to take this as a sign to take action and she walked over to where the pink-haired princess still stood glaring at her former father. Her eyes flickered to her let and right as Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Jupiter joined her.

Duo turned his attention on Ririna who was still laughing hysterically but seemed frozen in the moment. She hadn't moved from the spot ever since Usagi had been shot. "You'll pay for this," he vowed his eyes narrowed and pulling his gun out and lining it up.

"Stop!" Chibiusa demanded. "If you kill her than your future will be ruined forever!" Her eyes quickly flickered to Mamoru to see if he realized her plan yet and she fought her smile of relief as it was apparent he hadn't.

Duo scowled and with great effort sheathed his gun. "She can't get away with it... Bunny didn't deserve this!"

"Senshi." Chibiusa looked at the gathered warriors and offered a dim smile. "Onegai help me? I know I was wrong and am mostly to blame for how things all turned out. I hurt Okaasama and there's nothing I can do to change that… Demo with the death of Heero I realized it all."

"Wait. what do you mean?" Quatre asked as he cried unashamed. "What does Heero have to do with it?"

Chibiusa flushed. "When I vanished on the moon... It's not because I was cleansed or because I was killed. It was because Heero almost died at that time and I had to use what essence I had left to save him." Her eyes fell to the dead boy. "It's my fault. You see Otousan knew that Usagi would end up here... He asked me to help him get revenge for her abandoning the Kingdom… I gave part of my life to bring Ail here so that Heero could exist. Before than his existence had been like a flickering flame. He could barely give his orders to Milardo." She sighed and bowed her head. "In effect a part of me was inside Heero. When I realized how much Okaasan loved everyone here…. I knew what I had been told in the past was a lie. When he died I was freed and vowed to come back."

Mamoru's scowl vanished as his daughter finished his tirade. He laughed as he saw her tears slipping down her ghostly outline. "And now it's too late because she's dead. Killed by your own hand."

Chibiusa began to sob as her father spoke the truth but quickly gained control of herself. "Endymion. You never gave Usagi a chance. All you were looking for was Serenity and even when Neo Queen Serenity appeared she wasn't the same. Your hopes and dreams were crushed and you blamed them on Usagi. So you vowed to make her life as hard as yours was. You feigned affection so that she'd stay with you and you could retain the power as King of Earth. It's time for you to go where you belong."

Chibiusa took a deep breath than glanced at the soldiers that flanked her. "Onegai minna. Help me get revenge for Okaasan?" As if they were one the senshi nodded as they began to glow. Only Saturn stood apart as she knelt by Usagi's dead body staring almost emotionlessly at the peaceful look death had granted the young woman.

Mars stepped forward as spokesman of the senshi. "We know what must be sacrificed for this. and we accept."

Chibiusa nodded. "Gomen minna."

Jupiter shook her head her eyes filled with tears. "It's alright. We've lived more than one lifetime as her protectors and friends." Her eyes flickered to the mourning group. "She won't need us again."

Mercury glanced over her shoulder at the still corpse. "Usagi-chan. We'll never forget you."

"Nani?" Haruka asked her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "What are you… Planning?"

"Daijoubu," Whispered a soft voice at her ear. "We're giving up the life that is in us as senshi to grant you all eternal life and to set things right."

"Michiru." Haruka whispered in realization. "Demo…"

The woman shook her head and smiled sadly. "Everyone needs a connection to be here. Ail is Chibiusa-hime's and you are mine."

Seiya frowned faintly in ease. "Does that include me?"

"Hai." the voice was ancient and seemed worn. "Though you're not related to me I brought you here before so that you'd be able to grant the connection when I needed it most." Sailor Pluto stepped beside Sailor Neptune and closed her eyes for a moment. "The time stream will go on without me."

Duo tensed. "You guys are throwing your lives away?" he whispered shocked. He remembered the memories Usagi had shared with him and frowned. "Bunny... Bunny will never forgive us if we let you do that."

Mamoru's cocky exterior vanished in an instant. "Nani?" he demanded his fist clenching. This wasn't the way things were supposed to turn out! "You can't do this!"

The senshi ignored him and grouping together held hands as they called their powers. All eight began to glow as they called forth their powers. Everyone in the room besides Usagi, Ririna, and Milardo had an answering glow on their forehead as their powers were tapped and put to use.

"NO!" Mamoru shouted as he felt the energy invade him. He screamed in defiance as the strands of the spell he had weaved to break out of his fiery prison were snapped as each of the senshi offered their remaining power and their ability to be forever reborn in order to seal him away forever. "You can't do this!"

As the senshi used their powers one by one they vanished in a last glow of bright light. Soon only Sailor Mars and Chibiusa herself were left. Mamoru screamed a final time as the two used the rest of their energy and completed the seal. Mars used her last few seconds to wish the group well and to smile lovingly at Usagi. "We'll miss you, Odango Atama."

Chibiusa watched as the woman vanished and turned her attention to Ririna and Milardo. With the disappearance of Mamoru, Ririna had came back to her senses. She stared confused at the gun in her hand than at the dead body as she quickly paled. "Iie..."

"Ririna-chan?" Milardo tried as he saw his sister ready to faint.

"Ririna." Chibiusa whispered. Startled the woman looked up and stared into the girl's eyes. "I... I need your help."

Ririna nodded shakily as she dropped the gun and leaned heavily on her brother. "What happened?" She seemed to notice Hiiro watching her as a tear trailed down his cheek. "Hiiro?"

Hiiro stared at her a long moment anger flashing in his eyes before his head dropped and he stared silently at Usagi. "Help her, Ririna." He ordered his voice tired and threatening to break into tears.

Ririna stared at him shocked beyond words. Something horrible had happened and she was more than slightly convinced she had caused it. Fighting tears of disbelief she turned to the child. "Hai. I'll help however I can."

"Hold out your hand," Chibiusa softly requested.

The young Cinq princess did as requested and watched stunned as the child summoned a bright glittering jewel. "It's beautiful..."

Chibiusa nodded slightly. "Hai." She frowned thoughtfully as she pondered how to explain her next orders. After a moment of thought she leaned forward her warm breath tickling the other girl. After another moment she pulled back her eyes inquisitive. "Understand?"

Ririna nodded and closed her eyes in concentration. "Onegai. Ginzuishou," she started not realizing that as she spoke a dress that looked eerily similar to the one the child wore appeared on her figure. "Onegai, do as you will."

Milardo stared stunned at his sister and sought to stay something but forced himself to remain quiet as light glowed both from a strange crescent moon in the middle of her forehead and the glittering crystal. He glanced at the child to see her gently kissing the cheek of the dead boy before vanishing into a flurry of pink mist.

What happened next stunned everyone in the room. Heero's eyes opened and with a groan he rolled to his feet. He stumbled for a moment before looking around puzzled. His eyes fell on Usagi and he gasped in shock. He turned slightly as he felt an enormous amount of power and saw his mother slowly falling to her knees in exhaustion as the Ginzuishou granted her request. "Okaasan..."

Ririna's eyes opened to slits and she stared puzzled at the boy. "Who..?"

The child held out his hand and smiled gently at her. "Heero Peacecraft. Your son."

Ririna turned pink before completely passing out in the arms of her brother. Milardo picked her up gently and glanced at the watching Heero. "We should take her home."

Wufei was the only one that took notice of Milardo leaving with his sister and the supposed to be dead boy as light began to shine from Usagi. As he sensed a change he turned startled and eyes the body in interest. "Do you think?" he asked the others not caring if his voice showed his hope.

Hiiro didn't speak but knelt beside Usagi and cradled the back of her head with his hand. "Usa?" he whispered as he tried to stop himself from hoping.

"Usagi-hime." Trowa whispered startled as he saw the blood slowly vanishing.

"She really is a Goddess." Quatre added in awe as her wounds slowly healed and the light traveled up her body from her toes.

Seiya held his breath not really believing this could be happening. His eyes widened in stunned surprise as the power settled in her silvery hair and flashed in a slow pulsing method.

Haruka leaned forward and held a hand against her heart. Had Michiru and the others really given up their lives to make everyone else happy? She ignored the slight aching pain and simply stared at the girl who had captured everyone's hearts. The power had began to pulse faster and faster with each flash until it seemed her hair was completely gold. "Koneko-chan?"

The glow stopped at the same time a pair of eyes opened. Everyone gasped in shock as the girl sat up fully healed her blonde hair pooling around her. She slowly glanced up at the group and smiled. "Minna."

"Bunny. You're alive," Duo whispered almost afraid if he said it too loud it 'd be a bad dream. He knelt beside her and hugged her tightly. "You came back."

Usagi hugged the braided-pilot back and kissed his cheek. "Hai. I know what everyone did for me." Her voice was near tears but she fought it off. "Do you realize it too? Everyone in this room is immortal."

Seiya's eyes widened. "Nani?"

Usagi nodded slightly. "And. Ail, Seiya, Haruka. You guys can't go back… Ever. Pluto is dead as well as the rest of the senshi."

Ail stared at Usagi almost speechless. "Demo..." Following that one flash of this incredible woman had changed his life. He knew without Usagi telling him that he was merely a human now. "If I was from a different time stream. How does it all work out?"

"I'm sure Pluto had it all worked out before she made her decision," Haruka soothed.

Quatre helped Usagi to her feet. "Goddess." with tears still in his eyes he hugged her not trusting himself to speak right away.

Usagi held the crying boy close burying her head in his golden hair. "Quatre." She finally pulled away and faced everyone. "I guess you guys want to know what I had realized before I died, ne?" she asked attempting to force cheerfulness in her voice.

Wufei nodded slightly. "As long as you realize it doesn't matter."

Usagi flushed and shook her head. "I'm afraid my decision will matter… I realized I love you all. I love you all in different ways but I can't choose between any of you... I need you all in my life." She glanced at the group of non pilots together. "That includes you three as well."

The room fell silent as they digested this news. "You mean. You can't make a decision?" Ail asked not quite understanding. "And that you not only love those five," he gestured at the shocked pilots, "But us as well?"

Usagi turned another shade of red and nodded. "Hai."

Trowa was the first to speak. "Usagi-hime." he paused as if analyzing his next words. "What makes you happy, makes us happy." He hadn't intentionally spoken for the others but he knew if they felt for her like he did than they 'd have no qualms at all about his decision. "We love you."

Usagi felt new tears appearing in her eyes and wiped ineffectively at them. "I love you all too." she kissed Quatre's forehead before stepping away and hugging Trowa tightly.

Duo pouted from the sidelines, "No fair! How come they get the first hugs?"

Usagi fought a giggle and hugged Duo as tight as she could. "Aishiteru, minna."

Wufei frowned faintly but hugged Usagi just as desperately as the rest were doing. "Don't ever scare us like that again, onna," he demanded his eyes glittering with remembered anguish.

Usagi nuzzled his chest and nodded. "Hai. I promise." She raised herself on her tiptoes and quickly kissed Wufei on the nose before glancing uncertainly at Hiiro.

Hiiro gave a warning glare to the others and gently hugged Usagi as if she were made of glass. "Usa." he shook his head slightly at her questioning look and kissed her not wanting to let go. "Do you realize how hard it's going to be to be married to this many people?" he asked his eyes closed and his forehead touching hers.

Duo made a sound like a squeak and poked timidly at Hiiro. "Bunny. You're really scary. First you have Wu-man flirting with you and calling you by your name. Than you have perfect soldier boy attempting jokes!" He glared at Hiiro for a moment. "I'm the joke maker, you're the gun happy perfect soldier," he distinguished with a nod.

Usagi giggled at the exchange not in the least bothered by their words. "Minna." She practically tackled a startled Seiya and hugged him tightly. "Gomen nasai…. I didn't realize than… I must have hurt you badly…"

Seiya shook his head and inhaled her soft yet sweet natural scent. "Odango." he kissed her forehead and smiled at her. "You know you're not going to be able to get rid of any of us now, ne?"

Usagi giggled and nodded. "I wouldn't dream of it," she admitted before accepting a hug from Haruka. "Promise you won't leave like the others did?" she softly pleaded to the woman.

Haruka sighed. "Koneko you couldn't drive us away now." She kissed Usagi's forehead.

Ail was a bit nervous from the being the last to receive the girl's affections. "Usagi-chan…"

"Gomen nasai that you can't go back to Ann," Usagi whispered her head sinking slightly. "It's my fault and I apologize."

Ail rolled his eyes. "Usagi-chan, I came here to be with you, remember? I'm not going back."

Usagi sniffled slightly but managed a smile. "Minna…aishiteru."

Duo, Quatre, and Trowa sat in a circle planning living arrangements. "We should all stay here, there's plenty of room." Duo suggested.

Trowa frowned ever so faintly. "And if Milardo or Ririna decide to come back?"

Quatre shook his head. "I think…. I think Ririna-san was controlled. She didn't mean to kill Usagi."

Duo scowled at the mention of the names. "Whatever…I still don't trust either of them alone with her."

Wufei chuckled. "I highly doubt you'll have to worry about that, Maxwell." He noted as he watched Usagi hover from one person to the next like some happy butterfly.

"Okaasan?" a tiny child with red eyes and dark green hair toddled out of thin air and clamped onto Usagi's legs. She sniffed and looked up at her mother one tiny finger hooked in her mouth.

Usagi froze and glanced down at the child. "You…"

The toddler glanced up and smiled an almost toothless grin. "Okaasan!" she hugged her mother's leg ignoring the shocked looks from the others.

"Baka! You were supposed to watch over the baby!" grumbled a dark haired child of five as she stamped onto the scene. She had black raven like hair tired up in mini odangos as she glared at someone still hidden. She seemed to realize something was wrong and realized her baby sister was hugging her mother. "Setsuna no baka…"

"Setsuna?" Usagi whispered shocked. She glanced down sharply at the child who cooed and hugged her tighter. "Rei-chan…. ne?" Usagi questioned the older girl.

The raven haired one flushed and chuckled nervously unsure what to say. She was spared from answering as she was shoved aside by a golden haired boy with sparkling blue eyes. "It's not my fault she's the keeper of time," he grumbled. He seemed to realize what his sister had and flushed. "Err… Hi Okaasan?"

Usagi stared at the boy puzzled. "Demo…Who?"

The boy pouted. "Kaasan doesn't know me. No fair!"

The tiny Rei rolled her eyes. "That's Ai-chan. He still isn't very happy you gave him that name Okaasan," she giggled as her brother glared at her.

Usagi flushed as she realized something. "Ai as in Aino?" she questioned.

"Hai," the boy grumbled still pouting.

"Mou. You three are such a handful!" A brown haired boy with a more than unusual set of bangs stomped into existence and glared at the children. As with the others there seemed to be a year or so of difference between him and the other boy. "I told you two to watch Setsuna!"

"Gomen Oniichan," the two chorused both staring at the ground.

"Bakas," he grumbled his onyx eyes filled with anger.

Usagi touched the boy on the shoulder and he turned around startled his jaw dropping. "Okaasan!" he grinned foolishly and waved to the quickly crowding room. "Wow. Everyone's here.." He glared faintly at the chuckling infant. "Where'd you take us, Setsuna?"

"My guess is she brought us to the past, Mako-chan" lectured a soft voice. A girl with brown unruly hair and prussian blue eyes lectured with a book in hand. "More appropriately I think she brought us to a point before Okaasan has any of us."

"Ami?" Usagi asked stunned not really sure of how all of this was happening. If all these children were hers…  And all bore a resemblance to the senshi…

The girl glanced up and curtsied respectfully. "Hai, Tsukino Ami." At Usagi' s questioning look the girl giggled. "When you married tousans you couldn't decide which name to take so it was decided that you'd just change all of theirs to Tsukino."

Usagi flushed. "Anno, just how many of you are there?"

"Seven." She seemed thoughtful for a moment. "We're awfully sorry about this. Setsuna is the keeper of time so she can do things like this and transport us to all sorts of timelines." She shook her head with a sigh and smile. "Gomen ne for bothering you, Okaasan from the past."

Setsuna refused to be pulled away by her siblings and in a fit of anger she howled as the sign of Pluto appeared on her forehead. "Uh oh." Ai squeaked before dodging before the pilots. "She's going to send us to the dinosaurs again!"

Wufei glanced at the shivering boy. "Dinosaurs?"

Ai sniffled and nodded. "Hai. Don't let her do it," he begged hanging on tightly to Wufei and Hiiro's legs. "Stop her."

Hiiro knelt down and freed his leg from the boy before stepping forward and into the baby's sight. She instantly stopped crying and squealing in joy she toddled forward to Hiiro's arms. "Tousan!"

"Seven." Usagi whispered more than a little stunned.

"Actually eight," chuckled a voice Usagi knew too well. Chibiusa smiled shyly as she too appeared out of thin air. She was a teenager and apparently the oldest of the bunch. "Don't worry about things starting over again. Only Setsuna has the power of time. and that's because well…." She flushed and looked at the ground. "Did you ever wander where Setsuna came from?"

Usagi paled and stared at the pink-haired girl in shock. "You mean... Setsuna has always been my daughter?" Chibiusa nodded as she picked the toddler up from Hiiro's astounded grip.

Rei rolled her eyes and went to go pull her brother off of Wufei. "Leave Fei-Tousan alone!" she demanded as she pulled ineffectively at the taller boy.

Ai held tighter. "I don't want to go!"

Wufei leaned down and smiled at the child. "Don't you want to go home and be with your family?"

Ai seemed to think about it for a moment before pouting. "Demo..." he sniffled and latched his arms around Wufei's neck. "There's less children here."

Mako grumbled and pulled the boy off with a yank. "Grow up," he demanded with a scowl. "You're spoiled rotten and you know it!" He bowed a quick apology to the watching group. "We should really get going. I mean if we don't Okaasan won't let us have dessert…"

"Yeah, she'll eat it all," Chibiusa decided with a giggle. She hugged Usagi tightly. "Okaasan, .I'll see you in nine months or so, ne?" she questioned before vanishing with Ami, Rei and Setsuna.

Ai pouted. "Bai bai minna."

Mako rolled his eyes. "He's always such a baby. Bai minna! See you in a few years." With a grin the two brothers vanished leaving the room completely silent.

All eyes slowly turned to the speechless and blushing Usagi. "Nani?" she asked with an innocent smile.

Hiiro watched the blonde yawn and fought one himself. His eyes scanned the dust and rubble of the room and sighed. "We should all get some rest… We can discuss future arrangements in the morning."

"Arrangements?" Quatre queried though he had more than a sneaking suspicion of what Hiiro was referring to.

Hiiro nodded to Quatre's silent question. "Time for bed, Usa."

Usagi pouted. "Demo I don't wanna," she whined as Wufei easily picked her up off her feet and carried her over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. "I want to stay up with minna…"

Duo chuckled. "Demo, Bunny if you go to sleep right now when you wake up it'll be morning and the fridges refilled with chocolate."

Usagi's eyes twinkled at the idea. "Chocolate…" she laid her head against the crook of an amused Wufei and quickly forced herself to sleep.

The group took the girl to her own room flicking the useless light off from the ruined room as they went. "Ne, Quatre…" Hiiro started not quite sure how to voice his thought in words. As the blonde flashed him an inquisitive look he paused and let the others take Usagi to her bed. "The mansion is going to have to be remodeled a bit to be big enough…"

Quatre flushed and nodded slightly. "Hai… seems like we're all going to be a giant family, ne?" he asked glancing at the other boy.

Hiiro nodded. "Hai…" he frowned for a moment as his eyes narrowed. "Didn't that Chibiusa girl say that she'd see everyone in nine months?"

"Hai…" Quatre answered not realizing what Hiiro was getting at. Before he could ask his fellow pilot why the sudden concern the other boy was sprinting down the hall intent on catching up to the party and not letting any of them alone with his Usa.

Quatre shook his head slightly and stopped to glance back at the ruined room. "Arigato," he whispered remembered the senshi who had sacrificed their selves to make this world a brighter place. "We'll take good care of her and keep her happy." Unbeknownst to him the others were making the same promise as they tucked the former princess, warrior, and queen into her bed as she mumbled about chocolate and children.

Trowa frowned thoughtfully. "We should start making a list for Quatre."

"List of what?" Duo asked puzzled as the group left the room.

"Invites to the wedding, braided baka," Wufei informed with a smirk as he closed the door behind him not noticing the object of their conversation smile softly before turning over and falling fast asleep.