Note: This story takes place after the fight between Naruto and Sasuke. From here on, I will not be followed much of Kishimoto's storyline, aside from what has happened in the past. I do not own Naruto, but I do hope one day to meet and even possible work with Kishimoto Mushashi. I think he is one of the greatest manga creators of all time. This is nothing more then my spin-off of his series.

Note 2: So people will finally shut up about it, I've changed Haruko to Hanabi in this chapter.

Growing Up...

Chapter One:

Saying Goodbye to Old Friends and Hello to New

"Ladies and Gentlemen.... We are gathered here today to honor and say goodbye to two of our own, who perished in the heat of battle. Two young and aspiring Genins, who fought for this village with honor, who truly earn the name of Shinobi. Akimichi Chouji, and Hyuuga Neji, who perished in the hunt for the now exiled Uchiha Sasuke. Both falling to the hands of defeat by the Jounin level guards of Orochimaru. But these young boys when out with a great fire, two Genins who fought and defeated Jounin level ninja. We will always remember you, Akimichi Chouji... Hyuuga Neji..." Placing a large bouquet of flowers atop the small stone memorials placed before her, the fifth Hokage. Tsunade bowed her head in a moment of silence.

"Forgive me Chouji-kun, Neji-kun, for not being in time to save your lives..."

There in the crowd, Naruto stood in silence. His black formal suit tight to his body. Small cuts and scrapes still upon his body after his lose to Sasuke. Bowing his own head as the citizens of Konoha thought a silent prayer, Naruto's fists tightened. Eyes looked to his right; he looked to his leader... his superior, Nara Shikamaru. Tears slowly fell down the cheeks of the Chuunin.

"Naruto!" A harsh whisper and short jab was placed to Naruto's shoulder. His head rose slowly to peer up at his sensei, Hatake Kakashi. The elder's head was lowered still, uncovered eye closed lightly. "Honor the dead; not watch what their death has caused."

"Shika-kun.." A firm hand was placed on Shikamaru's shoulder. The heavy hand of his father gave a comforting squeeze.. "Shika-kun, it is hard... but ninja's.... Men, don't cry..."

"He was my best friend, father. It's hard not to!" A sharp responses was given from the normally laid back nin. "I shouldn't have left him alone back there... if I cannot take my men into battle, and bring them all back alive, what kind of leader am I?"

"Shika-kun! Have more respect for yourself, and even more for you fallen men..."

Eyes traveled to his other side as Naruto's gaze turned to the Hyuuga family. For the first time in years, the branch and main family stood together, closely knitted and as one. Hinata stood close to her face as her own cheeks stung with tears. Her entire little face was soaked as she held a arm before her face... a man who beat and abused her so violently, yet tears fell for her blood, her protector.

Hinata sudden cried out in heavy sobs, turning quickly, her face pressed to a chest, looking for comfort... for something, anything.

Naruto's eyes widened as Hinata pressed her tear soaked cheeks to his chest. Hyuuga-sama looked to her daughter, his own eyes filled with slight surprise. His daughter, holding herself to it... looking for comfort from it... the Kyubii-boy.

"Hi- Hinata-chan..." Arms slowly moved around the small girl... in his arms she seemed even smaller then she was. She was much smaller then one would ever think her coat hide the small form of Hinata. Her own arms slipped around Naruto's waist.. "It's alright Hinata-chan..."

The funeral was over, three weeks had passed since Chouji and Neji's names had been carved into the monument at the training area. Naruto smiled lightly as he ran through the streets of Konoha to the bridge where he, Kakashi-sensei and his last remaining partner Haruno Sakura met each day.

"Good Morning, Sakura-chan!"

"Morning Naruto-kun," She smiled lightly as the dope ran up to her. A smile... the first one that had been seen upon her face in days since Sasuke left to become one with Orochimaru. Behind her stood Kakashi, the first time.... EVER that he was not late. His arms crossed over his chest as he ideally watched Naruto.

"Kakashi-sensei! You're here!"

"Of course I am," his mask hid A light smirk as Naruto stood before the two. "I have important news for you two,"

"What is it?" Sakura stared up to Kakashi with curious eyes.

"As you may know, the fall Chuunin Exam's are beginning registering soon,
"Yeah-Yeah-Yeah! And this time I am definitely going to pass!" Naruto grinned as he hopped into the air in excitement.

"Not so fast Naruto... if you remember, teams of three can only take the Exam," Kakashi sighed, a slow rise and fall of his shoulders.

"Wait, Kakashi-sensei, that means not only can we not enter the exam, neither may Rock Lee, Ten Ten, and Ino-chan,"

"No, Ino chan will be placed within a new group with two new graduates for this exam, though we are worried how see will work with her new teammates during this year's co-op operation,"

Naruto fumed as his arms crossed, eyes turning to slits as he pouted. "Now I'll never get to the Chuunin Exam without Sasuke,"

"No worries Naruto... Tsunade... I mean, Hokage-sama has sent a replacement for all teams who have lost a member,"

Naruto and Sakura's eyes went wide as they froze in surprise.

"What do you mean Kakashi-sensei! No one can replace Sasuke-kun!" Sakura cried out as she hung onto the railing on that bridge.

"Sakura-chan! How can you even still care about Sasuke, huh? After he attacked you, and left us all - because of him Chouji and Neji are gone," Naruto's fists balled as he stood over Sakura, any one could see the pain of losing those friends, those few who truly acknowledged him was tearing him up... Sasuke must die.

"Naruto!" Kakashi stood against the thick pole that held the bridge's sign, his arms crossed over his own chest. "Enough... leave Sakura be. You know nothing of her own pain and only think of your own. Sasuke's replacement will be here soon. Sakura dry your eyes... and Naruto, calm yourself and forgive of Sasuke for now, we have little time to train this new member and prepare for the Chuunin Exams,"

Noon... it had been nearly four hours... Kakashi sat on the railing of the of the bridge, leaning his back against the sigh post. Come-Come Violence Volume 4 is his hands, (special edition copy from Jiraiya after returning with Tsunade - one of the few autographed Come Come novels in his possession.)

Naruto sighed softly as he sat in the center of the bridge, ideally drawing with a piece of chalk... Sakura sighed softly as she paced slowly back and forth upon the bridge, finally stopping behind Naruto. She bent over his shoulder looking to his drawing.

"What are you drawing, Naruto?"

"I don't know... just doodling..."

"It looks like Hinata-chan," Sakura giggled as her hands gripped Naruto's shoulders, quickly shaking him playfully. "Does our little Naruto have a crush on Hinata-chan? When did it start, hmm Naruto? At the summer exams, when she said how she looked up to you? Tell me!"

"I don't have a crush on anyone!" Naruto quickly wiped the drawing away, rubbing his forearm across the wood.

Kakashi smirked lightly as he listened to Naruto's defense... swinging his legs to the side, Kakashi stood up. "Naruto - Sakura, she's here,"

"She?" The both looked up quickly in surprise - coming toward the bridge slowly a small girl - smaller then Hinata approached, heavy black hair framed her face as she wore a black kimono over a fishnet suit and shorts. Her eyes, those of the Hyuuga.

Kakashi smiled as he took a step forward to the girl, her eyes where intense.. The same as Neji. "Yo, Hanabi-chan," Kakashi smiled lightly as he bowed his head lightly to the small girl who simply bowed back gently.

Sakura and Naruto watched silently as this girl Kakashi called "Hanabi" reported in.

"Why have we never had to report in?" Naruto questioned as he scratched the back of his head.

"Probably since we are always here first... hey Naruto - isn't that the girl who was watching the Chuunin Exam's with Hinata-chan's father?"

"Yeah, I think it is," Naruto smiled lightly. "With a Hyuuga on our team, we shouldn't have any trouble, hehe," He grinned as he moved over to the girl. "Hello, Hanabi-chan! I'm Uzumaki Naruto, but you can call me Hokage the 6th,"

Her wide eyes looked up to Naruto... yes finally someone shorter then him! They were so dark...

"I know who you are... and you; you are Haruno Sakura, right?" She looked to Sakura.

"Yes," A quick nod and smile was given.

"My name is Hyuuga Hanabi... main branch of the Hyuuga clan,"

Kakashi chuckled softly. "She is very mature for her age it seems. Naruto, you and Sakura mentioned Hinata-chan earlier, well meet her little sister,"

Sakura smiled as she leaned over, hands on her knees as she smiled to the girl. "So, you are Hinata-chan's sister. How old are you?"

"I am 10 years old... and if you are going to talk to me, don't treat me as a child and stand your ground,"

A flash as Inner Sakura took over for a moment. "You little brat! I was just trying to be nice!"

"Hanabi-chan is said to be another genius of the Hyuuga clan, much like Neji she has mastered her Byakkuken," Kakashi smiled as he looked over the small sheet in his hand containing all her stats.

"I have mastered the whirlwind defense as well... I am for more advanced then my sister,"

Naruto sighed lightly. "You seem a lot like Neji-kun, and don't seem to like Hinata-chan very much,"

"My sister is weak; she gives a bad name to Hyuuga Clan,"

Asuma yawned heavily as he leaned back in his chair, cigarette nearly falling out of his mouth as Kurenai leaned over the counter slightly, a small plate of sushi before her as she wrote on a small scroll. Kakashi sat beside her, read chapter 12 of Come Come Violence.

"Kakashi-kun?" Kurenai spoke softly as her eyes moved to her slowly.

"Yes Kurenai?" He continued reading though he smirked under his mask, so few times did she call him kun, meaning she was going to ask for a favor or assistance.

"Could you do me a favor?" Heh, he knew it....

"What would that favor be?" He spoke as wantonly and bored as always.

"Don't enter your team into the Chuunin Exam..."

His eyes widened for half a second, this request catching him off guard, he quickly relaxed himself. "Why would I do such a thing?"

"Because Hinata has gone through enough this year... and I have a feeling if Hanabi faces Hinata in the exam, that Hinata may die... she isn't as strong as the others, and you know that. Hanabi has a burning hatred for Hinata as well; those two factors are going to lead to trouble..." Her eyes lowered slowly as a small roll was placed into her mouth.

"I am sorry Kurenai, but I can't do that. It would be unfair for Naruto and Sakura to be excluded from the Exam simply for Hinata's sake. Naruto desires nothing more but to be promoted and Sakura has improved her skills, she deserves her chance. If you are so worried about Hinata-chan, keep your team from the Exam,"

"But that's unfair to Kiba-kun and Shino-kun!"

"You see my point exactly... Hinata-chan will enter the exam under her own freewill. She knows the dangers, but she will enter in order to give Kiba and Shino their chances at a promotion. Kurenai, even if I kept team 7 from the Exams, you forget, the Desert nins will be returning as well.. No matter what, you will not be able to protect Hinata-chan no matter how much you desire to,"

"I suppose your right... but I worry about here,"

Asuma spoke up finally. "We all worry Kurenai... even though we don't want to admit it to them, those kids our like our children to us. The Exams are dangerous for everyone; all we can do is hope for the best Kurenai-san. I say, try to forget of the dangers.. and try to help Hinata-chan before these Exams,"

A loud knock echoed through the small bedroom as a light sigh passed through Shikamaru's lips. Staring in silence as he lay on his bed, watching as the ceiling fan span slowly. Another knock came to his door.

"Who is it?" Shikamaru yawned lightly as he sat up, looking to his nightstand; a picture of himself, Asuma-sensei, Chouji-kun and Ino-chan peered at him. His hand quickly slammed the picture down. "Who is it?"

Again the knock came to the door, with a light sigh, he finally stood. Reaching the door he through it open. "What?"

A light kiss met his cheek as the door opened. His eyes frozen in shock as the blonde haired sand ninja smiled lightly, a hand placed on Shikamaru's head, rustling his hair a bit.

"Some hello for the girl who saved your life, Shikamaru-kun," A quick shove was given, sending Shikamaru stumbling back onto his bed.

"Temari! What are you doing here?" He sighed as he looked up to her, even standing she towered him by at least three inches. He yawned lightly once more as he pulled his hair back, fixing it back into place.

"The Chuunin Exams... why else would I be here?" She smiled, stepping into his room, her fan strapped to her back, she looked around a bit. Taking it upon herself to shuffle through all the things resting on his dresser and nightstand.

"I mean why are you in my house?"

"What's wrong with simply coming to visit? I did save your life and all, and you won't even treat me with the least of hospitality? Your parents seemed glad to see me - said they didn't think you would ever have a visit from a woman aside from Ino-chan," Temari smiled lightly as she fittled with a catapult model, sending a small stone flying at Shikamaru.

He caught it and sighed heavily. "How troublesome.... Can't you go hang out with Kankurou-san, and Gaara-san?"

"I could, but I don't want to," She smirked as she pulled the catapult's lever back, locking it in place and reloaded it. "Why do you have such childish toys like these in here?"

"For people to come over and mess with them?" He sighed, standing; he took the catapult model away, setting it on a high self, though she could reach it with ease if she wanted it. "Tell me the truth, why are you here?"

She sighed as she pulled her fan from her back, leaning it against the wall; she sat on the edge of his bed. "Because I have nothing else to do. Two weeks till the exams, and sensei won't even be here till the finals. He is acting as Kazekage till a new one can be decided upon. I heard you have replaced your Hokage already, haven't you?"

"Yeah, a woman with fat breasts and an attitude took the job... because of her my best friend died," Shikamaru sighed once more, sitting beside Temari, slumping down into the pillows laid against the wall.

'The fat boy? The guy the sound Nin defeated in the prelims?"

"His name was Chouji..." Shikamaru's eyes closed slowly as he bit back tears once more.

"Oh.... Sorry... Chouji. I'm sorry you lost him... he must have been very special to you,"

"He was the only one that didn't cause trouble.... He didn't have to die. I don't know who to blame for his death.. Tsunade-sama for that mission... myself for choosing to bring Chouji along... Uchiha Sasuke for causing this all... or Chouji for sacrificing himself so we could continue..."

Temari leaned back slowly beside Shikamaru, her hand lightly placed upon his. She took his hand, stroking his knuckles lightly with her thumb. "Only once person is to blame for all of this... Orochimaru,"


Rock Lee panted softly as his leg smashed through a tree trunk, fist cracking the ground. He looked up as he hear his name. Standing there as majestic as always stood the greatest of the Sand nin... Gaara. He smiled lightly as he stood upright, arms folding behind his back.

"Gaara..." He bowed lightly.

"Will we fight again, Lee?"

Lee grinned as he nodded lightly, balling his fist, he throw his arm out. "Sure, Gaara... we will be rivals, always,"

"You do not fear my power after what you witnessed during our battle with Kimimaru?"

"Why do you think I am training extra hard?" Lee smirked as his fist turned to the "nice guy" thumbs up, giving a wink and a toothy grin as well. Gaara's eyes lowered slowly as dark eyes closed, a light smile appeared upon the demon's face. The two suddenly began laughing lightly... for a moment Gaara was a true child and with Lee, he had a true friend.

Naruto grinned as he held an Ichiruka coupon in his hand, waving it into the air as he stepped up to the stand. "One miso ramen, please!"

Hopping onto the stool he planted his elbows onto the counter, resting his chin in his hands as he waited. Behind him the small entry curtain moved, a familiar voice spoke up as a small group moving to the stools beside Naruto.

"Hehe.. Just don't let those bugs of yours loose in here Shino. We might get kicked out if they show up in someone's ramen. Hehehehe..." Beside Naruto sat the Nin in black. Resting at the side of the stool, the puppet Karagasu. "Three beef ramen, please!"

Kiba and Shino slipped into their stools beside the puppeteer ninja, Kankurou. Akamaru resting peacefully on Kiba's head, deep within a nest of tangled hair.

"Naruto-kun! I didn't see you there," Kankurou smiled lightly as he placed his hand upon Naruto's shoulder. Naruto froze as his shoulder was touched by the deadly sand nin.

"Ka-Kankurou? What are you doing here? Are you here for the Chuunin Exams?"

"Of course... unless you are asking why I am here at the Ichiruka. If so, I just came to treat Kiba and Shino to lunch,"

"Wh- Why are you being so nice?" Naruto quivered a bit, though all fear disappeared as the huge bowl was placed before him.

"The sands are friends of the leaves, why not? Even Shino and I are rivals, and I saved Kiba. What reason is there not to be kind to my friends when we are at piece time?" Kankurou smiled as their own ramen was placed before them.

"Naruto, we are all going to the river for a swim after lunch with Hinata-chan and Kurenai-sensei. Kankurou and the others are coming as well, want to come with us also?" Kiba smiled as he separated his chopsticks.

"How did you all become friends so quickly? After all the Sand did to us?" Naruto shoveled noodles into his mouth as quickly as he could.

"Because of what they did... Naruto you were too busy with Sasuke to know, but the Sands saved us all. And it is easy to make friends with someone after they save you," Kiba smirked lightly.

"And when they give you the greatest battle you've ever had," Shino spoke up for one of the few times ever.

"Think about it Naruto... everyone you've fought with, don't you know have a respect for? We are all friends now Naruto, so why not be our friend as well. Even Gaara now has opened up to us... all thanks to you, Naruto," Kankurou slurped up a few noodles.


"Yeah, we saw Gaara earlier; he was going to meet Lee. That's when we met up with Kankurou,"

"Yes, you wouldn't believe how much Gaara was looking forward to being in Konoha again. He will probably be trying to find you next Naruto,"

"Why don't you come with us then Naruto, to the river? As I said, everyone is coming really. Kurenai-sensei is even going to bring some snacks - basically staying most of the day at the river. Everyone will be able to catch up and talk and play. Kurenai-sensei said that today, we won't have to worry about being ninja, we can just be kids today," Kiba smirked as he lifted his chopsticks to Akamaru, the small dog slurping up a few noodles of it's own.

Naruto grinned lightly. "A day to just be a kid, and be with friends.... Of course I'll go!" He gulped down the last of his ramen, ordering a second bowl.

Well, this is the end of chapter one. Sorry if you think it is a bit too long. More chapters to come soon. Please give any feedback and opinions you have. I know a lot of people may not end up liking the story too much and it contains some spoilers.

This is my first Naruto fan fiction, and I hope at least some of you will like it, please review!

Next Chapter. "Kids For an Afternoon"