Author's Notes: As someone who enjoys writing fanfiction as a hobby, it is never guaranteed that I will have the time, the motivation, or simply the ability to think about writing my stories. This is a painful truth that most of us here must realize and come to terms with. I often have big and grandiose ideas for my stories, and they are so temptingly easy to visualize in that 3 lb lump of flesh between my ears, but not as easy to actually put on a page. This story is one of those ideas, and it will likely take many years before I'm ever finished with it.

If I ever do finish this epic, it will be absurdly long. Think Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso followed by The Illiad and The Odyssey. My initial plan was to break each of the five acts into their own posted stories, but now I'm just going to keep everything in one. It will still be composed of five acts, but they will be within a single posting here. This way everything will be together, as it is intended. While each act will be something of its own story, they are connected like vital organs, and rely on each other to be anything truly meaningful.

To that end, I have decided to create this little primer. I decided on this for many reasons, but two immediately come to mind. First, I don't think it's fair to readers who have followed this story in the past to feel that they need to reread everything up to my latest update when sometimes those updates don't come for a year or more. Second, for those readers that balk at longer fics or long descriptive chapters, this provides an abridged version of what my story is about and the significant moments during each chapter.

This primer will be updated along with each new update, so if you would rather keep up with my story simply through this, then that is perfectly fine. My only request to you, dear reader, is that you leave a review after reading. I believe reviews are more than a courtesy to the authors, who often put a great deal of time and effort into these stories despite having other hobbies, school, jobs, and/or families. Reviews are the lifeblood of fanfiction. They are the impetus to carry on. They are the way we know we've connected with someone. Ultimately, the motivation to write needs to come from me, but hearing from my readers makes it much easier to find that motivation, and it encourages more regular updates.

So now I will step down from my soapbox and get to the good stuff. Below you'll find a brief (shooting for 500 words or less) synopsis of each chapter that has been posted. My aim is to get across the main ideas so that if you wanted to skip ahead to the last chapter without reading anything else, you would not be completely lost. Hopefully, this will succeed. If you, the readers, have any suggestions on improvements to either the organization or content of this primer, or the story as a whole for that matter, then please let me know in a PM or review.

As always, thank you for reading.



Gnothi Se Auton

A Final Fantasy IV Story

By SpacemanSpiff

The Chapter Summaries

(aka the Cliff's Notes version)

Act I – The Trine Prophecy


This chapter is less than 500 words on its own. Just read it :-)

Chapter I – The Message

It has been two years since Cecil and the other saviors defeated Zeromus and ushered in an era of peace and prosperity on Earth. As King of Baron, Cecil has invited King Hector and his court from their newly established kingdom of Agart to a banquet, in an effort to establish a worldwide peace treaty. During the banquet, Cecil meets King Hector's brother, Philip, who is also the head of the war council in Agart. Cecil has reservations about Philip's cold demeanor, but enjoys his time with the Hector, who is both jovial and shrewd. He shares his concerns with Cecil that Mysidia has yet to sign the peace treaty, despite it being circulated to all nations several months prior.

After the banquet, Cecil confides in Rosa his longing for a connection to the family he discovered at the end of the Crystal Wars. He feels as though he is missing a piece of his life and soul, with his brother and uncle hopelessly far away on the Lunarian moon that departed after the war. With the moon gone, he feels the separation more deeply than he expected, and despite Rosa's presence he still feels alone. To his surprise he receives an urgent message from Mysidia the next morning, claiming that his mother has been discovered alive and he should come as soon as possible.

Chapter II – The Riven

Rydia goes for a walk in the underground to collect her thoughts. She is beginning to realize that something is missing in her life, and she longs to discover what it is. In a moment of heart-breaking realization, she understands that finding what she needs may end with her abandoning her life in the underworld, and she worries how she will broach the subject with her adopted family in the Land of the Summons.

Cecil begins his journey across the globe with a small fleet of airships, both nervous and excited about the prospect of meeting his mother.

Chapter III – The Prayer

Rydia confronts King Leviathan and Queen Asura about her desire to leave the underworld in search of the missing piece of her soul. They are surprised and confused, but come to understand that hers is a free will, and that they will support her through any decisions she makes for the betterment of her life. Leviathan keenly observes that Rydia, as a human, has needs and emotions that they cannot comprehend, and they must at the very least respect that.

Rydia also must confront her lifelong guardian spirit, a chocobo named Chobi. She shares a deep friendship with Chobi, which makes telling him that she will be leaving even more difficult. She struggles to say her parting words before rushing out the door in a swell of tears. Leviathan takes her out of the underworld and sets her on a path on the Agartian mountains, at her request. She wants this adventure to be her own, to prove to herself that she doesn't need to rely on the spirits of the Summoned Lands. She brims with excitement as she looks ahead to the future.

Cecil lands in Mysidia and is immediately greeted by the twins, Palom and Porom. They share their pleasantries until the Elder receives him and takes him to his mother. Cecil finds her in a small medical hut, where clerics and mages are tending to her. She suffers from an unknown illness that sends her into long comas with periodic breaks of lucid alertness, and the Elder makes the assumption that it must be linked to her contact with Cecil's Lunarian father, KluYa. Cecil requests some time alone to look upon her and hold her hand, and he begins to feel that he may finally find that connection he has been craving.

Chapter IV – Interruptions

Cecil, having fallen asleep at his mother's bedside, is stirred when he hears a noise outside the hut. He turns to the canvas curtain doorway to see a flash of the intruder's steel boot. He gives chase, and to his surprise the mysterious cloaked man runs from him. Once they approach the town wall, the cloaked man leaps over the parapet, a superhuman feat that reminds Cecil of the only man he knows capable of such ability. The Elder finds him shortly thereafter and confirms that Kain was, indeed, in Mysidia, but his visits are brief and infrequent, as he has chosen to spend most of his time on Mt. Ordeals.

Cecil is awoken the next morning by the sound of his mother calling his name. They share a tearful moment of reunion. Cecil learns of the days in which his mother and father first met, and began a journey of exploration together. The touching story is cut short before much of consequence can be revealed to Cecil, as her curse, which she claims is a result of her own actions, sends her into another deep sleep.

Rydia wakes up in an Inn in Agart, where she is treated like royalty since the world has come to recognize her as the Ambassador of the Summoned Lands. This title was bestowed upon her after the Crystal Wars when she decided to spend the majority of her time in the underworld. After a pleasant conversation with the innkeeper, a royal messenger arrives to escort her to the castle, where King Hector has requested an audience. King Hector welcomes her with open arms, and offers to assist her in any way with her soul-searching adventure. He also requests that she present her knowledge of the Summoned Lands during a banquet before his court, which she agrees to before she departs. During their conversation he is interrupted by an important message, but does not reveal the details to Rydia. He, instead, hands her off to one of his associates, a bard from Damcyan named Agleson Ardwick, who is instructed to act as her personal escort and assistant during her stay in Agart.

Chapter V – Letters

A week has passed, and Cecil's mother has still not awoken again. He writes a letter to Rosa explaining how he finally feels that his bloody past in Mysidia is behind him after a young Mysidian orphan grants him forgiveness. He goes on to explain that he feels as though he is finding the missing pieces of his family connection, and the mix of joy and sadness it brings him due to her condition. He does not reveal to her that he encountered Kain in the village.

On Mt. Ordeals, Kain is writing a letter to Cecil instructing him to not come looking for him, that he is not ready to broach that heavy burden of emotions. He promises to return when he has found what he is looking for, but until then he wishes to be left alone.

Back in Agart, it's the night of the banquet and Rydia is in her room trying to find something to wear. She and Agleson have become close in a week's time, and his dashing looks and captivating personality draw her in. He brings her a stunning dress and a ruby brooch with gold chocobo feathers for the evening's event. Her heart overwhelms her for a moment, as a rush of feelings she has never experienced take over, and she kisses him. It's an awkward moment, and neither of them are prepared for what it means to their relationship. They choose not to pursue it for the time being and proceed to the banquet, but on the way they receive a mysterious letter telling Rydia that King Hector's brother, Philip, is plotting her assassination and intends to carry it out during the banquet.

Chapter VI – Intentions

Against better judgement, Agleson escorts Rydia to the banquet and assures her that he will do everything he can to protect her. He succeeds in running interference with Philip while Rydia mingles with the lords and ladies of the court. Before everyone takes their seats for the meal, King Hector announces a dance, a waltz written for their honored guest by Agleson. Rydia dances with him and her heart continues to make her woozy with a flux of new emotions. During the dance, however, she nearly encounters Philip but the song ends before he can get close enough, and the meal commences.

After the meal is finished, it is time for Rydia to give her speech to the court. Agleson, sitting next to her, notices Philip acting suspiciously, constantly staring at a curtain on the wall behind him. When he realizes that the curtain is moving, he leaps to save Rydia from a snipers crossbow, taking the bolt himself, nearly suffering a mortal wound. In the midst of the chaos that ensues, Rydia notices that Philip has escaped. King Hector then escorts them to safety, and they take a black chocobo to the port where a vessel awaits to take them to Baron, upon Rydia's request.

Back in Mysidia, Cecil meets with the Elder, who explains to him that he has been having visions of a great darkness that will beset the Earth, and that Cecil will be called forth once again to rise against it. Cecil has reservations about running headlong into a war for the planet, especially now that he has been given the chance to learn about his family, and with his responsibilities as King of Baron. The Elder also admits that he has not received any of the missives about the treaty he is organizing, which leads them to believe that someone has been interfering in the peace process. They do not get the chance to discuss further, as a messenger arrives to inform Cecil that his mother has awoken once again.

Chapter VII – Cecil's Legacy

Cecil enters his mother's hut to find her holding a small crystal attached to her necklace. She explains that the crystal is why she is cursed, for it bestowes the powers and longevity of a Lunarian upon her, but only as long as the Lunarian moon remains near. Now that the moon has departed, her body is deteriorating after living for over 1000 years. Upon her crystal is inscribed a name, her name: MaToYa.

She also reveals that each of her sons received a crystal pendant just like hers, and she instructs Cecil to open a small wooden box beside her bed. When he opens it, he finds three crystal necklaces. One crystal shines with a bright white light, which belongs to SeSolYa, Cecil's given Lunarian name which translates to "Sacred Son of Light". When Cecil touches the crystal he receives flashes of memories that he does not recognize, and Matoya explains that the crystal will store his memories, and in time he will learn to control them.

The other two crystals are clear and do not glow. Matoya tells Cecil that they only shine when the owner's is alive and nearby. Cecil picks one up with the inscription HaMutYa, and his mother tells him that is Golbez's given name, and that it means Hallowed Dragon of Light. She then explains that their family belongs to a dwindling line of Lunarians that are descendants of BaHaMut, the Goddess of Hallowed Dragons. She also reveals that Cecil was not destined to destroy Zemus, but that Golbez had been trained by Cecil's father for that specific purpose. Cecil was given the light of his father as a last resort, after Golbez turned.

The subject becomes too emotionally difficult for Matoya to continue, so Cecil changes to the subject to the third crystal. It belongs to a middle brother he never knew he had, named FeRosYa. In the process of talking about him, she also reveals that they all lived in a mixed colony of Lunarians and Humans, an experiment designed by KluYa to ascertain whether they could coexist on Earth. This colony was the village of Mist. Before much more can be discussed, Matoya once more succumbs to her curse and slips into unrelenting slumber.

Chapter VIII – Rydia's Heart

As they set sail on a week long journey to Baron, Rydia saves Agleson from his grievous injury during the assassination attempt in Agart. In a fluster of emotion, they share a passionate kiss on the bow. Rydia is unsure about how to handle these new emotions of love and lust, but she is pleasantly enthralled by how Agleson makes her feel. He assures her that his intentions are pure, and that he wishes to take any relationship they may develop slowly. Despite taking the elixir, however, Agleson's wound persists. They notice a strange symbol on the head of the bolt, which is large, serrated, and dagger-like. The symbol is incomprehensible in the dark of the night, so they decide to retire below decks. Even with better lighting in the cabin, the symbol represents a kind of magic with which Rydia is wholly unfamiliar. But on the reverse side of the bolt-head, there is a crest of a dwarven clan, though not one recognized by either of them. They decide to investigate more once they reach Baron.

As they're lying in adjacent beds, they have a moment of intimate conversation. She reveals that Chobi is her best friend and most trusted spirit from the Land of the Summons, since he came to her in her time of need after her father died. He was the first spirit she was ever able to summon, and because of that they share a bond stronger than any other. She also reveals that there are dark summons that were banished to a prison known as the Black City during the Great Spirit War long, long ago. The leader of these evil spirits is known as Shin-Ra, the Demon God, but she assures Agleson that the only way to release him is for a summoner to call him forth from the Black City. Since she is the only living summoner, they can be assured that Shin-Ra will never be released.

Chapter IX – Kain's Pride

Kain meditates by the Lunarian shrine atop Mt. Ordeals. After two years of patience, waiting for some sign that the light will guide him to redemption, he begins to hear faint voices. He cannot make them out just yet, but it is the closest he has come to anything significant in his time here. The voices stop, however, when he is approached by an old man. Kain does not take the interruption well and threatens the man, but is taken by surprise when he discovers he is actually an ancient spirit.

Begrudgingly, Kain accepts the advice of the spirit who calls himself Erasmus the All Knowing. The spirit claims to be a relic of Mysidia's past when it was ruled by a group known as the Magi. Nearly 500 years ago, Erasmus foolishly sought the secrets of the Lunarian shrine, even going so far as sacrificing his mortal shell to attain the truth within it. He has been left empty-handed, and now remains as an eternal spectre that must watch the world go by. He convinces Kain that he needs to put his pride aside, for Cecil will soon need his strength and power to combat a new evil that threatens the land.

After he concedes that he must give up his self-imposed isolation and reconnect with Cecil and the others, the voices he heard earlier become clear. They relay a message to him, one that he believes comes from the light of the Lunarian Shrine. He now knows what he must do.

Chapter X – Shadow Game

A man wearing a dark cloak approaches a dungeon cell in Agart. Inside he finds Philip, beaten and chained. Philip refers to the cloaked man as Shin-Ra, and when he pulls back his hood, the man is a human but with black tendrils wrapped around his pale, bald head. His eyes are completely black, like spheres of onyx. The man called Shin-Ra reveals that their original plan to capture the summoner changed without Philip's knowledge, a betrayal constructed by his brother King Hector. He explains that Hector had already set in motion a plan to destroy the Kingdom of Baron as the first step in building a dwarven empire that spans the entirety of the upperworld. Philip pleads with Shin-Ra to help him, seemingly worshipping him as a god, but he is left to wallow in his cell.

The cloaked man then meets with King Hector to assess their strategy. Hector refers to the man as Lord Feros, instead of Shin-Ra. Hector explains that everything is going to plan, that Agleson performed admirably, and that soon the Kingdom of Baron will fall, and Lord Feros shall have his prize, the last summoner, Rydia of Mist. Lord Feros reveals that the enchantment on the bolt that struck Agleson will set the plan in motion once they reach Baron, and that he will be the key to the summoner's return.

Chapter XI – In Somnium Veritas

Cecil finds himself in a vivid dream where he visits Mist long before it was destroyed. He watches a scene where his mother informs his middle brother FeRosYa of a terrible tragedy that has befallen his father KluYa, and his older brother HaMutYa. FeRos appears to be only ten or eleven years old in this memory, and Cecil is just a baby in his mother's arms. She tells FeRos that HaMut has been turned against them due to dark magic resonating from his crystal, which is why their crystals were taken away from them in the first place. She then reveals that HaMut killed KluYa on Mt. Ordeals, and that they must leave the village of Mist lest HaMut comes looking for them. FeRos refuses to leave the village, and MaToYa leaves with baby Cecil, assured by the villagers that they will look after the boy. When Cecil awakens, he realizes that FeRos's crystal has a faint red glow.

Rydia has a terrible nightmare where she encounters Shin-Ra in his most powerful form, a massive black dragon that commands storms and nearly devours her. When she awakens, Agleson tries to comfort her, and reminds her what she told him, that only a living summoner could bring Shin-Ra back. Agleson also informs her that they have finally reached Baron after a week on the high seas.

Kain has a dream about a time when he and Cecil were young boys playing a game of knights and ninjas in the woods outside Baron. In the memory they were set upon by a band of imps and Kain bravely saves Cecil from their clutches. Cecil stops Kain from killing one of them, insisting that they are simply trying to survive, and don't deserve to die for it. Kain wakes up to hear a young boy screaming, and races off to investigate.

Chapter XII – In Aevum Veritas

Kain finds the source of the screams, a young boy tied to a stone pillar in a clearing, three mages preparing to perform some kind of sacrificial rite. Before he intervenes, the Elder of Mysidia approaches and tries to convince the apostates to let the boy go, but the negotiations are for naught. Kain swoops in and kills the mages, saving the boy from certain death. The Elder thanks Kain for his assistance, and reveals that the apostates appeared to be performing an old Magi ritual from ancient times, one that would revive the last Magus, Erasmus. Kain does not reveal that he spoke with a Magi spirit on Mt. Ordeals, but does tell him that he is going to Mysidia to meet with Cecil. The Elder offers to transport him there immediately with magic.

In Baron, Rydia and Agleson meet with Queen Rosa, whose is overjoyed at their reunion. Rydia discusses their adventure up to that point, and asks to see Cid, who might have some insight into the dwarven crest etched upon the mysterious crossbow bolt. Rosa explains that Cid has gone to the underworld with his daughter on a vacation, but that she will ask the historians in their libraries to find out what they can about the crest, as well as the enigmatic enchantment that was placed on it. They decide to wait to heal Agleson's wound until they can find out more about the spell. Rosa then sends Agleson away so they can talk in private, and Rydia intimates that she may be falling in love with the bard, even though they have known each other for a mere fortnight. Rosa urges her to be open to the possibilities and enjoy the feelings in this moment.

In Mysidia, Cecil confronts the Elder upon his return about everything he has learned about himself from his mother. He is noticeably frustrated with the Elder's insistence that Cecil is the one that must carry the burden of saving the planet, when it was never his prophecy to fulfill in the first place. The Elder counsels Cecil and calms him, pointing him to an inscription on the first step of the staircase leading up the Tower of Prayers. It reads Gnothi Se Auton, a phrase in a long dead language used in Mysidia during the time of the Magi, which means "Know Thy Self". It was written by Erasmus. After coming to some resolution on the matter, the Elder informs Cecil that Kain is waiting for him in the village.

Chapter XIII – In Vino Veritas

Cecil finds Kain in a corner of the village, scrubbing the filth from his armor. Kain decides to break the tension by challenging Cecil to a traditional Baron war-ritual of close quarters combat. The bout is fierce, but it is clear that Kain has been training hard the last two years while Cecil has not. Cecil manages to capitalize on a distracted moment when Kain first notices his crystal pendant, but Kain is quick to recover and brings Cecil to the flat of his back. They have a laugh over the moment, but Kain is still hesitant to reenter his life too quickly. Cecil tries to tell Kain that he forgives him, but Kain demands that he not give him anything for which he has not yet asked. Kain leaves, assuring Cecil that he will return later that evening to talk.

In Baron, Rydia and Agleson have a meal in Castle Baron, where he regales her with a tale behind a specific bottle of wine that he procures from the cellar. The bottle is from Damcyan and is labelled Von Hess. Agleson tells her the story of how this particular vintage was the last of the Von Hess family's original vineyard, before it was burned to the ground and the family murdered by the King of Damcyan. He informs Rydia that Damcyan is not known for its great armies, but rather for subterfuge, counterintelligence, and their vast network of spies and assassins. The Von Hess family was the greatest of these assassins, however the patriarch's notoriety brought a great deal of paranoia upon the King, who ultimately had the vineyard burned with the family inside. The only surviving member was the son, who was adopted by the King. The son, however, was found dead of apparent suicide less than a year later. Rydia then segues to a conversation of Agleson's family, who he reveals passed away peacefully and still passionately in love with each other. It brings a swell of intimacy out of Rydia, and she suggests they finish the wine in their room.

Back in Mysidia, Kain meditates on the shore, trying to figure out how best to reconnect with Cecil. He is visited by Erasmus, who encourages him to continue pressing on despite how difficult it may be. After the conversation, Kain gets an idea.

Chapter XIV – The Way We Were

Cecil takes some time to think in a flower garden in Mysidia when he is visited by Porom. She tells him that he doesn't owe anything to the people of Earth, that he has earned the right to live his life, and that others will come forward in the time of need. He thanks her for the kind words, realizing that he needed the affirmation more than anything at that moment. A messenger then approaches, saying that Kain is waiting for him at the entrance to the village. When Cecil finds him, he is packing two chocobos with firewood, a large rack of raven, and every last drop of whiskey from the tavern.

In Baron, Rydia and Agleson share a night of passion, as she finally gives in to the longings in her heart and feels liberated.

Kain and Cecil prepare their meal over a campfire in the woods outside of Mysidia, sipping generously from jugs of whiskey. They use the time and the emotional lubrication of the alcohol to hash out their issues. It is a tense and often emotional conversation, but it serves its purpose as the two men begin to feel that closeness they once had again. Kain confesses that some part of him wanted to accept Golbez's dark magic so that he could prove himself against Cecil. Cecil confesses that Rosa is with child. Kain explains the message that he received from the light on Mt. Ordeals, relaying the message "An ancient evil has awakened," and "The dark heart shall shepherd the light." Cecil says he will not lead the front against this evil, so Kain accepts the mantle as the Earth's next hero.

Chapter XV – The Lies We Tell

Cecil wakes up in another dream memory, this time following his mother through the woods as she makes her way to Baron. He learns that his father realized once HaMutYa began to turn that FeRos and SeSol would need to take his place as the Earth's saviors, but MaToYa would not allow it. This is the reason she chooses to abandon him in Baron, and flee to a reclusive life in Mysidia. He watches as she meets with King Odin, showing him an ancient pact with an important symbol that the King appears to recognize. He accepts baby Cecil, saying that he will be adopted to the noble family of Lord and Lady Harvey. He also misunderstands the Lunarian name SeSol and assumes the baby's name is Cecil, as the two names sound quite similar, and thus he keeps the name to honor MaToYa's sacrifice.

Kain watches from a high perch as Cecil wakes up and recalls the memory of when he betrayed them in the sealed cave. He remembers how Cecil saved him by stopping Edge from killing him with a throwing knife. Kain realizes that Cecil would do anything to keep him alive, even in his darkest moments, and he hopes that when the time comes for him to do what he needs to do, that Cecil will not try to stop him.

Rydia awakens with a bit of a hangover, and finds Agleson writing something by the window in their room. Despite the headache, she feels nothing but joy about their relationship, and he confesses that he loves her. She is not sure how to respond, and doesn't feel that she can say it back just yet, but assures him that she has feelings for him. Rosa then comes to their room to say that they would like to heal Agleson's wound, despite not knowing what the enchantment will do to him. They suggest Rydia goes to Mysidia to seek advice from their ancient texts while Agleson stays behind. He adamantly refuses to leave Rydia's side, but Rydia wants him to stay and have his wound treated by Rosa and her team of healers. Rydia requests some privacy, and tries to convince Agleson to stay behind. When he does not cave, she resorts to tricking him and casting a sleep spell on him. Rosa then has her mages levitate him to the infirmary before escorting Rydia to the Devil Road.

Chapter XVI – The Family We Share

Cecil is pleasantly surprised when Rydia shows up in Mysidia through the Devil Road. She reveals her reason for coming, showing the cursed crossbow bolt to Cecil and the Elder. Cecil recognizes part of the symbol on the bolt from his previous dream, the symbol scribed on the pact that his mother had given to King Odin long ago. This only serves to confound the matter, but the Elder takes the bolt to study it, while Cecil and Rydia take some time to reconnect. Kain enters the village shortly thereafter, and Rydia becomes agitated, as she cares little for the man that betrayed them and hurt the people she loved. Before their conflict has time to escalate, Cecil's mother awakens and they all go in to speak with her.

In Baron, Rosa and her team of healers attempt to heal Agleson's wound, but in doing so activate a curse of corruption, and Shin-Ra is able to take control of the bard's body, granting him exceptional strength and magical powers. He kills two healers and strangles Rosa to unconsciousness, demanding that they bring him the summoner. Rosa is saved by a well-placed holy spell and Shin-Ra becomes trapped in a cage of holy light. It seems as though he will not be able to escape, until he sees a dwarven nurse in the room, and a nod of understanding between the two takes place.

Back in Mysidia, Cecil, Rydia, and Kain all enter MaToYa's hut and have an important conversation. It is revealed that Rydia is the daughter of YuNa and FeRosYa, which makes her Cecil's niece. It is also revealed to everyone that the corruptive blood magic that HaMutYa (aka Golbez) used on Kain is still present in his body, which causes him to realize his worst fear, that he will never truly be free of it. Kain rushes out of the hut in a moment of weakness, and MaToYa tells Cecil and Rydia that they need to support their friend, to give him every opportunity to trust again, or else he may succumb to darkness once more.

Chapter XVII – Kain's Confession

Kain struggles against the revelation that the darkness Golbez used on him still resides in his blood, but Erasmus appears to encourage him on his quest of redemption. Kain doesn't fully trust the old spirit, but appreciates that he helps the dark voices in his head disappear. He concedes that he must speak with the Elder of Mysidia, for counselling as well as to come clean about his interaction with a spirit of the Magi. After telling the Elder about Erasmus, Kain is convinced that the old spirit is actually trying to help him and the Earth, and for the time being his guidance is acceptable. Kain then recites the prophecy handed down to him on the mountain, and it resembles an old Magi prophecy. Both prophecies mention the coming of an ancient evil that will consume the Earth, as well as the coming of the Hallowed One that will save them after a great sacrifice. The Elder believes this Hallowed One may be Cecil's father, KluYa, but it could also refer to Golbez, whom the apostates followed believing he was the Hallowed One during the Crystal War. However, the differences are significant enough to make it seem as though the Magi may have perverted the original prophecy to suit their tyrannical agenda, and that they may actually be trying to revive Erasmus, the last Magus. Either way, the end of the prophecy demands a sacrifice, and the Elder realizes that is exactly what Kain intends to do.

Chapter XVIII – Cecil's Conviction

Cecil and Rydia enjoy the time they have with MaToYa as a newly discovered family unit, but a messenger interrupts requesting Rydia's assistance with the crossbow bolt after the rune inscribed upon it disappears. After Rydia leaves, Cecil is forced to confront his mother about his recent memory dreams. She assures him that these dreams are natural, a circumstance of his Lunarian crystal reconnecting with his spirit. But when he tells her that he knows she has lied to him about his destiny, she reveals why in an emotional account of their family history. HaMut (Golbez) had always been the chosen one, the defender of Earth from ZeMus and his evil intentions. She explains that FeRos was born with the spirit of the Phoenix within him, a legendary EiDoLon that can reunite someone's spirit with their body even after being long dead, but at the cost of the summoner's life. When KluYa told Cecil's mother that FeRos's destiny was to revive HaMut in a worst case scenario, MaToYa refused the proposal and they separated for several years. When KluYa returned, they managed to work through their issues, and SeSol (Cecil) was born as an assurance to MaToYa that he would never have to be burdened by such a heavy fate. When HaMut turned evil, however, KluYa broke that promise, insisting that SeSol take his place. This was the overwhelming reason why she fled Mist and orphaned him in Baron as a baby, and why she still insists that he can choose his own destiny.

Chapter XIX – Rydia's Concession

Rydia meets with two historians name Lukhan and Aeris in the Mysidian Archives. Here she learns of the four forbidden magics: Meteo, the destructive spell that brings fire from the sky; Ultima, a dangerous spell that erases a single being from existence, destroying not just the body but the spirit, as well; Trine, a spell that captures a being, strips its life energy and grants it to the caster to increase magical power and longevity; and Domina, a spell of mental manipulation, the very spell that Golbez used on his followers, and the dragon knight Kain. This causes Rydia to realize that Kain stood no chance against such dark forces. More importantly, she realizes that Domina was the spell that enchanted the crossbow bolt, which means Agleson is in grave danger. It also means she needs to speak to the only person with first-hand knowledge of this magic: Kain. When she confronts him, she finds it difficult to speak kindly to him, and he is reluctant to speak of his time with Golbez. Their brief and awkward conversation is cut short when a scream in the village distracts them. They run to assist, but find Cecil holding a grievously wounded dragon knight from Baron wearing red armor, having just come through the Devil Road. He tells them that Baron is under attack, but before they get much more information, Cecil attempts to heal his wound, a wound from an enchanted crossbow bolt. Once the healing spell takes effect, the knight's body erupts in a pillar of furious magical energy that consumes everything.

Chapter XX – Blood and Water

Philip is locked away in the Agart dungeon, badly beaten and contemplating his life. He recalls how he got to this point in his life, how Cecil and the other saviors destroyed his family through their breaches through the crater in the Agartian mountains. Each breach caused massive quakes, landslides, and caved in the diamond mines upon which the Tomerans make their livelihood. Philip and Hector lost their parents due these incidents, and while Hector went into the dwarven military during the war, Philip was left behind to find solace in a heretical cult known as the Followers of Shin-Ra. When Hector returned to Tomera, he took Philip to the upperworld to establish a new kingdom of Agart, one that would ensure that Cecil and his kingdom would suffer for what they had done.

Hector enters the dungeon cell to try and convince Philip to renounce his superstitions regarding the man he thinks is Shin-Ra. Hector claims the cloaked man is nothing more than a shrewd mage, using his magic and cunning to dupe his followers into bringing him what he wants. Philip does not concede, and says that Shin-Ra will rise, and destroy him. Hector leaves him, frustrated and saddened by his brother's zealous behavior, and reveals his intention to kill the man he believes to be Shin-Ra when he returns.

Chapter XXI – Incursion

Rosa awakens in a strange room to a rumbling noise overhead. After a moment of panic, she realizes she is in a secure shelter beneath the throne room, a place where the King and Queen are required to remain during an assault on the kingdom. Choosing to forgo that order, she slips out of bed, dons her armor and bow and heads out of the room. She discovers the castle is under attack, with explosive ordinances being dropped from above but also coming from below. As she makes her way through the throne room, she is taken captive by a band of dwarves. They lead her out into the Rotunda, where she is saved by a squad of dragon knights. A battle ensues in the Rotunda, until a dragon knight enters that appears to be corrupted by the same dark magic that consumed Agleson. This enemy proves to be difficult to handle, but with Rosa's powers assisting them, the dragon knights manage to defeat their foe. Rosa tells them to warn the others in the kingdom to refrain from using healing magic on their wounds, or they will suffer the same fate.

Chapter XXII – Confusion

Rydia awakens to find Cecil, Kain and everyone else is still alive and okay after the harrowing magic attack. The dragon knight that had the spell cast upon him has vanished, however, and the Elder reveals that it was the spell, Ultima, which only affects a single target. Cecil insists that they go to Baron to try and save the kingdom, and Kain and Rydia follow him through the Devil Road. Once in Baron, they find themselves surrounded by fire and ash, the city still under siege by dive bombing airships and bands of dwarven insurgents. They navigate to the entrance of the aquifer tunnels outside of Cid's manor, but are stopped by a corrupted dragon knight. Kain tells Cecil and Rydia to run while he confronts the enemy on his own.

Kain engages in a fierce battle with the corrupted knight, who he realizes was once his commanding officer before the Crystal War. During the fight, Kain's crystal spear begins to react in a way he has never seen before, producing a glow that culminates in an eruption of holy light that cleanses what it touches of the corruption. In a moment of panic, the corrupted knight tears its own arm off to prevent the holy light from destroying it completely. Kain continues to try and eliminate this new threat, but he gets separated from his spear and is nearly killed trying to retrieve it. In a moment of sheer will he manages to grab his spear and impale the corrupted knight, drowning it in holy energy. Kain is allowed a final moment with his old mentor before the commander dies in his arms.

In a secluded cavern, Shin-Ra contemplates what this new development means, confused about the holy light that Kain wields. This wrinkle presents a concern to his plans, and he sends more corrupted knights to find him. He also knows that Cecil and Rydia are underground, and he sends one of his minions to pursue them, as well.

Chapter XXIII – Revelation

Cecil and Rydia make their way through the underground passages that link to the castle, but along the way they encounter a band of dwarves standing around a tank with a massive drill attached to it. This confirms how the dwarves infiltrated the city. They try to create a diversion by starting the drill, but they are caught and try to flee. Rydia manages to escape, but Cecil is trapped in a corner of the cavern and nearly perishes when he is forced to jump into the frigid river. Luckily, Rydia returns save him. When they finally get to the exit, they find it blocked by rubble. Cecil says there is another way, but when they turn around, a corrupted dragon knight is there to greet them. Cecil attempts to subdue the knight, and it is revealed that the light within him burns away the corruption that infects the knight. Unfortunately, the knight escapes Cecil's grasp before it is fully cleansed, and in response, Shin-Ra fully consumes his thrall and takes on a demonic form, revealing to them that he is, in fact, the Demon God. This causes Rydia to panic, knowing the power of this evil spirit, and she summons Titan to save them, despite Cecil's concerns that it will destroy the city.

Chapter XXIV - A Moment of Trust

Kain makes his way towards the castle in the hope that he can meet up with Cecil and Rydia there. He is intercepted by several corrupted dragon knights, and while he manages to hold his own against them, the battle end prematurely when the earth opens up and swallows him. Cecil and Rydia, safely tucked away in Titan's palm, observe the wreckage of his summoning. Cecil is disturbed by the devastation, but keeps his emotions in check as he must trust Rydia's instincts about the threat of Shin-Ra. The Red Wings soon turn their attention to the mighty Titan and begin shelling him with firebombs. He manages to take out a few of them, but he is weakened, and Rydia must release him just as he sets them down in front of the Rotunda. Within the Rotunda, Rosa and Sera gather the rest of the survivors and begin to shepherd them to a bunker in the lower levels, but Titan's quake causes several pillars within the room to collapse, putting them all in danger of being crushed. Sera digs deep to find a new level of magical potential, blasting the pillars away in a mighty telekinetic blast. When the dust settles, Rosa seeing Titan through a hole in the ceiling, and sends Sera with the survivors so she can stay behind to greet Cecil and Rydia.

Once Cecil and Rydia arrive in the Rotunda, they all try to retreat below ground to meet with General Gau, but they are stopped by a horde of corrupted knights. The Red Wings land outside as Shin-Ra blasts through the doors in his demonic form to engage them. Rather than try to fight him, Rydia offers to give herself up to him, but only if he agrees to release the people of Baron from his corruption. He agrees, and despite Cecil and Rosa's protests, Rydia follows Shin-Ra towards a dark portal that he conjures. Just as the darkness is about to envelope them, a crystal spear punctures Shin-Ra's chest, and Kain lands next to Rydia, grabbing her and jumping to safety. Shin-Ra's body begins to split open with cracks of holy energy, and his body eventually explodes in a pillar of light.

Cecil heals Kain's injuries and asks him about the spear's holy power, for which Kain has no answer. Cecil demands to know more about Shin-Ra, but before Rydia can explain, Agleson enters the Rotunda, apparently freed from Shin-Ra's corruption. Everyone but Rydia remains skeptical of him, although he does relay some information that he learned while under Shin-Ra's control, revealing that Philip, King Hector's brother, is the one working with Shin-Ra to destroy Cecil and his kingdom for what he did to the people of Tomera. Agleson urges Cecil to mount a counterstrike immediately, but Cecil insists that they retreat to the emergency shelter and meet with General Gau first.

Chapter XXV - A Moment of Peace

Cecil and the others meet with General Gau in the emergency shelter deep in the bowels of Castle Baron, where they begin a debriefing session concerning the attack. From what they have gathered, it becomes clear that a rogue militia of dwarves from Tomera used a drilling machine to infiltrate the underground passages to launch the surprise attack upon the kingdom. Sleeper agents had also been placed in strategic positions throughout Baron to facilitate the attack, especially with regards to their capture of the Red Wings. These had presumably been placed by King Hector's brother, Philip. Shin-Ra's role in all of this is still a mystery, but it is clear that he needs Rydia for whatever plans he has in store. Rydia can only assume that he wishes to overthrow King Leviathan and open the Black City upon the Earth, and that he will use her in some way to do this.

During the debriefing, a scout returns to inform them that with the curse lifted and the underground passage destroyed by Titan, the remaining dwarven insurgents have surrendered and the kingdom has been reclaimed. Agleson, once again, urges them to use this to their advantage, and formulate a counterstrike strategy that gives Philip a sense of false victory. To everyone's surprise, Cecil agrees with him, as he now feels wholly responsible for seeing Philip brought to justice.

After the debriefing, Cecil and Kain visit the armory, where Cecil hopes his crystal sword will have a similar effect against Shin-Ra and his demon thralls as Kain's crystal spear. Kain expresses reservations about Agleson, using his own experiences with demonic possession to back up his assertions. Cecil concedes that they should be wary of him and keep him contained along with any others affected by the curse. When Cecil reaches for his crystal armor, it reacts to his pendant and the armor shatters into a cloud of shards before condensing on his body. It then shows him a vision of the last Lunarian to wear it, showing him its hidden abilities, and he learns that he can control the armor with his mind, allowing it to take various shapes.

Rosa and Rydia go to the guest room where Rydia hopes to find the broach that Agleson gave her the night of the ball in Agart. Rosa tries to pry into the summoner's relationship with the bard, but she's hesitant to admit her feelings, both to Rosa and to herself. She finds the amulet, though it is worse for wear after the attack. She also finds Agleson's letter of confession he was writing that morning. She feels dishonest reading it before he has a chance to read it to her, so she keeps it without going any further than the first line. Before they go back to the shelter, Rydia tells Rosa that she intends to live in Baron with her and Cecil after this is all over.

Back in the shelter, General Gau relays the plan of attack to Cecil and the others, including Lt. Cmdr. Sera Javelynn, who will lead the Order of the Dragon in Cmdr. Seiks's absence. It quickly becomes clear that this is a suicide mission with only enough crew and soldiers to take one airship into the assault. Cecil comes up with a clever contingency plan, using the three airships that remain in Mysidia. General Gau still admits doubts that it will be enough, but Cecil surprises them again when he confesses that he does not intend to send the airships to Agart.

Later, a heavy rain descends upon the kingdom of Baron, helping to douse the flames of firebombs. Rosa says her goodbyes to Cecil, Rydia, and Kain as they board the lone Red Wing that will carry them into this fateful mission. Cecil tells her to follow the plan, relaying that they intend to arrive in Agart the following day at sundown, suggesting that she will need to work fast to coordinate with them. Rosa reassures them that she will see it through on her end. With her parting words to Kain, she insists that he keep Cecil alive, and that by doing so she will offer him her forgiveness. With that, they all wave goodbye to one another, as they bound heroically into an indeterminable horizon.




Act II - The Dark Heart

Chapter XXVI - Before the Storm

Cecil, Kain, and Rydia set off on their journey to Agart to face their enemies. Aboard the airship, the trio take a bit of time to ponder the future. Rydia expressed her sadness at not being able to say goodbye to Agleson before departing Baron. Kain wonders if Cecil is truly ready for battle again. Sera Javelynn reveals her concerns about Kain to Cecil.

As Rydia is preparing for bed, she gets an unexpected visit from Kain who simply comes to make sure she is okay. She takes the opportunity to make a serious request of him: if their plan fails, she needs him to take her life so that Shin-Ra cannot succeed. Kain accepts this burden, and Rydia swears him to secrecy, for she knows that Cecil would never allow either of them to go through with it. After this rather heavy conversation, Kain teaches Rydia some techniques he uses to calm his mind. One is whiskey, which Rydia tries for the first time. She doesn't care for it. The next is a form of physical movements called Ono Chi, practiced by the monks in Fabul, which use various poses to stretch and relax the muscles in the body. She finds this to be very helpful, and after Kain leaves she practices the movements on her own. She then wanders down the hall to thank Kain again for his kindness, despite her cold attitude towards him before. She catches him undressing and dashes back to her room utterly embarrassed. To her surprise, Agleson is waiting for her in her room, and she falls asleep in his arms.

Cecil has a dream about his childhood, seeing for the first time his adopted mother. Until now he had no memory of the Harvey family that took him in as an infant, having lost them to a fire when he was merely 4 years old. The memory is a revelation brought out by the crystal given to him by Matoya, his birth mother. The dream is cut short when he is awakened by a pounding fist on the door to his cabin. It turns out to be Kain, telling him that Rydia is missing.

Rosa begins her descent into the nation of Eblan, where she intends to seek aid for the war against Agart. She is anxious, not for thinking that Edge will rebuff her, but for the cost of the war, and the toll it has already taken. She is visited by a mysterious trio of ravens, but they disappear before she has a chance to learn anything about them.