I came up with this fic A day or two ago. I got bored and just started writing. I liked the plot, so I decided to continue it. If anyone likes it, and thinks I should continue, I will do so.

This is only the prolouge. The actual chapters will be longer.

Disclaimer: Yugioh is © Kazuki Takahashi. I own no rights to the show, and am not making any profit off of the fiction.

by HikariEryaviel
(June 13, 2004: 8:29 PM)

It would be a long, long winter.

For this, the natives were happy. The tourists that were used to warmer climates thought it was horrible, but that was their problem. But for the most part, everyone enjoyed the cold weather.

Though, it was always cold in Iora Pole.

Yuugi, a 17 year old native to the Pole and High Prince to the kingdom was currently fishing. He had gone out to Penguin Lake earlier that morning, and had been trying his luck all day long. He was doing well so far; the huge basket next to him was almost full.

Everyone thought that Yuugi was strange. He did things that most people in the Pole wouldn't do. Even the tourists, and they were known for being some of the strangest people around. He'd do almost anything anyone dared him to do. He wasn't afraid of most things. And as long as the content in the dare wouldn't hurt him, he'd make sure to do it. He liked to live his life. The natives were known for being stuck up and haughty- especially the royals- and Yuugi make it his job to not be anything like them.

That was probably why he was only wearing boxers when it was below zero outside.

He didn't think it was a big deal. If he did get sick he could ask the family magician to mix up a potion to make him better. Or he could tap into his own magic and do it himself. But...why do that? He didn't want to do anything he didn't have to. If he could get someone else to do it, it was all the better for him. Plus, if he didn't have to do any magic during the day, he could practice longer at night. And he wanted to get stronger. He made a personal vow to himself that he'd be stronger than everyone before him. And he always kept his promises.

But the hard thing was...he had to keep it a secret. He couldn't let anyone know he was an Adept. His uncle had been one, and he'd heard all of the horrible stories of what his grandfather had to do to train him. All royal Adepts had to go through a 'special' training process. No one knew exactly what it was, but he had heard the stories. He had practiced day and night, by himself, so he wouldn't have to go through that. He'd learned the ways of magic, but he didn't have the knowledge forced into him like it had been done to the others before him. He'd learned it. He'd mastered it. And they'd see soon. They'd see that their ways were wrong, and he'd get the mistreatment of Adepts to stop.

Adepts were treated horribly. The kingdom was scared of them. They were few in number, but most of them were dirt poor and looked down on by the masses. The only Adept Yuugi knew of that wasn't mistreated was the Royal Mage. And they didn't even know he was an Adept. They thought he was what his title said he was: a Mage. He was far from that lowly status, Yuugi knew. But Mages were respected because they had less magic, and were less dangerous.

Of course they were less dangerous! They used the disgusting Earthlight magics! Only the lowliest of Magicians would bother with Earthlight. And unless they were Earthlight Adepts, they were terribly weak. Yuugi had only met a few number of EL Adepts, and most couldn't do much at all. But there was one or two that had completely mastered it. These Adepts were stronger than those who had not mastered the stronger elements, but once the others had mastered their own magics, they beat them by far. Mages were only able to summon certain aspects of Earthlight, and were horribly weak. Earthlight Adepts were much stronger.

There were tons of different magical elements. Most Adepts had one element that they mastered, because they were too weak to harbor too many of them. They were simply not born strong enough to handle more than one. Only those of the blood were strong enough to handle the upper magics, and those who could handle more than one of those same magics were to be feared and respected. These were the Leaders of the Adepts. The ones who could destroy cities with a mere thought. They could split the Earth and stop century-long wars with a simple snap of their fingers.

And in that, Yuugi was more than just a royal to the Pole. He was a royal in a completely different aspect. He was a Neuscion Adept, the most feared and sought after Power in the world. He could control every single element known to man, and then some.

He had been practicing this Power since he was a small child, ever since he had found out about his magic. He practiced as much as he could, and when he was younger, he noticed he could do more than regular people could. He had accidentally blown up a tavern when he was eight. No one in it had a chance to live

No one had known it was him. They were confused as to why he was crying so hard when they had left the scene, but had thrown it off as him being more in-tune with the winds than most. Ever since that incident, Yuugi had sworn to himself that he would never let his magic hurt people again. So he trained, and he trained hard.

Later that year, the Adepts that had heard of the incident went looking for him. They had felt his power, and knew what sorts of things he could do. They found him, and swore him into the Order. They were the only ones that knew of his complete Power, and were the only friends he had.

Each Sector had two Orders. And each continent had four Sectors, regardless of the size of the land. Usually, the Orders would be placed in the larger cities, so traveling Adepts would be able to find them. Yuugi was part of Jynain Order, the main Order and capital of their Sector. The other Order in their Sector was the Iora, which was named after the Pole.

Their Order had many different Adepts. There were few Adepts, true, but the blood wasn't dying out too quickly. There were about 300 Adepts in each Order, so there were about 2400 Adepts on each continent. However, most Adepts were spread out enough so there were only about 15 or so in a city at a given time. None were required to stay in the city of their Order. They could be a nomad Adept and move wherever they please, but every Adept had a home Order.

Yuugi decided that his fingers were cold enough already. He got up off of the ice and put his remaining fish in the extra basket he had brought with him. He rubbed his legs for a bit in order to wake them up. He had stayed in the same position for too long and was slightly sore from leaning over the hole in the ice all day. He eventually got up and began to load his baskets onto his sled.

Once he was done, he gave three shrill whistles and his small team of dogs came running up to him. He gave the four of them a few pats on the head and a treat each, and then put them into their harnesses. After that was done, he held tightly onto the sled. He gave another whistle, and the dogs were off.

Man, there would be a lot of fish for dinner tonight.