Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. I only own the series, manga, and this laptop. So far from the real thing…;o;

Opposite Day
By Loki

Chapter 8: Evil Government!

"I have to get us to a hospital or something.."

He picked up his weak body, and bent over to carry Loki. He had to carry her piggy-back style, which took a long time to get right with her in her current state. "Alright," he breathed, and started to make his way west.

Just over the tree-line, he saw the tops of buildings. Hopefully, one would have a hospital there..

Two women walked out of their favorite shopping mall, and proceeded towards their car. "Oh my! That was so much fun!"

"Yes, yes!" agreed the other woman. "I just adore these new shoes!"

"Isn't it great to have money?" Both of the women laughed gleefully.

The owner of the car, opened up her trunk, and placed all of the shopping bags in, when something caught her attention by the river. She screamed and called to her friend. "Oh my goodness! Sharyl! Call 911!"

As Sharyl whipped out her cell phone and dialed the number, the other woman hurried down to the river, and pulled out two teens who were lying on the bed of the river.

Trowa and Wufei had managed to get their co-pilots and the girls safely to the hanger, but none with happy spirits. Everyone kept a solemn face on, and no one spoke at all during the ride. After they had parked the cars, Trowa carried Lexi in bridal style to the couch, and set her down gingerly. He grabbed a nearby blanket, and placed that on top of her also.

Elizabeth sat besides Lexi on a chair, and watched over her, still keeping her mind away from thinking about the recent events. Danni and Rori had about too much for the day, and tried to get some sleep, accompanied by Heero, who didn't want to be alone at this time, and also trying to comfort his new friends.

While everyone was being occupied with something, Wufei and Trowa carried Quatre to another room and set him in a chair. Trowa locked the door behind him, and walked a little closer to the unconscious blonde. He leaned against the wall, and watched Wufei as he searched through a cabinet.

Finding what he was looking for, Wufei brought out a small bottle and popped the cork off. He waved it under Quatre's nose for a couple seconds, until the unbearable smell filled the blonde's nostrils, bringing hi out of his quiescent state. His eyes fluttered open, and Quatre looked around. "Wh-Where am I?"

As he talked, a sharp pain ran through his whole body, and he started to cough vigorously. "Dammit! Why does my whole body ache?"

"Where doesn't it hurt?" Trowa asked casually.

Quatre smirked. "Oh, maybe just the left side of my face."

"Really? Then excuse me for my sluggish way of finishing the job," Wufei growled back, and punched Quatre in his left cheek.

Quatre went flying to the other side of the room. He coughed up blood, and stared at the china-man. "What the hell, Wufei?"

Trowa picked up the blonde by the collar, and lifted him off the ground. "This whole thing is YOUR fault."

Once again, Duo awoke in a place that was unfamiliar to him. Although this time, everything around him was white. He mentally laughed to himself, and said, "Whelp, looks like I've finally died!"

"Hello? Sir? Can you hear me?"

A woman's voice echoed in the air. Duo looked around and saw the foggy image of a woman. A nun. Sister Helen? Is that you..?

"Sir?" The woman was in full view, and she wasn't Sister. Nor was she a nun. She was a nurse. "Sir, can you hear me?"

Duo groaned and completely opened his eyes. He looked around. A.. A hospital? He tried to recall ever walking into a hospital, but he was looking for one, so this is good! Wait.. "Loki! Where is Loki?"

"L.. Loki?" asked the nurse confused.

Blast.. What was her real name.. "Nicole!" he exclaimed, finally remembering. "Where is Nicole? Is she okay?"

The nurse paused. "Yes.. She is okay, but.."

She led Duo down the hallway, and to a large window. His eyed widened as he saw Loki on a hospital bed. She was still sleeping, and there was a IV running through her arm. "What's wrong with her?" he asked slowly.

"Nothing except that she came in with several bruises, and her unconsciousness, which she has yet to regain from. I'm actually wondering why you are not in the same state as her. Your bruises are much worse then hers, and you were half dead when brought here! Its amazing that you're fully healthy and walking!"

Yeah, that's 'cause I'm a Gundam Pilot, he mentally answered thinking of the vigorous training he endured. "Also.." the nurse said slowly. "It seems the even though we took a sample of your blood and fingerprints, it seems that we cannot locate any information on you. At all. So…"

"We're just curious as to where you come from?" a dark, and mysterious voice finished behind him.

Duo turned around, and looked into the shades of a tall, burly man with a bushy beard, and a fitting suit. "If you wouldn't mind, would you please come with us?"

Duo looked back at Loki. "Actually.."


The man snapped his fingers, and two henchman appeared behind Duo, and grabbed him by the arms. "Hey!" yelled Duo. "Lemme go! Lemme go, you monkeys!"

"I'd appreciate a little cooperation if you wouldn't mind. Unless you don't want something happening to your friend… If you catch my drift." The bearded man laughed.

Duo sent a glance in Loki's direction, and immediately calmed down. "Alright," he said. "You may have me at a disadvantage, but a swear to you…" he sent the man a deadly glare that only Shinigami himself could send, "..if you hurt her, I will hunt you down and kill you."

The man laughed again. "Well see.."

Elizabeth watched as Trowa and Wufei carried Quatre's body into a different room. She was confused as to why the would do that, and instantly became worried about the blonde. Sure, he tried to kidnap her, and make her his "girl" but she liked the few times that she sent with him when he was normal. Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat when she heard the 'click' of the doorknob when it was locked. "What on earth is going on in there?" she asked, and slowly picked up herself towards the door.

There was no window or crack that she could peek through. Her eyes moved to a glass cup that was laying on a nearby desk. This usually worked in movies, so she shrugged and placed the top of the glass cup against the door, and other other part on her ear. She could hear a loud noise, and something was thrown into the door. The shock scared Elizabeth so much, that she almost dropped the glass.

She took a couple breaths for a second, and heard Quatre mumble something. He's conscious! Elizabeth thought happily. But her smile faded, when she heard a quiet, "This is all your fault.."

Elizabeth tried to listen in some more, but nothing audible came through. "Oh god..'' she whispered. They're going to kill him! She just knew it! Elizabeth panicked, and tried to think of something. ANYTHING to stop them.

"Mmm… What's going on?" someone form behind said quietly.

The curly blonde spun around, and saw Lexi look around, confusedly. Perfect timing, Lexi! "Guys! Hey guys!" called Elizabeth. "Lexi awake! Hurry on out!"

From in the other room, Trowa heard Elizabeth's news, and slowly set Quatre on the floor, back on his feet. He walked silently out of the room, his face never changing. Quatre made a small 'humph' noise and muttered, "Stupid clown.."

Wufei pushed Quatre into the wall and growled, "Don't speak, Winner," and walked out of the room.

Elizabeth sighed in relief as she saw Quatre walking out, awake and unharmed. She was so scared that Trowa and Wufei were going to kill him. Trowa walked next to Elizabeth and asked, "How is she?"

By now, Danni, Rori, and Heero were all awake as well, and swarming around Lexi, saying how happy they were that she was alright.

"Good," Elizabeth stated. "A little shaken up, but good."

Trowa gave off something that could have been a smile, but it was gone as fast as it had happened. Lexi looked around at her friends and smiled happily. But then, the thought of why she passed out flooded into her brain, and the smile slowly disappeared. A tear fell down her face and she tried to continue laughing. "L-Lexi?" asked Heero.

Lexi shook her head and brushed the tear away. "I just… I can't believe she's gone."

Danni rubbed her back. "I know. We all miss her…"

"No! Really! I can't believe that she's dead!" Lexi said back. "It's like… I can feel that she's okay." She smiled again. "I know that her and Duo are alive. I just know it…"

Rori's smile grew. "That's great! Then we can all be together again!" she exclaimed in her overly-optimistic voice.

Damn my head hurts… The air was cool. There were warm blankets and a fluffy pillow. Where am I?

Loki couldn't open her eyes, but by the smell of the room, she was in a hospital. A couple years ago, her grandmother was sent to the hospital, and she had always hated the clean and medical smell of the emergency room. But how.. She finally opened her eyes.

The room actually scared her for a second. It was all white. A bit too white. Like out of some scary horror movie. Or a quarantine section. "Hello?" she meekly called out.

Loki had to clear her throat. It was really dry, and she was hoping for a glass of water. After calling for another time, she gave up, and slid off the bed. Loki rubbed her legs and sighed at the cuts and bruises. "Another bunch to heal.." she had had enough of her share of bruises in the past.

She saw her clothes folded on a chair, and cursed when she found their dampness. But she smiled when she saw an extra set of clothes that the hospital had provided. It was a washed out pair of jeans, a black belt, and a light blue t-shirt, which she had left untucked. "Where's Duo?" she asked herself.

"So you're awake."

Loki spun around, and stared at the chest of a man. Now Loki had always been short, but this man was just too tall. Her eyes wandered up the man's suit, and past his shaggy beard. She couldn't see his entire face though, because he hid behind a pair of dark sunglasses. "Would you please come with me?"

"N-No.." Loki stuttered slowly.

She took a step back. "Who are you?"

"That doesn't concern you. Now come."

He grabbed her tiny wrist, and dragged her out of the room. "No!" she yelled. "Let me go! Now!"

Loki tried to fight with the man, but her petite strength couldn't match to his burliness. As he continued to pull her, and finally into an elevator, the same nurse who spoke to Duo watched from afar. She closed her eyes regretfully when she heard Loki's screams, and started to cry. Then her legs became weak, and she fell down the wall and onto the floor, in a crying mess.

"Who are you?" another mysterious man in a suit asked Duo.

The man had short blonde hair, slicked back. He also wore black sunglasses, but none quite as big as the burly guy's.

Duo didn't respond to the question. He was sitting under a light in the middle of a room. His hands were handcuffed behind the chair, and his lip was bleeding. So.. Duo thought to himself. Who are these people? They can't be OZ. This is another time era..

He slowly picked his head up, and looked around. Two, three, four…. There's only maybe six of them. I can easily break these cuffs and knock them al out with no problem, but they might hurt Loki… His mind wandered to the bearded man. And then there's him. Who exactly is he..?

"Who are you?" the man repeated, a hint of impatience in his voice.

Duo smiled and looked at him. "Well.. Your buddies here did hit me pretty hard on the head… So I don't exactly know."

The man laughed. "Don't mess with us. Our organization had dealt with many worse people than you."

"And what exactly IS your organization?" Duo prodded.

The man thought over the question. "Well.. Seeing as we'll never let you out of our sights, I guess it won't be that much of a problem if I tell you.."

He got up and started walking around. "No country in the world knows about us. We only deal with… special cases. You and that girl wouldn't have peaked our interest at all usually. There have been cases where people have fingerprints that don't match anyone in the records. But.." he paused. "Its your body that intrigued us."

"Sorry man, I like girls," Duo said to the statement.

The man nodded. "Cute."

"Thankyou," the pilot joked.

"Your body is very unusual. You recovered from those injuries of your almost immediately. A normal people would have been knocked unconscious for days, just like your friend. However.. Not you."

"Of course, we knew that you might not cooperate with our plans, and we needed the girl. So we gave her a booster shot while she was unconscious." He looked at his watch. "She should be awake by now."

"You bastard," Duo growled, "If you do anything to her.."

"Save the speech, I've heard it too many times before."

The man walked in front of Duo, and sat back down. "Now.. What are you doing here?"

Duo shrugged. "I told ya, I don't remember.."

"Then maybe this will jog your memory.. Bring her out."

He snapped his fingers, and the door opened. A blinding light poured into the previously dark room, and it made Duo cringe. "No!" someone screamed. "I said let go! Lemme go you bastards!"

Duo's eyes widened as he saw Loki being pulled into the room. "Duo!" she yelled, when she saw him. "Who are they? What are we doing here?"

"Shut up!" yelled the all-too familiar burly man. He punched Loki in the stomach.

She cursed, and lurched over in pain. "Stop it!" yelled Duo, who was really pissed off. "Let her go! She has nothing to do with this!"

The blonde man stood up. He snapped his fingers again, and two more men stepped over towards Duo. The braided pilot looked around, confused. They began punching him and kicking him. "No!" yelled Loki.

The blonde man walked up to her. "Either you tell us about him and how he got here, or we kill him."

Loki looking into the man's shades, not knowing what to do.

"Where would they be?" asked Danni. "If they are alive, then where is the first place they would go?"

Trowa thought for a moment. "I'm sure that they didn't leave from the crash unharmed. One or both of them are probably hurt.."

"A hospital," Lexi quickly answered. "They probably went to a hospital! From where the helicopter was, the city was only maybe.. 3 miles away!"

Wufei shook his head. "I was thinking that, but Maxwell won't go there unless it was an extreme emergency."

"W-Why?" Elizabeth asked, confused by what the China-man said.

"Haha, silly! Don't you know?" Heero said happily, jumping into the conversation. He noticed the curly blonde's confusion and sighed. "Because we're not from here!"

He jumped off, singing about how silly Lizzy-wizzy was. "Hey, Rori! Lets play choo-choo!"

Heero and Rori then kept themselves amused by chugging around the room, stopping, and shouting, "CHOO-CHOO!"

"Elizabeth.. Can you please take them outside for a minute. They're starting to annoy me," Quatre growled, rubbing his temples.

"At least you said please," she mumbled, and called for Heero and Rori.

When they were both outside, Trowa looked at everyone. "Heero is right. I'm guessing that when someone comes to the hospital, they check your blood type, and fingerprints. Just to make an identity when one can't be give, am I right?"

"Yes.. That sounds about right.." Lexi established.

"Well, you can see the problems with that," Wufei added. "If they try and get Maxwell's fingerprints, they won't match anything that you have in this time."

"Oh no.." Danni said. "This could involve the FBI…"

"FB what?" asked Quatre.

Trowa shook his head. "Not the FBI. When we first got here, I thought that it might be a good idea to hack into some government files to know what's going on if something like this did happen. Well, one organization intrigued my interest. It was increasingly hard for me to hack into them, so I asked Yuy to look into it."

He stopped. "I was even more surprised when it took him a while to get into it. So finally, after about 45 minutes, we finally cracked into it. Have you guys ever heard of the JDA?"

Both of the girls shook their heads. "I figured enough. There is NO records of them in any government files. They're an unknown group."

"You know, I always wondered why organizations like that only choose three letters.." inquired Danni. "You have the FBI, CIA…"

She was answered with eight blank stares. "Sorry.."

"So this group might have Loki and Duo? Well what sort of things do they do?" Quatre asked, looking at Trowa. "Is it anything we should worry about?"

Trowa didn't respond, but they look in his eyes told them the answer.

Loki continued to watch as Duo took every blow. His lip and right brow were bleeding, he had a purple eye, and he was having trouble breathing. "Tell me what you know…" the man growled.

Duo yelled when he got punched in the stomach again. "Stop it!" yelled Loki. "Please.. Stop…"

Duo breathed heavily. "L-Loki.. No.."

"I'll tell you.. Anything. But please, stop…" Loki looked down at the ground, ashamed of what she was going to do.

A/N: Ahh.. Whendidthis story become so… serious

I started this as a funny comic-filled story, but now.. I created a secret government and both me and Duo are being held captive. Oh the insanity!

I've been thinking of more ideas for this story and I might…. might… be thinking of a sequel. It only depends on how I decide to end this :3

Until next week!
