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As The Last Petal Falls: Epilogue

7 years later

"Xiao Lang! Where are you?" A lady with honey-brown hair and emerald eyes called out.
"I'm here Ying Fa! Hai?" A man with brown hair and amber eyes.
"I just received a letter from Tomoyo and Meiling! They said that they're coming here this afternoon!" The lady, which goes with the name of Sakura chirped happily.
"Oh no. Ryu and Eriol will be here? Great. Just great! Now here I am hoping that we'll have a peaceful afternoon with no annoying brothers. Just great!" The man, which goes with the name of Syaoron, muttered.
"Oh come on Syaoron! It won't be that bad!" Sakura laughed. "Ying! Come here please!" Sakura called. A little replica of Sakura came out from a room. She, like Sakura, has honey brown hair and bright emerald eyes.
"Yes mommy?" The little girls asked with a smile.
"Auntie Tomoyo and Auntie Meiling will be coming here this afternoon!" Sakura chirped.
"Does that mean that Sue and Lily will be here too?" The little girl, Ying, asked hopefully.
"Yes, that means that Sue and Lily will be here too." Syaoron answered with a smile.
"Yay! But if their coming, that means that Leon and Ken will be here too! Oh no! I better find some hiding places!" The little girl cried running everywhere looking for the best hiding places. Syaoron and Sakura laughed.
"Ying, can you please call your brother?" Syaoron asked. Ying nodded.

"Hu! Daddy wants you!" The little girl called out. Then a replica of Syaoron appeared. The boy was at least four years old with intense amber eyes and brown hair.
"Hu, can you not chase your sister and her friends around?" Syaoron asked.
"But dad, it was fun!" Complained the little boy.
"Please?" Syaoron asked once again.
"Okay, I'll tell Leon and Ken too." The boy replied. Ying grinned and stuck out her tongue to her brother, Hu did the same. The official tongue war began.
"Master Xiao Lang, Mistress Ying Fa, your guests are here." Wei, their butler, once Syaoron's guardian said.
"Okay Wei." Sakura replied with a nod. She stood up and went to answer the door. "Tomoyo! Meiling! How nice to see you again!" Sakura chirped as she hugged her sisters.
"Sakura! Nice to see you again!" Tomoyo amd Meiling chirped. Tomoyo have been married to Eriol for about seven years now. They has two children, Sue which is four and Ken, which is five. Tomoyo and Eriol married right after the battle with Sue Yang. Meiling was also married with Ryu, they had two kids, which are both twins. Lily was five and so is Leon. Meiling and Ryu have been married also right after Sue Yang showed up.
"Hi there Sakura!" Chirped two man from behind her two sisters. Eriol has grown a bit taller so is Ryu.
"Sakura, we're planning to have a picnic, would you like to come?" Tomoyo asked.
"We'll be glad to!" Sakura chirped. "Syaoron! Come here please!"
"Hai?" Syaoron asked.
"Tomoyo and Meiling asked us to go to a picnic, I said yes, is that okay?" Asked Sakura with her puppy-eye look. Syaoron could never say no to that look. He agreed. "Thanks Syaoron!" Sakura chirped. Syaoron smiled, bent down and captured Sakura's lips.
"Kawaii." Meiling and Tomoyo whispered.


The children are playing tag while the grown ups just sat around a cherry blossom tree. The battle with Sue Yang just felt like yesterday. No they understood why Sue Yang gave them the curse. It was for revenge. Revenge because Sue Yang thought that Nadeshiko, Yelan, and Layla were stealing something from her. Sue Yang have been in love with three people, Fujitika, Xiao Hu, and Ku Mien. But these three people doesn't have the same feeling for her, instead they have feelings for Sue Yang's three best friends, Nadeshiko, Yelan and Layla. Since they love each other so much they got married, and Sue Yang was left all alone with no one to love her. That's when she she began to think that her three best friends stole the only ones she loves from her. She killed Layla's parents, and Yelan's father and she gave Nadeshiko's daughter the curse for revenge. All she wanted was someone to love her, that's why she did all those horrible things.
Tired from running the children decided to just sit around and maybe hear a story from their mother or auntie.
"Mother, can you tell us a story?" Ying asked hopefully.
"Yes, Auntie, can you pleas tell us a story?" Sue and Lily chirped. Sakura gave in and nodded.
"There was once three princesses from a far away kingdom who had a curse, they are curse to die if they have not found the ones they love for a certain time. Then there was these three princes. The three princesses and princes are betroth to each other..." Sakura went on telling the story about hers and her sisters' lives when they have the curse. "...and that's the story of As The Last Petal Falls." Sakura finishes with a smile.
"Did that really happen Auntie?" Lily asked.
"Oh yes. It really is true. That really did happen." Sakura said with a smile.
"Wow, that was a wonderful story Auntie!" The children chirped as they stood up and played another round of tag.


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