6:00 P.M.

"CRAP!!!!!!!!!!" kagome was running frantically around the apartment turning the place upside down.

"where are they!? I know they're around here somewhere!...Yes!" Kagome held up triumphantly, her favorite pair of dress shoes.

"Oh no. I only have an hour left!" kagome runs off into her bathroom to finish her hair.

With Inuyasha

He's giving himself the once over to make sure he looks fine.

30 minutes later

He's giving himself the once over to make sure he looks fine.

"Little brother, if I have to walk by again and see you in front of that mirror, I'll toss you out the window and then see if you look any better. By the way, when do you have to pick her up?" see raises an eyebrow as he begins to walk downstairs and an amused smile makes its way upon his face as he sees Inuyasha practically leap over him to get out the door.

"Sess, where's Inuyasha off too. Is he not eating with us tonight?" Their mother makes her first appearance.

"it would seem as though he has a date."

"He just doesn't talk to me anymore. That boy. should I clear his table settings then?"

rin comes bouncing in and latches on to her arm. "you don't have to worry about that! Sess invited me over."

"oh how wonderful to see you rin. I'll get dinner out, then" she turns to go to the kitchen. Rin follows. "I'll help!"

and the two girls go chatting and giggling away into the kitchen as sess heads over to the dining table.

7:00 P.M.

Knock knock

"coming! Just give me a sec!" kagome looks at her reflection with an approving smile. "perfect." She's wearing a light blue miniskirt with a black and blue peasant blouse. She grabs her bag and walks out the door to greet Inuyasha.

Inuyasha stares at kagome for a while until she snaps him out of it.

"hello? Are your okay?" kagome waves a hand in front of his face.

Inuyasha blinks a few times and replies, "yea sorry. You just look really nice."

"thank you. You don't look too bad your self. Shall we?" kagome motions to go.

"yea, of course. Sorry." Inuyasha blushes as he walks next to her.

"so...what movies are we gonna see?" kagome tries to break the awkward silence they seemed to have fallen into.

"I don't really know yet actually." Inuyasha rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and blushes. "I didn't really know what movies you liked so..."

"that's okay. Now worries! We can decide when we get there."

Some more awkward silence and they pass a mini go-kart place.

Kagome gets an idea. "hey inu. Do you like go-karts?"

"Yea, I love them! Why?" inuyasha's confused by the question.

"How about we go there instead of the movies?" kagome points to the place she saw as they come to a stop.

"beats the hell out of a movie we don't even know we're going to." They both get excited and run over to the entrance to get in.

Inuyasha paid for their rides after kagome gave up trying to pay for her own. They get on the track along with the rest of the group of 20 or so people.

"you are so going down!" Inuyasha yells over the engines to kagome.

"like hell I will!" and the guy signaled for them to go.

Kagome is slowly passing Inuyasha on the track and races off ahead laughing hysterically. Inuyasha gets bumped by a kid behind him and decides to start playing cut off with him until he can catch up with kagome.

An hour later their both losing their voices from on the laughing and shouting and the their just dead tired as they walk home.

"could you believe the nerve of that kid? No one passes kagome Higurashi." Kagome announces proudly.

"I just didn't you could turn that sharply in one of those. You were on two wheels!" Inuyasha emphasizes incredulously.

"at least I didn't almost runa little boy off the road." Kagome pointed out a matter-of-factly.

"whatever. But I'll have to remember never to cross your path." Kagome beams at him.

They arrived at her apartment.

"thanks Inuyasha. I really had a great time." Kagome turns the key in the lock.

"yea that was a blast. Are you going to be rehearsing or anything tomorrow?" inu asks hopefully.

"actually, yea. I think we're recording a new video. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Kagome begins to walk in when Inuyasha stops her.

"kagome..." kagome turns her head as Inuyasha bends to softly kiss her lips.

Kagome is left in stunned silence blushing as a beet red inu walks to his own home.

It's my birthday! Yay! Okay, now that I got that out of my system...

Sorry for taking so long. I haven't been able to get word working. I don't know why. Well, at least I finally got this one out. I might revise it though. I want to add more in between but I have to go soon and I don't wanna take the chance of word not letting me in again. Thank you for reviewing!