
Espio chased Sherikan out of the camp. His look alike was able to stay ahead of him but Espio ran fast enough that he didn't lose sight of his enemy. I have to stop him before he reaches the Mystic Ruins, Espio thought. If he does I won't be able to find him.

Espio saw a vine hanging down from the trees. He grabbed it and ran it to its end. When the vine swung back he jumped on it. The vine swung forward and when it reached its length he let go and flew at Sherikan.

Espio landed like a cat in front of the other chameleon. Sherikan stopped in his tracks. For a moment both stood there staring at each other and panting.

Finally Espio, who was younger and more in shape, stood up and blocked the ninja's escape. "Sherikan," the sixteen year old said advancing. "This has to end. It ends here and it ends now!" He pointed Yurai at his look alike. "Let's finish this!"

He came at Sherikan.

Sherikan pulled out his own sword and blocked Espio's. The two ninjas glared at each other, hatefully. "That was a foolish move, Rio," Sherikan seethed, panting heavily at the strain. "When I defeat you I won't only take Yurai I'll take your head as well!"

"No, Sherikan!" Espio said, leaning his weight on the sword. "This time will be different! This time I'll be the one who defeats you!"

"I highly doubt that," Sherikan said smirking. "You aren't likely to be beating anyone. You have barely any training in sword play."

Sherinak shoved him away. Espio stumbled and fell on his back. Sherikan jumped at him, sword raised. Espio blocked the blow with Yurai and kicked his look alike back. Sherikan was able to keep his balance and lunged at Espio again.

The younger chameleon rolled out of the way and swung his sword.

Sherikan screamed and backed away, holding his bleeding arm.

Espio stood up and came at him. Sherikan pulled throwing stars out of his cloak The younger chamelon jumped to avoid them and landed behind Sherikan. He grabbed his look alikes cloak.

Sherikan dashed away when he felt a tug and ripped his cloak.

Espio stared at him in horror. Sherikan had a marking on his shoulder similar to one Espio had on his wrist. I can't believe this! It can't be real! Who in Hell is he?

Sherikan grinned at Espio's shocked expression. "What's wrong, Rio?" he asked. "Does this look familiar?"

Espio backed away. "No, NO! W-who are you?"

Sherikan's face held a demonic look as he came at Espio again. Espio blocked the blow. Sherikan's face was right in his. "So forgetful, aren't we?" he taunted. "First you forget Yuffie then your own brother!"

"B-brother?" Espio said weakly.

Sherikan kicked him in the stomach. Espio fell on his back. The older chameleon loomed over him. "Yes," he said. "How else would I know about our sister Yuffie?"

"But-but...," Espio began.

Sherikan grinned. "I was there too when Yuffie became possessed with Yurai. After those bastards killed her I was able to escape. After that I was adopted by the same ninja master that trained you."

"But how did you know about my past and Yurai?" Espio asked.

Sherikan stared at him like that was one of the dumbest questions ever asked. "I took Yurai with me when I escaped," his brother said. "I didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands. I gave the sword to Master Mimnotko. I know about you being a thief because I was the one who kept you from stealing Yurai! The next day when you started your own training I recognized you and realized you were the one I'd stopped."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I was disgusted," Sherikan said coming closer. "I was disgusted that my own brother had stooped so low! I was ashamed to be in the same family! I did not want you alive anymore because you don't deserve to be alive!" Sherikan pointed his sword at Espio's heart. "And now I will be rid of you for good and be rid of the shame you caused me!"

The sword came closer.

Espio kicked at sword. It went sailing into the air and out of sight. He stood up. "Killing me won't change what happened to Yuffie or mother!" he said pointing his sword at his brother. "You spent so many years filling your mind with hate. You hate me because of what I've done but you don't even know how I feel! Ever since I stole Yurai I've been haunted by my own guilt! Guilt I tried to hide from everyone, even you"

Espio removed his gloves and showed his brother his scarred wrists. "There were many times when I tried to kill myself!" he yelled. "And it's all thanks to this stupid sword! I don't want anymore of this more than you do, but I can't change what I've done even though I can try to fix it! Sherikan, if you take that sword you will be just as much a thief as I was. Do you want to live with that guilt I've have for the past two years? I don't want that for you or for anyone. I just wish you understood."

"Don't give me that crap!" Sherikan growled, not wanting to hear pitiful excuses. "You have no guilt! If you did you would have given Yurai back to our master! But did you? No! So don't lie to me about you so called guilt!"

"Sherikan, please," Espio pleaded. "Just forget it. It's not worth it. I don't want to hurt you but if you want I will have no choice but to..."

"Shut up!" Sherikan roared, pulling out a second sword. "I don't care what you say! I will get Yurai back!"

Espio backed away. "Sherikan!" he screamed.

His brother came at him.

Espio found himself on the ground again. This time he was on his stomach. Why are you doing this to me? Do you want me to hurt you that much?

"You're games over, welp!" Sherikan shrieked. "There's no more time for you!"

Espio turned around just in time to see the sword come at him. Please don't kill me! I can't let him! I have to stop him somehow! He closed his eyes and swung Yurai.

A scream split the air.

Espio opened his eyes and saw his brother, Sherikan, backing away from him. Sherikan was holding his right side and his eyes held shock and disbelief. He tried to speak but no words came out. His eyes closed and he fell onto the ground. Espio waited. His brother did not get back up.

Espio stood up and walked over to his brother's body. "I am a murderer now," he said, staring at it, but feeling no guilt for the time being, he felt no relief either.

"You had no choice, Espio," said a voice behind him.

He turned around.

Ayame stood in the clearing, her hand on a tree, her eyes watching him.

"Ayame," he said, "I did not mean to kill him."

"If you hadn't he would have killed you," she said stating fact, but no gloating about it.

Espio's right arm, the arm he held the sword in, dropped. "Where are Vector and Charmy?" he asked.

"Back at the camp," she replied walking up to him. "We got rid of Sherikan's followers. Your friends are waiting for me to bring you back."

"Ayame," he said, clenching his fists. "He was my brother. He was my brother and I killed him."

She put her hands on his shoulders. "Espio," she said softly. "Please don't feel guilty about it. You've lived with guilt long enough. He would have killed you if you hadn't done it to him first."

"But still," he protested closing his eyes. "He was still my brother."

Ayame made him look at her. She kissed him gently. He put his arms around her. She seemed to understand.

After a minute she let go. "We'd better go," she said. "Vector and Charmy are waiting. They want to know if you're okay."

Espio nodded. He looked back at his brother's body one last time.

Suddenly it felt as if a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders. All the pain and guilt faded. He felt relief take its place. He was free.

"Espio," Ayame said.

He looked back at her and nodded. "Yes, lets go."

He took her hand.

The two headed back to the camp where Vector and Charmy waited.


Author's note: YESSSSSSS! I finally finished one of my fan fics! I am so happy! This wasn't one of my greatest works but it was okay. I'm glad I'm done with it though. You don't have to tell me what you thought of it if you don't want to but I'd like it if you did. Welp gotta go.